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1、目 录1.课题分析 32.检索策略、检索步骤及检索结果 32.1选择检索工具 32.2选择检索词 42.3检索式、检索步骤及检索结果 42.3.1中国知网(CNKI)或维普期刊资源整合服务平台(期刊论文) 42.3.2超星电子图书或读秀学术搜索(图书) 52.3.3 EBSCO或Springer或Emerald(期刊论文) 62.3.4其他数字资源(学位论文或事实数值型数据库等) 82.3.5 馆藏图书 92.3.6XX或google(图书期刊以外的网络资源) 113.资料阅读 134.文献综述 155.排版格式: 226.课题组成员分工及成绩(必填) 267.课程报告注意事项 278.课题组

2、成员分工及成绩(必填) 279.学习本门课程的体会、意见或建议 281.课题分析(1)选题理由: 饮食文化是人类社会发展过程中,关于食物需求、生产和消费方面的文化现象,既包括人与自然的关系,也包括食物与人类社会的关系。由于我国自然环境、气候条件、民族习俗等的地域差异,各地区和各民族在饮食结构和饮食习惯上又有所不同 , 其饮食文化更是丰富多彩,各个地区别具风格。地理学对饮食文化的研究强调饮食文化所反映的人地关系、地理环境对饮食文化的影响及饮食文化的地理分异规律等。进入新世纪以来,国人也更加关注饮食文化,合理膳食的问题,特别是我国地域辽阔,地方饮食文化各具特色,研究各地饮食文化的著作越来越多。(2


4、选择检索词从课题字面选从课题内涵选(同义词、近义词、上下位词)饮食食物(上位词)饮食文化饮食民俗(同义词)地理环境地域特征(近义词)其他关键词中国、关系(限定词)2.3检索式、检索步骤及检索结果2.3.1中国知网(CNKI)或维普期刊资源整合服务平台(期刊论文) 1.姚伟均.长江流域的地理环境与饮食文化J.中国文化研究,2002,(01). 摘要:长江流域是中华农业文明的发祥地 ,也是中华名馔的摇篮。本文从文化地理学出发,主要探讨长江流域的饮食文化与其地域之间的关系,并拟将长江流域饮食文化作为一个有机整体,一个生动活泼的系统,全面把握和综合研究长江流域饮食文化在这个特殊地域环境中形成、发展和各

5、个不同区域饮食文化分异的过程、联系及其规律性,继而构筑未来长江流域饮食文化的创新之路。 2.蔡晓梅,司徒尚纪.广东少数民族饮食文化特质及影响研究J.热带地理,2008(02).壮、瑶、畲族是广东的世居少数民族,其饮食文化特质具有自身的独特性。壮族饮食结构以水稻为主,玉米、番薯和麦类为辅,副食品种包罗万象,饮料以酒为主;瑶族喜食糯米、山珍野味和油茶;畲族以玉米、番薯等五谷杂粮为主食,喜食黄米粿,喜饮三道茶。少数民族饮食文化随着经济的发展、地理环境的改变、社会文化的进步,某些饮食文化特质慢慢消失,但却通过一些隐性或显性的形式反映在作为强势的广府、潮汕、客家三大汉族饮食文化民系上。广东少数民族饮食文

6、化和三大汉民系饮食文化相互影响,彼此交融,异中有同,同中有异,融而不合,各自又保留着原有主体饮食文化特质。 3.朱国兴,金生琅,孙克奎.徽州菜肴的地理表征及感知分析J.地理研究,2011(12).菜肴是饮食文化中最具有代表性的部分,自然地理条件为菜肴的形成和发展提供了可能性与现实性,并在一定的人文地理环境下改进与发扬,形成菜系的特色。起源宋代,清朝至民国达到鼎盛、诞生于安徽南部的徽菜地方特色显著,擅长烹制山珍野味,菜品咸鲜、突出本味,讲究食补与养生,烹制过程中讲究重油、重色、重火功,充分反映着徽州山区地理环境对菜肴特征的影响,通过徽商的推广跻身于我国的八大菜系之列。本文在徽菜发源地进行了调研和

7、问卷调查,并进行徽菜的感知差异分析,指出随着现代生产方式与生活条件的改变,尤其是随着旅游业的兴起和人们对健康的日益重视,徽菜既需要不断进行改良,也将迎来新的发展契机。 4.陈伟明.古代华南少数民族的饮食消费与民俗文化J.贵州民族研究,1998(02).本文从主食副食的生产消费及饮食民俗方面,阐述与探讨了古代华南少数民族的饮食文化活动与特点,以从更多方面反映古代华南少数民族社会经济文化生活发展的状况与特色。 5.尕藏才旦.高原地理与青藏文化圈J.西北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版.汉文),1996(03).高原地理与青藏文化圈尕藏才旦以青藏高原地域命名的青藏文化圈,被国内外学术界共认为是一种有独特

8、色彩、内涵丰富的文化形态。是中华民族文化宝库中一颗鲜亮夺目的宝石。青藏文化圈套的形成过程中,地理环境的影响如何?它们之间的关系又是什么?学术界对此问津的论文还.2.3.2超星电子图书或读秀学术搜索(图书) 1.张宇光编著.吃到公元前:中国饮食文化溯源M.北京:中国国际广播出版社,2009.1本书全面介绍中国古代饮食文化,内容涉及古代的食祖、食材、饮食典故、宴饮及珍贵的饮食文献精选,通过追溯中国饮食的文化渊源、讲述古人与饮食的不解之缘,来梳理中国饮食文化的面貌,对年轻人、白领,以及对美食感兴趣的读者了解传统,丰富知识,开阔文化视野,激发对古代 2.华国梁等主编.中国饮食文化M.大连:东北财经大学

9、出版社,2002.12中等职业教育国家规划教材 旅游服务与管理专业系列教材:本书是旅游服务与管理专业主干课系列教材之一。主要内容包括:中国饮食文化概论;中国饮食文化发展源流;中国饮食风味流派;中国饮食原料与烹饪技法等。 3.李炳泽著.多味的餐桌中国少数民族饮食文化M.北京:北京出版社,2000本书以中国少数民族的饮食文化现象食品的制作、餐具的选择、饮食的特点、进食场面的讲究等为对象,揭示了各民族独特的历史、信仰等文化内涵、展示了各民族之间互相交流、共同发展的美好前景。 4.王利华著.中古华北饮食文化的变迁M,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2000.11本书以中古时期的华北地区为限,探讨了中古华北的

10、生存环境、食物原料构成的变化、食品加工技术的发展、烹饪方法与膳食构成、饮料的革命、文人雅士与饮食文化的嬗变等。 5.李自然著.生态文化与人:满族传统饮食文化研究M,北京:民族出版社,2003.3本书作者主要分析了满族及其先民在不同时期吃什么、怎么吃和为什么吃,同时叙述了满族饮食时间轴的发展历程,叙述了清宫满汉全席的礼仪、器具和上菜程序等横断面的内容。2.3.3 EBSCO或Springer或Emerald(期刊论文) 1.C. Bonacina, A. Pasteris, G. Bonomi and D. Marzuoli.Quantitative observations on the po

11、pulation ecology of Branchiura sowerbyi (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae). Hydrobiologia Volume 278, Numbers 1-3, 267-274, DOI: 10.1007/BF00142334. Abstract: Cohorts of Branchiura sowerbyi were reared at different temperatures and initial population densities in order to obtain data suitable for the interp

12、retation of population dynamics in field populations. Percent hatching from cocoons reaches its maximum at 25 C and decreases towards lower and higher temperatures. Embryonic development time, TE, was measured and the relative threshold temperature, 10 C, calculated by extrapolation. The degree day

13、requirement for embryo development is 195 C d. The time of first cocoon laying (Tgm) was observed and the ratio TE/Tgm was seen to fit with that of other tubificid species cultured so far. Embryo mortality is rather high, while worm mortality is low or very low. Fecundity increases from 15 to 20 C b

14、ut decreases at 25 C. A mathematical model for the simulation of population densities with four size-stage compartments is suggested. It could be used for the optimization of worm uptake (simulated as stage specific mortality) in mass cultures reared for the production of Branchiura, to be used as f

15、ood for fish fingerlings. 2. Nuria Navarro, Manuel Yfera and Manuel Garca-Gallego.Use of freeze-dried microalgae for rearing gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., larvae. II. Biochemical composition. Hydrobiologia,Volume 452, Numbers 1-3, 69-77, DOI: 10.1023/A: 1011971810072. The objectives of this s

16、tudy were to test whether freeze-dried microalgae are nutritionally adequate for rearing rotifers as food for gilthead seabream larvae. The elemental composition (C, N, H) and fatty acid composition were analysed in larvae of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., rotifers Brachionus plicatilis and Br

17、achionus rotundiformis and freeze-dried microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata. Four larval feeding treatments were tested: (A) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with freeze-dried microalgae and daily addition of freeze-dried microalgae to the larval tanks; (B) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with freeze-dr

18、ied microalgae and daily addition of live microalgae to the larval tanks; (C) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with freeze-dried microalgae, without addition of microalgae to the larval tank and (D) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with live microalgae and daily addition of live microalgae to the larval

19、 tanks. No significant differences were observed between the biochemical composition of larvae with treatment A (with freeze-dried microalgae) and the composition of larvae in treatment D that were obtained with the acceptable methods for culture systems (with live microalgae). 3. Navarrete-Bolaos J

20、os Luis, Jimnez-Islas Hugo, Botello-Alvarez Enrique, Rico-Martnez Ramiro and Paredes-Lpez Octavio. An optimization study of solid-state fermentation: xanthophylls extraction from marigold flowers. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Volume 65, Number 4, 383-390, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-004-1615-5 Mar

21、igold flowers are the main natural source of xanthophylls, and marigold saponified extract is used as an additive in several food and pharmaceutical industries. In this work, the use of a solid-state fermentation (ensilage) process for increasing the yield of xanthophylls extracted from fermented ma

22、rigold flowers was examined. The process consisted of a mixed culture of three microorganisms (Flavobacterium IIb, Acinetobacter anitratus, and Rhizopus nigricans), part of the normal microbiota associated with the marigold flower. These microorganisms had been previously isolated, and were identifi

23、ed as relevant for the ensilage process due to their capacity to produce cellulolytic enzymes. Based on experimental design strategies, optimum operation values were determined for aeration, moisture, agitation, and marigold-to-inoculum ratio in the proposed solid-state fermentation equipment, leadi

24、ng to a xanthophylls yield of 17.8-g/kg dry weight. The optimum achieved represents a 65% increase with respect to the control. HPLC analysis indicated conservation of extracted oleoresin. Based on the experimental results, interactions were identified that could be associated with the heat and mass

25、-transfer reactions taking place within the bioreactor. The insight gained allows conditions that limit growth and metabolic activity to be avoided. 4. Chaone Mallory. Locating Ecofeminism in Encounters with Food and Place. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics DOI: 10.1007/s10806-011-937

26、3-8Online First. This article explores the relationship between ecofeminism, food, and the philosophy of place. Using as example my own neighborhood in a racially integrated area of Philadelphia with a thriving local foods movement that nonetheless is nearly exclusively white and in which women are

27、the invisible majority of purchasers, farmers, and preparers, the article examines what ecofeminism contributes to the discussion of racial, gendered, classed discrepancies regarding who does and does not participate in practices of locavorism and the local foods movement more broadly. Ecofeminism,

28、it is argued here, with its focus on the ways that race, class, gender, and place are ontologically entangled, helps to highlight the ways identity and society are made and re-made through our encounters with food. 5. Robert W. Pemberton and Nam Sook Lee. Wild food plants in South Korea; market pres

29、ence, new crops, and exports to the United States. Economic Botany Volume 50, Number 1, 57-70, DOI: 10.1007/BF02862113. South Korean food markets were examined for the presence of wildgathered food plants between 1989 and 1995. One hundred twelve species belonging to 83 genera and 40 families were f

30、ound. Plants used as leafy vegetables were the most common (73.2%), followed by fruits (22.3%), root vegetables (6.2%) and flower foods (4.4%). Nearly half of these plant species belonged to three families: Asteraceae (29) Liliaceae (10) and Apiaceae (7). As of 1992, 19 of these wild foods were also

31、 being grown as new crops, a development that involved more than 25000 farm households. At least eleven of these wild food plants were exported to the United States in 1994, where they are sold by Korean food markets.2.3.4其他数字资源(学位论文或事实数值型数据库等) 1.史红梅.地理教学中我国地域饮食文化差异研究D.河北师范大学,2010.民以食为天,一方水土养一方人。人类发展的悠久历史以及复杂多样的地域

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