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1、船舶结构与设备常用英语词汇 船舶结构与设备-1 Terms relating to a ships hull 有关船体的术语 The main deck 主甲板 Frame 肋骨,框架 Bow船首 Stern 船尾 Watertight compartment 水密舱 Bulkhead舱壁 Tweendeck 二层甲板 The fore peak tank首尖舱 The after peak tank尾尖舱 Double bottom tank双层底舱 Amidships船中 Quarter 船尾 Overall Length (LOA) 总长 Length between perpendic

2、ulars (LBP) 两柱间长 ) Registered length 登记长度 Freeboard 干舷 Draught (draft)吃水 Extreme breadth全宽,船舶最大宽度 Registered breadth 登记宽度 Terms relating to superstructure 有关上层建筑的术语 Forecastle 船首楼 Poop 船尾楼 * Shaft tunnel 地轴弄,轴隧 Air draught 水面上高度 Under keel clearance (龙骨下)富余水深 Jackstaff 船首旗杆 Mast 主桅 Samson post 将军柱 F

3、unnel 烟囱 Ensign 船尾旗 Terms relating to a ships movement有关船舶运动的术语 Pitching 纵摇 Rolling 横摇 Surging 纵荡,涌动(船先向前动,再向后动) 】 Swaying 横荡(船先向左移动,再向右动) Yawing 偏荡(船头先向左动,再向右动) Heaving 船上下起浮 Headway 前进 Sternway 后退 Leeway 偏航 To overhaul 赶上,追上 To fall astern 落后: To heave (hove or heaved) to 顶风停船 To bear away 避开风而改变航

4、向 Terms relating to weighting anchor 有关起锚的术语 Compressor or bow stopper 锚链制,船首制链器】 Devils claw 锚链制 Spurling pipe 锚链管 Bollard (码头,突堤或水中的)系缆桩 Bitt 系缆桩! Windlass 起锚机 Capstan 绞盘 Fairlead 导缆器 Roller fairlead 滚柱导缆器、 Goggle 护目镜 Hawse pipe 锚链筒 Anchor ball/anchor light 锚球/锚灯 Terms relating to cargo handling g

5、ear 有关起货机的术语* Rope sling 绳吊索 Canvas sling 帆布吊兜 Board sling 吊货盘 Snotter (=snorter) 单套绳,(两端带眼环的)吊货索 Chain sling 吊链,钓钩 Plate clamp (吊钢板用的)钢板夹钳 Can hook吊 桶钩 Tray 吊货盘) Box 吊货箱 Net 吊货网 Car sling 吊车索 Heavy lifting beam 重吊杆、 Samson 吊杆柱,将军柱 Standing guy 稳索 Cargo runner 吊货钢丝 Derrick plumbing hatch 吊杆支撑- Bulwa

6、rk 舷墙 Outboard derrick 伸出舷外的吊杆 Terms relating to hatchways 有关舱口的术语 Hatch beam 舱口(活动)梁。 Bean bolt 横梁销钉 Hatch cover 舱盖 Hatch batten 舱围压条 Wooden wedge 木楔( Beam socket 舱口(活动)梁座 End coaming 舱口端围板 Ring balt 带环螺栓 Side coaming 舱口侧围板 Cleat 导缆钳,羊角 Description of lowering a lifeboat 有关放艇的术语 Coxswain 艇长 Fall in

7、 集合: Number off 点名 Harbor pin 艇首缆销 The plug is shipped 解脱塞子 Toggle painter 艇首缆系桩, Gripes 救生艇固定索 Embarkation deck 登艇甲板 Tricing pennants 艇吊绳 Bowsing tackles 绞辘滑车 Cradle 吊艇架 Bridge equipment 驾驶台设备 Pulse 脉冲船舶结构与设备-2 Personal life-saving appliancesnamemeaning1. Lifebuoys救生圈2. Lifebuoy self-igniting light

8、s救生圈自亮灯3. Lifebuoy self-activating smoke signals救生圈自发烟雾信号4. Buoyant lifelines可浮救生索5. Lifejackets救生衣6. Inflatable lifejacket气胀式救生衣7. Lifejacket lights救生衣灯8. Immersion suits浸水服9. Anti-exposure suits抗暴露服10. Thermal protective aids保温用具*Visual signalsnamemeaning1. Rocket parachute flares火箭降落伞火焰信号2. Hand

9、flares手持火焰信号!3. Buoyant smoke signals漂浮烟雾信号Survival craftnamemeaning1. Davit-launched liferaft吊架降落救生筏&2. Inflatable liferafts气胀式救生筏3. Rigid liferafts刚性救生筏The normal equipment of every liferaft shall consist of:EquipmentMeaning1. one buoyant rescue quoit可浮救助环一个2. one nonfolding knife非折叠式小刀一把3. one bu

10、oyant bailer可浮水瓢一个4. two sponges海绵两块、5. two sea-anchors 海锚两个6. two buoyant paddles可浮手划桨两个7. three tin-openers and a pair of scissors开罐刀三把、剪刀一把8. one first-aid outfit急救药包一套9. one whistle笛哨一个10. four rocket parachute flares火箭降落伞火焰信号四支11. six hand flares手持火焰信号六个12. two buoyant smoke signals漂浮烟雾信号两个。13.

11、 one waterproof electric torch防水手电筒一只14. one radar reflector雷达反射器一个15. one daylight signaling mirror日光信号镜一面16. one copy of life-saving signals救生信号表复印件一份,17. one set of fishing tackle鱼具一套18. food ration口粮19. watertight receptacles防水容器20. one rustproof graduated drinking vessel不锈饮料量杯一只:21. anti-seasic

12、kness medicine(for 48h)防晕船药(48h量)22. instructions on how to survive救生方法须知23. instructions for immediate action紧急行动须知24. thermal protective aids保温用具【The normal equipment of every lifeboat shall consist of:namemeaning1. buoyant oars可浮桨2. two boat-hooks带艇钩两支3. a buoyant bailer and two buckets可浮水瓢一支,水桶两

13、支4. a survival manual救生手册一本5. an operational compass罗经一个6. a sea-anchor海锚一个*7. two painters系艇索两跟8. two hatchets太平斧两把9. watertight receptacles水密容器10. a rustproof dipper with lanyard不锈水斗一个11. a rustproof graduated drinking vessel不锈饮水量杯一个12. food ration口粮13. four rocket parachute flares火箭降落伞火焰信号四支14. s

14、ix hand flares手持火焰信号六支:15. two buoyant smoke signals漂浮烟雾信号两支16. one waterproof electric torch防水手电筒一个17. one daylight signaling mirror日光信号灯一个18. one copy of life-saving signals救生信号表复印件19. one whistle哨笛一个20. a first aid outfit急救箱一个21. anti-seasickness medicine防晕船药22. a jack-knife水手刀一把23. three tin-ope

15、rate开罐器三把24. two buoyant rescue quoits可浮救助环两个25. a manual pump手摇泵一个26. one set of fishing tackle钓鱼具一套|27. sufficient tools工具28. portable fire-extinguishing equipment便携式灭火器29. a searchlight探照灯一个30. a radar reflector雷达反射器一个31. thermal protective aids保温用具船舶结构与设备3Sonar system 声呐系统Radar scanner 雷达天线Inter

16、pretation of the picture on the screen 荧光屏图像的理解Homing beacon 导引指向标Hyperbolic Positioning systems 双曲线定位系统Steering gear and autopilot 舵机和自动舵%Rudder angle indicator 舵角指示器Periscope 潜望镜Compass deviation card 磁罗经自差卡片Gyro compass error 陀螺罗经差、Digital selective calling (DSC) 数字选择性呼叫Search And Rescue 搜索和救助NAV

17、TEX receiver 航行电传接收机Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) 应急无线电示位标Life-saving appliances 救生设备Personal life-saving appliances 个人救生设备Not more than /not less than 不大于/不小于(Outer diameter / inner diameter 外径/内径hang 挂 hung hungmelt 融化 melted melted /moltenInherently buoyant material 自然浮力材料The

18、 quick release arrangement 快速抛投装置】think 思考 thought thoughtThe self-activated smoke signals 自发烟雾信号melt 融化 melted melted /moltenSelf-igniting light 自亮灯hit 打 hit hitGrabline 把手索eat 吃 ate eatenLuminous intensity 光强度Drop test 投落实验write 书写 wrote writtenIn a seaway 在海浪中)cut 割 cut cutSwamp 淹没lay 放置 laid lai

19、dBuoyant lifelines 可浮救生素Be non-linking 不打纽结)Breaking strength 破断强度Don 穿上Dislodge 移位,驱逐Cord 绳索;Inflatable lifejacket 气胀式救生衣A lifejacket which depends on inflation for buoyancy 靠充气作浮力的救生衣Lifejacket lights 救生衣灯Immersion suits 浸水服/Thermal performance 热性能Anti-exposure suits 抗暴露服Inherent buoyancy 固有浮力)Hoo

20、d 防护罩Lateral field of vision 侧向视野Visual signals 视觉信号Rocket parachute flares 火箭降落伞火焰信号%Water-resistant casing 防水包装Integral means of ignition 具有完整的点焰装置Trajectory 弹道Rate of descent 降落速度Hand flares 手持火焰信号Residue 残渣Buoyant smoke signals 漂浮烟雾信号Survival craft 救生筏General requirements for liferaft 救生筏的总体要求Da

21、vit-launched liferaft 吊架降落救生筏Inflatable liferaft 气胀式救生筏Main buoyancy chamber 主浮力舱/Nonreturn inflation valve 止回充气阀 Non-toxic gas 无毒气体Ambient temperature 环境温度Rigid liferaft 刚性救生筏。Emergency pack 应急袋Lifeboat 救生艇Fire-retardant or non-combustible 阻燃或不燃Lifeboat equipment 救生艇设备;Rescue boats 救助艇Strecher 担架Ot

22、her life-saving appliances: Line-throwing appliance 其他救生设备Line-throwing appliance 抛缆设备Projectile 射弹,抛绳体Muster list and emergency instructions 应变部署表与应变须知Muster list 应变部署表The general emergency alarm 通用紧急警报信号Trappe 陷在Watertight door 水密门Fire door 防火门Scupper 排水孔阀门Sidescuttle 船舷小窗Skylight 天窗Porthole 舷窗Pas

23、sageway 通道Stairway 楼梯道Fire protection 防火Checking status of equipment 设备检查Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems 固定式气体灭火系统Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems 固定式探火和失火报警系统Have fire patrols 进行消防巡逻Have permanent fire watch 进行固定消防值班Check fire/smoke alarms 检查火焰烟雾报警器Portable extinguisher 手提式灭火器Fire main 消防总管Hydrant 消防栓Nozzle 喷嘴Fire pump 消防泵Fixed foam/gas fire extinguishing system 固定式泡沫/气体灭火系统Sprinkler system 喷洒灭火系统Ventilation system 通风系统Damper 调节风门Emergency power supply 应急电源Firemens outfit 消防员装备Breathing apparatus 氧气面罩Smoke helmet 防毒面罩Fire fighting and drills 消防和演习Toxic 有毒的

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