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1、a great dealbreak away from on the one hand, on the other hand scores of that is appeal to lie in more than every two yearsIII. 句型it was evident that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene虚拟语气第二部分:习题演练I. 用括号内所给单词或汉语的适当形式填空。1. All the teams have _ (adopt) different approaches to t

2、he problem. 2. She _ (attempt) to go on with her work in the house. But she could not.3. The surgeon _ (predict) that the patient would be walking again in a week.4. After her father died, she came into _ (possess) of one million dollars.5. _ (巧合地), I met the person wed been discussing the next day.

3、6. We learned _ (大量) from them.7. The prisoner _(挣脱) the two policemen who were holding him and disappeared in the distance.8. On the one hand theyd love to have kids, but _ (另一方面) they dont want to give up their freedom.9. One solution is to change the shape of the screen; _ (也就是说), to make it wide

4、r.II. 请指出并改正下列各句的错误。1. If I am you, I would give him help in time. 2. How I wish every family has a large house with a beautiful garden!3. These days I am treated as if I am one of the family.4. If I had told you how to do so yesterday, you would have finished it now.5. Without electricity, our life

5、 would have been quite different today. 6. I wish I had known the answer to the question, for the teacher is waiting now.III用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Had the weather been good, we _ (go) out for a walk.2. If there _ (be) any change about the date, I would inform you in time.3. If I _ (leave) sooner, Id hav

6、e caught the bus.4. We all wish that our English teacher _ (join) us in the game.5. _ (be) I to do the work, I should do it in a different way. 6. Had I turned off the electric heater, the house _ (not catch) fire.7. The boy can play football so well as if he _ (train) for years.8. If you _ (come) y

7、esterday, you would have met that famous professor.Unit 2 I单词convey 作“传达;表达(思想或感情等)”讲时,常用于convey sth. to sb.结构。如:Please convey my thanks to your wife. 请向你的妻子转达我的谢意。 作“传送;运送;输送”讲时,常用于convey sb. / sth. (from .) (to .) 结构。 Pipes convey hot water from the boiler to the radiators. 管道把热水从锅炉输送到暖气片。联想 conve

8、yer / conveyor n. 运送者;传达者小试 将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 一辆公共汽车把旅客从火车站送到飞机场。2. 他知道如何向观众传达信息。rhyme和rhythm Rhyme is the use of words in a poem or song that have the same sound, especially at the ends of lines. 汉语意为“韵;押韵”。Bold and cold are rhymes. bold和cold是同韵词。Rhythm is a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or

9、 movements. 汉语意为“节奏;韵律”。She cant help dancing to the rhythm of the music. 她情不自禁地随着音乐的节奏跳舞。branch . . Is coming back to the branch.在句中为“树枝”,它还有“分支,部门,分行”等含义。考例 The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _ all over the country. (辽宁2005)A. companies B. branches C. organizations D. businesses

10、With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own. 考点 eventually adv. 终于,最后。考例 There was such long queue for coffee at the interval that we _ gave up. (上海2005)A. eventually B. unfortunately C. generously D. purposefullyrun out ofI had run

11、 out of all my money before getting the salary. 还没发薪水我的钱就已经用光了。辨析 run out of / run out run out of用完。及物动词短语,表示主动意义,主语一般是人。run out(某物)被用光,被耗尽。不及物动词短语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等无生命名词。I have run out of the ink. / The ink has run out. 我已经用完了墨水。/ 墨水用完了。小试 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. What shall we do when all the resources i

12、n the world _ (用光了)?2. After two weeks, we _(用光了) food and water.3. Time _ (就快到了).4. We _ (已经喝光了) coffee.考例1 Im still working on my project. Oh, youll miss the deadline. Time is _. (江苏2008)A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing out考例2 The photographer needs to charge up the digital came

13、ra every day as the battery _ quickly. (上海2005春)A. shuts up B. ends up C. runs out D. turns outI. 请用方框内短语的适当形式完成下列句子。take it easy; make up of; in particular; try out; let out1. Do you have anything _ to do this weekend?2. The girl _ a scream of terror as soon as she saw the mad dog.3. The committee

14、_ eight members.4. The doctor told me to _ for a few weeks.5. Father couldnt wait _ his new car.用方框内短语的适当形式完成下列句子。run out of; translate into; be popular with; take it easy; on fire; stay up; of ones own; nursery rhyme 1. The child likes reading _.2. The house was _ last night and was burned down.3.

15、Its wrong for parents to let the children _ late to watch TV.4. Its no use being nervous. _.5. Our car _ gas three miles from the town.6. He is glad to find that his new song _ not only the young but also the old.7. The whole meal was good but the wine _ was excellent.8. Up to now, his book _ 10 for

16、eign languages.9. By the way, do you live with your parents or have a place _?II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What is it that the author wants _ (convey) to his readers through the story?2. Could I have the dish changed, please? Its too _ (salt).3. Her _ (end) patience made her the best nurse in the hospital

17、.4. Im not very good at English _ (translate).5. With love, the world can be _ (transform).6. He worked so hard that _ (eventual) he made himself ill.7. He turned off the light and the room was in complete _ (dark).8. She has been awarded a _ (scholar) to study at Harvard.9. I hope his dream of beco

18、ming a _ (piano) will come true.10. The old man is well-known as a _ (violin) in his village.11. Nothing can compare with wool for _ (warm).III. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. The young lady operated the newly-introduced machine skillfully as if _ (她以前经过培训一样).2. _ (如果他被警告), he would not have taken that poisono

19、us food.3. He hesitated (犹豫) for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise _ (他会射中球门).4. Look at the trouble I am in!If only _ (听了你的劝告).5. _ (我早给你写信了) but I have been ill.6. Had I not told him about it, _ (他是不会知道事实真相的).7. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks _ (好像断了一样).8. Without

20、the teacher, _ (我们的实验是不会成功的).9. If it were to rain tomorrow, _ (我们就不出去).10 _ (如果你早一点儿来), you would have seen him.Unit 3 第一部分:基础知识回顾词汇短语句型1. concern 2. fitness3. it seems amazing that 4. due to 5. be addicted to, be accustomed to, 6. quit7. decide on 8. stressful/stressed 9. throw away 10. feel like/

21、would like 11. break the habit/get rid of the habit/develop the habit/get into the habit/pick up the habit 12. arrange to do 13. feel ashamed of14. take risks/risk doing 15. in spite of 16. take pills 17. living things 18. fight disease19. there is no evidence of sth. 20. 注意介词: at the end of, at my

22、age, in two weeks time, in pain, for the same reason, at risk, at war, in three different ways, by the way, return from, over and over again, effect of sb. on sth. do damage to, in some way, on the internet, get benefit from, find a cure for, share sth. with sb., inject sth. into sb. spill on, progr

23、ess to, 基础知识巩固I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I turned left _ (automatic) without thinking when he shouted.2. The young man is very strong physically, but weak _ (mental).3. The old mans faint is caused by the _ (normal) blood pressure. 4. He arrived _ (breath) at the top of the stairs.5. We all believe that

24、the young girl is _ (fit) for such an important post because she has no experience at all.6. Timely repairs are necessary to _ (strength) the bridge.7. The girl you saw yesterday afternoon is a _ (chemistry).8. In a way, it is a good thing that I did not get the post I had applied for, though I was

25、_ (disappoint) at the time.9. The boy felt _ (shame) of himself for telling lies to his mother.10. The only chance of _ (survive) was cutting his wounded leg.11. More _ (male) than males are employed in this factory.12. You should believe in your own _ (judge). Dont only depend on others.13. He felt

26、 _ (embarrass) when asked his marriage plan.II. 每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同或相近。1. The policeman said the accident happened because of the drivers careless driving.The policeman said the accident was _ _ the drivers careless driving. 2. He has got used to eating the local food in the university.He has _ _ _

27、eating the local food in the university.3. If not invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference._ invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.4. Although there were already five people in the car, they succeeded in taking me as well.There were already five people in t

28、he car but they _ _ _ me as well.5. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and I wasnt, either.Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _ _ _.1. Some teenagers _ (沉迷于电脑游戏).2. Lets put our heads together and _ (对作出决定) a plan of action.3. Lily _ (不想) going to the party, but she doesnt know how to refuse the invitation.4. To her joy, her son _ (已经戒烟了).IV. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. _ (不管) what you say, I still believe the boy is honest.2. He realized that the police might find him out but decided t

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