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1、3表示义务、责任等,同 should。You are to be back before 5. 你得在5点钟以前回来。What is to be done? 该干什么。4表示可能性,与情态动词 may, can同义。Such books are to be found in any library. 这种书任何图书馆都有。Not a sound was to be heard . 一点声响也没有。5表示后来发生的事,可以用来表示命运或注定They say good-bye, little knowing that they were never to meet again. 他们告另U了,没想

2、至U再也不能相见了。He was to regret the decision. 他有一天会后悔做出这一决定的。6用于习语Where am I to go ?我该向何处去?What am I to do ?我该怎么办? 2、助动词 have(has, had, having) 的用法(1)助动词have可以构成完成时或完成进行时This is the place I have been longing to visit. 这就是我一直渴望参观的地方。(2)和不定式构成谓语,表示客观上不得不做的事情。Weve missed the train. Well have to wait for ano

3、ther one. 我们己经误了火车,我们只能等下一列。-Do we have to start work? 我们得立刻工作吗?-No. We dont have to .不,不必了。3、do(does, did) 的用法(1)构成疑问句或否定句How did you know about it? 你是怎样知道这件事的。He does not smoke. 他不抽烟。(2)加强语气。He did tell that. 他的确告诉了此事。Do come and see us. 一定来看我们。(3 )代替前面刚岀现的动词,避免重复。你喜欢流行音乐,是吧?-You like popular musi

4、c, dont you?-Yes , I do .是的,我喜欢。Never did he pay attention to my words.只是那时,我才了解到英语的重要性。Only then did I understand the importance of English.(5)构成否定的祈使句。Dont be so careless. 不要那么粗心。Do not hesitate to come for help. 只管来求助。4、shall(should)和 will(would) 的用法(1) shall(should) 用于第一人称的将来时中,单纯表示来I shall thin

5、k it over. 我要好好考虑一下。When shall I see you again? 我何时再见到你?I rang up to tell her that I should leave for London. 我打电话告诉她我要去伦敦。(2)will用于第二、第三人称的将来时态中,在现代英语中可以用于所有人称He will be 30 next month. 他下月将是 30 岁。You will have an English test tomorrow. 明天你有英语小测验。He wanted to know when you would finish the writing.

6、他想知道你何时完成写作。三、情态动词1、 情态动词的特征情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,认为“可能、应当、必要”等等,但本身意义不完全, 不能单独作谓语,必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。除 ought, used, have 后跟不定式外,其他情态动词一律跟动词原形。情态动词主要有: can/could, may/might, must, ought to, used to, need, dare,shall/should, will/would, have to 等。2、 情态动词的变化形式(1 )没有人称和数的变化。I can /we can/ you can he can/she

7、can/they can/it canJohnny, you mustn t play with the knife, you may hurt yourself. 约翰,你不能玩刀,那可能会伤着你。A left luggage office is a place where bags can be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. 行李寄存处特别是在火车站短时间存放包的地方。He ought to know her address. 他该知道她的地址。(2)大部分情态动词有过去式:can-could may-mig

8、ht need-needed dare-dared shall-should will-wouldTs John coming by train? 约翰坐火车来吗?-He should, but he may not . He likes driving his car. 应该是,他有可能不乘坐火车。他喜欢开车。-Are you coming to Jeffs party? 你来参加 Jeff 的聚会吗?-rm not sure. I might go to the concert instead. 我不敢肯定,我可能去参加音乐会。(3) 少部分情态动词没过去式或者说过去式与原形相同, use

9、d to只有过去式形式。must-must(had to) ought to -ought toI used to go there.我(以前)常到那里去。You must be tired after your long journey. 你走了这么远的路,一定很累。(4)大多数情态动词后面还可跟动词的进行时、完成时和被动式形式:can/may/must+ be doing/have done/be doneshould/would/might+be doing/have done/be doneHe must have earned a large sum of money. 他一定是挣了

10、一笔巨款。You mustn t always be talking so much. 你不能总是说起来没完没了。3、否定式和疑问式情态动词的否定式和疑问式同助动词。否定式是在情态动词后加 not ;疑问式是将情态动词提前到主语的前面。否定式简略式cancan notcantmaymay notmaynmustmust notmustncouldcould notcouldnmightmight notmightnneedneed notneedndaredare notdarenshallshall notshanwillwill notwonshouldshould notshouldnw

11、ouldwould notwouldnoughtought notoughtnt tousedused notusen-Will you stay for lunch? 你留下来吃午饭好吗?-Sorry, I can t. My brother is coming to see me. 对不起,我不能(留下来吃午饭) ,我兄弟要来看我。May I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?I was really anxious about you. You shouldn t have left home without a word. 你真急死我了。你不该一句话也不说就

12、离开家。注意:have to 的疑问和否定是借助于 do来构成。Do you have to go out today? 今天你得出去吗?He doesn t have to go.他没必要去。四、情态动词的基本用法1、can 和 could(1) 表能力1意为“能够会”,表示体力或脑力等方面的能力Some of us can use the computer now , but we couldnt ten years ago. 现在我们一些人能用计算机了,但十年前我们不能。Can you ride a bike? 你能骑自行车吗?What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么

13、?I could run faster then. 我那时能跑得更快一些。2当can和could表示能力时,有时可以用 be able to 替换,could表过去,can表现在,有时也可表将来,但不能与 will, shall 等助动词连用;be able to 可以用于将来、完成等时态。She hasnt been able t o come to school for three days. 她已经三天没能来上学了。With his help, we shall be able to build the house. 在他的帮助下,我们将能够建造房屋了。3当我们要强调过去确实使用了某种能

14、力时,要用 was(were)able to,而不用could。was able to表示“设法干成某事” ,即 succeed in doing sth. 或 manageto do sth. 而could 只表示“具备某种能力” 。 He is such a good swimmer that he was able to save the two boys from drowning the other day.他是一位游泳健将,因此前些日子他救上了两名溺水男孩。The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was

15、 able to get out. 虽然大火蔓延很快,使旅馆烧起来,但大家还是逃了岀来。(2 )表可能性I thought the story could not be true 我认为这个故事不可能是真的。Anybody can make mistakes.人都会犯错误。(3) 表许可(常用于口语中)。Can/Could I go now? 我可以走了吗?He said I could use the computer. 他说我可以用计算机。Father said we could go to the concert. 父亲说我们可以去参加音乐会。-Could I borrow your d

16、ictionary? 你把字典借给我可以吗?-Yes, of course you can. 当然可以。(4) 表惊异怀疑、不相信等态度1主要用于否定句、疑问句和感叹句中,表惊异怀疑、不相信等态度。Where can/could they be now? 他们现在能在哪儿呢?What can he mean?他会是什么意思?2如果跟完成时,则表示对过去发生的事的怀疑和不肯定。 could比can更加不肯定。Can he have left already? 他会是走了吗?Could she have forgotten my address? 她会把我的地址忘了?It couldnt have

17、 been Xiao Wang. He has gone to the factory. 那不可能是小王,他去了工厂。-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. 车上本来已经有五人,但他们还是设法把我也带上 .-It couldnt have been a comfortable journey. 那次旅行不可能舒服。当说话的人对一件事表示肯定的判断时用情态动词 must,当说话的人对一件事持否定的态度,这种判断用情态动词 can t或couldn t。The man with

18、glasses must be Toms father. They look alike. 戴眼镜的那个人肯定是汤姆的父亲。他们看起来很像。Jack cant be in the classroom. I saw him on the playground just a moment ago. 杰克不可能在教室里。我刚才看见他在操场上。3“ could+完成时”,有时表示“过去本能够完成的事而没完成” 。You could have done the work better. 你本来能做得更好些。 (事实并非如此)You could have caught the early train. 你

19、本来能赶上早班火车。 (事实上没有)-I stayed at a hotel while in New York. 我在纽约住在一家旅馆。-Oh, did you? You could have stayed with Barbara. 是吗?你本可与巴巴拉住在一起的。(5)表比较委婉客气地提出请求。 这时could和can没有时间上的差别, 只不过用could比用can显得更加委婉客气。Can you change a pound note for me , please? 请你兑换一英镑零票给我好吗?Could you tell me the right time please? 请你把准

20、确的时间告诉我好吗?2、may 和 might(1)表示许可或征询对方许可。You may go now. 现在你可走了。May I watch TV after supper? 晚饭后我可以看电视吗?He said that I might use the telephone. 他说我可以用电话。征询许可时, might比may更恭敬有礼。may的否定形式为 may not,但表示“不可以”、阻止”等意思时常用 must not(musnt) 代替 may not。Might I have a word with you , please? 我可以和你谈一谈吗?-MayI take the

21、book out of the reading-room? 我可以将这本书带出阅览室吗?-Yes , you may/No, you musnt ./No, you may not ./No, youd better not .是的,可以/不,不行。(2 )表可能性,有“或许、可能”之意might与may可以换用,但 might表示较多的怀疑、更加不肯定、语气更委婉。He may/might be English.他可能是英国人。They may/might have a lot of work to do. 他们可能有许多工作要做。Peter may come with us tonight

22、, but he isnt very sure yet. 皮特今晚可能和我一起来,但他还没定。may表可能一般不用于疑问句,在疑问句中通常用 can/might,或者以be likely to 结构出现。Can it be true? 这可能是真的吗?What can she be thinking of? 她可能在想些什么?Might I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?Is he likely to win the match? 他有可能赢这场比赛吗?(3) may/might+完成时,表示对过去事情的推测, might比may更含蓄,委婉,或更加不肯定。Sorry

23、, I m late. I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. 对不起,我可能是把闹钟关掉了又睡着了。She may/might have gone to the library. 她可能到图书馆去了。She may/might have missed the plane. 她也许没赶上飞机。(4) might+完成时”表示过去本可以干的事而没干。You might have told me earlier! 你本来可早点告诉我。(而没告诉,表责备)You might have been mor

24、e careful. 你本来可以多加小心。 (而没有)巧记表“推测”的情态动词用法肯(can)不肯?妹(may)不问,妈妈(must)肯定不否问。(5) 用于表目的或让步状语从句中。She was studying English so that she might read English books. 她正在学习英语,以便能阅读英文书籍。He died in order that others might live. 他为了别人而牺牲了。(6) 表祝愿(不能用 might )。May all our dreams come true. 愿我们梦想成真。May that day come s

25、oon. 愿这一天早日至U来。3、must 和 have to(1) must表示“必须”,应该”。否定式must not(mustnt) 表示不应该”,不许可”,不准”,禁止” 等。在回答带有 must的问句时,否定式常用 need not(neednt) 或dont have to 表示“不必”,而不用 must not (mustnt) 。The work must be finished as soon as possible. 这件工作必须尽快完成。You mustnt speak like that. 你不能那样说话。Must I be home before eight oclo

26、ck? 8 点之前我必须回家吗?Yes, you must./No, you neednt ./No, you dont have to .是的,必须回家。 /不,不必了。(2)must表推测,1一般只用于肯定句中,译成汉语“一定” ,“必定”。There must be some mistakes. 肯定有一些错误。You must be very tired. 你一定很累了。2如果表示对过去事情的推测,就用 must+完成时。You must have left your umbrella in the theatre. 你一定把雨伞丢在剧院里了。His car is still here

27、. He must have gon e by bus. 他的车还在这里,他一定乘公共汽车走了。3当must表推测之意时,其否定形式常用 空not而不用must not。He cant have been to your home. He doesnt know your address. 他不可能至 U过你家,因为他不知道你的住址。What can he be doing at this time of night? 夜晚都到这个时候了,他究竟在干什么呢 ?(3)must表必然性You must catch cold if you dont put on more clothes. 如果你不多穿些衣服,必然感冒。All men must die. 人固有一死。Truth must be out. 真相总会大白(4) have to表示“必须”,“不得不”,在这个意义上与 must很接近,但 must表示的是说话人的主观看 法,而have to 表示的却是客观需要。I have to go now.我得走了。(客观需要)I must go now. 我必须走。(主观看法)You have to work hard to make a living. 为了谋生你就得努力工作。 (客观需要)You mus

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