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1、27. in the countryside 在乡下28. see some baby pigs 看见一些小猪仔29. the only problem 唯一的问题30. nothing much to do 没有什么要做的31. seem to be bored 好像比较烦/无聊32. Bye for now. 就此别过。33. keep a diary 保持写日记Section B1b, 1c, 1e1.anything special 任何特别的东西 something for her best friend 给她最好的朋友买东西2a,2b,3.enjoyable activi

2、ty 令人享受的/受人喜欢的活动4.have a good time 开心5.arrive in Penang in Malaysia 到达马来西亚的槟榔城6.decide to go to the beach 决定去海滩7.try paragliding 尝试滑翔伞8.feel like 感觉像是.9.have something very special 有一些特别的东西10.ride bicycles to Georgetown 骑车去乔治敦11.many of the old buildings 大部分老建筑12.the houses of the Chinese traders 中国

3、商人的房子13.enjoy walking around the town 很喜欢在镇子里逛逛14.What a difference a day makes! 多么不一样的一天啊!15.walk up to the top 走到山顶16.because of the bad weather 由于糟糕的天气17.couldnt see anything below 看不到下面的任何东西18.bring enough money 带足够的钱 bowl of rice 一碗米饭20.wait a long time for the train 等火车很长时间21.forget to

4、bring an umbrella 忘记带伞2e,22.a beautiful day 阳光明媚的一天/不错的一天23.lots of special Malaysian flowers 许多特殊的马来西亚的花24.about one hour later 大约一小时后25.look wonderful from the top of the hill 从山顶看上去很好26.take some photos 照了一些相 27.learn something important 学习一些重要的东西28.bring back anything from Malaysia 从马来西亚带来任何东西29

5、.have a fun time 度过一个好时光/过得开心30.on our school trip 在学校旅游的时候 12 at night 晚上12点 not anywhere near . 离.还很远33.tell me to keep going 告诉我坚持走34.jump up and down in excitement 兴奋地上串下跳35.forget about the last five hours 忘记了过去的五小时 Important Expressions of Unit21a,1. How often 多少次 2. on weekends 在周末2

6、a,2c,2d3. go to the movies 去看电影4. help with housework 帮助做家务 5. always exercise 经常锻炼6. usually stay up late 经常熬夜7. often use the Internet 经常上网8. sometimes 有时候9. hardly ever 几乎不10. never eat a healthy breakfast 从不吃健康的早餐 11. every day 每天12. everyday 日常的13. once a week 一周一次 14. twice a month 一月两次15. rea

7、d English books 读英语书16. favorite program 最喜欢的节目17. Animal World 动物世界18. be quite full for me 对我来说(安排很满)19. How come? 怎么回事?20. What kind of dance.? 哪种舞蹈?21. swing dance 摇摆舞21.every Monday 每周一1b, 1c,1.drink milk 喝牛奶2.Its good for my health. 对我的健康有益。3.junk food 垃圾食品4.good habits 好习惯5.go camping in the

8、country 到乡下去野营 6.pie chart 饼图 their free time 在他们空闲时间里 8.ask sb.about sth. 问某人关于某事 time activity 休闲活动10.use of the Internet 网络的使用(情况)11.fifteen percent of our students 我们学生的百分之十五 not exercise at all 一点都不运动13.go online 去上网 surprised 感到惊讶 least three times a month 只少每月三次

9、e it for fun 用来娱乐17.the answers to our questions 我们的问题的答案 18.the most popular 最流行的19.Its good to do sth. 做某事很好。20.Its healthy for sth./sb. 对某事/某人健康。21 How often 多少次 22. on weekends 在周末23. go to the movies 去看电影24. help with housework 帮忙做家务25. always exercise 一直锻炼26. usually stay up late 经常熬夜27. often

10、 use the Internet 经常上网28. sometimes 有时29. hardly ever 几乎不30. never eat a healthy breakfast 从不吃早餐 31. every day 每天32. everyday 日常的,普通的33. once a week 一周一次34. twice a month 一月两次35. read English books 读英语书36. favorite program 最喜欢的节目37. Animal World 动物世界38. be quite full for me 我安排很满39. How come?为什么?40.

11、 What kind of dance.? 哪种舞蹈.?41. swing dance 摇摆舞42. every Monday 每周一 Important Expressions of Unit 31.have longer hair than. 比.的头发长 the drums 打鼓3.better than 好于.1c,4.sing more loudly than. 唱歌声音比.大 2b,5.more outgoing than. 比.更外向 hard as. 和.一样努力 smarter than. 比.更优秀8.get up earlier 起得更早2

12、d,9.singing competition 歌唱比赛10.sing so well 唱得很好 fantastic 很棒/妙12.Which one? 哪个?13. the one with shorter hair 头发短的那个14.more clearly than. 比.更清楚 better than. 舞跳得比.更好16.really want to win 确实很想赢17.the most important thing 最重要的事 learn something new 学一些新东西GF, friendly as. 和.一样友好20

13、.be friendlier 更友好3b, English harder 更加努力学习英语22. Im taller now than I was two years ago. 我比两年前更高了。23.have cool clothes 穿很酷的衣服 talented in music 在音乐方面有天赋 the same things as me 和我做同样的事 good at sports 在运动方面好27.truly care about me 确实很在乎我28.make me laugh 让我发笑 a good listener 做

14、一个好的聆听着1b,30.not very important for me 对我不重要 different from. 和.不同 like a mirror 像镜子一样33. Thats why I like reading books. 那正是我喜欢阅读的原因。34.enjoy studying together 享受一起学习的过程 35.make friends 交朋友36. .as long as theyre good 只要他们好37. Its not necessary to. 有必要做 tennis better 打网球更好39.bring o

15、ut the best of me 激励我做到最好40. less hard-working than. 没有.努力 41.get better grades 取的好成绩 him more 帮他更多一些 favorite saying 我喜欢的名言 fact 实际上45.break my arm 摔断胳膊46.feel better 感觉更好 about. 谈论.48.share everything 分享一切 there to listen 总在那里倾听2c, both quiet 两个都安静 good at te

16、nnis as. 在网球方面和.一样好 similar to. 和.一样 / 与.很像53.a true friend 一个真朋友54.reach for your hand 牵你的手55.touch your heart 触动你的心4,56.primary school student 小学生57.middle school student 中学生 good with. 对.好Important Expressions of Unit 4fortable seats 舒适的座位2.big screens 大屏幕 movies 新电影 sound 最好

17、的音效5.close to home 离家近 tickets quickly 买票方便/快7.the most popular 最流行的8.the shortest waiting time 最短的等候时间 theater 电影院2a, station 广播站11.clothes store 衣服店12.the worst music 最差的音乐13.the most expensive 最贵的14. I am new in town. 我是新来镇上的。15.Welcome to the neighborhood. 欢迎来到这里。 far 到目

18、前 way around 周围的路18.the freshest food 最新鲜的食物19.around here 附近 problem 没问题21.the worst service 最差的服务22.What do you think of.? 你认为.怎么样?23.pretty bad 相当糟糕3a,24.last night 昨晚25.not good at all 一点儿都不好26.better than. 比.好27.the funniest person 最滑稽的事情28.the most talented performer 最有才艺的表演者 go

19、od at . 擅长.30.similar shows 相似的表演/节目31.such as 例如32.have one thing in common 有一样东西相同 33.look for 寻找34.the most exciting musicians 最令人兴奋的音乐家35.all kinds of 各种各样的 up to. 取决于 a role in doing something 在做某事上起作用38.get a good prize 获得一个好的奖项39.enjoy doing something 喜欢做某事40.make up 编造 / 补做

20、r example 例如 fact 实际上43.take something seriously 认真对待某事e true 使.成为现实45.chess player 棋手46.the best place to go to 最好的去处47.creative people 有创意的人 of the coffee shops 其中一个咖啡厅49.the biggest city in China 中国最大的城市50.the most popular city for visitors 最受游客欢迎的城市Self Check 1,51.a plate of. 一碟 / 盘.5

21、2.for only five yuan 只需五块钱53.take walks there 在那里散步54.fantastic teachers 非常优秀的老师55.excellent sports center 很好的运动中心2,56.very crowded 非常拥挤 57.a little hard 有点硬 / 一点努力Important Expressions of Unit show 谈话节目2.soap opera 肥皂剧3.sports show 体育节目4.talent show 才艺节目5.dont mind 不在乎6.cant stand 无法忍受7.mor

22、e educational 更有教育意义的8.Days of Our Past 我们逝去的青春9.Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world. 因为我想知道世界各地在发生。10.have a discussion with someone 和某人讨论一下 11.follow the story 跟随故事(情节)12.see what happens next 看接下来发生什么13.expect to learn a lot from. 期望能从.学到很多14.hope to be a reporter one day 希

23、望有朝一日成为一名记者15.learn some great jokes 学习一些很好的笑话16.plan to do something 计划做某事edy shows 戏剧节目3c, a sitcom 看情景剧19.students names 学生们的名字 and history 艺术与历史 very famous symbol in American history 美国历史上的一个著名象征22.the black mouse with two large round ears 长着两只大大的圆耳朵的黑老鼠23.over 80 years ago

24、80多年前e out (长)出来 / 出版 / 出现25.on November 18, 1928 在1928年11月18日26.the first cartoon with sound and music 第一部有声卡通片27.the man behind Mickey 米老鼠背后的人(创作米老鼠的人) and successful 富有且成功 the 1930s 在20世纪30年代30.make 87 cartoons with Mickey 用米老鼠(的样子)创作了87个卡通形象 31.become so popular 变得这么流行 of the m

25、ain reasons 其中一个重要原因33.a common man 一个普通人34.face any danger 面对任何危险 his early films 在他的早期电影中36.have many problems 有许多问题(麻烦)37.such as losing his house 例如丢失房子 ready to do something 准备好去做某事39.try his best 尽他所能40.see the little man win 看这个小人物获胜41.most of them 他们中的大部分人42.the first cartoon chara

26、cter 第一个卡通角色43.the Hollywood Walk of Fame 好莱坞星光大道44.not so simple as. 没有.那样简单45.a pair of ears 一对耳朵46.more famous than. 比.更著名 famous as. 和.一样著名 old Chinese story 一个古老的中国故事49.a village girl 一个乡村女孩 50.dress up like a boy 打扮成一个男孩51.take her fathers place to fight in the army 顶替父亲从军 Mulans role well 扮演木兰很成功 a good job 干得好 her love for her family 表达对家人的爱55.see something interesting 看到一些有趣的事3b,3c56.the name of the movie 电影的名字

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