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1、版步步为赢导学案含中考真题人教版九年级英语Un【2012 版步步为“赢”导学案含 2011 中考真题】人教版九年级英语 UnUNIT 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.一、学习目标学会用 used to 名型谈论自己和他人过去的习惯、爱好、形象及经常做的事情。学会使用 used to 句型的疑问句式及其答语,并能够进行口头问答。二、知识概览图类别课程标准要求掌握的内容必备单词名词:insect,candy,gum,death,airplane 动词:terrify,chewchat,cause,waste 形容词;daily,patient 副词:exactl

2、y 反身代词:himself 常考短语used to,go to sleep,in the end,to ones surprise,even though,no longer,take prideinpay attention to,give up,be interested in,be terrified ofmake adecisionnotanymore 经典句型1You used to be short,didnt you?2I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends3It will make you str

3、essed out4It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot5Did you use to play soccer?6,I didnt use to like tests重点语法used to 的用法三、新课导引四、教材精华 SECTION B1I dont worry about tests我不担心考试。worry about sb.sth为某人某事而焦虑、烦恼、担心,扭心某人某事She always worries about some little things她总是为一些小事而烦恼。Dont worry about your son and he i

4、s well.不要为你儿子担心,他很好。拓展worry 的过去分词可转化为形容词使用,构成 be worried about,相当于 worryabout。2I used to eat candy all the time. Did you?我过去总是吃糖。你呢?(1)all the time”一直,总是”,通常位于句子末尾。Look! the monkeys jump up and down all the time看!猴子们一直在上蹿下跳。注意 all the time 和 always 都表示”一直,总是”但用法略有差别。always 侧重于频率,表示周期性的规律,舍有”每逢.都是”的意

5、思。The sun always rises in the east大阳总是从东方升起。all the time 侧重于一段时间内连续的动作,或时间上的不间断,表示始终如一、没有停止。来源:It rained all the time雨一直下令不停。另外,always 和 all the time 在,句中的位置不同,always 通常位于实义动词前,助动词和连系动词后,all the time 常位于句末。(2)Did you? 是一个简略的疑问句,相当于 What about you?常用于口语中。I want to eat a bowl of noodlesDo you? 我想吃碗面条。

6、你呢?3When I was young,I used to have so much time,but these days I get upearly and stayin school all day小时候,我常常有很多时间,但是现在我很早就起床,整天待在学校里,(1)so much 意为”如此多,这幺多”,表示不确定的数量,用来修饰不可数名词。There was so much food that we couldnt eat it all食物太多了,我们吃不完。注意 so many 与 so much 同义,但 so many 修饰可敷名词复数。There are so many p

7、eople in the street街上有这幺多的人。 (2)these days 意为”现在,这几天”,指一段时间,可用于一般现在时、现在完成时、现在进行时等,相当于 nowadays,at present。Your sons illness is very common these days你儿子的疾病现在是很常见的。(3)all day 意为”整天”,相当于 all day long 或 the whole day。He works all day and all night他整日整夜地工作。4Then I go right home and eat dinner然后我直接回家吃晚饭。

8、(1)right 在本句中是副词,意为”直接地”,在句中常用来修饰动词,作状语。The icy wind blew right through me冰冷的风直吹向我。(2)right 还可用作形容词,意为”正确的,右边的”。其反义词为 wrong,left。Which answer is right,Mike?迈克,哪个答案是正确的?Most people eat,write and work with their right hands大多数人用右手吃饭、写字和工作。5Before l started high school,I used to spend a lot of time pla

9、ying gameswith myfriends,but I just dont have the time anymore在我上中学之前,我常常花很多时间和朋友们一起玩游戏,但现在我再也没有这样的时间了。(1)spend timemoney doing sth花费时间金钱做某事。spend 后的动词要用动名词。该句型中的 doing 前也可加介词 in,构成 spend timemoney(in)doing sth.结构。I spent two hours (in) reading the novel。我花了两个小时读这篇小说。I spent l00 yuan buying the swea

10、ter我花了 100 元买这件毛衣。辨析:spend,take,cost 与 payspend 其主语通常是人,结构为:spendsome timemoney (in) doing sth或 spend sometimemoney on sth”花费时间金钱做某事”或”在某事物上花时间金钱”。take 常用句型:It takestook sbsome time to do sth”做某事花费某人多长时间”。cost 其主语是物常用于 sth. cost (s) sbsome money”某物花费某人多少钱”句型中。pay 其主语是人,常用于 sbpays some money forsth”某

11、人为某物花费多少钱”句型中。I spent one hundred yuan in buying the present=I spent one hundred yuan onthepresent=The present cost me one hundred yuan=I paid one hundred yuan forthe present这件礼物花了我 100 元钱。It took me 30 minutes to get to school我用了半个小时的时间到达学校。中考链接【2011 连云港】3.-Whats your plan for this weekend?-Im goin

12、g to _ it with my grandparents.A. cost B. spend C. give D. pay来源:学,科,网 Z,X,X,K答案:B来源:【解析】考查动词的辨析。cost 值多少钱,物作主语;spend 花费,度过,人作主语;give 给某人某物;pay 付款,人作主语。排除 A。句意:跟我爷爷奶奶度过周末。故选 B。【2011 呼和浩特】14. - Do you take exercise every day?-Yes. I always thirty minutes after supper.A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay【答

13、案】A来源:Zxxk.Com【解析】动词辨析 spend 人做主语,spend+钱或时间+on something/indoing sth; cost 物作主语,花钱; take 一般用 it takes sb. 一段时间 for sb. todo sth; pay 人做主语,一般用 pay for 表示付钱。【2011 湖北十堰】28. -I think you can _ money by yourself to buy abirthday present for your mother.-OK. Ill try. Ill not let a penny waste.A. spend B.

14、 save C. cost D. leave 答案:B【解析】词义辨析。spend 花费;save 节约;cost 价值;leave 离开。根据句意:我认为你可以省着点钱给你妈妈买礼物。好的,我尽量。我不会浪费每一分钱。【泸州市 2011】9. - Your coat is so beautiful. It must be expensive.- Not really. I only _ ¥30 on it.A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took来源:Z_xx_k.Com答案:B【解析】同义词辨析。考查 spend.on 用法。【2011?四川成都】45. -The

15、T-shirt looks nice on you! How much doesit ?来源:Zxxk.Com-I just ten dollars for it.A. take; afforded B. cost; paid C. cost; spent 答案:B【解析】考查动词用法辨析。注意以下句型:”sb. spends money/time +on /in doing sth.”;”It/sth. costs (sb.) + money”;”It takes sb. time to do sth.”;”sb. pays + money forsth.”;“afford to do sth.”(负担得起做某事)。根

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