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北京卷真题课程A语法单选课件 1文档格式.docx

1、过去将来完成进行时进来goout出去get滚出去standup起立sitdown坐下4.when在这里引导时间状语从句5.talkwithsb.与某人谈话talk-show脱口秀six-partytalks六方会谈6.came从句一般过去时,主句与从句前后呼应,用was002. John made her _B_ him everything about her plan for the trip. A. to tell B. tell C. told D. tells使役动词2.主谓宾宾补 感官或使役类动词,用不定式作宾补,主动句中省略to;变被动语态时,还原to3.变被动

2、句She was made to tell him everything about her plan for the trip by John.tell后面跟双宾语4.trip旅行 tip小贴士 tap水龙头 lip嘴唇 trick诡计 hat-trick帽子戏法 trap陷阱5.plan n.计划 v.打算Plane n. 飞机;平面;程度,水平adj. 平的;平面的vt. 刨平;用刨子刨;掠过水面plant vi.种植vt. 种植;培养;栽培;安置 n. 工厂,车间;植物;设备;庄稼transplant 移植003. Lucy goes to school by bike every d

3、ay, _B _ she?A. does B. doesnt C. is D. isnt反义疑问句2.构成:陈述句/祈使句, 简短疑问句?简短疑问句:只能是两个词构成,遇否定形式,需缩写3.普通陈述句 前否后肯,前肯后否Lucy is 11 years old, (isnt) she?isnt与doesnt区别实义动词,提取助动词do,三单用does系动词,提取be4.祈使句普通祈使句 Open the door, will you?(省略主语you)特殊祈使句 Lets have a break, shall we?(包含说话人)5.零冠词使用 加the体现表面意思,不加the体现功能go

4、to school 去上学go to the school 去学校in hospital 住院in the hospital 在医院 借助外来工具by bike by bus by car区别on foot步行 on 用自己的脚004. I cant help _C_ whether we should go without raincoats.A. wonder B. to wonder C. wondering D. wondered固定搭配2.cant help 禁不住. +doing不可分开单独讨论,是一个组合3.主谓宾模式主语I 谓语cant help宾语wondering

5、whether we should go without raincoats 名词性短语作宾语wonder vt. +宾语/宾语从句whether we should go without raincoats是wondering的宾语从句whether=if 是否 表疑问语气 4.wonder n.奇迹 vt.想知道=want to konwwander 漫步,迷路wonderful adj. 精彩的 -ful adj.后缀careful 仔细的,小心的care n. 照顾 carefully 仔细地5.非谓语动词动名词不定式 to do sth. 目的 将来 (aim; futre)现在分词

6、 V+doing 主动 进行(active; ing)过去分词V+ed 完成 被动(complete/finish;passivity)005. Never in her life _B_ in such an important party, where she saw so many pop stars.A. Lisa took part B. did Lisa take partC. Lisa was taken part D. was Lisa taken part部分倒装2.倒装:后面的成分拿到前面去主谓倒装:主语谓语存在位置颠倒关系主系表 I am a teacher.表系主 Th

7、ere is an apple. There are two apples.3.主谓倒装:完全 部分完全倒装:谓语全部拿到主语前面部分倒装:谓语的助动词、情态动词、系动词拿到主语前面,谓语核心动词还放在后面原ever 永恒,曾经原型(prototype):Lisa took part全部倒装(full inversion) took Lisa part部分倒装(part inversion) did Lisa take part4.部分倒装:看句子开头否定性结构开头;only 放置在句首;so/neither/nor+助动词+主语,so用于肯定句,肯定前面的;so+形容词、副词+倒装+that

8、;虚拟句子中,省略if,开头用had,should,were,never=not+ever 从不,决不 ones life在某人的一生中such adj. 跟名词性结构so adv. 跟形容词性/副词性结构6.参加:participate in=take part in= attend=join 优先考虑左边高级词7.pop=popular adj.流行的8.where she saw so many pop stars.非限制性定语从句when where why how万能词,可出现在任何一种从句中,具体情况具体分析(Universal words, can appear in

9、any clauses, particular case is particular analysis)006. The young man, _A_ met us at the station yesterday, will show us around the campus this morning.A. who B. that C. which D. Whose4 一般将来时 simple future tense3,show us around the campus 带我们参观校园2,定语从句,对名词进行修饰说明(The attributive clause, by modifying

10、 the noun) 2大类3小类 Two kinds and three small kinds 两大类:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句Restrictive attributive clauses and non-restrictive attributive clause 3小类,非限制有两种:逗号隔开的,AS放句首 定语从句的引导词问题 A 关系代词 that(指人或物,做主宾表,在非限制中不能使用)、which(指物,主宾表,在名称从句中做定语) Who、whom(宾语)、whose(名称所有格)、AS(指带整个句子) (what 只能引导名称从句) B.关系副词(定语,名词、宾语

11、等所有从句中)when、 why、where、how(名词+定语)从句问题三步走 1.判断从句类型:根据关系引导词 2,分析从句的成分;缺什么补什么 3,结合缺少的成分,选择引导词007. I am not sure whether New York is _C_ biggest city in world or not.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; a5 whetheror not 是不是(固定搭配)4 in the world3 whether conj. 是否 if主语从句开头不能用if,因为if有双从功能。If主要是引导条件状语从句2 a(

12、an)不定冠词(泛指);the,the定冠词 城市前面不加the008. Believe it or not, Mike runs _B_ than all the other boys in his class.A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. more fast4 mike runs the fastest in his class. 最高级用the3 than 比较级 more fast 形容词音节比较长时用more2 believe it or not 不管你信不信009. They left London for New York _B_ the mor

13、ning of September 10.A in B. on C. at D. Of4,leave A for B 离开A去B leave for 去某地3 in2016;in May2 具体到某一天用on。特指1介词010. Jim cant go to school today _C_ his illness.A. in spite of B. in front of C. because of D. far from6 Far from 远离什么5 illness=ill+ness -ill 病的,坏的 表语 She is ill ill=sick 定语 This is the ill

14、 girl ill=bad Kindness=kind+ness 和蔼的 (kind n. 种类;性质adj. 和蔼的;宽容的;令人感激的)Kid n. 小孩;小山羊adj. 小山羊皮制的;较年幼的vt. 欺骗;取笑;戏弄Adult adj. 成年的;成熟的n. 成年人4 Because of conj 原因状语从句 since=as=for=because 3 In spite of 尽管,即使 2 In front of 在什么前面 in the front of 在(内部的前面) There is a tree in front of the classroom There is a b

15、lackboard in the front of the classroom 在内部的前面 She has been in hospital 她住院了 She has been in the hospital 她在医院011. With the_C_ of a computer, one can do what was impossible in the past.A. age B. air C. aid D. Aim7 one 代词 pronoun6 所有格 表达两个名词间的关系 s vs of 同时出现,双从所有格 S 前面是定语, of 后面是定语5 aim 目标 ,瞄准(aim at

16、) Goal target 4 aid First-aid3 air air-conditioner2 age 年龄 时代 Massage message012. I immediately _B_ Lukes father from the crowd because they two looked like each other so much.A. researched B. recognized C. reported D. reduced9 each other 互相8 look like 看起来像7 crowd 人群 拥挤6 immediately-immediate 立刻,马上-

17、mediate 中介-media player媒体5 reduce 减少 produce 生产 education 教育4 report 报告3 recognize ize 名称后缀2 researched 研究 search 搜救013. A friendly relationship between two countries is often based on_B_ respect, trust and understanding.A. lovely B. mutual C. bold D. strict12 understanding 理解 -outstanding 杰出的 -inta

18、ke 带进 -output 产出 输出 -input 输入11 trust 信任 believe in 信任10 respect 尊重 eye contact 目光接触;眼神交会 词根:spect,spec,spic看 -aspect 看;一个方面 prospect 前景;愿景 suspect vi 怀疑 doubt -expect 期望 inspect 研究 retrospect 回顾,回想 introspect 内省,自省9 based A on B 基于 / foundation n. 基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立 8 抽象名称具体化7 between 6 friendly adj 友

19、好的 relationship relation n关系- relate vt 叙述,使有关系;vi涉及,认同;与有关系 -relative 相关的 (ship 抽象名称后缀)5 strict 严厉的4 bold 莽撞的3 mutual adj. 互相的2 lovely adj. 可爱的014. Mr. Brown isnt in the office now, but you can _D_ a message for him.A. give B. hand C. tell D. leaveX i0 ) x 6 but 转折关系的 并列连词5 leave 离开 leave Beijing f

20、or Shanghai b4 tell Tell sb sth.=tell sth to sb 分辨对错 tell right or wrong 3 hand 手 handle 手柄 Lend sb a hand = help sb2 give vt 给予 gift n礼物(please) 天赋(talent) give-gave-given -given prep.考虑到 adj 给予的 Provided conj. 倘若;假如 015. The boy gave an exciting _C_ of his adventures on the island, which attracted

21、 a large audience.A. opinion B. idea C. account D. Appearance12 give an account of 对描述11 audience 听众、观众 -audi -audio /video 声音/视频 3-D dimension VR virtual reality 虚拟/现实10 attracted regular verb -attract = at+tract 吸引 Tractor n. 拖拉机;牵引机 Contract n. 合同;婚约vt. 感染;订约;使缩短vi. 收缩;感染;订约 9,非限制性定语从句,不能用that,人用

22、who,物用which8 island 岛屿 -land 陆地7 adventures -adventure vi. 冒险vt. 冒险;大胆说出n. 冒险;冒险精神;投机活动 -advance n. 发展;前进;增长;预付款adj. 预先的;先行的 vt. 提出;预付;使前进;将提前 vi. 前进;进展;上涨 -advantage n. 优势;利益;有利条件vt. 有利于;使处于优势vi. 获利6 exciting 令人振奋 excited excite 分词变形容词-这个消息令人振奋-the news excites us!-the news is exciting!-We are exci

23、ting about the news!-interest interesting interested 5 appearance 外貌,面貌 -appear 出现 -disappear 消失 -pear 梨4 account 帐户、解释、理由、描述 -count n. 计数;计算;伯爵vt. 计算;认为vi. 计数;有价值 -counter n. 柜台;对立面;计数器;(某些棋盘游戏的)筹码vi. 逆向移动,对着干;反驳adj. 相反的(countr) vt. 反击,还击;反向移动,对着干;反驳,回答adv. 反方向地;背道而驰地 -timer n. 电子 定时器;计时器;计时员,记时员;跑

24、表;延时调节器 -cs,counter-strike, teamwork cooperation -account 帐户,open an account -accountant 会计-cashier 出纳 -cash 现金- cash or credit card?3 idea n 想法 主意 Ideal adj 理想的 2 opinion n. 意见;主张016. Get in the car. Theres enough _A_ for you.A. room B. seat C. spot D. area8 enough 足够 I have enough money! -adj+n I

25、am old enough! -adj+adv - enough water/books7 there be 6 get in 上车 5 area 区域,面积4spot 点,地点,斑点/看见 发现- pot 罐子 - hot-pot 火锅3 seat -sit stand up! Sit down! -sit down,please!-Be seated,please!-seat yourself,please!-Have a seat, please!2 room - book a room 订房 - class room 教室 -不可数:空间 make room for 为腾出地 Make

26、 room for the kind person1 词义辨析017. His face looks _B_ but I cant remember where I met him.A. alike B. familiar C. like D. similar11 recognize review n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅vt. 回顾;检查;复审vi. 回顾;复习功课;写评论10 where 宾语从句9 remember Vs forget -remember to do sth - remember doing sth doing 做过的 -forget to do sth -fo

27、rget doing sth8 but 表示转折关系的并列连词7 looks 感观动词 -linking verb6 face 脸,面 -surface 表面 -surf vi. 作冲浪运动vt. 在冲浪n. 海浪,拍岸浪 go surfing -face to face 面对面 -face to do sth -face up to do sth 勇敢的面对,强调5 like VS love 喜欢 爱 -like doing sth. 爱好、习惯(经常做的) -like to do sth. 偶尔去做的4 familiar be familiar with 对很熟悉 -Similar 类似的

28、 be similar to -popular adj. 流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;大众的;普及的 -polar n. 极面;极线adj. 极地的;两极的;正好相反的 - family member -homesick3. 形容词:表语定语-Xiaofang is very beautiful! 表语-The beautiful girl is Xiaofang! 定语2 alike 表语形容词 alive adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的 -alike= a+like adj. 相似的;相同的adv. 以同样的方式;类似于 -awake=a+wake adj. 醒着的vt. 唤醒;使觉醒;激起,唤起vi. 觉醒,意识到;醒来;被唤起 -asleep =a+sleep adj. 睡着的;麻木的;长眠的adv. 熟睡地;进入睡眠状态 -alone=a+lone adj. 独自的;单独的;孤独的adv. 独自地;单独地 The man is alone The alone man is com

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