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人教版高中英语必修二Unit 3Computers文档格式.docx

1、4Whats the probable relationship of the two speakers?AMother and son.BClassmates.CDoctor and patient.5What do the man think of yesterdays movie?AIts interesting.BIts terrible.CJust soso.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5

2、秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6When did the girl get the new bike?AYesterday.BSome weeks ago.CLast Sunday.7How did the girl get the new bike?AHer parents gave it to her.BA friend gave it to her.CShe bought it herself.8What did the boy think of the new bike?AExpensive.BCheap.CNot so good.听第7段材料,回

3、答第9至11题。9Where is Lucy now?AAt home.BAt school.CIn the station.10How many babies did Lucys aunt have?A1. B2. C3.11Why did Lucy tell a lie to the teacher?ABecause she didnt like to go to school.BBecause she only loves one of the babies.CBecause she hates the teacher.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12What will the m

4、an do next?ALook for a secondhand car.BBuy a new car.CSave money.13How much will John lose if he sells the car?A900 dollars.B1,200 dollars.CAbout 300 dollars.14Who will lend money to the man?AStella. BJohn. CHarry.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15What do you think of the man?ADishonest.BConfusing.CKind.16Which of

5、 the following is NOT true according to the conversation?AThere is a living fly in the soup.BThe man wants to have a meal without any money.CThe man agreed to change another soup.17What will the waitress do?APay back the money to the man.BCall the manager to deal with the problem.CChange another sou

6、p for the man.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18Where will they listen to CDs?AIn the library.BIn the classroom.CIn the open air.19Which of the following wont the members do?APerform in front of other members.BSing or play a musical instrument.CWrite a piece of music.20What will be discussed at the next meeting?A

7、Choosing the members of the committee.BDeciding the programme for the club.CBringing CDs to the meetings.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21This problem is beyond his ability and he cant _ it.Aescape Bhold Cgain Dsolve22Problems _ because there was a lack o

8、f communication.Araised Brose Caroused Darose23So far our company has received more than 300 _ for the six jobs.Asignals Bapplications Cposters Dathletes24Whoever has _ sense knows that smoking is harmful to peoples health.Anormal Bgeneral Ccommon Dusual25As time went _,it became stronger and strong

9、er.Aby Bup Cdown Doff26He must have _ the funny story.I dont think it is true.Apicked up Bturned up Cput up Dmade up27Why are you so anxious?It isnt your problem_.Aon purpose Bin all Con time Dafter all28The hero of the story is an artist in his _,who lived in _.Athirty;the 1930s Bthirties;the 1930C

10、thirty;1930s Dthirties;the 1930s29Why were you absent from the meeting?_ I was ill.AFor BAs CBecause DNow that30Computers,_ having many uses,cannot completely take the place of human beings.Awhich Bthough Cas if Dthat31He had _ little education that he cant teach _ little children.Aso;such Bsuch;suc

11、h Cso;so Dsuch;so32Such good use has been _ his spare time _ his English has improved a lot.Amade in;that Bmade of;whichCmade of;that Dmade out;as33The children _ many times not to go near the lake recently.Ahave told Btold Chave been told Dwere being told34John thinks it wont be long _ he is ready

12、for his new job.Awhen Bafter Cbefore Dsince35Till now,three films _ in our village this month.Ahave shown Bhave been shownCwere shown Dwill be shown第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The famous British inventor George Stephenson was born in 1781 and died in 184

13、8.One of his_36_important inventions was the train.He_37_his first train when he was fortyfour years old.When he was experimenting with the_38_engine on the train,he met with_39_from the government,the newspapers and the gentlemen in the country.They said that the noise and the smoke would_40_cows,h

14、orses and sheep,that the_41_would burst or that the hot coals from it would_42_their houses.At that time,_43_people believed what they said.George Stephenson_44_the people that the train could go on small_45_,could pull carriages _46_goods and passengers and there was _47_ to them.It was a very_48_m

15、atter for him to_49_them believe.However,after _50_,he was able to do it,and the first train that_51_by Stephenson himself_52_what he had said.The first day_53_the people along the way_54_the noises of the train_55_and saw it running quickly to them,they ran back home as quickly as they could and cl

16、osed their doors tightly,for they thought it a genius (妖怪)They did not dare to come out until it had passed.36A.very Ba lot Cmost Dmuch 37A.made Bbought Cintroduced Ddid 38A.electrical Batomic Csteam Doil 39A.success Btroubles Cpeople Dpleasure 40A.kill Bbuy Cinterest Dtake away 41A.smoke Bnoise Cdr

17、iver Dengine 42A.pull down Bblow away Cset fire to Dpass43A.most Bfew Conly a few Dthe rich 44A.said Bspoke Ctold Dwarned 45A.roads Brivers Csteam Drails46A.short of Bfull of Cempty of Dwithout great danger Bdangerous Ca lot of danger Dfew danger 48A.easy Bdifficult Cpleasant Dlight 49A.get B

18、cause Cmake Dforce 50A.sometime Bsome time Ca few times Dsometimes51A.was sold Bwas driven Cwas pulled Dhelped 52A.believed Bseemed Csensed Dproved 53A.of Bwhen Cwhile Dfor 54A.caught sight of Blistened to Cheard Dthought 55A.nearby Bin the distance Con the far Dfrom the distance 第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

19、第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThere are two interesting news items in the paper a few years ago.One was about a man who received a bill from the telephone company for $999,999for three months!The other was about a man who received $2,000 for doing nothing.The connection b

20、etween the two news items is simple:computersthe best invention of the twentieth century.The telephone bill came from a computer which made a terrifying mistake:the mans bill was only $23.36.The other item was not so amusing.A man walked into the unguarded computer room of a large packaged room of c

21、ompany and expertly programmed the computer to pay him $2,000 a month for raw meat which he “supplied”to the company.Of course he never sent the meat,but he certainly received the money.The computer wrote out a bill,and even “signed” it.It was only a random(随便的) check that uncovered the trick.It cou

22、ld be happening in thousands of other companies all over the world.Computers are not the magic workers that some people say they are.They make mistakes,they are sometimes slower than human beings and they are easily fooled.The US used to conscript(征兵) people with the help of a computer.The army sent

23、 out a card,which had to be filled in and sent back.It was easy to avoid being called up(应征入伍) simply by spreading candlewax on the card.The computer couldnt read the card,and did nothing with it.Its in our everyday life that computers cause many problems.Lets get back to using people instead of com

24、puters,before a mistake that we cant put right.56In the first paragraph we know _.Athe paper is telling a lieBthe first sentence is the topic sentenceCthe two news items made people surprisedDif a man did nothing at all for the telephone company,he would still get $2,00057The man was given $2,000 be

25、cause _.Athe computer made a big mistakeBhe worked very hardChe programmed the computer to pay him so much for raw meatDhis work was very difficult to do and the pay was certainly high58The main idea of the second paragraph is _.Acomputers are magic workersBcomputers can do anything as manCcomputers

26、 can write out a bill and even “sign” itDcomputers sometimes also make big mistakes59The writers main idea is that _.Awed better use people instead of computers in our everyday lifeBwe should not use computers because they always make mistakesCcomputers are widely used in our everyday lifeDif we wan

27、t to work well,dont use computersBFor thousands of years,we have looked for ways to measure time.Early humans found that the regular movements of the sun,the earth,the moon,and the stars made good ways to measure time.The rising and setting of the sun were used to distinguish day from night.But,even

28、tually,people needed to tell time more accurately,or exactly.So,by using the suns position in the sky,they divided the day into dawn,morning,midday and evening.Then it was noted that the sun cast a changing shadow as it moved across the sky.Time could be told more accurately by setting up a stick an

29、d marking the positions of the suns shadow.It was the ancient Greeks who divided each position of this “sundial(日晷)” into hours.But the sun doesnt always shine.So,for the past 6,000 years,many other ways of keeping time have been tried.Slowburning candles were divided into hours,and the hourglass was invented.Whe

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