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1、 and night 日夜14.turn up 出现,到场,调高(音量)turn down 调低turn to 转向,求助于turn on 打开turn off 关闭15.permit sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事permit doing sth.允许做某事time/weather permitting=if time/weather permits 如果时间/天气允许的话permission n.许可,允许16.keep ones word 守信用;履行诺言break ones word失信;食言;in a word 总之17.hold ones breath 屏息

2、;屏气out of breath 上气不接下气18.drown oneself in(be drowned in.)浸在 19.set off 出发;动身20.remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事;remind do sth.提醒某人做某事21.forgive sb. for doing sth.原谅某人做了某事22.It was obvious that显而易见的是It is a pity that.很遗憾 It is well known that. 众所周知23.try to do sth=seek to do sth企图做某事try doing sth 尝试做某事

3、24.mean to do sth打算做某事mean doing sth意味着做某事 25.hear about/of sth听说某事26.apologize to sb. for sth./doing sth.因某事/做了某事而向某人道歉make/offer an apology to sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉27.情态动词will,may,might,can,could,must,should等后面接动词原形28.在“主语be adj. to do”结构中,主语与不定式中的“do” 为逻辑上的动宾关系(被动),且作表语的形容词为“light (轻),h

4、eavy,difficult/hard,easy,comfortable,pleasant,important,interesting,good”等时,不定式则用主动形式,但表示被动的意义。eg. The room is really pleasant to live in.29.either.or.或者或者,neithernor既不也不,可连接并列成分,连接主语时遵循就近原则。eg. Either you or he is going there tomorrow30.with的复合结构:with+宾语+宾语补足语(介词短语/形容词/现在分词/过去分词/动词不定式),宾语补足语根据和宾语的主

5、动、被动,或表示将来/目的而选择,位置可前可后。eg. With a lot of work to do,he wasnt allowed to go out.With prices going up so fast, we cant afford luxuries.I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes fixed on the though/if “仿佛,好像”引导的虚拟语气从句中的时态。虚拟的时间 从句中的谓语时态 现在 一般过去时(be 动词用 were) 过去 过去完成时(had done) 将来 过

6、去将来时(would do) Unit 2 Healthy Eating1. adj.nessn. kind (adj.) 慈善的;宽容的kindness (n.) 善良,好心 dark(adj.)黑暗的darkness(n.)黑暗 tired(adj.)疲劳的;疲惫的tiredness (n.)疲惫 ill(adj.)生病的;不健康的illness(n.)疾病;不适 2. eat/have a healthy diet健康饮食a balanced diet平衡饮食be/go on a diet节食balance A against B 权衡/比较A和B3.lose weight 减肥gain

7、/put on weight增肥by weight按重量(称) curious to do sth.好奇地做某事be curious about sth.对某事感到奇怪with curiositycuriously (adv.) 好奇地5.get away with(做坏事)而不受惩罚get along/on with sb 与相处get over 克服6.tell liestell a lie 说谎lie in 位于(的内部);lie on (相邻) lie to(隔开)规则的说谎 lie lied lied lying不规则的躺、卧、平放lie lay lain lying躺过就

8、下蛋 lay laid laid back 赢回8. The strength of. is that . 的优势是 build up ones strength增强体质strengthen vt.加强;增强9.could not have sb doing sth不能容忍某人做某事10.have sb do sth让某人做某事have sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事have sth done 让某事被做 made of由制作(看得出原材料)be made from (看不出原材料)12.seem to do sth 看起来,似乎13.must h

9、ave done 过去一定做过某事14.had better do sth 最好做某事 be surprised to do sth 某人很惊讶地做某事16. consult sb. about sth. 向某人咨询某事consult with sb. (about/on sth.)(就某事)与某人商量 17.ought to do sth应该做某事have to do sth不得不,必须should have done sth 本应该做某事而实际上没有做could have done sth 过去本来能够做某事而未能做18. earn/make ones living 谋生19.

10、be in debt to in sbs debt 欠某人的钱;欠某人的情20. be limited to sth.受限制于21. be of benefit to=be beneficial to对有好处22.cut down 削减;砍倒23. before long 不久以后24.spy on sb监视某人25.glare at sb 怒目而视stare at sb 盯着看catch sight of 瞥见,扫视have a glimpse of 瞥一眼26.the other day 前几天(常用过去时)binewith将和结合 this way 用这种方法29.

11、the+序数词“第几”a+序数词“又一次,再一次”30.“否定词谓语动词比较级”表示最高级,常用否定词还有no,not,never,nobody,hardly等。eg. As far as Im concerned,nothing is more important than studying hard.Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note1. unadj.adj. happy(adj.) 高兴的unhappy (adj.) 不快乐的;不幸福的 important (adj.) 重要的unimportant (adj.) 不重要的 fair (adj.) 公平的u

12、nfair (adj.) 不公平的 comfortable (adj.) 舒适的uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒服的 2. bring up (父母)抚养;教育educate (老师)教育raise 单纯抚养3. on the scene=on the spot在现场;当场4. go ahead 前进;可以;请(说或做)吧go over 复习go through 经过,经受go against 违背,反对5. by accidentby chance 偶然地by designon purpose 故意地6. account for是的原因;解释take account oftak

13、e.into account 考虑on account of=because of由于,因为7. seek sth. from sb.向某人请求8. on the contrary与此相反9. had just done. when. 刚做完这时be doing.when.正在做这时/突然 be about to do.when.正要做这时10.make a bet on sth with sb和某人就某事打赌 be lost in某人在迷路12. take a chance/chances to do sth.冒险做某事take a photo 拍照take a rest 休息一下

14、take a walk 散步13. it is bad manners to do sth.做某事没有礼貌 it is good manners to do sth.做某事有礼貌 in a. manner以的方式14. as for 关于;至于as usual像往常一样15. It is wellknown that.众所周知As is wellknown,.(as引导非限制性定语从句)What is wellknown is that.(what引导主语从句,that引导表语从句)16. be known / famous as“作为而出名”,as后接表示职业、身份等的名词be known

15、/ famous for“因而著名”,介词for后接出名的原因be known to“为所知/ 熟知”17.英语中表示“许多”: a great number of、(a) few、scores of、dozens of+可数名词复数a great deal of、(a) little 、a bit of+不可数名词a large amount of 许多,大量的+不可数名词,作主语时用单数谓语large/good amounts of 修饰不可数名词,作主语时用复数谓语A large amount of money has been received.Large amounts of mon

16、ey have been received.plenty of、a lot of 、lots of、a large/great quantity of、quantities of后可加可数名词复数,也可加不可数名词 18.语法:名词性从句(宾语从句和表语从句)学习与测评P41页Unit4 Astronomy:the Science of the Stars1.n.+-aladjtradition(n.)传统traditional(adj.)传统的person(n.)人personal(adj.)个人的education(n.)教育 educational(adj.)教育的origin(n.)起

17、源original(adj.)原始的2. in time及时on time 准时at one time曾经at the same time同时all the time一直;始终for the first time首次,第一次at no time绝不/决不(用在句首时,句子要用部分倒装)3. be harmful to对有害do harm to sb. harm对某人有害harmless adj.无害的4.lay eggs 下蛋5.exist on靠生活/生存There exists.某地有 existence n.存在;生活6. in ones turn轮到某人in turn依次;

18、逐个by turns 轮流;交替take turns doing/to do sth.轮流做 Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事7.阻止做prevent(from)stop(from)keepfromprotectfrom保护免受伤害8.depend on/upon=rely on/upon 依靠9.according to 根据 all directions 四面八方11.make/consider/think/find/believe等动词后加it+adj+to do sth12.give birth to 产生,分娩13.too+adj/adv原级+

19、to do sth太以至不能14. block out 挡住(光线);抹去,忘掉(不愉快的回忆)15. block ones way 挡住某人的去路16. break out 爆发break down出故障break up解散;打碎carry out执行give out用完;耗尽;分发sort out整理pick out精心挑选work out解决;计算出17. cheer up(使)高兴起来cheerful adj.快乐的;高兴的cheerfully adv.高兴地18. now that既然,引导原因状语从句,相当于sincein that 因为=because19. watch out

20、for 密切注意;当心watch over照顾 to do sth 足够做某事21.have a chance to do sth 有机会做某事22.notat all一点也不23.get the hang of 熟悉,掌握24. asadj.a/ 像一样的eg.I want to own as large a house as hers.asadj./adv.原级as 25.常见倍数表达:Abe倍数asadj./adv.原级as BAbe倍数adj./adv.比较级than BAbe倍数the名词(size/weight/ length.)of B

21、eg.Asia ia four times as large as Europe.The new building is four times higher than the old one.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.(time表示次数、倍数时可用复数)语法:主语从句,学习与测评P56页whether 和 if 的用法区别:引导宾语从句既可以用 whether,也可以用 if,两者常可以互换。介词后、动词不定式后、和 or not 连在一起时,引导位于句首的主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句时应当用 whether,不用 if。Unit5

22、 Canada“The True North”1. adj.lyadv. happyhappilypolitepolitelyunfortunateunfortuantelyviolentviolently2. be surrounded with/by.被包围surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n.环境;周边事物3.take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事4. go aboard (the ship/plane/train) 上(船、飞机或火车)abroad adv.海外,国外 go abroad出国5.settle down to (doi

23、ng) sth.定下心来做6.settle vt. 解决(问题等);定居settlement n.解决;settler n.定居者;移民者7.manage to do sth设法做,成功做8. at first sight乍看起来;一看见、at the sight of一看见 gifted/talented in sth.擅长做某事have a gift for doing sth有做某事的天赋10.decide to do sth 决定做某事11.take the train坐火车=by train12.on the way to+地点 去某地的路上(副词home/there/her

24、e前不能接介词)pete in 参加(比赛)14. terrify vt.使恐惧,使惊吓terrifying adj. 可怕的(形容事/物)terrified adj. 很害怕;恐惧(形容人或人的表情)be terrified at/by.因而害怕15.go on a tour 去旅游16. mix sth.with sth把某物与某物混合起来mix up 弄乱;混淆mixture n.混合(物)17.confirm sth.使某人确信某事 the distance在远处keep a distance 与某人保持一定距离distant adj.(时间或空间)久

25、远的;远处的提问用:Whats the distance from Beijing to London?19. It is a tradition to do sth.做某事是传统traditional adj.传统的20.impress sth.on/upon sb.使某人铭记impress sb.with be impressed by/with sth.leave/make/have a +adj+impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象21. as far as I am concerned=as far as I know就我而言(描述个人观点)

26、 dusk/dawn/night/midnight/noon23.dream of/about doing sth梦想做某事 close to 接近,靠近25.语法:同位语从句(学习与测评P70页)26.比较级表示最高级:比较级+than+any other+单数名词(范围内)比较级+than+any +单数名词(范围外)eg.Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.比较级+than+all the other+复数名词比较级+than+the rest of+复数名词/不可数名词否定词+比较级eg.I have nev

27、er heard a better voice.27.独立主格结构:当分词(短语)作状语并且分词(短语)有自己的主语时,这种结构称为独立主格结构,其构成是“名词/代词现在分词/过去分词/不定式/形容词/副词/名词/介词短语”,可表示时间、原因、条件、伴随情况等。eg.More time given, we should have done it much better.A lot of work to do, he cant go home now.Winter coming, it gets colder and colder.高一英语必修四知识点归纳Unit1 Cultural relics1.v.mentn.move(v.)移动movement(n.)移动punish(v.)惩罚punishment(n.)惩罚develop(v.)发展development(n.)发展2. a sense of achievement成就感3. achieve ones success 获得成功4. achieve ones goal 达到目标5. behave well/badly to/towards sb.对某人好/差 behaviour n举止;行为6. move off 离开;起程;出发move on 变换(

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