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1、The necklace on display/show behind the glass is beyond price.在玻璃后陈列的项链是价值连城的。The paintings that David donated to school are being displayed.Prices have to be displayed outside restaurants.He sells displays to the customers as new ones.The stores have these clothes on display in the window.【辨析】displ

2、ay, show 与 exhibitdisplay把某物展示出,使人们看到Jewellery is displayed on a counter.珠宝陈列在柜台里。show有意或无意把某物显示给某人show us the garden.让我们看一下花园。exhibit为出售、竞赛等而陈列Unearthed cultural relics were exhibited here last month.上个月这里展出了 出土的文物。 =taxi n.出租车;计程车简单地举起手,出租车立刻就会出现。6.penni t n.执照;许可证/v.许可,准许,(使)成为可能business per

3、mit 营业执照driving permit 驾照permit sb to do sth二al low sb to do sthpermit doing sth=allow doing sth be permitted to do sth二be allowed to do sth permit和allow用法相似,但指天气,时间等客观因素允许时,只能用permit ril pick you up at the airport if time permits. Well start tomorrow, weather permitting.permission n.允许ask for permi

4、 ssion 请求许nJ without permission 未经许XT with ones permission在某人许可的情况下1)Visitors are not permitted to take photos here.游客不容许在这儿照相。2)We dont permit smoking in the library.我们不允许在图书馆里吸烟。3)Weather permitting, well have a picnic in the woods.=If如果天气允许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。我们教室里不允许抽烟。你为什么允许他在这里停车呢? 如果时间允许的话,我会去看那部电影。

5、除非你有许可证,否则不准在这里拍照。 你得到工作许可证了吗?.父亲不允许她在晚上熬夜。 上班时间我们不许聊天如果天气允许,我们打算周六去打网球。We are going to play tennis on Saturday, weather permitting. Passengers are permitted only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. (2011-天津卷,单项填空,A. to carry carrying C. to be carried D. being carried5.receipt n.收据,收条ask for a

6、 receipt 索要票据make out/write a receipt 写张收条6.fare n.车费7.air-conditioned adj.带空调白勺/n air-conditioner air-conditioned bus8.limit v.限制/n.范围,极限 /adj. limitedlimit the speed of your carlimit the number of visitors limit the number of cars be limited toreach the 1 imit 达到极限 without limit 无限地%1Wome

7、n should limit hemselves to one cup of coffee a day.妇女应该限制自己每天喝一杯咖啡。%1There is no imit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day.一个人一天吃多少新鲜的水果没有限制。9.destination n.目的地,终点站reach ones destination 到达目的地10.impressive adj.给人印象深刻的,令人饮佩的/v. impress留下印象,使铭记/n.印象The gathering with our teachers after 20 yea

8、rs from our graduation was an impressive scene.我们毕业20年后与我们的老师相聚,那真是令人难忘的场而。She was very impressive in the interview. 她在而试中表现得卜分出色。This is the most impressive building Ive seen on this trip.这是我此次旅行见到的最令人难忘的建筑物。【单词积累】impress vt.给人深刻印象;使;使人饮佩,使人铭记impression n.印象【拓展】sth. impress sb.=sb. be impressed by/

9、with.( 给某人)留下深刻的印象impress sth. on/upon sb.=impress sb. with sth.使某人意识到某事impress sth. on ones mind让某人牢记某事/某物have/leave/make a good/bad impression on sb.给某人留卜一个好 / 坏的印象I was deeply impressed by/at/with his speech.他的演说给我留卜深刻印象。My father impressed on me the importance of work.=My father impressed me wit

10、h the importance of work.父亲要我铭记工作的重要性。His words are strongly impressed on my memory.他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。Tt impressed sb that.让某人印象深刻的是 be impressed with/by.对 印象深刻,给 留下深刻的印象新学校的老师利技术给李康留下了非常深刻的印象。The teachers were very impressed by your performance in the exam.leave /make a deep pression on sb. =leave sb wit

11、h a deep impression 给某人留下深刻的印象 have a good impression of sb/sth.She was very impressive in the interview.她在面试中表现得非常出色。11.route n.路线微型公交车同公交车行驶的路线相同。12.provide v.提供1)provide sth for sb二provide sb with sth.Community schools provide good quality education for children.2)provide for抚养,供养,为 做准备,防备She nee

12、ds her new, busy work to provide for her family.We did not provide for such a great increase in prices.3)provided (that) =providing (that) =on condition that=as/so long as 倘若,在 情况下/条件下%1T wi 11 accompany you provi ded/provi di ng that I am wel 1 enough. X要我身体好,我就陪伴你。After the earthquake, the first t

13、hing the local government did was to provide accommodation for the homeless families. (2010-湖北)地震之后,当地政府首先做的事情就是为无家可归的家庭提供住处。辨析 provi de/suppl y/offer(1)provide指事先准备好必需品来供应。(2)supply指补给不足的人员、物资等、尤其大量供应、供给等。offer指(主动)向某人提供某物。(l)The hotel providos/supplies a shoecleaning service for guests.(2)Whenever

14、 Im in trouble, he offers e timely help.(3)This shop supplies/provides us with al 1 we need.13- convenient adj.方便的/n. convenienceIts convenient (for sb)to do convenient for/to sb 对某人方便convenience store 便利店conveni ence foods 方面食品at ones conveni ence在某人方便时for convenience 为了方便The convenience of

15、city life is one of its main convenient to do sth.做某事很方便be of convenience=be convenient 方便的,便利的误区警示:convenient不能以人作主语。高考中经常将这一句型,即:Ifs convenient for sb. to do sth.作为考点进行考查。“当你方便的时候”应翻译成when it is convenient to you,而不是when you are convenientIt is very convenient to travel in London by

16、 Underground. (2011 天津卷,阅读 A) 在伦敦坐地铁出行很方便。Tf its convenient, cal 1 me tomorrow before noon.如果方便的话,明天中午前给我打电话。14.pedal v骑车;踩的踏板/n踏板15.single n.单程票/adj.单一的,单个的,单人的,单程的,未婚的,单身的a single survivor 唯一的幸存者a single rooma single beda single ticketa single man 单身男士single-minded16.return n.往返票17.explore v.探索/n.

17、 explorer勘探者,探险者explore for oil 勘探石油explore the narrow alleys 探索狭窄的小巷China plans to explore the Mars in 10 years.The children have gone exploring in the woods.China is one of the earliest countries to explore the Antarctic regions.18.roadwork n. (usu. pl)道路施.我们遇到堵车是因为道路施工19.blow v.吹响(乐器/号角等)20.horn

18、n.喇叭;号角21.react v.反应/n. reactionreact to sth.对某事的反应How did the students react to the monitors suggestion?react with air和空气发生反应sbd first /immediate reaction 某人的第一反应the reaction of metals with oxygen 金属和氧的反应22.solution n.解答;答案/v. solvethe solution to the problem23.mood n.心情;心境/adj. moody喜怒无常的1) in a g

19、ood mood 心情好/in a bad mood 心情糟糕Having been punished by his boss,he was in avery bad mood.2) be/feel in the mood for sth. be/feel in the mood to do sth.有心情做某事 They were in the mood for telling stories.3) be in no mood to do sth (for sth) /be not i n the mood for sth 没有心情做某事 我现在没有心情谈论这件事。24.congestion

20、 n.拥塞;堆积25.registration n.登记;执照/v. register 注册,登记regster the birth of a child登记孩子的出生日期26.check v.检测/核对(正误、真假以及状况好坏)核查 几支票,账单,核对check that/whether/how/who .I will check your homework.Go and check that I ve locked the door.Let me check whether the potatoes are cooked.He checked his bag and found that

21、his camera had gone.You, d better have your need checked before you go.在走之前,你最好核对一下你所需物品。You must check whether the numbers are coiTect and the facts are clear.Please check whether he is at home or not.What he said may be true and I think well have to check.拓展:check in报到,办理入住手续;check out结账,退房He made

22、 a careful check of the numbers and began to type them into the computer. 他对数目做了仔细核对之后,将他们输入了屯脑。The waiter brought me the check and said the cost totaled $200, including the drinks服务生拿来账单,告诉我包括饮料在内总共消费了 200美元。.27.mark .标志,标记,分数 u标志,做标记He got a mark of 95 instead of 100.He got 90 marks for Chinese.Go

23、od manners are the mark of a civilized person.He marked the floor with chalk.Mark the place on the map.28.worth 值.be worth +钱数值 The bicycle is worth worth doing某事值得做be worthy of being donebe worthy to be doneThis book is worth reading.worth: adj.有 价值的;值得的pi.值(只能接表示钱数或代价、价值等的词)搭配 be worth+ -do

24、ing值得做(后接动名词形式表示被动意义)The book intended for children is worth 20 dollars. 这本儿童书值 20 美元。What is worth doing is worth doing well. 事情既然值得做,就值得做好。I think his suggestion is well worth considering.我认为他的建议很值得考虑。要表达“很值得做”,常用be well worth doingos worthwhile to do sth/doing sth【链接】ofsth.值得、配得上某物(不能接表示钱数的名词)be

25、worthy 十 of being doneto be done 值得被做The teacher is worthy “respect.这位老师值得尊敬。These old churches are worthy of being visited. = These old churches are worthy to be visited.这些古老的教堂值得参观。【典例剖析】29.means n. (pL)作“方法;手段;工具;能力解时,单数和复数相同%1All possible means been tried, but not a means has worked.所有可能的方法都尝试过了

26、,但是没有一利方法奏效。%1He doesnt have the means to s叩port a wife and child.他无钱养活妻小。【导思:(1) by all means nJ以;当然行;没问题;务必;尽一切办法e.g. Do you mind if I have a look? By all means.By all means, I would like to see you this evening!无论如何, (2)by no means 决不;一点也不 一Am I wrong? No, by no means.(3)by means of 用; 依靠 We can

27、express our feelings by means of words.30.match v.和 相配n.火柴,比赛,对手match . with .把 与 搭配起来另夕卜:match/fit/suit都有“搭配,适合”的意思o match指品质,设计等方面适合,意为“与 相配”。fit指尺寸,大小合适。suit指款式,颜色,合适或合乎需要,品味,性格,条件等。1.很难找到与那副旧画相配的颜色 Ifs difficult to match the color of the old paint.2.那件外套不适合他,太大了。 The coat doesnt fit her, because

28、 its too big.3.这个时间对你合适吗? Does the time suit you?31.suffer遭受,受痛苦不用被动语态,不用过去分词作状语或后置定语。1). vi 受痛苦,受苦难 His health suffered terribly from heavy drinking.2). suffer :意为遭受痛苦、损失、忍受侮辱”等起宾语为 pain, loss, grief, insult, punishment, hardship, injustice, discouragement, disappointment 等。The city suffered serious damages from the earthquakes.3). suffer from :指遭受战争、自然灾害带来的苦难及患病之苦。This area used to suffer from floods.She often suffers from headaches.32.occurvi.(突然)发生(happen);(偶然)出现,想起I dont want such a thing to occur again.我不希望再发生这样的事情。

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