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1、甲方: ,一家依据中华人民共和国法律设立存续的企业,主要营业地址位于 (以下称为“供货商”);乙方: ,一家依据 法律设立存续的企业,主要营业地址位于 (以下称为“经销商”)。WHERE AS, Supplier is in the business of designing, developing, manufacturing, marketing and selling LED lighting products (“Products”). Supplier wishes to engage and sell to Distributor, and Distributor agrees t

2、o the engagement and to purchase from Supplier and promote, market and sell Products in the territory specified herein.鉴于,甲方为一家集LED照明产品的研发、设计、生产制及销售于一体的企业,且希望与乙方建立合作关系并销售产品予乙方,同时乙方同意与甲方建立合作关系并从甲方购买产品在本协议所指定的区域内开展销售、推广业务活动。NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and premises, Supplier

3、 and Distributor agree as follows:因此,甲乙双方经协商达成如下条款约定:Article1. Distributorship 经销合作关系1.1 Supplier hereby appoints Distributor as a non-exclusive distributor of Products (as further set forth in Exhibit A) under the trademark of “ ” in the territory of (“Territory”) to sell the Products to its custom

4、ers, subject to all duties of distributorship reasonably imposed by Supplier, and Distributor hereby accepts such engagement and agrees to be bound by all such duties including without limitation the duties herein.甲方在此授权乙方作为其“ ”商标的产品(如附件一所示)在 区域内的非独家经销商,在授权区域内开展产品销售,并在经销商责任范围内应由其承担的全部责任,乙方同意接受甲方的授权并

5、受愿意受本协议约定及其他应由其负担的义务、责任的约束。1.2 Distributor shall, do its efforts, achieve the sales volume as dollars. If Distributor fails to accomplish seventy percent (70%) of the sales volume, Supplier has the right to cancel Distributors qualification and terminate this agreement.乙方承诺将尽其最大努力在双方合作期内实现 美元的经销目标。若

6、乙方完成的产品销售量未能达到经销目标约定的70%,甲方将有权取消乙方的经销商资格并终止本协议。1.3 Supplier shall supply Products to Distributor exclusively. Distributor shall not, without Supplier written consent, during the period herein and for five (5) years thereafter, purchase Products from any third party.乙方只能选择甲方作为经销产品的独家供货方。未经甲方事先书面同意,在双

7、方合作期间及合作终止后五年内,乙方不得再行选择向其他任何第三方购买经销产品。1.4 The Term of this Agreement shall be for one (1) year from the Effective Date hereof and shall be renewed automatically for one-year terms thereafter unless terminated in accordance with the terms herein or with a written notice of non-renewal by one party to

8、 the other thirty (30) days prior to a given term. The notice must be made by certified mails.本协议项下双方的合作期限自协议签订生效之日起为期一年。若未出现本协议约定的可以提前终止或解除的情形,或一方未在合作期限届满前以书面形式通知对方不再续约的,则本协议于期限届满后自动续约一年。Article2. Duties of Distributor 乙方责任2.1 During the Term hereof, Distributor shall:() exercise best efforts to pr

9、omote, market and sell the Products in the Territory in an effective manner and to maintain and promote the goodwill of Supplier and its Products,() actively participate in any and all marketing activities and promotions initiated and/or sponsored by Supplier subject to Suppliers guidelines,() maint

10、ain competent and aggressive sales and technical personnel to provide for appropriate demonstration and support of the Products including without limitation, effective and timely response to inquiries from the customers regarding the Products care, use, application and related service, () provide to

11、 Supplier weekly inventory of the Products, monthly point-of-sales report and quarterly sales analysis reports. Distributor will furnish such reports to Supplier according to the following schedule: monthly reports within five (5) days after the end of the month, and quarterly reports within ten (10

12、) days after the end of the calendar quarter. All reports shall comprise the quantities of any and all Products sold by Product type including model, number, customer name and address, and such other information pertaining to Distributors sale and distribution hereunder,() Distributor agrees that it

13、 shall keep, for the minimum of two (2) years, customers records and books of accounts relating to its performance hereof. Supplier may inspect, at its own expenses, the documents for Distributors compliance with this Agreement and/or duties otherwise imposed by Supplier or mutually agreed. () Witho

14、ut Suppliers written permission, Distributor and its agents shall not sell Products in or to other territory not specified herein,(VII) not promote, market and sell any products in competition with Products. 在本协议合作期内,乙方应:1、 尽最大努力采取积极有效措施在授权区域内开展甲方产品的销售推广、市场拓展活动,以扩大甲方公司及其产品在该区域的良好声誉;2、 依甲方指导原则要求,积极参与

15、由甲方组织或赞助的各种产品宣传推介或促销活动;3、 乙方应配备充足有效地专职销售及技术人员提供适当的产品展示与技术支持,包括但不限于及时有效反馈处理客户提出的关于产品保养、使用、操作应用等方面的要求及相关服务;4、 乙方应向甲方提供周产品库存报告、月销售报表及季度销售预测报表。乙方应根据以下时间表提交前述报告:月度报告应在当月结束后五日内提交;季度报告应在每季度结束后十日内提交。所有报告应包括已销售产品的数量、规格型号、客户名称、联系地址以及与乙方销售活动或本协议有关其他内容等;5、 乙方承诺对产品客户资料或本合同相关文件等至少保存两年,甲方有权自担费用对乙方履行本协议约定及其责任的情况进行检

16、查。除此之外的其他费用由乙方承担或双方另行协商约定;6、 未经甲方事先书面同意,乙方及其代理机构不得在本协议所授权区域外销售产品;7、 合作期内,乙方不得销售、推广、拓展与甲方产品存在竞争关系的其他任何产品。Article 3: Price 产品价格3.1 Products price mutually agreed at the initial production of a given Product shall remain fixed and can be adjusted solely by Supplier according to the market change (only

17、in the event fluctuation exceeds 5%). The new price shall take effect on the Product yet to deliver.双方应在最初生产的某一批产品的基础上共同商定产品价格并予以确定,且只能由甲方根据市场变化调整产品价格(只有当价格波动超过5%时)新的产品价格于甲方通知后生效执行。3.2 The Products price shall include costs related to the Products including without limitation, packaging, storage, fo

18、rwarding agent and brokerage fees. The Products price shall be net of any taxes, duties and excises, which shall be borne with Distributor.产品价格应包括包装、仓储、货运代理、经纪费等与产品有关的各项成本,不包含应由乙方承担的任何税费、税收。3.3 Supplier agrees to provide Distributor competitive Products price. Distributor shall issue orders on Produ

19、cts for Suppliers acceptance at the Products price then in effect, provided that Supplier shall not be obligated to accept any orders or sell any Products to Distributor if Distributor has yet to honor its payment under any outstanding invoices.甲方同意为乙方提供具有竞争性的产品价格,乙方采购订单的产品价格需在甲方可接受的价格范围内方有效。如果乙方未尚未

20、履行任何付款义务,甲方没有义务接受乙方下达的采购订单或向乙方销售产品。Article 4: Forecast and Purchase Order 需求预估及采购订单下达4.1 Distributor shall provide to Supplier, by fax or e-mail, next month rolling forecast at the turn of each calendar month on and before 10th. Supplier shall confirm the forecast before the 15th of each mouth. In t

21、he event Suppliers capability cannot meet Distributors request, both parties shall discuss and confirm the production quantity of next month on and before the 20th. 乙方应以传真或电子邮件方式于每一日历月十日前滚动向甲方提供下月的生产预估计划,甲方于每月十五日前对计划进行确认。若甲方的产能无法满足乙方要求的,则双方应于每月二十日前商讨并确定产品下月的生产量。4.2 Based on the forecast confirmed by

22、 both parties, Distributor will deliver official purchase order (“PO”) for Products on and before 25th of each month. Distributor shall purchase the minimum of_ units of each Product under a given PO. 在双方已确认的需求预估计划范围内,乙方将在每月二十五日前向甲方下达正式的茶品采购订单,乙方于每一采购订单中所采购的每一种类的产品最少应达到 件。4.3 Distributor shall speci

23、fy in PO Products, quantity, price, delivery date, part number and such other information as the parties may agree from time to time. Distributor can deliver to Supplier the PO by mail, facsimile or any other electronic means as mutually agreed.乙方在采购订单中应明确产品的数量、价格、交货时间、配件数量以及由双方协商同意的其他信息。乙方应通过邮件、传真或

24、双方同意的其他电子数据传送方式向甲方下达采购订单。4.4 The PO shall not be binding on Supplier unless it is accepted by a written confirmation to Distributor or delivery of the Products on the Delivery Date. Supplier will accept any PO that materially conform to the terms hereof. No additional or different terms or condition

25、s proposed by Distributor in the PO shall apply unless agreed to by Supplier in writing. The PO shall not be cancelled or amended by Distributor except in a document signed by both parties.非经甲方书面确认接受或以其行为表明已依订单要求着手准备产品生产交货前,采购订单对甲方不具有约束力,甲方将接受任何与本协议内容实质上一致的采购订单。乙方提出的附加或不同的条件或要求在甲方书面同意接受前不发生法律效力。采购订单

26、一经甲方确认,乙方不得随意取消或修改,除非双方协商同意并签署书面协议。4.5 Supplier shall provide assistance when Distributor requires to modify or replace the original design (except the confirmed PO), provided that any costs and expenses occurs shall be borne by Distributor.于乙方要求变更或修改产品的原始设计(采购订单已确认除外),甲方可提供配合协助,但由此所产生的额外费用及成本应由乙方承担

27、。Article 5: Quality Control 质量控制5.1 Products manufactured by Supplier shall meet the requirements of safety and inspection standards as both parties confirmed. The technology requirements, quality standards, inspection items and rules of Products shall conform to the inspection standards hereof.甲方生产

28、的产品质量应符合双方已确定的产品安全及检验标准要求。产品的技术要求、质量标准、检验项目及检验规则按照双方审核确认的检验标准执行。5.2 Any kinds of products inspected and qualified by the authoritative testing agency will be sealed by both parties and be kept by Supplier for acceptance. Products quality will be synthetically judged in accordance with national stand

29、ards, industrial standards or enterprise standards of Supplier.乙方提供的各种型号的产品经双方共同认可的权威检测机构检测合格后,将由双方封存样品交予甲方保存。若双方对产品质量发生争议时,则以国家标准、行业标准及甲方的企业标准进行综合分析判定。5.3 If Distributor submits product samples to perform related test and certification, all costs and charges occur thereof shall be borne by Distribu

30、tor. Distributor shall, by appropriate way, inform the testing or certification agency that the products are researched, developed, designed, manufactured and provided by Supplier, which shall be showed clearly in the identification results. The identification results can be solely used to carry out

31、 for purpose of this agreement.若乙方需要提供样品进行相关的检测或认证,因此所发生的所有费用和成本由乙方承担。同时,乙方应通过适当方式告知检测或认证机构并在检测或认证结果中明确表明:该产品是系甲方负责研究、开发、设计、生产提供的。但该检测或认证结果仅能为实现本协议目的使用。5.4 Distributor shall imburse Supplier all costs and charges which shall be borne with Supplier caused in the process of product quality control undertook by Dist

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