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1、八年级英语下册Unit2Travelling词汇与语法基础训练新版牛津版一、必背词汇miss vt. 想念,思念fantastic adj. 极好的,美妙的indoor adj.(在)室内的speed n. 速度ride n. 乘坐(游乐设施)cartoon n. 卡通片, 动画片character n. 人物such det.&pron. 这样的(人或物)parade n. (庆祝) 游行magic n. 魔法pie n. 派,馅饼feel vt. 感觉到,意识到couple n. 两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物castle n. 城堡sand n.沙,沙滩over adv. 结束marr

2、y vi.&vt. 结婚,嫁,娶dead adj. 死的beauty n. 美丽;美人seaside adj. 海边的sailing n. 帆船运动,航行except prep. 除了以外view n. 景色,风景mountain n. 高山business n. 公事;商业;生意direct adj. 直达的,直接的flight n. 航班;航行point n. 要点detail n. 细节delicious adj. 美味的,可口的seafood n. 海鲜airport n. 机场relative n. 亲戚travelling n.旅行 =traveling二、重点词汇1. miss

3、verb /ms/1). to fail to do or experience something, often something planned or expected, or to avoid doing or experiencing something未做到;未体验;避开;幸免于例句: I missed the start of the class because my bus was late. 我没有赶上考试开始,因为我坐的公共汽车晚了。2). to arrive too late to get on a bus, train, or aircraft未赶上,错过例句: You

4、ll miss your flight if you dont hurry up. 如果你不快点,会误了火车的。3). to not go to something缺(勤);缺(课);失(约);未出席例句: Students who miss a lot of school can find it hard to catch up. 如果你继续缺课,会在学习上落后的。4). to not see or hear something or someone未看到;未听到例句: I missed the beginning of the film. 我错过了电影的开头。2. fantastic ad

5、jective / extremely good极好的例句: You look fantastic in that dress. 你穿着那件连衣裙看起来棒极了。2). strange and imaginary, or not reasonable怪诞的;幻想的;荒诞不经的例句: He drew fantastic animals with two heads and large wings. 他画了一些长着两个头和巨大翅膀的怪兽。3). very unusual, strange, or unexpected非同寻常的;奇怪的;难以置信的例句: It seemed fa

6、ntastic that they still remembered her 50 years later. 50年过去了,他们依然记得她,这似乎令人难以置信。3. direct adjective & verb. /darekt/ /drekt/adjective1). going in a straight line towards somewhere or someone without stopping or changing direction直通的,直达的例句:Is there a direct train to Edinburgh? 有到爱丁堡的直达列车吗?2). without

7、 anyone or anything else being involved or between直接的例句: She decided to take direct control of the project. 她决定直接管理这个项目。verb1). to control or be in charge of an activity, organization, etc.管理,领导,指挥例句:She directs a large charity. 她主管一家大型慈善机构。2). to be in charge of a film or play and tell the actors h

8、ow to play their parts导演(电影或戏剧);执导例句: He wanted to give up acting and start directing (his own films). 他想放弃表演转而开始干导演(导演自己的电影)。4. feel verb /fil/1). to experience something physical or emotional觉得;感到;体会到例句: How would you feel about moving to a different city? 你觉得搬到另外一座城市去怎么样?2). to have a particular

9、opinion about or attitude towards something认为;相信例句:I feel (that) I should be doing more to help her. 我认为我应该尽更大的力来帮助她。3). to touch something in order to discover something about it触,摸例句:Just feel how cold my hands are! 摸摸我的手有多冷!5. except preposition & conjunction /ksept/not including; but not(表示不包括)除

10、之外例句:The museum is open daily except Monday(s). 博物馆除周一外每天都开放。三、必背短语such as 例如 a couple of 一对;几个,几件at the end of 在末尾 theme park 主题公园on business 出差 roller coaster (游乐场的)过山车,环滑车all year round 全年 places of interest 名胜古迹四、经典句型1. Ive been there before. 之前我已经去过那了。2. I dont think itll be a holiday for me. 我

11、想它对于我来说不会是什么假期了。3. Kitty and her family have gone to Hong Kong.凯蒂和她家人去过香港。4. The film has been on for 20 minutes.电影已经上映20分钟了。5. The best time to go there is in spring or autumn.去那的最好时候是春天或秋天。6. By the way, how long does it take to fly to Chengdu?顺便问一下,飞到成都需要多久时间?三点剖析一、考点1. have/ has been 与have/ has

12、gone 用法的区别1). have/ has been表示去过某地,说话时已从该地回来。例句: He has been to China. 他去过中国。(表示现在他已回来)Have you ever been here before? 你以前到过这儿吗?2). have/ has gone其含义是“到某地去了(还没有回来)”。注意:这种结构不用于第一人称,也不用于第二人称,仅用于第三人称。例句: He has gone to England. 他去了英格兰。(表示他现在不在说话处,他可能在去英格兰的途中,也可能已在英格兰了)A: Wheres Tom?A:汤姆在哪里?B: Hes gone

13、to the shop.B:他到商店去了。A: Has Mary gone there with him?A:玛丽跟他去那里了吗?B: No, she hasnt.B:不,她没有。2. for与since的用法1). for for+时间段常和现在完成时连用,句中谓语动词为延续性动词。例句: I have been a teacher for 10 years.我当教师已经有10年了。2). since since+过去的时间点(如具体的年月日时等)since+一段时间+agosince+从句It is+一段时间+since 从句。例句: I have been here since 1989

14、. 1989年以来我就一直在这儿。I have been here since five months ago. 我自从5个月以前就在这儿了。Ive earned my own living since I was seven. 我自从7岁就自己谋生。It is two years since I graduated from university.自从我大学毕业以来已经有两年了。注意:1). 在现在完成时中,当 时 间 状 语为for two years, since last year, during past three years,等表示“时间段”的短语时,谓语动词要用延续性动词。例句

15、:I have learned English since I came here.我自从来到这儿就学习英语。2). 延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的“时间点”状语连用,可以借助come, begin, get 等短暂性动词来表示一瞬间的动作。例句:从昨天上午八点就开始下雨了。It rained at eight yesterday morning. (误)It began to rain at eight yesterday morning. (正)3). 表示短暂性动作的动词或词组可以转换为相应的表示延续性动作的动词或词组。例:leave be away, borrow keep, buy have, begin/ start be on, die be dead, move to live in ,finish be over, join be in/ be a member of, open sth.

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