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1、 Meanwhile, other reading skills like skipping and skimming are also necessary。To conclude, reading is to humans spiritual world what water is to fish。 Only through persistent reading can we enjoy the improvement of reading ability and learning ability。评析本次四级考试作文难度适中,看得出来四级考试作文越来越和考研作文话题接轨。例如本次考试的话题

2、reading ability 就和2015年考研写作一的大作文读书话题不谋而合。按照惯例,仍然是“三段论”,最多不要超过四段,除非提纲中有点明“entitled”字眼,否则标题可写可不写,但是写错一定会扣分。写标题时,要遵循写作格式,标题首字母和实词首字母大写,而标题中的虚词字母是小写的。第一段仍然是引出话题,阐明读书能力的重要性;第二段可以着重分析提升读书能力的措施;结尾段可以来个对观点的总结概括。Part II Listening Comprehension (30minutes)Section AIn this section, you will hear two long conve

3、rsations。 At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions。 Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only one。 After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with

4、a single line through centre。News Report 1Kelly escaped injury and managed to save her car after a four-foot long rat snake came out from under her car seat and slithered across her feet as she was driving down the high way。 Rat snakes are poisonous or a threat to people generally。 Q1: But the woman

5、 says the snake she encountered Thursday terrified her out of her wits。 It was rough with big scales, said 。 who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened。 I dont know whether I had my hands on the steering wheel or not。 Im not the most flexible person in the world, but I

6、can guarantee my knees were up next to my ears。 She said the snake first slithered back under the seat and she hoped it would stay there until she was able to get off the high way and stop。 That didnt work out, she said。 Here he comes, and he wind up in my back seat before I could finally get off th

7、e road, stop and get out of the car。 Q2: She called for help and Washington county animal control officers came and captured the snake。Q1: How did Kelly feel when she first came across the Rattlesnake?Q2: What does the report say about the snake?主旨内容一位女士开车去机场接朋友,在她下高速的时候,一条之前藏在她座位下的毒蛇爬上她的脚,这位女士被吓得魂飞

8、魄散。当她发现蛇在座位下的时候,她希望蛇能一直待在那里,直到她下高速停车。最后华盛顿动物控制中心来这里抓住了毒蛇。参考答案句1。 But the woman says the snake she in carried firstly terrified her out of her wits。 She said the snake first slipped back under the seat, and she hoped it would stay there until she was able to get off the highway and stopped。2。 She cal

9、led for help and the Washington DC Animal Control Officers came and capture the snake。本篇新闻难度不大,第一题答案出现在but重点提示词之后,考生只需要关注重点提示词,且把握之后女士的感受即可。第二题答案出现在新闻最后部分,符合我们新闻题最后一题的出答案位置,且根据试听一致即可选出正确答案。News Report 2Q3: Fast food turns out isnt quite as fast as it used to be。 A new study finds that MacDonald post

10、ed its slowest drives through times since this survey was first conducted fifteen years ago。 As MacDonalds, customers were spent on average three minutes and nine seconds from the time they placed their orders until they received their food。 Thats about ten seconds more than the industry average and

11、 a lot slower than a decade ago, according to the study, which was commissioned by QSR, an industry trade publication。 And MacDonalds wasnt alone in slowing down。 Other chains also saw their drive through performance slowing down。 Q4: Among the reasons for the slower service, today there are more ch

12、oices on the menu, and the products themselves are more complex and take longer to prepare。 Speed, of course, is essential to the drive through experience, and drive throughs are hugely important to chains such as MacDonalds, Burger King, and Tucle Bell。 Usually, the drive through accounts for sixty

13、 to seventy percent of all business that goes through a fast food restaurant, notes Sam Ochers, editor of QSR。 Of course, consumers also want their orders prepare correctly and on that score, Ochers says accuracy is still really high。 What is the news report mainly about?Q4: What has slowed down Mac

14、Donalds drive through service?快餐的上餐速度正在变慢。以麦当劳为例,自从15年前出现麦当劳之后,现在是有史以来上餐速度最慢的时候。现在麦当劳从下订单到拿食物的平均速度是3min9s,比之前多了10s。QSR统计,其他连锁店如汉堡王也是一样上餐速度变慢。因为食物种类更多,制作更复杂,且需要更长的时间去备餐,所以快餐连锁店的上餐速度正在变慢,但是速度和上餐的准确性对快餐店很重要。 Fast food turns out it isnt quite as fast as it used to be。 Among the reasons for the slower se

15、rvice, today there are more choices on the menu and the products themselves are more complex and take longer to prepare。本篇新闻考查的是主旨题加细节题。第一题针对新闻主旨题,答案出现在新闻第一句导语部分,所听即所得即可。第二题考查原因,把握关键词reasons,然后继续听出正确答案。News Report 3Q5: The first private mission outside earth orbit is closed to many of our think。 U.S

16、。 government officials outset to approve a mission by privately held space company-Moon Express to travel outside of the earth orbit in late 2017。 Q6: Moon expresss mission involves plans to land a suitcase size package of scientific equipment on the moon for on-going exploration on commercial devel

17、opment。 The decision involved amounts of lobbying and coordinated conversations between a number of factual agencies。 On the international treaties, the US is responsible for the cargo of both public and private space craft。 This makes commercial space travel a complex legal issue not just domestica

18、lly but abroad 。 A Moon Express representative declined to comment on the story Q7: but noted that the company is very optimistic about its proposal。 Moon express is not the only company seeking for the rights to travel to outerspace 。 Elon Musks space X aims to send an unmanned aircraft to Mars by

19、2018。Q6: What is the Moon Express planning to do?Q7: What does Moon Express think of its mission?Moon Express(月球捷运)是一家美国公司,长期目标是在月球采矿,是民间探月计划 。它的目的和任务是使一个手提箱大小的科学设备着陆月球,并进行商业开发的持续探索。该公司对自己的计划十分乐观。 The first private mission outside of the earth orbit is closed than many of our think。 Moon Expresss mi

20、ssion involves plans to land a suitcase size package of scientific equipment on the moon for on-going exploration on commercial development。3。 But noted that the company is very optimistic about its proposal。本篇相对来说,是三篇新闻中考生最不熟悉的话题,因此难度大于前两篇,但是答案出题点并不难,第一题为主旨题,答案出现在开头第一句导语部分,后面两题细节题,关注重点提示,如“but”词后给正

21、确答案。Section B In this section, you will hear two long conversations。 Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once。 After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from four choice marked A),B),C) and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter an Answer sheet 1 with a single

22、 line though the centre。Question 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Long conversation 1A:Hey Sophia, how are you doing?B: Hi, Bob。 Im good, thanks。 Actually, Q8: Im on holiday with my family in Thailand at the moment, although I wish it were with my friends instead。 Really? Yo

23、u never said you are going to Thailand。 How I envy you ! Ive only been in here a week, but you know Thailand is an amazing place, Im having a great time here。 In fact, Im now lying on the beach in Phuket。 Ive been in the sun for around 15 minutes only, and Im already getting sun burnt。 Have you been

24、 here before? No, I wish I had。 What else have you been doing in Thailand besides enjoying the sun? Well, Q9: I met a guy from Germany yesterday。 He showed me around the office that he works at。 Then I met many volunteer teachers who are mainly young people from Europe。 Ahh, thats interesting。 Yes。

25、I also made a new little friend, Sarah。 She was so cute。 I was so sad that we were to leave at the end of the day。 If I ever come back to Thailand, Id definitely visit this place again, as a volunteer。 Well, you can tell me all about it when you get back。 Q10: My phone battery is almost dead now。 Re

26、member to get me something from the souvenir shops.Q10: I like to collect bits and pieces from different parts of the world。 Bye now, enjoy yourself Sophia。 Bye。Q8: What does the woman say she is doing now?Q9: What did the woman do yesterday?Q10: Why does the man have to end the conversation?Q11: Wh

27、y does the man ask the woman to bring him something from Thailand?女生在泰国普吉岛度假晒日光浴和男生聊天,男生表现出自己十分羡慕,对话后部分女生又谈到了自己认识的新朋友,因为男生手机没电,两人结束聊天。 Actually, Im on holiday with my family in Thailand at the moment。 Well, I met a guy from Germany yesterday。4。 Remember to get me something from the souvenir shops。本篇长对话节奏清晰,语速不快,整体内容比较好把控。前半部分有明显的答案线索,重点听女生得到答案,后部分听男生得到答案,因为最后两题答案位置较近,所以有难度。Question13 to 15 are based on the conversation

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