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高考复习英语 学法探究专项指导书面表达Word格式.docx


2、增加相关句子成分,调整某些说法。另外,要做到“用词有疑,另找替代”、“一法不成,另寻他途”,选择使用自己最熟悉的词语和句型以及自己最有把握的表达方式,以达扬长避短的目的。对于英语基础好的同学,要尝试变换句式,如强调句、倒装句、感叹句、省略句、各种从句和固定句型等,长句和短句交错使用。4、连句成文,过渡自然 完成该步骤时,一要注意前后句之间的过渡要自然。为了使文章在整体上结构严密,浑然一体,应该在句子与句子之间,甚至段落与段落之间,恰当地使用一些表示并列、递进、转折、因果等关系的连词或其他过渡性语句;二要根据行文和题目需要再加上一些合适的内容;三要根据行文,在需要时对短文进行适当分段。5、查错改

3、错复读检验,通读全文,看看要点是否齐全,提示的英文词语是否用到,行文是否流畅,句型、时态、拼写、词的搭配是否正确,大小写和标点是否规范,字数是否符合要求等等。切忌草率定篇,敷衍了事。6、誊写注意保持卷面整洁,书写工整清楚,书写的好坏会直接影响阅卷老师的情绪。卷面不工整扣6分。五写作中常用的词语并列and; as well as ; also;选择or; eitheror; or else; otherwise原因because ; owing to; due to ;on account of ; thanks to结果so ; therefore ; thus ; as a result时间

4、when ;soon after ; before; later ; first ; and then ; next ; finally; afterwards.比较on the contrary ; on the other hand ; like转折but ; yet; however ; although; in spite of ; instead ;递进besides ; moreover ; even ; in addition举例for example/instance; such as ; that is ;总结after all ; in short ; in general

5、 ; generally speaking, in all, in a word逻辑角度合适的过渡性词汇时间顺序first, second, then, finally/at last , soon immediately, suddenly空间顺序here, there, on one sideon the other side,in front of, at the back of, next to 对称顺序for one thing, for the other thing, on one hand,on the other hand转折顺序but, however, while, th

6、ough, otherwise因果顺序because, since, as, thanks to, as a result (of)条件顺序as long as, so long as, on condition that, if, unless让步顺序though, as, even if/though, whether, who (what, when, where)ever递进顺序whats more, besides, to make the matter worse, whats worse过渡性插入语I think, Im afraid, you know, As we all k

7、now文章及段落起始的过渡词:To begin withTo begin with, Id like to express my thanks to you.Generally speakingGenerally speaking, the more you practice, the more skillfully you can write in English.First of all First of all, doing exercise every day is important in keeping fit.文章及段落结尾的过渡词语:Therefore, thusTherefo

8、re (thus),it takes longer time to communicate in written English than in oral English.In conclusionIn conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from the warIn briefIn brief, birth control is very important in China.In a wordIn a word, country life is more beautiful

9、than city life.六巧妙转换句型,轻松应对写作 在高考英语写作题中,由于时间的限制,许多考生写出的句子显得过于单调、呆板。其实,要想在有限的时间里写出丰富、生动的句子并不难。只要对所学的英语句式加以转换,就一定能使写出来的句子更加准确、得体、简洁、灵活。1、词与词之间的转换1). 形容词转换为名词This painting is very valuable.This painting is of great value.2). 动词转换为名词Our hometown has changed a lot these years.Great changes have taken pla

10、ce in my hometown these years.2、词与从句的转换As he was tired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move onTired and hungry, the boy was unwilling to move on.3、非谓语动词与从句之间的转换1). 动名词和从句的转换When he arrives, please give me an e-mail. On hearing his arrival, please give me an e-mail.2). 分词和从句的转换A. 现在分词与从句的转换As he

11、 was lying in the grass, he thought of his parents living in the countryside.Lying in the grass, he thought of his parents living in the countryside.B. 过去分词与从句的转换Once it is seen, it will never be forgotten.Once seen, it will never be forgotten3). 不定式与从句的转换He spoke louder so that the audience could h

12、ear him clearly.To make himself heard clearly, he spoke louder.4、独立主格与从句的转换If weather permits, we shall go there on foot.Weather permitting, we shall go there on foot.(逻辑主语+现在分词)If everything is considered, his plan seems to be more workable.Everything taken into consideration, his plan seems to be

13、more workable. (逻辑主语+过去分词)When this was done, we went home.This done, we went home.Given good luck, I will earn more money than all of you.Good luck given, I will earn more money than all of you.Because there was nothing to do, we played games.There being nothing to do, we played games.(being 不可省略)5

14、、句与句之间的转换1). 简单句与复合句的转换The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of.2). 一般句式与强调句的转换I graduated from the university last summer.It was last summer that I graduated from the university.3). 条件句与祈使句的转换If you go through th

15、e gate, you will find the entrance to Bear Country. Go through the gate, and you will find the entrance to Bear Country.4). 宾语从句与状语从句的转换I wont believe what he says. No matter what he says, I wont believe him.6、“二态”之间的转换1). 时态的转换The bell is ringing now.There goes the bell.2). 主动语态变为被动语态People suggest

16、ed that the meeting be put off.It is suggested that the meeting be put off.7、其他形式的转换1). 正常语序与倒装语序的转换Though Im weak I will make the effort.Weak as I am, I will make the effort.They will never give up the struggle for successNever will they give up the struggle for success.2). 陈述语气与虚拟语气的转换The ship did

17、nt sink with all on board because there were the efforts of the captain. But for the efforts of the captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board.六冲刺训练 【示例1】观点型作文 近期某网站就央视台标是否应由英文缩写CCTV改成汉字标识问题对网民进行了调查,结果赞成修改的占70%,反对的占30%。请用英文写一篇短文:介绍该结果,解析赞成好反对的理由,并谈谈自己的观点,以便在某英文网站“current Issues”专栏上。 注意:1. 词

18、数:120150. 2. 第一段已经给出,不计入总词数One possible version: Recently a website has made a survey among netizens on whether CCTV should change its logo. The results are as follows. Seventy percent of those interviewed say the logo should be changed. They argued that while China is becoming more and more powerfu

19、l economically, it lacks the so-called “soft power”: the ability to influence the world by its culture. As Chinas No.1 TV station, China Central TV Station has the responsibility to take the lead in developing Chinas soft power. Changing the logo into a Chinese one would to some extent help raise in

20、ternational viewers awareness of the Chinese culture. In contrast, only 30% of the interviewees are against a change, maintaining the logo has been used for decades and is already a familiar symbol for the stations identity. A change would no doubt cause confusion, at least temporarily.Personally, I

21、 would take the side of the minority. A logo is just a logo. There is much more to do to develop Chinas soft power. So why bother?【写作指导】:正反观点型作文是高考训练的常见题型,平时多积累一些相关词汇、短语和句型对于备考很有帮助。例如:支持 赞成 be in favor of/ be for/ approve of反对 be against/ disagree/disapprove of优点 advantages缺点 disadvantages/ shortcom

22、ings/drawbacks .常见句型:Different people have different ideas/opinions/views onThere are different ideas about ,Some people hold the idea/opinion that ,Each coin has two sides.On (the) one hand; on the other handIn my opinion,As far as Im concerned,From my point of view,【练习1】看电影可去电影院,也可在家看影碟,请根据下表内容和标题

23、写一篇英语短文,对二者进行比较:去电影院在家看影碟1.人多拥挤2.有人谈论电影不安静;3.忍耐吃爆米花的气味和噪杂的声音等;4.门票较贵。1.安静自在;2.饮食随意,不会扰人,也无人打扰;3.不担心时间,不会迟到;租影碟费用较低。注意:1.100词左右2.标题已经给出3.可以适当增加内容,以是文章通畅。参考范文:Watching a movie? Home better than cinema?There are two ways to see films. One is to go to a cinema, and the other is to see DVDs at home. They

24、 each have their advantages and disadvantages.Seeing films in the cinema costs much. Besides, the cinema is usually crowded and noisy. Some audience like talking loudly with one another while seeing the film, and the noise of eating popcorn and the smell in the cinema is especially hard to bear.Howe

25、ver, when you see films at home, it is quiet, easy and convenient. You may eat anything without disturbing others or being disturbed. In addition, the rent of DVDs is cheaper than the ticket.Comparing the two choices, I think the latter is better than the former.【示例2】社会热点型网上购物正变得越来越流行,但是任何事情都有两面性,网上

26、购物也不例外。请根据以下表格所提供的信息,为学校的刊物写一篇报道,分析其优缺点并给出自己的看法。字数150以内,题目和开头已给出,不计入字数。优点缺点a. 方便a. 很难辨别是否是假货b. 商品价格往往较低b. 在购买前无法试用和检查,缺乏购物乐趣c. 可以看到别的客户的评价,有助于做出选择c. 网络支付不安全你的看法 Online shopping has been gaining popularity in the recent years. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of it? Obviously, online sho

27、pping has a number of advantages. To begin with, its a convenient way to purchase goods. People can buy things without going out. Moreover, goods online are usually sold at lower prices than in conventional stores. Last but not least, you can see other customers ments, which can help you make choice

28、s. Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, shopping online also has disadvantages. For one thing, it is very hard to tell whether the goods are fake or not. For another, customers lose some pleasure of shopping because they cant try or check the goods before buying them. Additionally, its not saf

29、e to pay online. Your passwords can be stolen. As for me, the advantages of online shopping outweigh its disadvantages. We should learn to make the best use of it and prevent losses. 【解析】本文主语提纲类作文的议论文,话题是网络购物的优缺点。使用的时态是一般现在时,人称是第三人称。议论文的写作一般采用经典的二段或三段式进行行文,议论文是比较容易写的文体。对于表达内容层次时需要使用平时积累的层次关系的短语,多使用被动,倒装、虚拟来提升作文的美度。要点:1.方便,商品价格往往较低;可以看到别的客户的评价,有助于做出选择;2. 很难辨别是否是假货, 在购买前无法试用和检查,缺乏购物乐趣;网络支付不安全.【练习2】当前出现一种现象, 有些大学一年级学生申请休学一年到公司打工, 目的是了解社会所需, 使以后的学习目标明确;再者因有工作经历, 有利于将来找到理想的工作。作为一名

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