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1、 up and rubbed his eyes for a while before he recognized me. Then he opened the package 53 , gave me my leather shoes, and apologized to me shyly. I 54 him and wrapped him with his unfit shirt, which had wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the 55 of the boy stayed in my mind.36. A. took B. wor

2、e C. mended D. owned37. A. old B. unfit C. small D. dirty38. A. bag B. package C. box D. suitcase39. A. seated B. bent C. put D. looked40. A. when B. after C. because D. since41. A. protection B. rest C. hide D. preparation42. A. out B. away C. in D. off43. A. dark B. light C. dim D. bright44. A. th

3、ought B. wondered C. guessed D. imagined45. A. shine B. keep C. return D. carry46. A. rain B. coffee C. time D. work47. A. opened B. locked C. stopped D. closed48. A. lowered B. dropped C. raised D. held49. A. shortly B. surprisedlyC. sadly D. immediately50. A. table B. door C. bed D. cafe51. A. wet

4、 B. bare C. pale D. cold52. A. stayed B. sa C. jumped D. got53. A. finally B. suddenly C. unfriendlyD. hurriedly54. A. recognized B. forgave C. paid D. inspired55. A. feature B. shirt C. image D. form36-40 BBCBA 41-45 ACABC 46-50 ADABB 51-55 BCDCC2、I could have easily gone through life without getti

5、ng to know one of the most romantic feelings-love for a dog. For at least ten years my had been suggesting that we get a dog. There were several reasons why the idea . We had noticed that, on our block, couples with no children as a rule one large or two small dogs. So we got one puppy we too had no

6、 children. He flew into the house with the of a Formula 1 (一级方程式赛车). In several minutes he ran over all the house, from my shoulder onto the bed, and ended up in the , where my wife washed him with motherly 43 . From that day on, the invisible(看不见的) _44 for the love of the new member of our househol

7、d began at my home. He seemed to that at once. Most of the meals that my wife had 46 for him with greater care than those for me-he didnt 47 look at. Every evening I went out walking with him. I could not know who was walking whom 48_ one evening, when, tired from work, I the walk. The dog was very

8、angry and dragged me out. Last night our dog pulled me by the ear with his teeth, 50 me up in my dream, and dragged me into the kitchen to make me turn off the 51 which had disturbed(干扰) his sleep. I meekly(乖乖地) 52 that I had forgotten to switch off the light, but that was not 53 . He looked at me l

9、ike a teacher at a pupil who repeatedly makes 54 . Now we finally know whos the 55 at home, and for twenty years we had seriously argued whether it was my wife or I.36. A. wife B. son C. husband D. daughter37. A. came up with B. came out C. came up D. came on38. A. kept B. rose C. carried D. invited

10、39. A. if B. unless C. sinceD. before40. A. speed B. shape C. cost D. race41. A. climbed B. jumped C. covered D. stopped42. A. yard B. street C. bathroom D. kitchen43. A. worry B. care C. identity D. power44. A. signal B. work C. war D. truth45. A. doubt B. understandC. wonder D. dislike46. A. reach

11、ed B. searched C. looked D. prepared47. A. even B. still C. everD. yet48. A. while B. because C. until D. as49. A. gave in B. gave up C. gave away D. gave out50. A. broke B. woke C. picked D. packed51. A. water B. heater C. cooker D. light52. A. hoped B. considered C. admitted D. decided53. A. enoug

12、h B. good C. bad D. true54. A. plans B. mistakes C. decisions D. faces55. A. boss B. member C. adult D. child36-40 ACACA 41-45 BCBCB 46-50 DACBB 51-55 DCABA3 Professor Green, known to the world as a scientist, is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy 41 scientific

13、 problems and seldom notices what is going on 42 him. One fine day recently, he went 43 a walk in the countryside, but as 44 he has a book in his hand. When he went out , he began to read his book . He hadnt gone far 45 he run into a big cow and fell down. In the fall, he had lost his glasses, witho

14、ut which he couldnt see anything. He thought he had hit his head 46 a fat lady. “Im sorry, Madam.” He said politely 47 searching for his glasses. As soon as he had 48 , he realized his mistake.Soon he was fixing his mind on his book 49 and paid no attention to anything else. He had scarcely been wal

15、king for five minutes when he fell over again, _50 both his book and his glasses. This time he got very angry, seizing his umbrella, he gave the “cow” a wild blow. Then, after finding his glasses, he realized with horror that he made a second mistake. A large fat woman was fleeing from him in a horr

16、or.41. A. to think B. thinking C. thinking about D. to think of42. A. with B. around C. for D. at43 .A. for B. to C. towards D. over44. A. also B. often C. ever D. usual45. A. when B. while C. just then D. at that time46. A. to B. against C. aboutD. onto47. A. after B. in C. before D. during48. A .p

17、ut it on B. taken them off C. put them on D. taken them out49. A. always B. again C. usually D. very much50. A. holding B. getting C. finding D. losing4145 CBADA 46-50 BCCBD4、 (河南省10-11方城县月考)Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know 21 you think you are a 22 person or

18、 a coward (懦 夫). But you will never really know the answer to this question 23 you are tested in real life. Some people 24 they are brave but when they come face to face with real 25 , they act like cowards. Others think of themselves as cowards, but when they meet danger, they act like 26 .Lenny ha

19、d alwa ys thought of himself as a 27 person. He got worried before examinations. He worried about his job and health. All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy. 28 , on January 15th, 2002, a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington. Lenny went to the river to see what was happening.

20、 He saw a woman in the 29 water. Lenny did not feel afraid. He kept very 30 and did a very dangerous thing. He jumped into the Potomac, 31 to the woman, and kept her head 32 the water. Seventy-eight people died that day. Thanks to Lenny, it was not 33 .When you are in a very 34 situation and feel af

21、raid, the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood. The chemical is called adrenalin. 35 adrenalin in the blood system, you actually feel stronger and stronger and are to fight or run away. However, when you are absolutely terrified, the body can produce too much adrenalin. When this 37 ,

22、 the muscles become very hard and you find you at all. You are then paralyzed (使无能为力) with fear. This is 39 when we are very frightened, we sometimes say were “petrified”. This word comes from the Greek word “petros”, which means “stone”. We are frightened that we become stonelike.21. A. how B. neit

23、her C. whether D. either22. A. brave B. real C. hard D. certain23. A. when B. until C. after D. once24. A. realize B. find C. think D. agree25. A. life B. question C. mouse D. danger26. A. soldiers B. mice C. heroes D. cowards27. A. useful B. brave C. nervous D. terrible28. A. So B. Therefore C. Then D. Actually29. A. fresh B. poisonous C. warm D. ice-cold30. A. nervous B. calm

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