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1、B. burnC. runD. push4. A. deeplyB. badlyC. terriblyD. nervously5. A. eventB. noticeC. screamD. song6. A. broken inB. broken outC. broken upD. broken down7. A. mudB. steelC. woodD. curtain8. A. destroyedB. attackedC. spreadD. injured9. A. delightB. joyC. hopeD. fear10. A. hopefullyB. excitedlyC. help

2、lesslyD. happily11. A. earnB. informC. meetD. lie12. A. dismissedB. realizedC. desiredD. approached13. A. familiesB. surroundingsC. thingsD. people14. A. bridgeB. poleC. treeD. rope15. A. starvedB. escapedC. recoveredD. suffered16. A. holdingB. defendingC. hittingD. beating17. A. cheapB. importantC.

3、 expensiveD. native18. A. painB. worryC. wealthD. love19. A. matterB. decideC. determineD. depend20. A. heartB. fireC. spiritsD. feelings【答案】 (1)D;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)C;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)D;(10)C;(11)D;(12)B;(13)C;(14)A;(15)D;(16)A;(17)B;(18)D;(19)A;(20)B; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者家里着火,房子被烧毁了,尽管物质的东西都烧没了,但家人

4、都还在,在火灾时和火灾后家人们之间相互扶持和关爱让作者感悟到亲情的关爱事实上比物质更重要。 (1)考查名词。句意:我对每一个过去的生活故事都有深刻的记忆,这些记忆对我未来的人生观产生了深远的影响。A. impression“印象”;B. challenge“挑战”;C. difference“差异”;D. influence“影响”。根据上文“ I have living memories of every past life story ”我对每个过往生活故事都记忆犹新,that引导定语从句,其先行词是“every past life story”每个过往生活故事,可判断每个故事都对我未来的

5、人生观产生了深远影响。故选D。 (2)考查形容词。如下是一个有意义的故事。A. classic“经典的”;B. lovely“可爱的”;C. meaningful“有意义的”;D. funny“有趣的”。根据下文“The accident that night helps me learn.we share actually means much more than materials.make this world a warmer place”那天晚上的事故帮助我了解了我们分享的其实不只是物质让这个世界变得更温暖。可知,那天晚上发生的事影响了作者人生观,意义非常重大。故选C。 (3)考查动

6、词。我穿着内衣在车道上发抖,看着房子迅速地烧毁。A. pull“拉”;B. burn“燃烧”;C. run“跑”;D. push“推”。根据下文“A fire had.there and awakened her.”发生了火灾她醒了,可知,发生了火灾。burn to the ground固定短语,“烧成平地”,看着房子迅速地烧毁。故选B。 (4)考查副词。正当我正在舒适的床上睡得正香,突然一声尖叫把我吵醒了。A. deeply“深深地”;B. badly“严重地”;C. terribly“糟糕地”;D. nervously“紧张地”。 根据下文“in my comfortable bed” 在

7、舒适的床上,可以判断床很舒适,当时作者在酣睡,故选A。 (5)考查名词。A. event“事件”;B. notice“通知”;C. scream“尖叫”;D. song“歌曲”。根据上文“I was sleeping _4_ in my comfortable bed”当我在舒适的床上睡得正香“和下文“My grandmas bedroom was just next to mine.Upon hearing her”我奶奶的卧室就在我隔壁我听到她的声音,可知,奶奶在叫,熟睡的我被她的叫声吵醒。 (6)考查动词短语。外面着火了,把她吵醒了。A. broken in“闯入,打断”;B. brok

8、en out“爆发”;C. broken up“分裂,分手”;D. broken down“出故障”。根据“.awakened her. ”把她吵醒了,可知,火灾爆发了,故选B。 (7)考查名词。然而,这所房子已经有50多年的历史了,是用木头建造的。 A. mud“泥土”;B. steel“钢材”;C. wood“木头”;D. curtain“窗帘”。根据“Before we could do anything.”我们还没来得及做什么,以及上文“I watched the home quickly _3_ to the ground. ”看着房子迅速地被烧毁,可以判断,房子很快被烧毁,应该是木

9、头制成的。 (8)考查动词。我们还没来得及做什么,火就把它烧毁了。A. destroyed“摧毁”;B. attacked“袭击”;C. spread“传播,伸展”;D. injured“受伤”。根据“Before we could do anything.”我们还没来得及做什么;以及上文“I watched the home quickly _3_ to the ground. ”看着房子迅速地被烧毁,可以判断,火很快把房子烧毁了。故选A。 (9)考查名词。我站着吓得直哆嗦,因为火把我的书、衣服和玩具都烧坏了。A. delight“愉悦”;B. joy“快乐”;C. hope“希望”;D.

10、fear“恐惧”。根据上文“I stood trembling” 我站着直哆嗦;以及“.I watched the home quickly _3_ to the ground.” 看着房子迅速地烧毁,可知,在突然的变故面前,作者由于巨大的恐惧颤抖不已。 (10)考查副词。我无助地看着我的母亲哭泣,父亲咒骂。A. hopefully“有希望地”;B. excitedly“兴奋地”;C. helplessly“无助地”;D. happily“快乐地”。根据下文“I wondered what would _11_ ahead of us since everything was lost.” 我

11、想知道接下来会怎样,因为一切都失去了,可知,房子和里面所有的东西都被烧毁,作者不知接下来怎么办,当妈妈哭泣、爸爸咒骂时,作者无助地看着。 (11)考查动词。我在想,既然一切都失去了,我们未来会是怎么样的?A. earn“赚取”;B. inform“通知”;C. meet“遇见”;D. lie“位于,躺”。根据上文“I watched _10_while my mother cried and my father swore” 我无助地看着我的母亲哭泣,父亲咒骂,可知作者在忽然变故面前感觉很无助很迷茫,不知未来是什么样的,lie ahead“即将来临;在前面”,表示将要发生。故选 D。 (12)

12、考查动词。然而,当我环顾四周,我第一次意识到:重要的不是东西。A. dismissed“解散”;B. realized“实现”;C. desired“渴望”;D. approached“接近”。根据下文“for the first time”头一次和“Our lives would continue. And that was all that mattered.” 我们的生活会继续下去,这才是最重要的,可知,这是作者悟出来的道理,也是作者在变故之后头一次意识到的人生感悟。 (13)考查名词。我看见我的哥哥跑过我们家旁边的桥去寻求帮助。A. families“家庭”;B. surroundin

13、gs“周围环境”;C. things“事情,东西”;D. people“人们”。根据“What matters arent .Our lives would continue. And that was all that mattered.” 重要的不是.我们的生活还在继续这就是最重要的,可知作者把生命和情亲看做是最重要的,烧毁的东西都不重要。故选 C。 (14)考查名词。A. bridge“桥”;B. pole“杆子”;C. tree“树”;D. rope“绳子”。空格前的介词across意为横跨,这里横跨桥梁bridge符合语境。 (15)考查动词。我看到我大哥,他之前经历了一场事故,痛苦

14、地单腿站立着。A. starved“饿死”;B. escaped“逃跑”;C. recovered“恢复”;D. suffered“遭受”。根据下文“an earlier accident standing painfully on one leg.”之前一场事故,痛苦地单腿站立着,由 “painfully”痛苦地,可知,大哥遭受着之前一场意外事故的痛苦,suffer from固定搭配,“遭受之苦”。 (16)考查动词。我看到我的父母聚集在一起,我的奶奶抱着我们的小狗。A. holding“怀抱”;B. defending“防御”;C. hitting“打,袭击”;D. beating“打败,

15、击打”。根据下文“in her arms”她的怀里,可知,奶奶把小狗抱在她的怀里。hold sb. in ones arms固定短语,“把某人抱在怀里”。故案选A。 (17)考查形容词。所有重要的东西都在大火中幸存了下来。A. cheap“便宜的”;B. important“重要的”;C. expensive“昂贵的”;D. native“本地的;本国的”。根据下文“Our lives would continue. And that was all that mattered.” 我们的生活会继续下去,这才是最重要的,可知虽然大火把房子和里面的东西都烧毁了,但家人都在生活会继续下去,这是最重

16、要的,这里的everything指代家人和继续生活的希望。 (18)考查名词。那晚的意外让我明白了我们之间的爱其实比物质更重要。A. pain“疼痛”;B. worry“担忧”;C. wealth“财富”;D. love“爱”。根据上文“What matters arent _13_. I saw my older brother running across the _14_ by our house to get help.I saw my parents gathering together and my grandma _16_ our little dog in her arms.”

17、 我大哥跑过我家旁边的桥去寻求帮助我父母聚集在一起,我奶奶抱着我们的小狗,可知,重要的不是物质,是家人互相扶持关心和爱,那晚的意外让我明白:我们共享的爱事实上比物质意味着更多。 (19)考查动词。为重要的事情而活,而不是为我们拥有的东西而活。A. matter“重要”;B. decide“决定”;C. determine“决定”;D. depend“依靠”。根据上文“learn the _18_ we share actually means much more than materials.”我明白了我们之间的爱其实比物质更重要,空格前面的things引申为亲情的爱,matter意为重要呼应

18、上文“And that was all that mattered.” 这才是最重要的,词汇复现。 (20)考查名词。让我们内心的火焰让这个世界变得更温暖。A. heart“心”; B. fire“火”;C. spirits“士气,精神”;D. feelings“感情”。根据下文“make this world a warmer place” 让这个世界变得更温暖,虽然这场火灾烧毁了作者的房子,但是火也可以使人温暖,这里是一语双关,让我们内心的火使这个世界成为一个更温暖的地方。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的

19、基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2完形填空 When I settled(定居) in Chicago,my new city seemed so big and unfriendly. Then I had a 1 problem and had to go to hospital for a 2 examination. It seemed a small 3 compared to the one I was about to face, but things started to go 4 right from the beginning , not

20、 having a car or 5 the city, I was depending on the buses to get me from A to B, 6 Id left myself plenty of time, soon it was 7 . I was going to be late, because I had mistakenly boarded a bus that was taking me in the 8 direction. I 9 the bus and stood on the road not knowing what to do, I looked i

21、nto the eyes of a 10 , who was trying to get past me, 11 , instead of moving on, she stopped to ask if I was 12 . After I explained my 13 to her, she pointed to a bus stop across the street, where a bus would take me back into the city to my 14 . Sitting there waiting, I felt 15 that someone had bee

22、n willing to help. 16 , hearing a horn(喇叭)nearby, I looked up to see a car with my new friend 17 at me to get in. She had returned to offer me a 18 to the hospital. Such unexpected 19 from a passer-by was a lovely gift to receive. As I climbed out of the car at the hospital and turned to thank her,

23、she smiled and told me not to lose 20 , for all things are possible.1. A. physicalB. travelingC. socialD. housing2. A. scientificB. finalC. previousD. thorough3. A. chanceC. successD. error4. A. wrongB. easyC. fastD. ahead5. A. leavingB. visitingC. knowingD. appreciating6. A. AlthoughB. SinceC. Unle

24、ssD. Once7. A. strangeB. necessaryC. clearD. important8. A. sameB. rightC. generalD. opposite9. A. looked atB. waited forC. got offD. ran into10. A. driverB. friendC. strangerD. gentleman11. A. EspeciallyB. SurprisinglyC. ProbablyD. Normally12. A. nervousB. excitedC. OKD. dangerous13. A. ideaB. moti

25、vationC. excuseD. situation14. A. hospitalB. apartmentC. officeD. station15. A. afraidB. gratefulC. certainD. disappointed16. A. ThusB. ThenC. PerhapsD. Surely17. A. staringB. laughingC. wavingD. speaking18. A. liftB. suggestionC. bikeD. guidebook19. A. resultsB. newsC. kindnessD. appearance20. A. powerB. faithC. touchD. support【答案】 (1)A;(2)D

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