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最新EndingtheSpeech共8篇范文模板 14页Word下载.docx

1、all in all,finally,篇三:iii. concludingas you can see, there are some very good reasons .to sum up, my conclusion is that the present program is the best conclusion .let me conclude my talk with the following comments.allow me to conclude by listing out all the factors influencing the efficacy.

2、in conclusion, i would like to point out the following aspects.d like to leave you with the following conclusion.篇四:iv. quotinglet me close by quoting dr. einstein, the famous physicist, who said thati would like to come to a close by quoting what sir newton once said.therefore, i would suggest that

3、 we.d like to far as im concerned, the only solution to the problem is.篇五:v. closingthats all, thank you.s the end of my much for my speech, thank you.thank you for your attention.thank you for your listening.other expressions that may be useful in the end part of the spee

4、chsorry, i see the red light is shining so i have to skip the last part and jump to the chairman is signaling me, i have to stop here and leave out the remaining part to spare time.篇六:vi. samples sample 1 we have proposed a framework of a hierarchical planning system for robots. first

5、 of all, the system is an automatic plan system that can guide the robot intelligently in terms of the environment. secondly, it is based on hierarchical planning. the planning problem has been hierarchically decomposed into two sub-problems: global destination selection and local motion planning. a

6、nd finally, the simulation and application has proved it as an effective design. (show the last visual)s all for my presentation. for any question to be raised, im quite willing to discuss them with you at any time. thank you, every one. sample 2 finally, we can draw the conclusion: edge detection a

7、nd denoising are two important branches of image processing. if we combine edge detection with denoising, we can overcome the shortcomings of the commonly-used denolsing methods and without blurring the edge notably. furthermore, there are many denoising and edge detection methods now. different met

8、hods are suitable for different types of images and noise models. we can do further research on how to combine these various denoising and edge detection methods according to the content of the images and nature of noise. s all for my talk. if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me

9、. im quite willing to discuss them with you at any time, thank you. sample 3 s all t wanted to show you about machine vision and one of its applications, agv. thank you! sample 4 (turn to 12th ppt) ok, that is all im going to talk today.thank you ! sample 5 s all. thank you! EndingtheSpeech(共8篇) 篇七:

10、ending the speech textI. Signaling the Beginning of the End PartLets look at what I have talked about.Well, that brings me to the end of my presentation. This last slide is a brief summary of what I have talked about.Before I stop/finish, let me just say.To close my speech, I11 show you the last sli

11、de.Now ITo summarize, I have talked about three aspects of the cancer problem: . Finally, as a summary statement, I would like to sum up the major points I have made.II. SummarizingLet me just run over the key points again.IIn conclusion,In closing,In a word,To sum up .In brief,Briefly.All in all,Fi

12、nally,III. ConcludingAs you can see, there are some very good reasons .To sum up, my conclusion is that the present program is the best one. In conclusion .Let me conclude my talk with the following comments.Allow me to conclude by listing out all the factors influencing the efficacy. In conclusion,

13、 I would like to point out the following aspects.IV. QuotingLet me close by quoting Dr. Einstein, the famous physicist, who said thatI would like to come to a close by quoting what Sir Newton once said. Therefore, I would suggest that we.As far as IV. ClosingThats all, thank You.So much for my speec

14、h, thank you.Thank you for your attention.Thank you for your listening.Other Expressions that May Be Useful in the End Part of the SpeechSorry, I see the red light is shining so I have to skip the last part and jump to the conclusion.Mr. Chairman is signaling me, I have to stop here and leave out th

15、e remaining part to spare time.VI. Samples Sample 1 We have proposed a framework of a hierarchical planning system for robots. First of all, the system is an automatic plan system that can guide the robot intelligently in terms of the environment. Secondly, it is based on hierarchical planning. The

16、planning problem has been hierarchically decomposed into two sub-problems: global destination selection and local motion planning. And finally, the simulation and application has proved it as an effective design. (Show the last visual)s all for my presentation. For any question to be raised, Im quit

17、e willing to discuss them with you at any time. Thank you, every one. Sample 2 Finally, we can draw the conclusion: edge detection and denoising are two important branches of image processing. If we combine edge detection with denoising, we can overcome the shortcomings of the commonly-used denolsin

18、g methods and without blurring the edge notably. Furthermore, there are many denoising and edge detection methods now. Different methods are suitable for different types of images and noise models. We can do further research on how to combine these various denoising and edge detection methods accord

19、ing to the content of the images and nature of noise. s all for my talk. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Im quite willing to discuss them with you at any time, Thank you. Sample 3 s all t wanted to show you about Machine Vision and one of its applications, AGV. Thank you

20、! Sample 4 (Turn to 12th ppt) OK, that is all IThank you ! Sample 5 s all. Thank you!篇八:The ending and the beginning结束与开始 1993天空我早该以此开始:天空。一扇窗减去窗台,减去窗框,减去窗玻璃。一个开口,不过如此,开得大大的。我不必等待繁星之夜,不必引颈仰望。我已将天空置于颈后、手边,和眼皮上。天空紧捆着我让我站不稳脚步。即使最高的山也不比最深的山谷更靠近天空。任何地方都不比另一个地方拥有更多的天空。钱鼠升上狂喜与绝望。有些人喜欢诗有些人那表示不是全部。甚至不是伞部的大多数



23、。失眠不会削弱她的力量,反而使她元气大增。任何宗教使她预备,各就各位。任何祖国助她顺利起跑。公理正义在刚开始也挺有效直到仇恨找到自己的原动力。仇恨。她的脸因性爱的狂喜而扭曲变形。噢其他的情感,无精打采病恹恹的。同胞之爱何时开始吸引人群?悲悯可曾首先抵达终点?怀疑可曾真的煽动过群众?只有仇恨予取予求。聪明,能干,勤奋。需要提及她所创作的歌吗?她为史书增添的页数吗?她在无数的市区广场和足球场所铺下的人类地毯吗?让我们正视她:她懂得创造美感。午夜天空熊熊的火光。粉红的黎明时分炸弹引爆的壮丽景观。你无法否认废墟的悲情可以激励人心, 并且自其中突起的坚固圆柱具有某种淫秽的幽默。仇恨是对比的大师:在爆炸与

24、死寂之间,在红色的血和白色的雪之间。最重要的是,她对她的主导动机从不厌倦高居污脏受难者上方的无懈可击的刽子手。她随时愿意接受挑战。如果必须稍等片刻,她也愿意。据说仇恨是盲目的。盲目的?她拥有狙击手的敏锐视力而且毫不畏缩地凝视未来, 舍她其谁。无人公寓里的猫死亡不可以这样对待一只猫。因为一只猫又能在一间无人的公寓 做出什么事情?攀爬墙壁?在家具上摩擦身体?这里好像没什么不同,却又全都变了样。没有东西被搬动过,却变得较为宽敞。到了晚上,灯都不亮了。楼梯上有脚步声,是从前没听过的。将鱼放到小碟子上的手也不一样了。如同在往日,一些事情已不再发生。一些事情该做的,不再有人去做。有个人一直,一直在那里, 然后突然消失无踪,完完全全地不见了。所有的橱柜都被检视过,所有的架子都被翻遍,挖开地毯底下,一无所获。还打破一道禁令:文件随处乱扔。接下来可做的事只剩下睡觉和等待。就等他现身了。就让他露脸吧。他会因此得到教训知道不该如此对待猫吧?它悄悄走向他好似心不甘情不愿,十分缓慢地移动显然受到委屈的爪子, 至少没有跳跃或者尖叫。下页 余下全文

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