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1、21. end up speaking Chinese 以讲汉语而结束22. make a survey of pollution; do a survey about learning English 做.调查23. make a mistake in 在.方面犯错误 24. pronounce some of the words发一些词的音25. spoken English ; English-speaking friends口头英语;讲英语的朋友26. how to use commas 如何使用逗号 27. a partner to practice speaking with练习口

2、语的同伴28. learn to learn physics 学会学习物理 29. First of all,=To begin with, 首先30. Its easy for sb. to do. 某人做某事很容易 31. To begin with,.later on首先后来32. realize that.意识到 33. It doesnt matter. 没关系。34. be afraid to do/ of (doing)sth. 不敢做/害怕(做). 35. laugh at 嘲笑36. make a complete sentence 造完整的句子 37. one of the

3、 secrets of becoming a good learner 成为好的学习者的秘诀之一38. another thing that I find difficult 我发觉难的另一件事 39. decide to take notes 决定做笔记 40. write my own original sentences using the grammar=use the grammar to write my own original sentences= use the grammar in my own original sentences运用语法写我自己的新句子41. be im

4、pressed 被打动,被留下深刻印象 42. get an A in English 英语成绩A等43. make up 编造 44. be used for/ in/as/by 被用来/于/被当作用/被某人使用 to deal with challenges=what to do with challenges 如何应对挑战47. enjoy facing challenges 喜欢面对挑战 46.Worrying about our problems can affect/influence how we behave with our families /how we do

5、 at school 忧心忡忡能影响家庭关系/学业。48. regard as把当作 49.stay angry for years about a small problem 为一件小事生气几年50. as time goes by 随着时间的消逝 51. be lost ; be frustrated ; 丢失;挫败/沮丧52. have disagreements and decide not to talk to each other 有分歧决定彼此不讲话 53. last(for) long 持续得久54. solve a problem by learning to forget

6、通过学会忘记来解决问题55. change.into.把变成56. strict rules 严格的制度 57. an important part of our development 我们发展的重要部分58. Its our duty to do; do ones duty 做是我们的职责;尽责59. try ones best to deal with challenges 尽最大努力应对挑战60. with the help of sb.=with sbs help 在的帮助下 61. lets not worry about.让我们别担心62.把与比较

7、 seeing a psychologist 通过看心理医生64. break off a friendship 断交 65.think of problems in a positive way 以积极方式思考问题66.advs: slowly, quickly, angrily, easily,recently,fast, completely,aloud, instead, differently, long, late67. If we dont help him, he wont pass it= _ we _ him, he wont pass it.68. make

8、sure that/of sth. /to do 确保.69. more specific suggestions 更明确的建议二、完成句子:1.你通过列词汇表学英语吗?是的.真的有用。我那样收获很大。_you learn English _ _ vocabulary_? Yes, It really_. Ive _ a _ _ way2.记歌词也管点用。_ the _ of songs also_ a _.3.因为演员说得太快,我们发现看电影有挫败感。We _ _ movies _ because the actors _ too _.4.他们为学校旅游兴奋不已,最终唱起来。They wer

9、e so _ _ going on a school trip_ they _ _ singing.5.最好的提高英语的方法是通过记英语日记。The best way _ _ your English _ _ _ a diary in English.6.你犯过语法错误吗?是的。且发不对音。_ you ever made _ _ grammar? Yes, and I cant _ the pronunciation _.7.若你想进行大量口语练习,你必须有练习的同伴。If you want _ _ much speaking practice, you must have a _ _ pra

10、ctice _.8.他不敢讲,怕笑话。He is afraid _ _.He is afraid _ being _ _.9.我来不了,首先我感觉不适,又没钱。cant come. _ begin _, I dont feel well. Besides, I dont have money.10.这管用得惊人!我英语得A等,老师都感动了。Its _ how much this _. I got _ A _ English and the teacher _ _.11.她做完整句子有困难。She _ _ _ a complete sentence.12.英语常常被用作第二语言并运用于科技。En

11、glish is often _ _ a second language and used _ science.13.我发现令人兴奋的另一件事是编故事。_ thing that I _ _ _ making _ stories .14.我们除非应对问题,否则容易不开心_ we _ _ problems, we can _ become_.15.担心问题可能影响我们对家庭的态度。_ _ problems can_/_ _ we behave _ our families.16.这不是问题,是挑战,快乐面对它。Its not a _. Its a_. Enjoy _ it。17.我觉得你对我发火不

12、公平。I feel _ _ for you _ get angry _ me.18.时间流逝,可能失去友谊。Time _ _ and friendships may _ _=As time_ _, friendships may be broken _.19.成人可能为一小事生气几年,孩子们的分歧不会持续得久。Adults may _ _ for _ _ a small problem, but kids _ dont _ for _ .20.在老师的帮助下,他将困难视为挑战。_ the _ of the teacher, he _ his problems _ _.Unit2 I used

13、to be afraid of the dark一、重点词组:used to be afraid of the dark be on a soccer team be interested in playing games be a problem boy wear contact lenses have curly hair hate gym classesbe afraid / terrified of being alone flying in an airplane speaking in front of a group high placessleep with the light

14、 on 开着灯睡觉the things (which/that) you used to like to do 你过去喜欢做的事情chew gum a lot 常嚼口香糖go right home 直接回家spend a lot of time playing games with friends 花大量的时间跟朋友玩.used to take me to concerts 过去常常带我去听音乐会hardly (ever) have time for sth/ to do sth几乎没有干.miss the old days 怀念过去的日子in the last/ past few years

15、近几年 / 在过去的几年中worry about things so much 过于担忧,焦虑make you stressed out 使你有压力,紧张used to cause a lot of trouble 曾常常惹麻烦a recent conversation with his mother 与妈妈最近的一次谈话can / be able to afford sth / to do sth. 能负担起某事/做.pay for education 支付教育费用look after the children as well as she could / possible尽可能地照顾好孩子

16、be interested in studying insects 对研究昆虫感兴趣get into trouble with the police 与警察产生摩擦be patient with sb. 对有耐心in the end / at last / finally 最后 / 终于make a (good / difficult) decision 下决心; 作出(好的/艰难的) 决定send him to a boys boarding school 送他到男生寄宿学校be necessary for sb. to do sth. 某人有必要做/必须做to ones surprise

17、让某人吃惊的是(do sth.) in surprise 吃惊地( 做.)what I need / what he used to do 我需要的/他曾做的even though 即使,纵然,尽管no longer /notanymore /notany longer再也不/不再take pride in / be proud of 对骄傲, 对感到自豪take pride in everything good I do 为我做的好事骄傲since my fathers death / my father died 自从父亲去世make my mother pay more attentio

18、n to me 使妈妈对我更加注意, 留心help sb. ( to ) feel good about oneself 有助于某人自我感觉良好give up sth. / doing sth. 放弃某事/做某事waste ones time / money /words on sth. 浪费时间/钱/口舌做.change ones mind 改变主意visit historical places near the school 参观学校附近的历史古迹make learning history a real experience 把学习历史变成真实的体验make good use of sth

19、. 好好利用have a good memory 记忆力好, 有好的记性chat with grandmother 跟奶奶聊天daily life日常生活; China Daily 中国日报change a lot / much; have great changes 变化很大be alone ; feel lonely 孤单,一个人; 感觉孤独,寂寞didnt use to study hard 曾经不好好学习help him understand that it was important to do well at school 帮助他懂得在学校好好学习是很重要的get good / b

20、ad grades 取得好成绩/ 成绩糟糕do as your mother says 按妈妈说的做谈谈你曾经的样子。Talk about _.用描述人的词填写表格。Fill in the chart _/_ the words to describe people3. 我过去不喜欢考试, 但现在我再也不担心考试了。I _ _ _ like tests, but now I _worry about tests _./ I _ _worry about tests. 你曾经在学校足球队,是吗?You _ _ _ _ the school soccer team, _ you?我以前不喜欢体育课

21、,但我现在对体育更感兴趣了。I_ _ _ gym class, but Im _ _ _ _ sports now.人们的确改变着。 People _ change.-我们好久没见面了,你长高了。-你也是。We _ _ each other for a long time. Youre taller. -So _ _ .你过去常害怕哪些东西?Which things _ you_ _ afraid of?我怕黑,所以经常开着卧室的灯睡觉。Im _ of _, so I go to sleep_.他过去很害羞, 害怕在众人面前讲话。He used to _ _ and afraid of _我最

22、大的问题就是我太忙了。My biggest problem is _.我小的时候,常常花很多时间和朋友们一起玩。When I was young, I used to _.现在我再也没有时间这样了。Now I _have time_ _ _ _.我几乎没有时间去听音乐会了。I _ _have time _ concerts / _ _ _concerts 在近几年中,我的生活变化很大。My life _ _ a lot _.在过去的20年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。Great changes _ _ _ in China _.写写自从小学以来你的生活发生了怎样改变。Write about_ yo

23、ur life _ _ since primary school.事情跟我们小时候常做的很不一样。Things are very different from _ _ _ _ _ when we were young.今天的生活与过去有什么不同?_is the life today different from what _ _ _?过度的担忧会使你精神紧张。_ _ things _ _ makes you _ _.我过去留着长发,但现在长长了。I _ _ _ short hair but now I _ _ _.于梅看起来变化很大。_ _ _ Yu Mei has changed a lot

24、.这个15岁的男孩曾经是个问题。The _boy used to _ _ _ _.与他的妈妈最近的一次谈话改变了他的生活。A _ _ _ his mother changed his life.他的母亲支付不起孩子的教育费用。His mother couldnt _ _ _ _ her childs_. 那时我们坐不起出租车。We _ _ _ _ _ take a taxi in those days.为了做到这些,她只能辛苦地工作。_ _ _, she had to work hard.在她的丈夫去世后,母亲负担不起孩子的生活。The mother _ _ _ _ her childrens life after her husbands _ / her husband _.她尽可能的照料好孩子们的生活。She looked after the children _ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _.不幸的是,他经常给警察惹麻烦。_, he often _ _ _ _ the police.他的妈妈对他很有耐心。His mother was very_ _ him.最后,她作出了一个艰难的决定:送他去男生寄宿学校。_ _ _, she _ _ _ _: to _ him to a _ _ _.我们必须遵守交通规则。_ _

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