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1、关于成功大学英语演讲稿多篇关于成功大学英语演讲稿目录第一篇:大学生活与成功英语演讲稿第二篇:成功大学演讲稿第三篇:英语演讲稿:成功之我见第四篇:我对成功的看法英语演讲稿第五篇:成功之我见英语演讲稿正文第一篇:大学生活与成功英语演讲稿the four-year university is approaching the end of life. this is a short span of four years, but my life is precious four years. over the past four years, i have a rash of juvenile gro

2、wth for a public hospital qualified graduates, to describe itself is not an exaggeration. can be summed up in the past aside time for the fog, clear look back on the road, so as to the future of the journey in life to prepare some of the experiences and lessons.the four-year university study and lif

3、e is the main line. university study is very different from the past in a new form, it gives the students a greater autonomy and a broader space of thinking, as well as learners of a higher demand. in this semi-open mode of teaching requires learners must have a clear purpose of the study, there are

4、 more choices and greater ability to distinguish self-learning ability. in this regard, i should like to thank the four years of university study and life in this period of the previous setbacks and success, so i really know how to conduct self-study, how to choose a purpose of study, followed by th

5、eir own self - and learning efficiency. and learning beyond the extra-curricular activities involved in science and technology, but also for learning a consolidated and strengthened, not only to improve my ability to broaden my knowledge, but also in the process of constant exploration, but also to

6、to learn more about their own things to update, which further enrich their knowledge.people living in the homes of four years, not just from knowledge of what the cus rigorous style of study of practical, innovative and realistic atmosphere, but also exerts a subtle influence on my thinking and lear

7、ning, all of which mode of thinking and the ability to access, is i study a few years the biggest gains, and this is bound to affect my future one of the growth process, the needs of not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also need to correct the ideological foundation and a correct out

8、look on life and values. can continue to have the knowledge, and outlook on life, once formed, a persons life are immeasurable. tsinghua university in the past few years, i can feel the teaching in schools, educating people on the importance of the link. the theme of a wide range of activities, to e

9、xplore a wide range of ideas, influences the formation of my life. before entering a university before, life for me, is a false parison of things, although i can feel its presence and role, but have not formed a clear concept. in the four years of university study and life, because of their thinking

10、, learning and a number of external factors, so i created a basic set of life. for life, everyone has their own pursuit. for the life of the universe, however, is a short moment, and for the individual, only an opportunity and never look back.junior practice to go out, burdened with heavy luggage, b

11、ut also burdened with their own ideals and decided to go to a strange city, looking for work was successful, but also a large advertising design pany, into the pany since the first day i had an effort to learn something positive attitude towards work, i am grateful to the director has taught me to c

12、onstantly improve their design capabilities; i thank from the united states into the panys first day on the patients taught me a lot i do not understand things; thanks to copy and ae, i first entered in the panys code did not understand, my enthusiasm for the help. thanks to hone in on the platform

13、of that period of time, it is time that inspired my enthusiasm and fighting spirit!in short, towards their own goalsubstantial, as long as no regrets, is successful. the talent, is a long process of accumulation, must be dedicated to progressive, practical struggle, it is expected to taste the joy o

14、f success. people at different times have different views and ideas, but this is only a change in form, the foundation has its deep roots in the depths of thinking is hard to change. in later life, positive, life will be the laughter of my principles and the driving force of loving the country, prac

15、tical, ambitious talent is the cornerstone of my life.time to rush water, the twinkling of an eye between the university close to the end of four years on. time to stand in the ring, muran looking back, we found a four-year university is so wonderful. lonely and happy co-existence with the leisurely

16、 pace in the same struggle, cowardly and courageous want. ah, we have to test a burning the midnight oil, we have the childish behavior and laughed, we had the face of the unknown future of the former is not timid. but now we have this is quite different from the four years of our achievements in wi

17、nd and rain. we understand what is the lone, brave what is and what is the real struggle. as we enter the munity, not strive to plete the full plement of subjects, work actively in the efforts to apply what they have learned, the hard-working and motivated to go to school during its own inertia enti

18、rely correct, the courage to face the difficulties and setbacks, the growth during difficult times, in the munity to bee useful to society in the future.not eternal level of the road, life does not change the norm, each of us will inevitably encounter difficulties and setbacks, in the face of diffic

19、ulties and setbacks, we should dare to struggle, dare to climb, should not give up on themselves the blame on others, should not live in that they turned out the bright lights of the self-free soap bubble in the wasted time, wasted their youth, in fact, everyone in the university on the road is not

20、easy, not easy, only experienced the suffering and the opportunity of bettering in order to hone life gradually matured into a perfect, so that youth can no regrets, so that a well-deserved for love! leaving a painful, is a kind of courage, but also a test of a new beginning, we hope that in future

21、new capacity to determine their own new starting point, perseverance and toward newer and higher goal because the best things in life are always in the forefront!i substantial pletion of his career students, but the long road repair e far, wujiang and search up and down. in the days, i have to be mo

22、re strict demands on themselves, to correct shortings in work to progress in life is a milestone in the university, a milestone in the often around a lot at the junction of the fork, and graduation means we have to choose a continues down the road. before graduation, we had to; graduation, we had sh

23、ed tears; do after graduation? let us be grateful heart, tears of emotion and deep feeling of love into pious wishes, wishing everyone has a bright futureuniversity for a four-year struggle for self-course basis, but even more cooperation is the key. in four years, every time i encountered setbacks,

24、 every difficulty, there are friends and fellow students eager to help, and get every bit of success, but also to share with you, this is a great happiness in life. we are grateful to all classes of students, to thank all the confidence in me, help me, thank you for your friendship to me, i will alw

25、ays cherish the!in the doldrums, i thought of as such as lu xuns cry, ginsburg howl. however, when i work in the face, think of the phrase is more jewish gu yan, a reflection humanity, god laugh.第二篇:成功大学演讲稿成功大学演讲稿大家好,我是孙修漠,今天我怀着愉快而又忐忑的心情给大家算是讲这么一会儿。为什么说我忐忑呢?因为我天生就是一个性格腼腆的人,站在台前总是感觉那么的不自在。但是我听沃老师说是给成







32、科学的方式将你抽象的思想具象化,比如说考你数学方程式、集合、函数的解题过程,或者是要求你写一篇命题作文,以这种方式将你无序的思维专业化理论化的整理出来,那就是考试了。但考试充其量也只是在某些方面检测你的能力,它本身是片面的,单调的,无法覆盖全部的。“现代科举制”有一定的积极意义,在一定程度上选拔了鹤立鸡群的学习佼佼者,却将大部分有创新精神的人排斥在外,顺我者欢迎光临,逆我者沙扬娜拉。大学录取了众多的“高手”,而“淘汰者”与此同时开始了在其他方面的发展。你说孰优孰劣如何定论?只要人的思想多,就会有了很多思想与思想碰撞的机会。有了想法的时候,也就有了爱迪生的电灯,鲁迅的“痛打落水狗”。而有没有这些思想和上大学本身没有关系,这些是你和这个世界发生反应后自然生成的一些东西。就读于哪所大学,仅仅是我们人生选择的一部分。我们仍然可以拥有好的想法,去大胆的发表见解。 但有好想法的前提是要多学些东西。就好比你的大脑是一个碰碰车场,你的知识和想法越多,场地就越宽广,碰碰车就越多。碰碰车越多的运动场车辆相撞的几率就越大,在激烈的争逐中便能撞出思绪,撞出想法,倘若你不积累不学习,你就做不成车场老板。同学们,诚然我们在某时某刻都不是解题高手,但我们未必不是创新性人才。问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮?我们不能因为自己是专科生就哀叹不如本科生能力强,希望大家能最大限度的利用好大学资源,充实自我,打下各方面扎实的基

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