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1、 B、future C、possibility D、 opportunity ?5、 How is it _D_ your roommates request and yours are identical A、in all? B、at best C、 for all D、 by far 6、 He didnt have time to read the report word for word he just _A_ it. A、skimmed? B、observed C、 overlooked D、glanced 7、 What a lovely party!Its worth _A_ a

2、ll my life. A、remembering B、 to remember C、 to be remembered D、being remembered 8、 Who would you rather _D_ with you, George or me A、going B、 to go C、 have gone D、 went 9、 The owner and editor of the newspaper _C_ the conference A、were attending? B、 were to attend C、 is to attend D、are to attend 10、

3、 These people once had fame and fortune .now _A_ is left to them is utter poverty. A、all that B、 all what C、 all which D、that all 11、 The residents _D_ had been damaged by the fire were given help by the Red Cross. A、all of their homes? B、all their homes C、 whose all homes D、 all of whose homes 12、

4、Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner _C_ at the very moment of the crash. A、should have died? B、 must be dying C、must have died D、 ought to die 13、 _C_ their work will give us a much better feel for the wide differences between the two schools of thought. A、To have reviewed? B、 Havin

5、g reviewed C、 Reviewing D、 Being reviewed 14、 By the time you get to New York, I _D_for London. A、would be leaving B、 am leaving C、 have already left D、 shall have left 15、 The article suggests that when a person _A_ under unusual stress he should be especially careful to have a well-balanced diet.

6、A、is B、 were C、 be D、 was 16、 Sometimes children have trouble _B_fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. A、 to separate B、 separating C、 for separating D、 of separating 17、 There was a big hole in the road which _C_ the traffic. A、 set back B、 stood back C、 held up D、 kept

7、 down 18、 Many a delegate was in favor of his proposal that a special committee _C_ to investigate the incident. A、 were set up B、 was set up C、 be set up D、 set up 19、 There was such a long line at the exhibition _B_ we had to wait for about half an hour. A、 as B、 that C、 so D、 hence 20、 He wasnt a

8、ppointed chairman of the committee, _C_ not very popular with all its members A、 to be considered B、 considering C、 being considered D、 having considered 21、 Reading _B_ the lines, I would say that the Government are more worried than they will admit. A、 behind B、 between C、 along D、 among 22、 Contr

9、ast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when _A_ alone. A、 seen B、 is seen C、 to be seen D、 having been seen 23、 The football game comes to you _C_ from New York. A、 lively B、 alive C、 live D、 living 24、 None of us expected the chairman to _C_at the party. We thought he was still in

10、hospital. A、 turn in B、 turn over C、 turn up D、 turn down 25、 The mother didnt know who _C_ for the broken glass. A、 blamed B、 be blamed C、 to blame D、 would blame 26、 Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to _D_ storming into the bosss office. A、 prevent B、 prohibit C、 turn D、 avoid 27、

11、 All flights _A_ because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train. A、 having been canceled B、 had been canceled C、 having canceled D、 were canceled 28、 The boy spent as much time watching TV as he _D_ studying. A、 does B、 had C、 was D、 did 29、 The frightened view has (A ) upon me deepl

12、y. A、impressed B、 pressed C、 shocked D、 captured 30、 My experience ought to be a warning to those who are too (C )in their own opinions. A、certain B、 sure C、 confident D、 bound 31、 Buy a house( A)us in debt A、involved B、 resolved C、 included D、 connected 32、 We feel like( A)the enemy A、coquering B、

13、to conquer C、 conquer D、 conquered 33、 There is no very easy(A )to mathematics A、approach B、 way C、 road D、 shortcut 34、 The manager urged his staff not to _D_ the splendid opportunity. A、 drop B、 miss C、 escape D、 slide 35、 _B_ I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man. A、 Much as B、 Onl

14、y if C、 If only D、 As much 36、 . All their attempts to _C_ the child from the burning building were in vain. A、 regain B、 recover C、 rescue D、 reserve 37、 Computer technology will _B_ a revolution in business administration. A、 bring around B、 bring about C、 bring out D、 bring up 38、 Only a few peop

15、le have _B_ to the full facts of the incident. A、 access B、 resort C、 contact D、 path 39、 The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _C_ on benches,chairs or boxes A、 having seated B、 seating C、 seated D、 having been seated 40、 This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced

16、craftsmen _B_ comfortably. A、 is worn B、 wears C、 wearing D、 are worn 二单元 1、 In my opinion,hes _D_ the most imaginative of all the contemporary poets. A、 in all B、 at best C、 for all D、 by far 2、 We left the meeting, there obviously _B_ no point in staying. A、 were B、 being C、 to be D、 having 3、 To

17、our _B_ Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A、 anxiety B、 relief C、 view D、 judgment 4、 This research has attracted wide _C_ coverage and has featured on BBC televisions Tomorrows World. A、message B、information C、media D、data 5、 The energy _B_ by the chain reaction is tra

18、nsformed into heat. A、transferred B、released C、delivered D、conveyed 6、 The lawyer advised him to drop the _C_, since he stands little chance to win. A、 event B、 incident C、 case D、 affair 7、 He is quite sure that its _A_ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days. A、 absolutely B、 exclus

19、ively C、 fully D、 roughly 8、 Eye contact is important because wrong contact may create a communication _D_. A、 tragedy B、 vacuum C、 question D、 barrier 9、 There is no _A_ to the house from the main road. A、 access B、 avenue C、 exposure D、 edge 10、 _A_ energy under the earth must be released in one f

20、orm or another, for example, an earthquake. A、 Accumulated B、 Gathered C、 Assembled D、 Collected 11、 The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political, economic and cultural(D ) A、 tradition B、 transportation C、 transmission D、 transformation 12、 Mobile telecommunications _C_ is ex

21、pected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies. A、 capacity B、 potential C、 possession D、 impact 13、 Things might have been much worse if the mother _B_ on her right to keep the baby. A、 has been insisting B、 had insisted C、 would insist D、 insisted

22、 14、 A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, _D_ was to be expected. A、 that B、 what C、 so D、 as 15、 Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the _B_ which occurred in his dormitory. A、 occasions B、 matters C、 incidents D、 issues 16、 The continuous rain _A_ the harvesting of the

23、 wheat crop by two weeks. A、 set back B、 set off C、 set out D、 set aside 17、 They are trying to _C_ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. A、 expose B、 exhaust C、 exhibit D、 exploit 18、 Its very _D_ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep. A、 concerned B、 careful C、 considerable D

24、、 considerate 19、 Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face and shell _A_. A、 come round B、 come along C、 come on D、 come out 20、 When I go out in the evening I use the bike _A_ the car if I can. A、 rather than B、 regardless of C、 in spite of D、 other than 21、 Many patients insist on having watches

25、 with them in hospital, _C_ they have no schedules to keep. A、 even though B、 for C、 as if D、 since 22、 I dont mind _B_ the decision as long as it is not too late. A、 you to delay making B、 your delaying making C、 your delaying to make D、 you delay to make 23、 The hopes, goals, fears and desires _D_

26、 widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor. A、 alter B、 shift C、 transfer D、 vary 24、 Wouldnt you rather your child _B_ to bed early? A、 go B、 went C、 would go D、 goes 25、 Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _B_ will happen to her private life. A、 that B、 what C、 it

27、D、 this 26、 The words of his old teacher left a _C_ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them. A、 long B、 lively C、 lasting D、 liberal 27、 We agreed to accept _D_ they thought was the best tourist guide. A、 whatever B、 whomever C、 whichever D、 whoever 28、 Between 1974 and 1997 , the num

28、ber of overseas visitors expanded _A_ 27%. A、 by B、 for C、 to D、 in 29、 Although many people view conflict as bas, conflict is sometimes useful _C_ it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors. A、 by which B、 to which C、 in that D、 so that 30、 He is _A_ about his cha

29、nces of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. A、 optimistic B、 optional C、 outstanding D、 obvious 31、 Sometimes I wish I _B_ in a different time and a different place. A、 be living B、 were living C、 would live D、 would have lived 32、 In a sudden _B_ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach. A、 attack B、 burst C、 split D、 blast 33、 Id _A_ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision

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