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1、He is my brother. -Who is he ?、划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用where如:The box is on the desk.-Where is the box ?、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用what time或whenIts seven twenty . -What time is it ?I usually get up at six . - When do you usually get up?、划线部分是“年龄”,特殊疑问词用how oldI am twelve . -How old are you?My father is thirty-three

2、. -How old is your father ?、划线部分是“职业”,特殊疑问词用whatMike is a worker. -What is Mike ?、划线部分是“颜色”,特殊疑问词用what colour My hat is blue . -What colour is your hat?、划线部分是“数量”,特殊疑问词用how many或how much如:I can see five kites .-How many kites can you see ?There is some milk in the glass. -How much milk is there in t

3、he glass ?、划线部分是“多少钱”,特殊疑问词用how muchThis pen is nine yuan . -How much is this pen ?、划线部分是“形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词”,特殊疑问词用whose如:That is my book . -Whose book is that ?The bag is yours. -Whose is the bag ?以下口诀要牢记:1问“谁”用who;2问“谁的”,用whose;3问“地点哪里”,用where;4问“原因”,用why;5问“身体状况”,用how;6问“方式”,用how;7问“年龄”,用how old;8

4、问“多少”,用how many;9问价钱”用how much;10问“哪一个”,用which ;11问“什么”,用what;12问“职业”,用what;13问“颜色”,用what colour;14问“星期”,用what day;15问什么学科,用what subject;16问“什么时候”,用when;17.问几点用Whats the time?或 What time is it?训练题1. That car is yellow. (提示:问颜色) _ _ is that car?2. My sister is 15 years old. (提示:问年龄) _ _ is your siste

5、r?3. The glasses are Jims. (提示:问归属) _ glasses are these?4. Ann collected shells last Sunday.(提示:问”谁”) _ collected shells last Sunday?5. There were eleven books in my bag.(提示: 问数量) _ _ books are there in your bag?6. I visited my teachers on Teachers Day.(提示:问时间) _ did you visit your teachers?7. It me

6、ans “Do not touch”.(提示:问”什么”) _ does it mean?8. Im fine, thank you.(提示: 问怎么样) _ are you?9. I go to school by bus.(提示:问方式) _ do you go to school?10,We go to school five times a week.(提示:问频率) _ _ do you go to school?11. Im in Class 3._ _ are you in?12. The panda is black and white._ _ is the panda?13.

7、 Her kite is under the bed._ _ her kite?14. I come to school by bike._ _ you come to school?15. Ben has a birthday present._ does Ben have?16. Mother bought a gift for me._ did mother buy a gift for?17. I can hear a bus._ can you hear?18. Tony lives at 26 Lunwan Street._ does Tony live?19. Bob is we

8、aring a blue hat._ is wearing a blue hat?20. This is Bens English book._ English book is this?对划线部分提问练习1. His father is an engineer.(对划线部分提问)_ his fathers _?2. Mr King is from America.(对划线部分提问)_ is Mr King _?3. I like fishing. I like painting.(合并成一个句子)_.4. Amys mother likes romantic movies.(对划线部分提问)

9、5. His favorite football player is Beckham.(对划线部分提问)6. The walkman is Daves.(对划线部分提问)7. I have three cousins. (对划线部分提问)8. Her backpack is on the sofa.(对划线部分提问)9. The shoe store is on Adams Street, across from the museum.(划线提问)10. The library is on Mill Street, next to the hospital.(划线提问)11. The park

10、 is on Main Street.(划线提问)12. I have a son and a daughter.(划线提问) _ children _ _ you _?13. She doesnt like swimming. She doesnt like fishing.(合并成一个句子)She _ _ swimming _ fishing.14. Liz is a teacher.(划线提问)_ is a teacher?15. My school is between a park and a bank.(划线提问)16. Theyd like some juice and hamb

11、urgers.(划线提问)17. The potatoes are one dollar a kilo.(划线提问)18. The bread is three dollars and fifty cents a loaf.(划线提问)19. Wed like two cups of tea.(划线提问)20. I can play football on the football field.(对划线部分提问)21. Jennys favorite sport is playing volleyball.(对划线部分提问)22. He can run the 100-meter race.(

12、对划线部分提问)23. Its fine.(对划线部分提问)24. Liu Xiang is my favorite sports star.(对划线部分提问)25. Hes learning diving now.(对划线部分提问)26. The refrigerator is in the kitchen.(对划线部分提问)27. Her mother is a policewoman.(对划线部分提问)28. There are six people in my family.(对划线部分提问)名词变复数名词变复数规则变化及发音:1、绝大多数的可数名词在词尾加上s ; eg:bookbo

13、oks;deskdesks;penpens;carcarss遇t读浊辅音ts,遇d读清辅音dzfriendfriends; catcats;2.、以s、x、ch、sh结尾的单词,在该词末尾加上-es;读音规则:读iz;eg:busbuses; boxboxes; watchwatchches; dishdishes 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,要把y变为i,再加-es;读z。flyflies; babybabies; 元音字母加y结尾的单词直接加s;toytoys;boyboys;4、以-f或-fe结尾的名词,要将-f或-fe变为-v,再加es;读vz;knifeknives;leaflea

14、ves;5、以-o结尾的名词,初级阶段只有三个单词要加-es,其余都加-s;读音规则读z。tomatotomatoes西红柿; potatopotatoes土豆; heroheroes英雄; NegroNegroes 口诀:“黑人英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿” 其余eg:zoozoos; hippohippos;名词变复数不规则变化:1.单词内部发生变化:口诀“oo常常变ee,男人女人a变e”footfeet脚;toothteeth牙齿;manmen男人;womanwomen女人;2.单复数相同:“羊鱼小鹿无变化,单数复数是一家”sheepsheep绵羊;fishfish鱼;deerdeer鹿;3.

15、不规则变化:childchildren孩子mousemice老鼠;GermanGermans德国人;4“某国人”的复数有三种类型: 口诀“中日不变,英法变,其它S加后边”(1)Chinese, Japanese单数复数同形,不需加s;(2)Englishman, Frenchman, Dutchman复数要把 man 变为men;(3)其他各国人以an, -ian收尾的均直接加s。如:Americans, Australians, 二.不可数名词:不可数名词概念:不可以数的名词叫做不可数名词。包括物质名词(表示无法分为个体的物质)和抽象名词(表示抽象概念的词)。不可数名词特点:不可数名词没有复

16、数形式,也不能与a, an及数词连用,常作单数看待。例: water Theres some water in the bottle. food My favourite food is noodles.不可数名词如表数量,常和a bottle of, a glass of等名词词组连用。如表示复数,只把量词改为复数。a bottle of pop一瓶汽水 , two glasses of orange juice 两杯桔子汁,three cups of tea 三杯茶,a piece of paper一张纸有些物质名词有时可数,有时不可数,要根据上下文决定,其意义也有所不同。 A glass

17、 is made of glass.玻璃杯是玻璃制成的。(玻璃杯可数,玻璃不可数。 I bought a melon yesterday. I want to eat some melon.特殊名词的讲解:people 作“人们,人民”解时,只有复数形式,谓语动词作复数。作“民族”解时,单复数不同,复数要在词尾加s。There are five people in my family. 我家有五口人。There are fifty-six peoples in our country.我们国家有56个民族。clothes,pyjamas等属于无单数形式的复数名词,谓语作复数。My favour

18、ite clothes are pants. These pyjamas are too small. pants , shoes , glasses ,shorts,scissors等名词,由两部分构成,常以复数形式出现,谓语动词要用复数。要表示单数常用a pair of表示,此时如作主语,谓语要作单数看待。Your pants are blue. This pair of pants is mine. 集体名词看作整体时,谓语用单数; 指成员时,谓语用复数。 His family is a large family. His family like animals.指整体指成员有的名词单复

19、数意思不同:hair 和fruit 通常作单数,表示总体。My hair is black. 我的头发是黑色的。 I like fruit .Its good for you.我喜欢水果,水果对你的身体有好处。但如果表示若干根头发或各种水果,则需用复数形式. Danny has three hairs.丹尼有三根头发。She likes pears, peaches and other fruits. 他喜欢梨,桃和其它水果。. 写出下列单词的复数形式:fish- boy- watch- knife- leaf- wife- baby- family- man- woman- child- t

20、ooth- goose- mouse- sheep- peach- picture- Chinese- he- his- I- this- is- it- that-. 将下列句子改为复数句子:1. He is looking after the baby._2. Its a big heavy box. _3. This picture is nice._ 4. She is a beautiful woman._5. Im a good child. _6. Thats a delicious peach._. 将下列句子改为单数句子:1. These are red coats. _2.

21、 Whore the boys? Theyre my students._3. Theyre women workers here. _4. Are they playing basketball now? Yes, they are_5. What are they? They are buses. _6. Those are beautiful flowers._ 7. We have many old pictures._. 划出下列单词中的不可数名词:meat pop shirt food knife snow water ice tea orange truck car jam ear bread milk noodles eraser clothes. 翻译下列词组:一瓶汽水一杯茶 一副眼镜两杯桔子汁六瓶水

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