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1、 4Mike his grandpas birthday next Sunday.5Could you please the TV? Your brother is reviewing his lessons.(三)(2018贵州安顺中考改编)1December is the month of a year.2Tom is one of the students in the class.3The famous star has for nearly 15 years.4Would you tell me the of the new word?5Look! So many students

2、are enjoying themselves on the playground.(四)1Our neighbours are always to us.2You can find the Capital Stadium on the map .3Today is Tonys birthday. Lets go to celebrate it.4A lot of love going to Beijing for their holidays.5My favourite football team was in the Cup Final.(五)1Sometimes it rains in

3、Huzhou in summer.2Doctor Lee asked me to take the medicine a day.3My grandpa likes with neighbours after dinner.4The government has done a lot to help people after the earthquake.5Food is becoming a more and more serious problem.(六)1Take some rest after lunch and you wont feel in the afternoon.2When

4、 the child saw her parents waiting at the school gate, she ran them.3After years of planning, my dream of the European tour last month.4To protect , scientists suggest that people stop fishing in some parts of oceans.5This morning I was two minutes late for the train, but , I didnt miss it as the tr

5、ain was late too.(七)1Tracy enjoyed in the party yesterday.2English is widely used for international in Yiwu.3You can buy things at a price in Yiwu Trade City.4The owner of the shop always customers with a smile.5Its a good idea to repair broken things throwing them away.(八)1When I , it was early mor

6、ning and it was raining.2Dongting Lake is the second fresh water lake in China.3Hobbies can make you as a person.4The school is very big and there are about two students in it.5Lao She was one of the greatest Chinese of the 20th century.(九)1 are used for cutting things.2Ive never received such an gi

7、ft.3My mother booked a big cake for me on my birthday.4Dont push downstairs. You must go down as as possible.5They often go to concerts and CDs by their favourite singers.(十)1Two heads are than one.2A good is half done.3Every minute .4 is difficult if you put your heart into it.5When in Rome, do as

8、the do.(十一)(2019预测)1What he to be when he grows up is a question.2After doing her homework, she likes to take a walk with her mother.3We rice and fish for lunch. It tasted very delicious.4The Teachers Day is coming, she plans a special gift for her English teacher.5The Greens to many foreign countri

9、es during the last two years.(十二)1Guide dogs can help blind people walk the avenues safely.2In France, therere many kinds of grapes and the is famous all over the world.3The sea level has rapidly as the earth gets warmer over the years.4Nowadays, a kind of car is very popular in some big cities. It

10、is much slower but greener.5I kept waiting for him in the heavy rain he showed up one hour later.二、单词拼写Every Thanksgiving, a lot of families gather around a table and give thanks for the happiness they have. Many years ago, my family started to 1. (传播) the happiness to others not only on Thanksgivin

11、g but on every holiday. I remembered many 2. (陌生人) showed up at every holiday when I was a little boy.My familys tradition is still 3. (保持) today. Every holiday, my family and I invite some people to our house who dont have 4. (任何地方) to go. Our tradition 5. (包括) taking pictures. We can feel happines

12、s of the people in the pictures 6. (无论何时) we look over them.7 (最近), I invited a neighbour to come to my familys Thanksgiving party. He happily 8. (同意). Before we ate, we stood in a big circle and said a small prayer(祈祷). Then we each said three things we were thankful for. When it was my neighbours

13、9. (轮流, 依次) to say something, he said excitedly, “I havent felt this good for many years. Thank you for your 10. (邀请)”Leighs grandpa was short and thin 1. (有)curly gray hair. Grandpas hobby was making bird houses. He always said, “A man has to keep busy to stay out of 2. (麻烦, 困难)”Leigh wasnt sure ho

14、w much Grandpa could get into. But because Grandpa was such a nice man, he often listened to his advice and kept busy.Grandpas shop was 3. (填满的) with carefullykept tools. 4. (无论何时) he used any tool, he put it back in exactly the right place. He had some rules about how to treat his tools, so he 5. (

15、几乎不) bought new tools.It was nice to watch Grandpa work. The best 6. (部分) of making bird houses was seeing all the pieces come together in the 7. (最后的) form. The last steps always include paint, which helped protect Grandpas hard work from the 8. (天气). His bird houses 9. (持续) for years. If he didnt

16、paint them, the sun and rain would turn the 10. (木头) gray and weak in a short time. So he always made sure to do things right. (三)Driving a car is an important part of our life. Every day, many people may drive to work, to school, or to 1. (看望) friends.Going out by car can be very convenient, but ca

17、n also 2. (引起) many problems. Waiting in line at a red light, a driver may get impatient and 3. (决定) to drive right across the road. If another car is coming from another direction, there might be a(n) 4. (可怕的) accident.Cutting in line while driving is a bad driving 5. (习惯) and behaviour. It often m

18、akes other drivers 6. (生气的). As a result, traffic accidents happen.Traffic accidents happen 7. (几乎) every day. In Taiwan alone, many people are 8. (杀死) in accidents every year. The yearly death rate(年死亡率) from traffic accidents in Taiwan is twice as high as that in Japan.To 9. (允许) traffic to move s

19、moothly and safely, everybody must 10. (服从) the traffic rules. Before you drive, learn all the traffic laws. That way of driving is safe, convenient and even fun.I like reading. I love many different kinds of books, because they not only open my mind but also give me 1. (勇气)Up to now, I have read a

20、lot of books, such as magazines, novels and storybooks. But one of the books that I like best is The Story of My Life. It was 2. (写) by American writer Helen Keller in 1902.She was a blind, deaf and dumb person. In the book, she wrote that she had not been able to see, hear or speak 3. (自从) she was

21、one year and seven months old. This unusual thing made her very 4. (悲伤的). Luckily, she met her good teacher, Miss Sullivan at the 5. (年龄) of seven. Helen was getting happier every day. Then, Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words. At first, Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helens

22、 hands with her own fingers again and again. Helen was a very 6. (勤奋的; 刻苦的) girl. She tried as much as possible to 7. (记住) words. After that, she wrote many famous works. The Story of My Life is one of them. The Story of My Life describes her hard struggle(奋斗) to 8. (成为) a good writer and educationi

23、st of the world.It 9. (展示; 显示) us an important truth:Nothing is 10. (困难的) if you put your heart into it! This is why I like it best. What about you?Its never easy to admit you are wrong. We all 1. (需要) to know the art of apology(道歉). Think of how often youve done wrong. Then count how many 2. (次数) y

24、ouve expressed 3. (清楚地) how sorry you were. You cant go to bed with a clear mind if you do nothing about it. A doctor friend, Mr Lieb, told me about a man who came to him with some 4. (问题):headaches, heart trouble and insomnia(失眠症). After some careful 5. (检查), Mr Lieb found nothing wrong with him. H

25、e said, “If you dont tell me what is 6. (使焦虑) you, I cant help you. ”The man admitted he was cheating his brother out of his money. The clever doctor let the man write to his brother and 7. (归还) the money. As soon as the letter was put into the mailbox, the man 8. (突然地) cried. “Thank you,” he said t

26、o the doctor. “I think Ive got well.”An apology can not only 9. (拯救) a broken relationship, but also make it 10. (更强大). If you think of someone who you should apologise to, do something about it right now.The lion, the king of the forest, has a big problem. He got angry at even the smallest things,

27、and none of the animals wanted to make 1. (朋友) with him.The fox, a great 2. (医生), was brought to treat the lions anger. “My 3. (苦恼) is that I get angry very easily,” the lion said to the fox. “When I get angry, I say bad things. Please give 4. (我) some medicine.”The fox listened to what the lion sai

28、d and replied, “Sir, I dont have any medicine for you, but I know of something else that could be 5. (有帮助的)”“What is it?” asked the lion. The fox replied, “Count from 1 to 10.”The lion was very annoyed at the foxs answer, but he 6. (想) about it for a minute and decided to 7. (做) as the fox said. Whe

29、n the lion 8. (完成) counting to 10, his anger was gone.The lion was 9. (感到惊讶的) by this. He gave the fox many 10. (礼物). That very day, the lion also asked the other animals in the forest to try counting from 1 to 10 whenever they were angry.七In South Africa, a famous man called Peter had a farm. He wa

30、s not very 1. (富有的) but he felt very happy. One day he met a visitor. The visitor told him that lots of diamonds(钻石) had already been 2. (发现) in West Africa. That night Peter was 3. (兴奋的) about the visitors words and couldnt fall asleep. He 4. (决定) to go to look for diamonds.The next morning he sold his farm and started out. As many 5. (年) went by, Peter couldnt find

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