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1、解题思路一:依据首句线索,紧扣主题选择。 首句通常是文章的主题句,通常不设空,便于考生对短文主题、内容或背景有个大概了解。它的目的是向考生提供时间、地点、人物、事件、论点等有用的信息。把握了主题句, 对于理解全文和解题很有帮助。If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls and you tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect interest in romance among the artists. 51 , you would see pl

2、enty of animals with people running after them. Life for ancient peoples earned to center on hunting and gathering wild foods for meals.51. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Moreover D. OtherwiseResearch has shown that two-thirds of human conversation is taken up not with discussion of the cultural or poli

3、tical problems of the day, not heated debates about films weve just watched or books weve just finished reading, but plain and simple _51_.51. A. claim B. description C. gossip D. language解题思路二:顺应文意, 定位选词。 做题时, 要充分利用上下文, 找到有提示作用的词。这些词可以是同义词、近义词或反义词, 也可以是并列连词或转折连词等等。Many people think that listening i

4、s a passive business. It is just the 51 one. Listening well is an active exercise of our attention and hard work.51.A. positive B. opposite C. same D. wrongMore than 2,400 years ago, the Greek historian Herodotus described the Egyptian pyramids and other monuments. He may have been the first writer

5、to consider that remains and _52_ could provide information for later generations.The continuous presentation of frightening stories about global warming in the popular media makes us unnecessarily frightened. Even worse, it _51_ our kids.51. A. exhausts B. depresses C. terrifies D. exploits解题思路三:注意

6、固定搭配,常用句型。包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。 The department for Education and Skills wants to 60 teaching of modem foreign languages (MFT) at an earlier stage in the future. Primary school children will get greater 61 to foreign language learning.60. A. permit B. encourage C. demand D.

7、offer61. A. admission B. access C. chance D. approach解析:教育与技术部门将来打算在教育更早阶段提供外语教学,所以60选D。61题考查固定搭配access to的用法,学生需要总结相关access的搭配,have access to 或者offer access to,to是介词。That also explains why schools and companies organize challenging trips and physical activities to _62_ team spirit.62. A. build up B

8、. put down C. take over D. make outA _60_ of people now believe incorrectly that global warming is not even caused by humans.60. A. mixture B. majority C. quantity D. crowd解题思路四:注意同形词的辨析。Digital fingerprinting, fluctuations(波动)in the dollar exchange rate, and a mass of online information are some of

9、 the ways making travel to the United Nations in 2010 a different_51_ for international visitors than it was earlier in the 21st century.51. A. experiment B. examination C. experience D. excursionA traveler from a country_60_ in the VWP must obtain an Electronic System for Travel Authorization(ESTA)

10、, an online travel authorization, established by DHS. ESTA determines, before the traveler boards a flight, whether the traveler is_61_to travel to the United States under the VWP and whether such travel poses any law implementation or security risks.60.A.persevering B. previewing C. participating D

11、. promoting61.A.accessible B. acceptable C. available D. adaptable解题思路五:根据生活常识以及文化背景确定选项。EFL teachers often complain that students, despite years of studying English, simply will not speak it. Theyre too _63_ making mistakes of the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would _64_ them.63. A.

12、 confident in B. comfortable with C. keen on D. afraid of64. A. amuse B. inform C. remind D. embarrass解题思路六: 利用原词复现或同现, 选择最佳选项。1. 在完形填空中, 某一词语通常重复出现, 使得语篇中的句子相互衔接和连贯, 从而构成一个完整的意义整体。First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to _ six windows.A. rub B. drop C. break D. clean

13、2. 同现指意义上相互联系的单词同时出现在同一语篇中。一个语篇,一个话题,要求有与之相连的词汇。1)名词同现:与一个话题或一个名词出现在同一个语境的另一个名词。如:school-primary schoolmiddle schoolcollegeuniversity studentspupilsgraduatespostgraduates2)动词同现:与一个话题或一个名词出现在同一个语境的另一个动词。schoolteachlearnattendfounddrop outgraduatebe dismissed3) 形容词同现; 就某一语境而言所能出现的形容词也是有规律的。 在学校这个语境中:(

14、key)school(optional)course(compulsory)course4)结构同现: 结构同现批搭配之类的句型和成对出现的短语。some,others; on one hand,on the other hand; former,latter; sothat; not onlybut also; hardly/scarcelywhen; no soonerthan; be about to do /be doing /had done /be on the point of doing/be to do/be ready to do/be on the way when;I

15、put my head in, expecting the worst. But to my surprise, the room wasnt empty at all. It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and even paintings on the wall. And then on the well-made bed sat Amy, my new _, dressed neatly.A. roommate B. classmate C. neighbor D. companionThe 60 Knows.Smell, however, does s

16、eem to play a part in human attraction.60. A. Nose B. Eye C. Heart D. Hand解题思路七:仔细分析长难句。找出句子主干,主从句,定语状语等。In todays American society, high school dropout has day by day grown into a big problem threatening social and economic stability, as many cases of family _51_ or even tragedies, caused by youth

17、dropout are grabbing headlines in media.51.A. objections B. conflicts C. establishments D. happiness答案: B。 长难句分析, 第一层是as 引导的原因状语从句,主句是school dropout has grown into a big problem. 后面紧跟 动名词做定语。 As 从句中 caused 过去分词作后置定语。在进行句子分析时,一定注意把定语等找出来。In many countries, the language of education is not the same as

18、 the language of the home for 53 the majority of children . Furthermore, in many countries, young language learners comprise the most rapidly growing segment of the elementary (primary) school population. 54 While in some schools there is no extra support to help young language learners acquire the

19、language of instruction, in most countries where there are large numbers of young learners, there is a _55_ awareness of their special needs.55. A. reducing B. watching C. growing D. slipping 55题根据前文可以推断出选C. growing 表示提高的意识。可以对这个长句子进行长难句分析:首先是while 引导的让步状语从句。 在while 从句中运用了help sb do sth 的结构。 在主句中,wh

20、ere 引导的定语从句,先行词是countries.解题思路八:仔细推敲, 注重逻辑。做完完形填空题后,要根据所选答案迅速地把文章完整地读一遍, 看语法、惯用法对不对;看是否符合上下文的逻辑; 看是否符合故事情节的发展,以便更正可能的错误选择。一个完整的语篇应该是符合逻辑的,文章逻辑关系的取得主要靠过渡词的使用。作者利用转承语保证文章的逻辑,学生在做完形填空时应通过自己对上下文的理解,找到适当的逻辑关系,然后选择正确的过渡词。学生必掌握常见的过渡词:1. 递进in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, whats more

21、, whats worse, to make matters worse, to make things worse , worse still2.比较in the same way, as with, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as3.对照in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, on the contrary, while4.因果because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, tha

22、nks to, as a result (of), so, thus5.强调certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, especially,in particular, absolutely6.让步although, though, after all, in spite of7.举例for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illus

23、tration.8. 时间和空间afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, finally, at lastoutside, near, beyond, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of9. 总结to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, in summary表示转折关系:例1:a survey of 99 green buildings

24、in America found that on average, they use 30% less energy than conventional buildings. . The traditional approach of trying to minimize construction costs, _58_, can lead to higher energy bills and wasted materials.58. A. in return B. for instance C. by contrast D. in general答案解析:绿色建筑比传统建筑少用30%的能源,

25、与之形成对比的是,传统建筑会导致更高的能源成本及材料的浪费。所以选C,与上文形成转折对比。例2:The following numbers would be 55 for most of us to remember. 1492178919931848. But look at them in chunks, and it becomes much easier. 1492 1789 1993 1848.55. A. convenient B. impossible C. meaningful D. technical两句之间的But表明是转折关系,下文出现了it becomes much e

26、asier,所以此空要填的词与easier形成对比,即选B,impossible。表示因果关系:_51_ its artful design and some fancy technology, it is expected to consume up to 50% less energy than a conventional office building.51. A. In place of B. Thanks to C. In spite of D. In addition to句意是由于艺术性的设计及奇特的技术,环保建筑大楼比传统的办公大楼少消耗50%的能源,所以此空可得出答案为B。

27、a survey of 99 green buildings in America found that on average, they use 30% less energy than conventional buildings. So any additional building costs can be _57_ quickly.57. A. recovered B. gained C. counted D. valued绿色建筑比传统建筑少用30%能源,所以增加的建筑成本可以很快回收。提示词So,表明上下文为因果关系,所以选A.表示并列关系: improve employees

28、health and productivity, reduce legal liability, and _56_ property values and rental returns.56. A. involve B. enhance C. share D. show绿色环保建筑能够改善员工的健康及生产力,并且增加建筑的价值及租金回报,根据and可看出此空是与前面的improve构成并列。四个选项中 ,只有B表示增强或提高,所以答案为B。表示条件关系:Life would be so much easier if we could remember things 51 .51. A. eff

29、ortlessly B. purposefully C. exactly D. carelessly生活将变的更容易,如果记忆不费力气。所以选A。表示解说关系:there is nothing 61about these methods- they were around even in ancient times.61. A. effective B. awful C. valuable D. new这些方法没有什么新颖之处-他们在古代就已经有了。句中的破折号表示解释说明,所以选D。3、课堂练习A、Two Newcastle scientists are setting themselves

30、 to open our eyes to the medical truth by claiming that natural sunlight may help prevent skin cancer.(主旨句)Dr. Ron Laura, professor of health education at Newcastle University, and senior chemist Mr. John Ashton said their research points to a complete _51_(前文提到的自然阳光有助于防止皮肤癌,下文提到防晒霜会引起皮肤癌,前后相反的争议故选用reversal)of the accepted scientific theory. They said that sunscreen creams may help cause skin cancer, the artificial indoor light could be _52_(人造的室内光线与自然地阳光光线形成对比,故用harmful)and that a range

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