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1、19. leave sth. Behind 把抛在后面 20. depend on 依靠,依赖,取决于21. in case of 如果,假使 22. set foot on 进入,到达23. be honoured of 因而受到尊敬 24. in return 反过来25. at he mercy of 受支配 26. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起27. apart from 除之外 28. of vital importance 至关重要29. set off 出发,动身 30. in the distance 在远处31. have a population of

2、有人口 32. in use 在使用33.make an impression on sb.给某人留下印象 34. be devoted to 对专一,专注35. be blessed with 有幸 36. in order 有序的37. rather than 而不是 38. take advantage of 利用39. be bored with 厌烦 40. side by side 并排,并肩41. bring sth. To the attention of sb.使某人关注 42. in a voice 用声音43. in astonishment 惊讶地,吃惊地 44. be

3、 likely to do 有可能45. as far as Im concerned 就我而言 46.have fun 玩的开心47. look back at 回顾,回忆 48. be based on 根据,以为基础49. take possession of 占有,占据,拥有 50. be rude to 对粗鲁51. draw sbs attention to 引起某人注意某事物52. if necessary 如果有必要的话53. Theres no doubt that毫无疑问 54. to ones attention 令某人惊讶的是55. make a breakthroug

4、h 取得重大突破 56. bringback to life 使复活57. vice versa 反过来也一样 58. break down 分解59. get out of control 摆脱控制 60. knock out 摧毁61. as follows 如下 62. rely on 依靠,依赖63. by mistake 错误地 64. throw oneself on 扑倒在上65. contrast with 与形成对照 66. draw upon 利用,凭借,依赖67. dance to the music 伴着音乐跳舞 68. all of a sudden 突然间69. m

5、ake contact with 与进行往来 70. share feeling and ideas with 与分享71. (be) true of/for 与情况相同 72. from the bottom of ones heart 真心诚意73. bringto mind 使想起 74. all at once 突然,忽然75. (be) on good terms with 与某人关系很好 76. (be) allergic to 对过敏77. (be) blessed with 享有的福气 78. (be) ashamed of 对.感到惭愧/羞耻79. lose touch wi

6、th 与失去联系 80. make up 和好,和解81. turn round 转过身来 82. from time to time 偶尔,有时83. lose interest in 对失去兴趣 84. catch a glimpse of 瞥见85. look back over ones shoulder 回头看 86. ahead of 在前面87. (be) restricted to 限于 88. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣89. (be) associated with 与有联系 90. look around for 四处寻找91. cast

7、about 寻找,搜索,想办法 92. keep ones eyes on 注视,盯着看93. sweep over 向扩展 94. come up to 朝走过来95. play an important part in 在中起重要作用 96. take the lead 带头,领先97. (be) aware of 知道 98. leave out 省去,删去99. cheer sb. Up 是某人高兴/振作 100. as a consequence 因此,结果101. put ones foot in ones mouth 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话102. in addition 除此

8、之外,另外 103. look away from 把.目光从移开104. (be) nervous about 对神经紧张/害怕105. be concerned about sth. 关心某事106. set up 建立,设立 107. stand for 代表108. feed on (动物) 以为食 109. rise to ones feet 站起身110. on the increase 正在增加 111. consist of 由组成,由构成112. dress up 装扮,打扮 113. come to an end 完结114. make ones fortune 发财 11

9、5. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧116. have connection with 与有联系/有关联117. in response to 作为的回应118. take notice of 注意到 119. have an effect on 对产生影响120. takefor granted 以为理所当然 121. pass by 经过122. in practice 实际上,在实践中 123. in theory 理论上,从理论上来说124. on average 平均 125. in particular 尤其,特别126. refer toas 称为

10、 127. thanks to 幸亏,多亏128. in favour of 同意,支持 129. lead to 导致,引起130. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 131. be similar to 与相似132. get around 四处走动(旅行) 133. make a difference 有影响,使不相同134. havein common 有相同的特点 135. due to 由于,因造成136. come straight to the point 谈正题,开门见山 137. die out 灭绝138. throw ligh

11、t on 帮助弄清楚,阐明某事 139. rip off 敲竹杠,敲诈140. get a kick out of 从中得到 141. in the distance 远处的142. be heavy with 有大量的 143. at the edge of 在的边缘144. come to power 掌权 145. earn ones living 谋生146. be known for 因而出名/闻名 147. as a result of 由于的结果148. switch on 打开(灯,无线电等) 149. say hello to 向问好150. by accident 偶然地

12、151. up and down 一上一下地152. make a deal 达成协议,做成交易 153. on guard 保持警惕154. no way 肯定不,没门儿 155. keep cool 保持冷静156. switch off 关上(电灯,电视等)157. under construction 正在建设之中158. in no time 马上,一会儿 159. be connected to 与相连160. on the way out 即将被淘汰;即将过时 161.for a start 首先162. look out 小心,当心 163. use up 用完164. fre

13、e of charge 免费 165. get rid of 除掉,处理掉166. rely on 依靠 167. run out 用完,不多了168. for sure 肯定地 169. come to life 活过来170.makeout of把做成 171. be ready to 愿意172. rather than 而不是,而非 173. complain of 诉说,抱怨174. have an influence on 有影响 175. perform an operation 做手术176. to a great extent 在很大程度上 177. be fully awa

14、re of 非常清楚,充分认识178. be impressed by 对印象深刻 179. all in all 总的说来180. apart from 除外 181. under the control of 在的控制下182. more or less 差不多,几乎 183. be based on 以为基础,为依据184. on average 平均起来 185. refer toas 把称作186. needless to say 不用说,当然 187. make peace with sb. 和解188. in turn 结果,后来,反过来 189. of all time 有史以

15、来(最好)的190. make sbs acquaintance 结识某人 191. see the light 出台,颁布192. in possession of 拥有,掌握 193. be in want of 需要194. make a remark 评论 195. to ones astonishment 令某人吃惊的是196. head over heels 非常(爱),深深地(爱上) 197. go mad 发疯198. be home to 的故乡,的本土 199. in trouble 处于困境200. in terms of 在方面,根据 201. come into ex

16、istence 开始存在,开始形成202. agree to 应允,同意 203. be born into 出生于204. vote for 投票支持 205. in weight 重量206. cut off 砍掉,切掉 207. look back (on sth.) 回顾过去208. never look back 保持势头,没有停滞不前 209. dream of 想象,梦想210. burn down 烧毁 211. give in to 屈服,认输,投降212. turn up 开打(声音,热度或光亮等) 213. stay abreast of 不落后于,214. not to mention 更不用说 215. name after 以的名字命名

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