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新译林 8AUnit17错题复习整理Word下载.docx

1、( ) 4. It is _ hotter today than it was yesterday.A. quite B. very C. a little D. little ( ) 5. - What was the weather like yesterday ?- It was terrible. It rained _. People could _ go out.A. hard; hard B. hardly; hard C. hardly; hardly D. hard; hardly( ) 6. This Maths problem is too difficult.Can y

2、ou show me_, George? A. what to work out B. to work it out C. how to work it out D. how to work out it( ) 7. Which sentence belongs to “S+V+P”? A. Some of them cry. B. They are very tired. C. Teenagers have many problems. D. They find their Maths teacher funny.( ) 8. Some of my friends eat with thei

3、r eyes. They prefer to order what _ nice. A. looks B. smells C. sounds D.tastes( ) 9. “ We should keep the classroom clean.” is a kind of _ structure. A. S+V+DO B. S+V+DO+OC C. S+V+P D. S+V+IO+DO( ) 10. Ill go and visit your parents _ next week.A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times( )

4、11. You dont know _ I want to see you again. Its a year since I saw you in Beijing last year. A. how soon B. how long C. how often D. how much( ) 12. - _will the meeting begin? - In ten minutes. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D.How far( ) 13. There is_rain these days, so it is_wet in the air.A

5、. much too, too many B. too many, much tooC. much too, too much D. too much, much too( ) 14. Today the temperature dropped _. A. a few B. little C. a little D. few( ) 15. What activities do people enjoy _ in summer? A. to do B. do C. doing D. does( ) 16. The river _ two inches this morning. A. rose

6、B. raised C. grew D. got( ) 17. I _ for five days. A. caught a cold B. had a cold C. caught cold D. had cold( ) 18. I just have _ money. I cant lend you. A. a lot of B. a little of C. a bit of D. a bit( ) 19. Tom wasnt _ surprised to hear the news because Lily told him about it. A. a bit B. a little

7、 C. a bit of D. a little of( ) 20. He lives _ the supermarket, so he has to drive to buy vegetables and fruit. A. two kilometers far from B. near C. far from D. far away( ) 21. Ice turns into water when the temperature is _ 0. A. below B. above C. over D. under( ) 22. Life is always _ joys and tears

8、. A. full of B. full with C. filled of D. filled( ) 23. -_ is the weather _ today? - Its cool. A. What;/ B. What; like C. How; like D. How; for( ) 24.- Do you know _ tomorrow? - About 20 degrees. A. what will the temperature be B. what the temperature will be C. how much will the temperature be D. h

9、ow much the temperature will be( ) 25. Mrs Smith has a cute baby. It often smiles at people _. A. friendly B. lovely C. happily D. lively( ) 26. He was born _ a summer morning. A. at B. on C. in D. of ( ) 27. -Mike, I cant stop playing computer games. - For your eyes, my dear friend, Im afraid you_.

10、 A. must B. have to C. may D. can( ) 28. _ fine day it is! Lets go and fly a kite. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 二用所给词的适当形式填空1. Its sometimes _ (fog) in autumn and winter.2. -Where is my cat? -It _(hide) in the basket.3. His father likes to sit on the chair, _ (read) newspapers.4. He is one of _

11、(lazy) boy in his class.5. My parents are preparing _ (hold) a party for me.6. Last Friday, it was colder and the temperature even _ (drop) to -5.7. I hear you _(teach) in Sunshine Middle School next term. Is it true?8. I _ (catch) a bad cold and felt uncomfortable.9. It is raining hard and the wind

12、 is blowing_(strong).10. The price of meat_(rise) again yesterday.11. My mother is too busy _(work) _(help) with my homework.12. The sun shines_(bright). It is a _(sun) day.13. The children often get _ (noise) in the classroom after class.14. To keep _, you must eat _ (health) food and exercise more

13、.15. What do you think _(make) him so angry just now?16. I can not hear you because the wind_(blow) hard.17. If it _(not be) rainy, I will go to the cinema.18. Harbin is in the _(north) part of China.19. It will be _(rain) today, but there wont be _ (rain) tomorrow.20. The _ (scarf) are made of wool

14、.21. I have something _ (excite) to tell you, maybe you will be _ (excite).22. Its _ (amaze) that ants can smell things _ (good).23. We can use carrots as _ (snowman) noses.24. Spring is the beat season _ (plant) trees.25. I was so _ (sleep) that I couldnt keep my eyes 26. The ice cream tasted _ (aw

15、ful), so she _ (throw) it away.一 单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1. What honest boy! And he is best student of all. A .a; a B .an; / C. a; the D. an, the( ) 2. I feel _ because my job is too _. A. bored, boring B. bored, bored C. boring, boring D. boring, bored( ) 3. - How did you make her ? A. to stop crying B.

16、 to stop cry C. stop crying D. stop to cry ( ) 4. My brother is two years _ than I.A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest( ) 5. Millie draws_ than Jim.A. much beautiful B. much beautifully C. much more beautiful D. much more beautifully( ) 6. _ he is, _ he feels.A. The busier, the happy B. The busy

17、, the happy C. The busier, the happier D. The busier, the happiest( ) 7. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than _ in Beijing. A. that B. it C. this D. one( ) 8. The girl _ long hair is _ in her class. A. has, tallest B. has, the tallest C. with, taller D. with, the tallest( ) 9. - Whats your best f

18、riend like? - He _. A. likes playing football B. is like tall and thin C. is like to help me a lot D. is helpful and kind( ) 10. Im thirsty now. Would you please give me _ milk to drink?A. any B. many C. some D. a lots of( ) 11. Betty is _careful as I, but Im _ than you. A. as; much careful B. so; m

19、ore careful C. as; much more careful D. so; very careful( ) 12. You have _ money than me, but you have _ friends than me. A. more, fewer B. more, more C. fewer, less D. more, less( ) 13. Youd better _ short passages every day. A. to practice reading B. practice reading C. practicing reading D. pract

20、ice read( ) 14. - Could you help me put up the maps on the wall? - _. A. No problem B. I hope so C. Thats all right D. Thats a good idea( ) 15. Millie could look after _ though she was only five years old. A. she B. her C. himself D. Herself用括号中所给词的适当形式填空:(10分)1. Lily is the _ (slim) of the three gi

21、rls.2. What about _ (buy) some fruit?3. Aunt Li is _ (friend) to us.4. He plays football _ (well) than any other boy in his class.5. Peter and Simon enjoyed _ (they) at the English party last night.6. I think English is _ (easy) than Maths.7. I feel _ (excite) after watching the film.8. Amy does hom

22、ework _ (careful) than Simon.9. _ (close) your eyes and do eye exercises, kids.10. Youd better _ (be) late for class again.II 句型转换(每空1词):(5分)1. There is nothing in the fridge. (改为同义句) There _ in the fridge. 2. Amy runs the fastest among all the students in her class. (改为同义句) Amy runs than in her cla

23、ss. 3. I have more orange juice than Betty. (改为同义句) Betty orange juice than me. 4. Daniel spends about an hour playing computer games and playing chess. (对划线部分提问) does Daniel spend playing computer games and playing chess?短文首字母填空(每空1分,共10分)David is one of my best friends. He is sixteen years old. He

24、 is the t _ in our classalmost 1.78 meters and weighs 65kg. He has a s _ face and a big nose. Everyone likes his b _ and smiling eyes. Both of his parents are teachers and he likes to work with children, so he wants to be a teacher when he g _ up.David is a h _ boy. If someone has problems, he is al

25、ways w _ to help them. One day, David and I w_ for a bus on a busy road. Suddenly, he saw an old lady c _ on the road. “Its very dangerous,” he said. He ran to the old lady as q as possible to help her cross the road. The old lady thanked him a lot. He looked h_ after he did it. I think I should learn from him.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5. _6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._请根据下列对盐城湿地的描写写一篇90词左右的短文。要点:1. 盐城, 江苏北部的一个城市,以其拥有的湿地而出名。最大湿地面积450,000多公顷(hectare),是众多鸟类的理想庇护所。 2. 食物丰富,有许多昆虫和多种植物。 3. 许多鸟类在那儿生活,最有名的是丹顶鹤,每年许多丹顶鹤在这儿过冬。 4. 自己的感想。(至少两点)

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