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1、高三英语词汇变形2020届英语高考词汇变形总汇11. abandonv.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 an abandoned child一个被抛弃的孩子2. ability n.能力;才能disability n.无能,残疾disabled adj. 残疾的able adj.能够;有能力的 enable vt. 使能够The loud noises at the construction sites made us unable to fall asleep.3. absencen.不在,缺席absent a.不在的,缺席的present adj. 在场的,出席的The presence of wate

2、r made it possible for life to develop. (存在,出席) 4. absolutea.完全,全部,绝对的absolutely adv. 完全地,绝对地5. accept v.接受acceptance n.接受 unacceptable adj.The recommendations from this report are unacceptable to many black people. 这份报告中提出的建议让很多黑人无法接受。6. access n.接近accessible a.易接近的accessibility n. 易接近,可达性Please su

3、ggest ways to make your community more accessible for peoplewith disabilities. 请提出建议,使你的社区更容易为残疾人服务。7. accidentn.事故,意外的事accidentala.意外的accidentally adv.8. accomplishv.完成accomplishment n.完成,成就9. accuracyn.准确,精确accurate a.精确的accurately adv. 10. achievevt.达到,取得achievement n.成就,功绩 achievable adj. 可达成的11

4、. act n.&v. 行动;表演actor n.男演员actress n.女演员activity n.活动activist n.活动家,积极分子 activate v. 激活,使活动interact v. 互动take an active part in积极参与take action to protect our environment 12. adapt v.适应 adapt (oneself) to;改编adaptation n.适应性;改编13. addvt.添加, 增加in addition =additionally adv. 此外,又additive n.添加剂14. adjus

5、t vt. 调整,(使)适应 adjustment n. adjustable adj. 可调整的adjust (oneself) to the new surroundings 适应新环境15. admire v.羡慕admirable a.令人羡慕的 admiration n.钦佩16. admitvt.承认,准许(入场/学,入会)admissionn.准入,接纳be admitted to a top university17. advance v. /n.推进, 促进;前进advanced adj. 先进的,高级的 in advance18. adventure n. 冒险; 奇遇ad

6、venturous adj. 爱冒险的;充满危险的adventurer n. 冒险家advertisevt.为做广告advertisementn.广告19. apply for the position advertised_ in the newspaper20. advisev. 建议advisable adj. 明智的,可取的advisor n. 顾问give some advice on how to deal with stress effectively2020届英语高考词汇变形总汇21. affectvt.影响, 感动,侵袭affectionn.喜爱,钟爱affectionate

7、 a.深情的2. afford vt.负担得起(的费用) affordable a.负担的起的 affordability n.We cant afford to miss such a golden opportunity.3.agen.年龄, 时代v.(使)变老at an early age; in the information ageThe course is open to children aged 12 and over.4.agreev.同意;应允agreementn.同意,一致;协定,协议agreeable a.使人愉快的,惬意的disagree v. 不同意 disagre

8、ement n. 分歧,不一致5.agriculturen.农业,农学agriculturala.农业的6. allow v.允许,允许进入allowance n.津贴,零用钱7.amaze vt.使惊奇,惊叹amazing a. 令人惊奇的amazed a.感到惊奇的 to ones amazement 令某人惊奇的是These shoes were amazingly cheap.8. ambitionn.目标,野心,雄心,抱负mothers who arehighly ambitiousfor their children (=who want their children to be

9、successful) 望子成龙的母亲9. amuse vt. (使人)快乐, 逗乐amused adj. 感到有趣的amusing adj. 有趣的,引人发笑的The cats are a constantsource of amusementto us. 那些猫给我们带来无穷的乐趣。10. analyse/zev.分析analysisn.分析,分析结果(pl.复数)analyses 11. angern.怒,愤怒angry adj. 生气的Hestruckthedeskangrilywithhis fist.12.announcevt.宣布,宣告announcer n. 广播员announ

10、cement n. 公告,通告Attention, please. I have an important announcement to make.13.annoy vt.打扰,打搅,使烦恼annoyance n.恼怒,烦恼 The annoying noise coming from the bar downstairs made me very annoyed.14.anxietyn.担忧,焦虑anxiousa.忧虑焦急的anxiously adv. Theyareanxiouslyawaitingthe result.15.apologizevi.道歉,谢罪apology n. 道歉a

11、pologetic adj.道歉的 apologetically adv.We would like to offer our sincere apologies for any inconveniencecaused by the delay. 16.appear vi.出现;显得,好像appearance n. 出现,外表,外貌disappear v.消失She had anoutward appearanceof calm, but deep down she was really worried. 她表面上很镇静,内心却十分担忧。17.apply v.申请;使用;将投入applicat

12、ion n.申请(书),应用,努力applicant n.申请人appliance n.工具,器械Over the next months, he wasapplied to improving the technique. 在接下来的几个月里,他专心致志地改进技术。18. appoint vt. 任命;约定make an appointment with sb与sb 有约19. appreciatev.欣赏;感激;鉴别appreciative a.欣赏的,感激的I represent my classmates to express our appreciation of all your

13、hard work. 我代表我的同学们向你付出的所有努力表示感谢。20. approvev.赞成,同意,批准,通过approve of sb doing同意sb做;approval n. approvingadj. 赞许的,满意的disapprove v. 不同意I sincerely hope my suggestions will meet with your approval.2020届英语高考词汇变形总汇31. argue v.争论;论证,争辩 argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争论某事argument n.争论The incident has tri

14、ggered fresh arguments about possession of the gun.该事件引发了有关枪支拥有的新讨论。2. arrivevi.到达;达到arrivaln.到来,到达 on/upon arrival =on/upon arriving On arriving at the nursing home, we set out to clean the rooms. 一到敬老院我们就开始3. arrange v.安排,布置arrange for do sth. 安排某人做某事arrangement n.安排4. asleep a. 睡着的, 熟睡sleep

15、 n. /v. 睡觉 sleepy adj. 困倦的,想睡的5. assist v.援助assistance n.援助assistant n.助手6. associatev.联想,联系 be associatedwith. associationn.协会,社团,联系7. assumev.假定,假设assumptionn.假定,假设It is assumed that 8. astonishvt.使惊讶 to ones astonishment; astonishingly adv.令人惊讶地All the people present were astonished at her astoni

16、shing success. 9. attractv.吸引,引起attractionn.吸引,爱慕,吸引人的事物/景点attractivea.迷人的,有吸引力some fascinating tourist attractions旅游景点10. automatica.自动的,机械的automaticallyadv.自动地、机械地11. avoid v. 避免, 躲开, 逃避avoidance n. 避免,回避unavoidable adj. 无法回避的,不可避免的12. awarea.知道的,意识到的,发觉be aware of意识到unawarea.没发觉的awarenessn.意识rais

17、e ones awareness of the importance of garbage classification 提高人们对垃圾分类重要性的认识13. balance n.平衡balanced adj.平衡的 a balanced diet_ unbalanced_adj. 不平衡的14. base cn. 根据地vt. 基于;以作根据base on; basicadj.基本的basicallyadv. 基本上;从根本上说 basisn.基础;根据 on a regular basis 定期地 ; basement n.地下室15. bath n. 洗澡;浴室;澡盆bathe vi.

18、洗澡;游泳be bathed in the warm sunshine16. bear v. 承受, 负担, 承担;忍受;容忍unbearable adj. 无法忍受的17. beauty n.美;美人beautiful adj.美丽的;漂亮的beautify v. 美化18. behavev.守规矩,行为behave oneself 表现好点behaviorn.行为,举止19. beliefn.信条,信念v.beliefs (复数) believe v. 相信unbelievable adj.不可置信的20. belong vi. 属, 附属belong to属于belongings n.

19、所有物,归属Itisthat feelingofbelonging,ofloveandsecuritythatcomes fromhelping andsharing它是一种归属感,一种爱和安全的感觉。这些感觉来自于互相帮助和同甘共苦。2020届英语高考词汇变形总汇41.benefitn./v.优势,益处,使受益 benefit from从受益beneficiala.有利的,有帮助的,有用的 be beneficial to=be of benefit to对有好处2. blood n. 血, 血液bleed vi. 出血, 流血stop the bleeding止血3. blind a. 瞎

20、的,盲目的v. 使看不见,使失去判断力blindness n. 失明blindly adv. Without adequate information, many students choose a college almost blindly.由于没有足够的信息,很多学生几乎都是盲目地选择大学。4.bore vt.使厌烦boredadj. 感到厌烦的get bored with; boring adj.乏味的,无聊的boredom n.无聊a game torelieve the boredomof a long journey 长途旅行中解闷的一个游戏5. brave a. 勇敢的v.勇敢

21、地面对bravery n. 勇气More than 100 people braved the weather and attended the rally. 有一百多人不顾天气恶劣参加了集会。6. breathn.气息;呼吸breathevi.呼吸breathlessa.气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtaking_( adj. 令人窒息的)7. bury vt.埋葬burial n.埋葬,葬礼 be buried in his work埋头工作bury your face/head in y

22、our hands双手掩面/抱头8.calm a. 镇静,沉着的 v.镇静沉着calmness n. 冷静,平静calmly adv. 冷静地9. care n.u.照料,保护 v. 介意,关心careful adj.小心的,仔细的 carefully adv.carelessa.粗心的,漫不经心的carelessnessn.粗心10. casual adj.casually adv.随意地11. cautionn.谨慎,小心,警告 with caution小心地cautiousa.小心的,谨慎的12.celebratev.庆祝celebrationn.庆祝;庆祝会13. certain a.

23、确定的 certainty n. 必然,确实的事情uncertain a. 不确定的14. challenge n./ v. 挑战(性)challenging a.具有挑战性的15. changen.零钱;找头;变化v.改变,变化;更换;兑换unchangeable adj.不可变的remain unchanged保持不变16.cheer n.&v. 欢呼;喝彩cheer up 振作起来cheerful adj.令人愉快的;兴高采烈的17. choicen.选择;抉择 have no choice but to do. 别无选择做某事choosechose- chosenvt.选择be suc

24、cessful in his ownchosen field18. classifyv.分类,归类classificationn.分类classifieda.机密的,分类的19. collect vt. 收集, 搜集collection n. 收藏品, 收集物collector n. 收藏家20. combine v.使联合combination n.联合Regular exercise, combined with a balanced diet contributes to our health.Keeping fit requires a combination of healthy e

25、ating and regular exercise.2020届英语高考词汇变形总汇51. comfort n.&v. 安慰;舒适discomfort n.不舒适,不安comfortable adj.舒适的,安逸的comfortably adv. 舒服地 uncomfortable adj. 不舒适的2. commit v.犯(罪, 错), 自杀commitment n. 承诺,允诺,承担pare vt. 比较, 对照compared to /with adults comparison n. 比较 in comparison to4. competevi.比赛,竞赛competencen.能

26、力,胜任,管辖权competent adj.有能力的competitionn.比赛,竞赛competitorn.竞赛者,比赛者competitive adj. 竞争的;比赛的5. complain v.抱怨complaint n.怨言,投诉6. complex a. / n. 复杂的 complexity n. 复杂7.concentrate v.集中;聚集 concentrate on 集中注意力于concentration n.集中;专心8.concern v. / n. 涉及, 关心 concerned adj. 有关的,关心的concerning prep. 关于,涉及9.conclu

27、de vt.完成,结束;断定conclusion n.结束,结论 draw/make a conclusion 下结论in conclusion总之10.condition n. unconditional adj. 无条件的11. confidenta.自信的confidencen.信心confidently adv. unconfident_adj. 不自信的confidential机密的,保密的12. confuse vt.使困惑;混乱confusion n.混乱confused adj.混乱的,困惑的confusing adj.令人困惑的13. constant adj.经常地;不断地

28、constantly adv.连续不断地14. conservev.保存,保藏conservationn保存;保护,管理conservativea.保守的,守旧的;15.considerv.考虑consideratea.体贴的;考虑周到的considerationn.考虑;关心considerablea.相当的,客观的;相当多的considerablyadv.相当地16. consume v. consumption n. consumern.17. contributev.贡献 contribute to 贡献于;导致contributionn.贡献contributorn.贡献者contr

29、ibuting factors 影响因素18.conveniencen.便利convenient a.便利的,方便的conveniently adv.when it is convenient for /to you 在你方便的时候inconvenience n. 不放便19. courage n.勇气courageous adj. 有胆量的encourage v.鼓舞encouragement n. 鼓舞encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事discourage vt.使气馁discouragement n.气馁 discourage sb from doing20.

30、 createvt.创造;造成recreate v. 再创造creation n.创造creator n.创造者 creative a.有创造力的creativity n.创造力2020届英语高考词汇变形总汇61. crowd n. 人群v.挤满 crowded adj.拥挤的 be crowded / packed with 2. cruel a.残酷的cruelty n.残酷cruelly adv.3. curious a.好奇的;奇异的curiously adv. curiosity n.好奇;好奇心 out of curiosity出于好奇4. cycle vi. 骑自行车cyclist n. 骑自行车的人 bicycle n. 自行车5. danger n.u. 危险;c.危险分子dangerous adj.危险的endangered adj. 濒

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