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1、5段式:1.19 1.26 2.23 3.13 4.5 4.24 5.10 5.22 6.5 7.5 8.9(有点特别) 8.16 9.6 9.18 9.27 10.11 10.23 11.15 11.20 11.29 12.4 12.6 (22题) 分析解决: 2.14 2.16 (有点特别) 4.12 4.19 8.21 9.13 10.25 11.8 12.20 (9 题)特别: 3.1 6.28 ( 2 题) 1. 五段式, 18大方法2. 四段式, 18大方法3. 分析解决类, 08真题上半年讲解 4. 小作文, 饼状图,柱状图5. 小作文, 线图, 表格图 6. 08真题下半年讲解

2、,全面总复习 08.01.10 Some people believe that time spent on television, video and computer games can be valuable for children. Others believe this has negative effects on a child. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 08.01.12 Some people think the best way of reducing crime is to give longer pri

3、son sentences. Others, however, think there are other better ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 08.01.19 The older generations have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behaviour. However, some people think that these ideas are not help

4、ful for the young generation to prepare for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 08.01.26 In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who h

5、ave no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 08.02.02 Some people think it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans. Other people think it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 08.02.1

6、4 People living in big cities face many problems today. What are the problems? Should the government encourage people to live in regional towns?08.02.16“ Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. ” - US movie actor & director John WayneWhy is it important for individuals and countries to think a

7、bout the future rather than focusing on the present? 08.02.23 In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy a wide variety of foods transported from all over the world. To what extent do the benefits of this development outweigh the drawbacks? 08.03.01 Most countries spend much money on ed

8、ucation, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion which two subjects are the most important for young people and which one is the least important?subjects: Literature Sports Mathematics Economy Physics History Music GeographyAs far as I am concerned , the importance of h

9、istory , a tool which can help us to analyse historical events , and mathematics , a discipline which can sharpen our reasoning skills , can not be ignored . Nonetheless , physics is the least significant one . 1 教育角度来看2 数学对于很多学生是非常重要的。3 很多学生,特别是成功的学生,都把他们学业上的优秀归结为对于数学良好的掌握。4确切地说,数学锻炼了学生的分析能力,提高了学生的

10、批判性思考能力。5 值得一提的是,在这方面压根就不缺鲜明的例子。 新加坡,就是个典型。(注意,这个地方只是引出例子) 通过在数学教育方面大量投资,新加坡学生的整体学业表现提升很快, 因此,新加坡造就出大量的科学家,金融人才和工科人才。 这些人才创造出大量的专利,这些专利帮助新加坡挣了大量的外汇 。(成功案例)6 相反的是,因为在数学教育方面的投入不足,美国学生的整体的分析能力和反应能力要落后于他们的同龄人。7 因此,在任何情况下我们都绝不能忽略数学的重要性。Critical thinking skills Analysis skills Judgement skillsDecision- ma

11、king skillsInterpersonal skills 提高: enhance Sharpen Strengthen Improve Better Educationally speaking , mathematics , the important subject , can provide students with many benefits . Notably , many students, especially excellent students , attribute their success to a good command of mathematics .Le

12、arning mathematics can improve students analysis skill , enhancing their critical thinking skills .Noticeably , there is no dearth of telling examples in this regard . Singapore , a leader in education, is a conspicuous one . (引出了例子)By learning math for a long time , young students in Singapore perf

13、orm(表现的) much better than their peers(同辈人) in other Asian countries . What is more , students in Singapore produce a great many patents .(专利) In sharp contrast, (与之形成鲜明对比的是) due to the lack of investment on math education , U.S. Faces a decline of students innovative and creative skills . To make th

14、e matter worse ,(进一步渲染) many engineering and science-related departments in universities witness a starvation of enrollment . Thus , on no account can we ignore the significance of math .因此,在任何情况下我们都不能忽略数学的重要性 。历史1 不要了2 历史对于学生能力的提高是非常关键的。3 许多关于历史的课程,特别是关于二战史和世界经济史的书,都帮助学生对文化和经济有好的了解。4 学习历史能够增进学生的判断能

15、力,提高学生的决策能力。5 特别值得一提的是,克林顿在这一方面就是个典型的例子。 因为他对于历史很好的掌握,他的能力很强,他展现出了卓越的领导力。6 因此,在任何情况下我们都不能忽略历史的重要性。开头: 1 同位语 2亮出选择(谁重要,谁不重要)主1:重要的主2:不重要的结尾:寒暄 小喊口号 Deepen sharpen widen strengthen Many high-flying men attribute their success to their good command of history .08.03.08 As the number of cars increases,

16、more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should pay for the cost. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.08.03.13People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than

17、 personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree?08.03.29Some people think it is the responsibility for government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyles. Others think people should have a free for their own lifestyles decisions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.08.04.0

18、5 06.03.25One long-distance flight consumes fuel which a car uses in several years time, but they cause the same amount of pollution. So some people think that we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist travel, rather than to limit the use of cars. To what extent do you agree or dis

19、agree with this view?08.04.12Many people are busy with work and do not have enough time to spend with families and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects of this on family life and society as a whole?08.04.19Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15

20、 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries?08.04.24(加考) School teachers used to be the source of information; however, some people argue that teachers are not as important as before as the increasing variety of information resources. What is y

21、our opinion? 08.05.10Children can learn efficiently by watching television, so they should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and in school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?08.05.22 04.10.23Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to

22、 their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?08.05.31Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always success in sports. Others think that success in sports depend

23、s on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinions. 08.06.05University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disag

24、ree with this statement?08.06.14Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problem, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss

25、the both sides and give your own opinion.08.06.21Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think that children controlled too much cant deal with problem themselves. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.08.06.28

26、Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful. However, it is rare for old people to use them. What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How does the old people to be encouraged using this new technology?1 经济 By 2 教育 Through 3 心理,沟通 in the process of , enormous pleasure

27、 and enjoyment 1 政府,送手机,电脑2 公司,开发设计易于操作的 手机,电脑 user-friendly 3 子女多教老年人,用电子邮件和老年人沟通,使老年人意识到好处 主体: 1 在哪些方面有用(经济, 教育,心理) 2 如何去鼓励老年人(不敢用,不会用,有了不知道该和谁沟通)08.07.05Nowadays, more university students choose to study some practical subjects ( such as marketing, computer programming, etc.) instead of theoretic

28、al subjects (such as economy, math, chemistry). Some people suggest that universities should focus on practical subjects, but not theoretical subjects. What do you agree or not agree? 08.07.12Some people support the developments in agriculture such as factory farming and creations of new types of fr

29、uits and vegetables, while others oppose this view. Discuss both views and give your opinion.08.07.26Some people think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while some people think more benefits has been brought to international business. Discuss both views

30、and give your own opinion.08.08.09 04.04.17In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? Give reasons for you answer and include examples from y

31、our knowledge or experiences. 08.08.16 = 05.07.23Detailed description of crimes on newspaper and TV can have bad consequences on society, so this kind of information should be restricted on media. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?08.08.21International travel sometimes makes people more prejudiced rather than bro

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