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1、So it is. 的确是, 确实如此carry out 实行,执行one fifth 五分之一be short of 短缺so far 到目前为止take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事less than 不到,少于a couple of 一些,几个be famous as 作为而出名work well in (doing ) sth. 在某方面起作用offer sb. sth. 提供某人某物keep up with 赶上,跟上Topic 3the homeless 无家可归的人in need 在困难时, 在贫困之中once conj. 一旦就,adv. 一次, 从前i

2、t is+ adj. +for/of sb to do sth. 对某人来说做 是decide on+n.v-ing = decide to do sth 决定要做某事provide sb.with sth. =offer sb. Sth 提供给某人某物be sucessful in doing sth=succeed in doing sth 成功完成某事break out 爆发be/get used to(doing) sth. 习惯(做)某事come for a visit 来参观ride a skateboard 玩滑板see a film in the open air 看露天电影j

3、ump rope 跳绳play tug of war 拔河play hide-and-seek 捉谜藏return to a normal life重新回到正常的生活obey /disobey the rules遵守违反规则take drugs 吸毒in the past+时间 在过去的里 (用现在完成时)in the past sixteen years在过去的16年里be used for sth doing sth 被用来做某事With the money用这些钱hear of 听说hear from=receive/get a letter from收到来信对我有帮助Unit 2 To

4、pic 1There be+sth./sb.+doing sth.有某人或某物正在做since +点时间 (自从以来),for+一段时间(长达)pourinto向排放be harmful to=do harm to 对有害produce terrible gas 排放难闻的气体make sth. 使某人做某事too much noise 太多噪音 much too noisy 太吵了too many problems 太多问题manage to do sth.设法做某事cause hearing loss.=lose hearing听力失聪,丧失听力the look of 的外表n

5、ot all不是所有的都become deaf 变耳聋quite a few/a lot/ bit 许多,大量no better than “同(几乎)一样”, 和(几乎)一样坏during the classroom break 在课间各种污染:air /water /soil /light /noise /litter/traffic /factory/ plants /animals pollutionproducer and user of coal煤的生产者和消费者Topic 2as a result 结果The government has done something usefu

6、l to protect the environment.政府已经做了些有效的事去保护环境None of us likes pollution.我们中没人喜欢污染What should we do as students?作为学生我们应该做什么leave rubbish here and there 随处扔垃圾step on the grass 踩踏草坪spit in public 在公共场所吐痰Nothing is difficult if you set your mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事wash awa

7、y 冲走blow strongly 吹得猛烈die out 灭绝cut down 砍伐A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand.许多肥田变成沙漠,只剩下沙子stop/prevent/keep from doing sth 阻止做run away 流走、跑走cut off its water supply 切断水供应Some things weve done are good, while some are not good for the earth.我们所做的一些事对地球很好,也有些不好be in bad he

8、alth 身体不好be in danger of doing sth处于做某事的危险中plenty of + un. 许多come to realize 开始逐步认识Beach Clean-up Day 海滩清洁日eitheror 要么要么Since there will be a lot of hard work to do tomorrow, make sure you go to bed early tonight由于明天我们有许多事要做、确保你今晚早点睡觉make rules 制定规则keep the rules 保持规则follow /obey the rules 遵守规则day b

9、y day 日复一日My face hurt.=There is something wrong with my face.我的脸痛The Great Green Wall绿色长城too many trees 太多树too much money 太多钱at the same time 同时deal with 处理interview sb about sth 采访某人有关某事protect the environment 保护环境spread the message 宣传信息reduce the waste we produce减少人为浪费use both sides /either side

10、of paper 使用纸的两面plastic bags 塑料袋rather than 而不not only but also 不但,而且throwaway 扔掉collect waste paper and soft drink cans收集废纸和塑料瓶so that 以便Its kind of you to do sth你做某事真是太好了should = ought to = be supposed to do sth .应该a greener person 一名绿色使者instead of 代替travel a short distance短途旅行save money and energy

11、 省钱,省能量Easier said than done.说比做容易Actions speak louder than words.行大于言 = do with 对付,处理nuclear energy核能acid rain酸雨the Maglev Train 磁悬浮列车pushforward向前推May I have your attention, please ? 请(大家)注意啦I have sth. important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉大家Please be on time.请准时Thats all.我要说的就这些produce power/ electrici

12、ty 发电Its a pity that+句子 遗憾的是be used for doing /to do sth 被用于做Unit 3 Topic 1米老鼠和唐老鸭的海报 a poster of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck贴在墙上 stick sth on the wall卡通人物 cartoon characters为做准备 be ready for sth准备做某事 be ready to do sth迫不及待做某事 cant wait to do sth=cant help doing sth.有机会做某事 have a chance to do sth练习

13、做某事 practice doing sth能够做某事 be able to do sth从现在开始 from now on设法做某事 try ones best to do sth以后更加努力work much harder later on和某人交流 communicate with sb和相似 be similar to= be the same as把翻译成 translateinto整理包pack ones bag出差 on business作为母语 as mother tongue第二语言 second language外语 foreign language官方语言 the off

14、icial language(毫不)费力做某事 have (no) trouble/ difficulties (in)doing sth进行(一次)长谈 have a long conversation, have long conversations与相似 be the same as如果必要的话 If necessary向求助 ask for help把翻译成 translate into偶尔 once in a while总的来说,通常 in general =usually随身带上某人/某物 take sth with sb.最新研究表明 recent studies show的总数

15、/ 数量the number of许多 a number of被广泛使用 be widely used参加一次国际性会议take part in an international conference上游泳课 take a swimming course这是事实 Its true that+随着世界的发展with the development of the world自从19世纪50年代以来 since the 1950s在二十世纪八十年代 in the 1980s处于领先地位 take the leading position鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth在十

16、九世纪 in the nineteenth century号召call for中国制造 made in China把看作,把认为regard as.也as well asUnit 3 Topic 2我听不懂你的话 I cant follow you.请你说慢一点可以吗?Can you speak more slowly, please?澳式英语和英式英语一样吗?Is Australian English the same as British English?不确切,不完全 Not exactly做得好 Good on ya, mate =Well done我明天要飞往迪斯尼乐园 Im fly

17、ing to Disneyland tomorrow.祝你旅行愉快 Have a good trip!玩得开心 Enjoy yourself!一直,总是 all the time当然不 Of course not取决于,视而定,依靠 depend on (doing sth)与不同 be different from与相同 be the same as和有不同差异 have differences between and成功做某事 succeed in doing sth.使别人理解你 make sb. understood进行下一次的考试 take the next exam这单词的意思是什

18、么?What does this word mean?=What do you mean by this word?=Whats the meaning of this word?去飞机场的路上 on the way to the airport送别 see sb off伸出 put out怎么了?Whats up?想搭车 ask for a ride我要动身去 Im leaving for .我要走了 Im leaving打给某人 call sb我叔叔明天会接见我们 My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.你什么时候去迪斯尼乐园? When are you leavi

19、ng for Disneyland?我希望不会遇到什么困难 I hope I wont have any difficulty.无论何时你需要帮忙,发电子或打给我 Whenever you need help, send me an or call me.我不明白 Im puzzled.我只是开玩笑 Im just kidding.至于某人/某物 as for sb/sth一般来说,大体上 generally speaking =in general =generally起居室 a sitting room =a living room填表格 fill in a form =fill out

20、a form乘地铁take the subway= take the underground喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sth.亲自做某事 do sth in person喜欢做某事 be fond of doing sth.靠近 be close to sth =be near to sth众所周知 as we know发生 come about (强调原因)=happen (强调偶然性)被迫做某事 be forced to do sth在开始时 in the beginning渐渐地 little by little总之 in a word你好吗? How are you doin

21、g?写信给某人 write to sb.写回信给某人 write back to sb.更糟糕的是 even worse向某人致以最美好的祝愿Best wishes to sb. Topic 3使别人理解你 make yourself understood陷入困境 , 很尴尬 get into trouble和某人会谈 have conversations with sb努力工作 work hard在努力,致力于 work hard at.同意某人的看法 agree with sb.英语口语 oral/spoken English公开地, 公然地 ,在公共场合 in public犯困 feel

22、 sleepy担心期末考 be afraid of the final test有时at times = sometimes = once in a while向某人求助 ask sb for help = turn to sb for help想要做某事 feel like doing sth=want to do sth.=would like to do sth.放弃 give up写日记 keep a diary请再说一遍 I beg your pardon.给某人一些关于.建议give sb some advice on 建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth在方面很

23、差/弱 be weak in不敢回答问题 dare not answer questions担心做 be afraid of doing sth.担心犯错 be afraid of making mistakes理解课文大意get the main idea of the article深呼吸 take a deep breath正确发音 get the pronunciation right如何正确发音是我在学习英语方面的困难My difficulty in learning English is how to get the pronunciation right做听力训练 do some

24、 listening practice做最佳时间 the best time to do sth.开班会 hold a class meeting和某人分享share sth. with sb.和你们分享我们小组的观点share our groups opinions with you回答reply to回答老师的问题reply to the teachers questions你的倾听Thank you for(your)listening.做某事感到荣幸 Its an honor to do sth.尽可能经常 as often as possible就这些 Thats all.记住去做某

25、事 remember to do sth.记住做过某事 remember doing sth.坚持做某事insist on doing sth / keep on doing sth.起初 at first笑某人 laugh at sb.造(完整的)句子make (complete) sentences为了做某事in order to do sth./ in order that +句子写日记 keep a diary最后,但同样重要的 Last but not leastUnit 4 Topic 1dream of梦想point to指向send up发射 no doubt毫无疑问for instance举个例子 click on点击connect to与.连接 in the future在未来 in future 今后in space在太空 同时come into being形成 thanks to多亏;由于chat on line在线聊天 a list of一列的;一份清单代替 of course

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