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1、To start with,I would like to knowhow I can join the club and howoften the activities are held .In addition ,what kinds of abilities I need to haveto be a member of you?Finally,it s not clear tome whether students enjoy the benefits of a discount on the membership fee.I am looking forward to a favor

2、able reply at your earliest convenience.Yours,LiHua(一)写作要求: 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Henry 在学校参加了汉语学习 小组,但是他因汉语难学而准备退出。请你给他写一封信劝 导他并提供一些学习中文的建议。注意: 1.词数 100;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。(二)写作思路:1.由题干可知,是要求给美国笔友 Henry 写一封建议信,应用第一人称,时态为一般现在时。2.文章主题部分建议有三部分组成:第一段表示得知他的 情况,进行劝导( It s normal that;never should you give up ); 第

3、二段提供学习中文的建议,可用 first ,second 等词来分点 陈述建议; 第三段表示鼓励并希望有所帮助 (be of some help )3.表示劝导和建议的注意要有条理; 同时要注意语气和措辞, 要让对方感到自己的态度真挚。(三)参考范文Dear Henry , m glad that you have joined the chinese Learning Group in your school.It s normal that you may beat your brains out learning such a complicated language at the be

4、ginning.You know,there is a growing tendency for foreigners to learn chinese to get a better understanding of china.So never should you give up.Here are my suggestions for you.First,make the most of every chance to practice speaking chinese.The more you practice,the more confident you will be .Secon

5、d,listening to chinese songs can also lead to great success.By listening to them ,you can memorize more words in a relaxing way.Anyway ,Rome was not built in a by sticking to studying can you make progress in chinese step by step.I hope my suggestions can be of some help to you.Yours2018 高考英

6、语作文专项训练三(1)写作要求:假定你是李华, 你下周将代表学校参加市里举办的中小学英语演 讲比赛,因此想请外教 Susan当面予以指导。请给 Susan写一圭寸 电子邮件。内容包括:1.求助事由;2.求助内容;3.表达感激。2.可以增加适当的细节,以使行文连贯。(2)写作思路:1.由题干可知使要求给外教写一圭求助信,文章是陈述自己的情 况,应用第一人称;描述的是自己现在遇到的问题,时态为一般 现在时。2.文章主题部分由三部分组成:第一部分时陈述自己写信的原因 (do me a favour) ;第二部分是发挥想象,描述自己现在遇到的 具体问题及求助内容, 在陈述时一般可采用一些过渡词和连接词

7、, 如firstly,besides,使文章在条理上更加清晰;第三部分使表达感激 并期待回复( thank you for your generous help ).3.陈述自己遇到的问题时要客观、真实、语言应简洁诚恳。Dear Suan,m glad to tell you that I have selected to participate in an English speech contest which will be held in our city next week.I ve finished my speech draft and practised many times,

8、but I still fine it far from satiisfactory.I m writing to ask you to do me a favour.Firstly,I m not sure of the proper expression of some English words .and there may also be some mistakes in grammar and sentence strctures.Besides,I m unconfident with my English, I m wondering wheth

9、er you can help me correct these problems face to face at yourconvnience.I dlike to thank you for your generous help in this case in advance.Looking forward to your reply.liHua2018 高考英语作文专项训练四假定你是李华,你校将举办太极拳(Tai Chi)为主题 的讲座,你的外教 Friank 对此有着浓厚的兴趣。请写 信邀请他参加。1.时间和地点;2.讲座的内容:太极拳的发展史、特点等。 注意:2.可以适当增加细节,以

10、使行文习惯。1.由题干可知是给外教的邀请信, 邀请外教参加讲座, 人称以第一人称为主,第二人称为辅;主题时态为一 般现在时。2.文章主题部分建议由三部分组成:第一部分陈述写 作目的( Im writing to invite you ) ;第二部分按照题干 给出的提示介绍讲座的相关的信息,可以适当发挥想 象,陈述时注意条理要清晰,可以使用关联词;第三 部分陈述邀请缘由(have strong interest in)并期待他 的回应( looking forward to) .3.由于邀请外教,因此在语言上应礼貌得体。(二) 参考范文:Dear FrankI am LiHua.Im writi

11、ng to invite you to attend a lecture whose theme is about Tai Chi.The lecture will be held in the school hall at 3:00pm on sunday,A coach who is proficient in Tai Chi,the characteristics of Tai Chi and how to practice Tai Chi scientifically from it.I believe it must be attractive and pracitical.Sinc

12、e you have strong interest in chinese Tai Chi,it is really worthwhile to attend.would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can attend the lecture?Looking forward to your reply.Yours truly LiHua(一 ) 写作要求:假定你是李华,你校国际部外教 Martin 正为将要到你班做 交换生的 Jack 招募寄宿家庭。 请你给 Martin 写一封电子邮 件,申请成为 Jack 的寄宿家庭。1

13、.写信的目的;2.自己的优势。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。(3)写作思路:1.由题干可知是要求给校国际部外教 Martin 写一封申请信, 申请作为Jack的寄宿家庭,因此,主题部分 ongoing第一人称,但提及家庭及家庭成员的情况应用第三人称。主题为一般现在时。 2.文章主题部分建议由三部分组成:第一部分陈述写作目的(host);第二部分介绍成为寄宿家庭的优势,可以适当发挥想 象,陈述时注意条理要清晰,可以使用关联词,介绍家庭成员的 情况是应变换句式, 使句式更加多样化; 第三部分期待答复 ( look forward to )。3.由于是申请信,因此

14、语言应礼貌而得体。(三) 写作范文:Dear MartinIm LiHua,a student from Class5,Grade 3.Learning that an exchange student called Jack will study in my class next term, I mwriting to tell you that my family wants to host him.I hope you can take us into account for the following reasons.First,it is comfortable to live in

15、 my quite house,which is near a beautiful lake ,More inportantly,we will make every effort to take good care of him.Being an experienceed doctor,my father can provide medical help if necessary.If Jack has difficulty communicating with others ,he can turn to my mother,who is an English teather .As an

16、 easy-going boy,I want to make friends with him,too.I am sure that Jack will be deeply impressed by our service.2018 高考英语作文专项训练六写作要求:假定你是李华, 你的英国笔友 Oliver 获得了世界青少年创新大赛的一 等奖。请你给他写一封信,向他表示祝贺。1. 表示祝贺; 2.肯定 Oliver 付出的努力;2. 再次祝贺并表达美好的祝愿。 1.词数 100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:世界青少年创新大赛World Innovation Conte

17、st for Young Student(二) 写作思路:1. 由题干可知,本文要求写一封祝贺信,祝贺对方获得了比赛的一 等奖,向朋友表示祝贺时用第一人称,在肯定朋友的努力时用第 二人称。2. 祝贺的事情是已发生的事实,因此描述祝贺的事情时,需要用一 般过去时或现在完成时;成功的原因是客观事实,时态用一般现 在时。3.文章主体部分建议由三部分组成:第一段表达听到的喜讯的心情和祝贺之情(be delighted to,congratulate on)第二段对 Oliver 的成就 进行积极评价( academic excellence,industry and perseverance); 第三

18、段再次表示衷心的祝贺和美好的祝愿 (greater success in ones future)。4.注意祝贺信的用词必须亲切有礼、表达出真诚的喜悦之情。(三)写作范文:Dear Oliver,Im very delighted to learn that you have won the first prize of World Innovation Contest for Young Students ,I sincerely congratulate you on your great success.Every time we email each other ,we are alw

19、ays sharing our school life.So in my eyes,besides your academic excellence,it is your industry and perverance that lead to your achievement.Admiring your performance,Im eager to follow the example you have set to me.My utmost congratulations on your successagain togenther with best wishes to you for

20、 your greater success in your future study.Yours, LiHua2018 高考英语作文专项训练七 (一)写作要求: 假定你是李华,在美国旅行期间送到酒店洗衣房的衣 服丢失了,酒店员工拒绝负责,且态度恶劣。请写封 邮件给该酒店经理投诉此事,内容包括:1, 写信原因;2, 投诉内容;3, 提出希望。1.词数 100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。1. 由题干可知使要求给酒店经理写一封表达不满的投 诉信,应用第一人称,主题时态为一般过去时。2. 文章主题部分建议分三部分组成,第一段简单介绍 写信的原因(bring your attention

21、to );第二段说明投 诉内容时,要陈述自己遇到的问题,并提出期望的 解决方法( leave no ears to;claim my loss;address this problem); 第三段期望回复( look forward to ).3.表达不满时注意有条理的叙述事情的经历,可以多 用关联词,以行文连贯;同时也要注意语气和措辞, 要让对方能够接受。Dear Sir/Madam,I am LiHua,a tourist staying your hotel when I was in Ameica.Im writing to bring your attention to the pr

22、oblems I met during my stay there.I had sent my clothes to your laundry before I went camping last Wednesday.However,when I went to fetch them,the lady in red couldnt find them anywhere.I asked her to take responsibility for that,but she treated mu in a rude way and left no ears to my reguest,which

23、certainly made me rather angry.I am writing to claim my loss and demand that you should make your staff behave properly and take immediate measures to stop such kind of things happening again.Being your custom -er,I don wish to see your staffs poor service affect your business.I would be very kind o

24、f you to address this problem soon.Thank you for consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely LiHua2018 高考英语作文专项训练八 (一)写作要求: 假定你是李华,你的英语演讲英国足球文化在你 校比赛中获得了一等奖。你的英国笔友 Mark 为你的 演讲提供了资料和修改建议。请给 Mark 写封信向他 表示感谢。 1.词数 100 左右; (二)写作思路:1.由题干可知是要求给英国笔友 Mark 写一封感谢信,人称主要用第一、二人称,表达谢

25、意时,时态 为一般现在时,二叙述 Mark 帮助的经过时,时态 为一般过去时。2.文章主体部分由三部分组成:第一部分简单说明自己写信的目的(express my appreciation ;第二咅B 分具体叙述帮助的经过和表达谢意( with my heart and soul)。3.表达感谢时要注意有条理,可以多用关联词和不 同的句式,以使行文连贯;同时也要注意语气和措 辞,要让对方能感受到自己真诚的谢意。(二)参考范文:Dear Mark,With deepest gratitude,I write you this letter to express my appreciation fo

26、r your help with my English speech about the culture of British football.The speech I gave last week wouldn t have succeed without your help.There is no denying that the basic knowledge of British football culture is quite necessary for my English speech.But as non-native learner,I know little about

27、 it.Hearing that,you bought me Twenty years of Arsenal,which introduces the detailed history and culture of British football.Due to your assistance,I had a better understanding of British football culture.what s more ,you also offered to help me revise my speech,which made it more excellent.with your help,the speech that I delivered last week won the first prize of the competition and was praised by my teachers.Thank you with my heart and soul for what you have done for me.Yours Li Hua

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