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1、4145 DCABB 4650 ABDCC 5155 BACAD 5660 DCADBB卷15 ABABC 610 ACBCB 1115 BCCAB 1620 BACAB2124 CDDB 2528 ACBA 2931 CDB 3235 ACBD4145 DCBAB 4650 ABDCC 5155 ABCAD 5660 DCBDA语法填空(101.5=15):61. organized 62. are 63. that 64. appearance 65. equally 66. a 67. It 68. survival 69. of 70. to make短文改错(101=10): One

2、 year ago, I had a special English lesson hold at Shijiazhuang Railway Station. It was quite different heldfrom the regular English classes we were familiar to, for we had no textbooks, no blackboard or no with andfixed seats. Gathering at the entrance of the station, wetold to collect as many Engli

3、sh words and weresentences as possible here. Curious and excited, we walked around the station and looked thereeverywhere, search for any information in English. Whenever an English word comes into sight, the searching cameclass would burst into the cheers as if we had discovered a new world. With t

4、he Chinese translationand vividly pictures, we could figure out its meaning with ease. vividNow, this unforgettable lesson still encourages me to be an active learner where I go. wherever书面表达(满分25分):One possible version:Dear Peter,Im writing to tell you something about e-hongbao, which is becoming p

5、opular in China.E-hongbao is actually a kind of lucky money from and to relatives and friends during festivals or on special occasions. For many young people, grabbing e-hongbao on their mobile phones is a fairly common and exciting activity. Unlike the tradition of elders giving lucky money to chil

6、dren, over half of the people sending e-hongbao are in their 20s. Its just for fun or giving best wishes, while the sum of money matters little. In a word, e-hongbao is bringing new color to the old tradition.Nevertheless, Im concerned about the safety of on-line payment. So rules and regulations ne

7、ed to be improved regarding the e-hongbao system to guarantee its operation. (110 words)Best wishes. Yours Li Hua书面表达评分细则1、本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。2、评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。3、词数少于90和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。4、评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性,根据表达内容的层次适当分段及语言的得体性。5、拼写与标点符号是语言准确性

8、的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。6、如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。各档次的给分范围和要求0分:信息未能传达给读者。第一档:(15分):未完成试题规定的任务。第二档:(610分):能表达观点,但不够充分,很少句子可读,未恰当完成试题规定的任务。第三档:(1115分):能表达观点,但欠充分,语言错误较多,基本完成了试题规定的任务。第四档:(1620分):观点观确,陈述合理,有部分语言错误,较好地完成了试题规定的任务。第五档:(2125分):观点观确,陈述合理,极少语言错误,很好地完成了试题规定的任务。附:听力材料Text 1W: Y

9、ouve worked abroad, yes?M: Yes, I worked in Mexico, but only for two years. Last year I went to Germany, but now Im back in Spain.Text 2 Excuse me, when is the library open? Its open from 9 to 6 Monday to Friday, and its closed much earlier at 12 on Saturday.Text 3 Do you want to go out for a walk?

10、What, now? I cant. Its “Soap Time”. Dont you watch it? Its interesting. Are you kidding? Soap operas are for people who have nothing better to do. They make me sleepy.Text 4 Since your arms are full of shopping bags, Id be happy to push the button for you. Thank you. Thats very nice. 15th floor, ple

11、ase. Oh, I live on the 15th floor as well.Text 5 The thing to keep in mind is to be clear and brief when you write your report. Oh, before I forget, when is it due, Professor Lawrence? Its due a week from today.Text 6 Have a look at these brochures. Have you ever thought of visiting North Africa? We

12、ll, Ive travelled to Morocco on business twice and Id really like to go there again on holiday. Great! Theres a flight on April 25th and Flight? Forget it! My wife is afraid of flying. Oh, in that case how about travelling by ship? Sorry, I get seasick when I travel by ship. Then, North Africa is ou

13、t of the question. I guess so. What else can you suggest? What about a coach tour around Europe? It includes different countries and its quite cheap. OK. Thats it.Text 7 Our next guest is Tommy. Tommy, which races are you in in the next competition? On day one, I start with the 800 metres and the fo

14、llowing day theres the 400 metres. Ill finish with the 200 metres on day three. And what are you hoping the future will bring? Well, although I dont want to be really famous, I mean, I dont want the newspapers writing about me all the time, I would like to get to the point where I walk down the stre

15、et and everybody says “Theres Tommy!” Yes, Id quite like that. Well, good luck with that Tommy, and thank you for joining us.Text 8 Hello, Carol. What did you do today? Hi, David, Ive just got back from the Art Gallery. You know, they had a wonderful art exhibition today. You shouldnt have worked on

16、 the paper. I think you would be inspired by some of the paintings. I think you should look at modern art like food. You need to taste things to see if you like them. At that exhibition today, some of them were even for sale. That last one was on sale for $8,000. How much?! I may go and visit the ex

17、hibition tomorrow, but Im not going to buy anything. OK, let me know how it goes, wont you? Give Mark a call. He wanted to come with me today but his aunt was in town so he couldnt. He really wants to go. OK, I will.Text 9 Im glad youre home. Im frightened to death. I dont know what to do! What happ

18、ened, Linda? I think someone has been after me in secret recently. Really? Who? I dont know. I saw him the first time on Monday, the day before yesterday, at a restaurant. I noticed he was looking at me a lot. Not just the usual looking, but staring. What did you do? I didnt do anything. Finally, he

19、 left. But then I saw him again today, outside the shoe store. I went into a bookshop and pretended I was looking at books. But then he came in, too. Did he leave when you left? Yes. Then I noticed he was on the sidewalk behind me. He was following me. What happened then? He followed me all the way

20、home! Thats about five blocks. So he was definitely following you. Yes, he was. Finally, just when I got home, I turned around and looked at him. He was just standing there. Im so scared. Should I call the police? Actually, I dont think you can call the police. Not yet at least. He hasnt done anythi

21、ng. But if anything like that happens again, then maybe you should call the police at once and they may ask him what he really wants. All right. Theres nothing better I can do, anyway.Text 10 Good morning everyone. Im Professor Garson and will be your advisor this term. This is your first day and I

22、want to explain some of the subjects. First, everyone must take three required subjects: maths, English and history. The only one which is arranged for you is English. Youre to be tested and will be placed at your level in that subject. The only requirement for maths is that youve completed the prev

23、ious level. History is open at all levels since study is usually divided into the different historical time periods. In history, you may choose from almost any culture and time. Unless youre studying a specific culture or time period, youre free to choose the history course that youre most intereste

24、d in. As long as theres a place in the class, of course. Your optional courses are the subjects you can choose. They are courses that are not required and may be in fields such as science, art, sports, computer science, business almost anything that you can think of. I can help you make a plan that will include your required and optional courses. Your plan must have the necessary number of units. Sometimes there may be no room in a course, but we can try to schedule the course for another term. OK. Thats all for me. You may come to me if you have any questions after my speech.

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