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北师大版高中英语选修六第8讲Unit18 Beauty词汇篇2学生版Word格式.docx

1、(口语)站住不动be frozen to death 冻死If the temperature drops below 0C, water freezes. 如果温度降到摄氏零度以下,水就会结冰。词汇拓展:freezingadj. 冰冻的;严寒的;冷冻用的Its freezing here-cant we shut a few windows? 这里太冷了-我们就不能关上几扇窗户吗?Come inside, you must be freezing to death. 进来,你一定冻死了。n. U 冰点above/below freezing 在冰点以上/下s 15 degrees below

2、 freezing. 温度是零下15度。4. frost n. 霜,霜降;霜冻,严寒The ground was covered with frost in the early morning. 清晨地面满使霜。5. light (lit/lighted, lit/lighted) vt. 点燃;点火;vi. 照亮;n. U 光(亮);C 灯(光);adj. 明亮的;浅色的;轻的,轻松的The sun gives us light during the day. 白天太阳给我们光亮。The baggage is very light, so I can easily pick it up. 行

3、李很轻,所以我可以轻易地拿起来。注意:lighted可以作定语,lit不可以。常用搭配:come into light暴露in the light of根据,按照see the light领会light punishment轻微的出发6. settle v. 安定,安顿;停息;安居;解决,调停;结算,支付This machine can settle your nerves. 这药能镇静你的神经。The old man hoped his son would marry and settle down. 那位老人希望儿子能结婚并安定下来。settler n. 移民者,殖民者settlement

4、 n. 解决,处理;移民,殖民短语拓展:settle down 舒适地坐下或躺下,使.平静;安顿settle in 习惯于,适应;安顿下来settle on sth. 选择某事物,决定(做)某事7. long adj 长的,远的;长期的;v. 渴望,极想Im longing to see her. 我渴望见到她。We long for him to stay. 我们希望他留下来。短语链接:as/so long as 只要;既然,由于before long 不久之后long before 在.很久以前not.any longer = no longer 不再as long 只要;长久地;不再;再

5、见long for sth. 渴望得到某物long to do sth. 渴望做某事the long and the short 实质使如此,总而言之8. single adj.being (the) only one 仅一个的;唯一的separate; considered by itself 分别的;各自的unmarried 独身的;未婚的for the use of only one person 单人用得The head teacher personally know every single student in the class. 那位班主任对班上没一个学生都很了解。9. loo

6、k around/round 四处看看,环顾四周The students looked around at each other, trying to hide their shock. 学生们彼此环顾四周,试图掩饰他们的惊讶。After looking round, he nodded to show that he understood. 环顾四周后,他点头表示他明白了。10. nod n. 点头,点头招呼;v. 打盹,打瞌睡,点头,点头示意The student nodded to me as he passed. 那个学生从我身边经过时向我点头致意。nod to/at sb. 向某人点

7、头致意nod off 打盹,打瞌睡11. out of sight 看不见,在视线范围内Leave any valuables in your car out of sight. 把贵重物品留在车里看不见的地方。I waved my handkerchief until the train went out of sight. 我挥动手帕,直到火车驶出了视线。in sight 看得见at the sight of 一看见at first sight 乍一看catch sight of 看见lose sight of 看不见come into sight 看见,瞥见12. convey vt.

8、传达,表达;运送,转让This passage conveys the writers idea clearly. 这篇文章清楚地表达了作者的想法。My aunt has conveyed her house to me. 我阿姨已经把她的房子转让给我了。Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi. 你的行李将由出租车送到酒店。13. abnormal adj. 反常的,不正常的;不规则的We were very surprised at hisabnormalbehavior. 我们对他的反常行为感到非常吃惊。ab-为前缀,表示“偏离

9、,离开”的意思;反义词:normal派生词:abnormality n. 反常,变态,畸形;abnormally adv. 反常地,例外地14. creature n. 生物(人或动物)What a lovely creature! 多么可爱的家伙!a poor creature 可怜的人Your dog is a ferocious creature! 你的狗真凶!15. trap n. 陷阱,圈套;v. 诱捕,使中圈套;困住;使陷于危险中a mouse-trap 老鼠夹be caught in a trap 落入陷阱The police trapped the murderer and t

10、hrew him into prison. 警察诱捕了凶手并把他关进监狱。Firefighters are rescuing a five-year-old boy who has trapped his fingers in the door. 消防战士正在营救一个手指被夹在门里的五岁男孩。fall into the trap of doing sth. 做.不明智Dont fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place. 把你所有钱都投资到一个地方是不明智的。16. scene n. 景色;一场;场景,场面,情景;景象

11、The sunrise is a beautiful scene. 日出使一幅美景。Harriets house was a scene of utter confusion. 哈丽雅特家里一片混乱。scene, scenery, view与sightscene普通名词,指“(一眼可以浏览的)风景”,也指场景、场面,通常指包含人的活动在内。scenery集合名词,指“(该地区的整个)风景”,是由多个scene构成的景色。view指常在远处或高处以人的角度,看到scenery的一部分。sight风景,名胜,用复数形式,指人文景观。17. transform v. 转变,变形;变革My siste

12、r used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely transformed her. 我妹妹过去十分腼腆,但在国外待了一年以后她完全变了。transformable adj. 可改变外观或性质的transformation n. (外观或性质)的改变,改观,转变transformer n. 变压器transform sth./sb. from sth. 把.从.改变transform sth./sb. into sth. 把.改变成.18. strike v. 打,打动He was struck by her beauty.

13、他被她的美貌迷住了。使突然意识到A good idea suddenly struck her.=A good idea suddenly hit on/upon her.=A good idea suddenly occurred to her.她突然想起一个好主意。给.以印象How does the plan strike you? 你对这个计划印象如何?打,击,撞The bus had been struck by a rock. 汽车被一块岩石打中了。(不愉快的事情)突然发生Hurricane struck the whole city last night. 昨晚飓风席卷整座城市。罢

14、工They are striking for high pay and good living conditions. 他们为提高工资和改善居住条件而罢工。敲钟,报时The church clock began to strike twelve. 教堂的钟声敲十二点。struck与stricken都是strike的过去分词,表示比喻性的打击时多用stricken;另外striking意为“引人注目的,突出的”,其副词形式为strikingly。The old man was stricken to heart at the death of his only son. 独生儿子的死令老人伤心欲

15、绝。19. evident adj. 明显的,显然的,明白的It was evident that the news came as a complete shock to him. 很显然他被这个消息惊呆了。evidence n. 证据;证明;证词Carol was called to give evidence. 卡罗尔被要求出庭作证。evidently adv. 看来,从现有证据看来;显然Evidently he is not accustomed to being talked to liked that. 看来他不习惯别人那样对他说话。20. recommend vt.推荐,介绍re

16、commend sth. to sb. = recommend sb. sth. 把某物推荐给某人recommend sb. for the job. 推荐某人做这项工作I recommended the book to all my students. 我向我所有得学生推荐了这本书。Can you recommend me a good hotel? 你能介绍一家好旅馆给我吗?= advise建议recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事recommend doing sth. 建议做某事recommend that sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人应

17、做某事He recommends wearing safety equipment. 他建议佩戴安全装备。I recommend you to follow the doctors advice. 我建议你听从医生的意见。I recommend that everyone (should) read the book. 我建议大家都看看这本书。21. childish adj. 孩子的,孩子气的;幼稚的Shes just beingchildishand immature. 她在耍小孩子脾气,真是任性。child n. 小孩儿childishly adv. 天真地,幼稚地childlike a

18、dj. 孩童般的,天真烂漫的childhood n. 孩童时期childbirth n. 分娩联想记忆:foolish 傻的;bookish书呆子气的22. dominate vt. 在.中占有重要地位;支配,统治,控制At one time the view of hers was dominating over the academic circles. 她的学术观点一度在学术界占支配地位。domination n. 支配,通知dominator n. 支配者,统治者,占优势者23. liev. 说谎,撒谎,制造谎言I hate the persons who lie to me. 我讨厌

19、那些向我说谎的人。v. 躺,平躺,平卧She is lying on her bed, awake. 她平躺在床上,醒着的。v. 平放The book lay open on the desk. 那本书摊开放在课桌上。v. 位于,坐落于The town lies on the coast. 这个城镇位于海滨。n. 谎言The whole story was nothing but a pack of lies. 整个叙述只不过使一派胡言。lie与lay词义原形过去式过去分词现在分词撒谎lieliedlying躺laylain下蛋laidlaying放置24. magnify vt. 放大,扩大

20、;夸大;使(问题)严重Hetriedtomagnifythepartheplayedinbattle. 他试图夸大他在战斗中发挥的作用.The sound was magnified by the high roof. 高高的屋顶使声音更响亮。25. initialadj. 开始的,最初的The initial talks formed the basis of the later agreement. 最初的会谈形成了后来协议的基础。n. 首字母His initials are PFW; they stand for Peter Francis White. 他的姓名的开头字幕是PFW;它们

21、代表彼得弗朗西斯怀特。v. 用姓名的首字母签名于Would you initial these memos, sir? 先生,您能用姓名的首字母签一下这些备忘录吗?26. elementary adj. 简单的,容易的;初级的,基础的elementary school 小学junior middle school 初中senior high school 高中The question is elementary. 这个问题很简单。27. emotion n. 强烈的情感,激情A mixture of emotions welled up inside her as she spoke. 当她讲

22、话时,她百感交集。emotion与feelingemotion常指由于喜、怒、哀、乐等而使感情和心情强烈的变化,精神上的因素较强。feeling指一般的感受,既可指精神上的喜怒哀乐等情感,也可指生理上受到刺激而产生的感觉。feeling指“感情”时要用复数形式,有时也与emotion混用。I have a feeling of pain in my waist. 我的腰部有疼痛的感觉。She couldnt control her feelings/emotions. 她控制不住自己的感情。28. wild adj. 狂野的,未驯化的;荒芜的,荒凉的;野蛮的,放肆的;疯狂的,狂野的The is

23、land is a wild and lonely place. 这座岛屿荒无人烟。The mushroom we ate yesterday is wild. 我们昨天吃得蘑菇是野生的。29. natural adj. 自然的,天然的(不与冠词连用);本能的,天生的,固有的The ball is made of rattan anaturalfiber. 这个球是由一种天然纤维-省藤制成的。s natural for a bird to fly. 鸟儿生来就会飞。词汇扩展:nature n. 自然,自然界;性质,本性,天性naturally adv. 自然而然地,不做作地,当然地by nat

24、ure 天生地,出于本性地in nature 性质上,本质上,实际上,根本30. ruinvt. 毁坏;使失去;使破产My wife was ruining her health through worry. 忧虑严重损害了我妻子的健康。Several counties were ruined during the earthquake and tsunami. 几个县在地震和海啸中被毁。n. C, U 毁坏;破产;废墟;遗迹Tax evasion led to the famous sing stars ruin. 逃税毁了这个著名的歌星。Petersburg was almost in r

25、uins: fire burned everywhere. 彼德斯堡几乎已成为废墟,到处都是火烧过的痕迹。ruination n. 毁灭,毁坏ruinous adj. 导致毁灭的,毁坏的31. innocent adj. 无罪的,清白的;无害的;天真的,单纯的be innocent of a crime 无罪The police have imprisoned an innocent woman. 警察监禁了一个无辜的女子。32. float vi. 漂浮,飘(在空气中),飘扬They floated timber down the stream. 他们把木材顺水漂下去。33. embarrass vt. 使窘迫;使难堪t embarrass her with personal questions. 不要问她一些私人的问题让她难堪。

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