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小学四年级英语课 教案Word文件下载.docx

1、 ai i u, How do you pronounces them in closed syllable? Ss: ei a: ai i u T:look at ei 和 a: we pronounce ei and a: opened syllable 让学生有节奏性读 ei ei ei a: 让学生用英汉对照方法复习其在单词中的读音。2.教师出示音标卡片,教学生有节奏地读卡片中的音标。3.Ss listen and read after the tape.Step 3 Drills a game “Get the stars” 板书简笔画( 画一片蓝天、蓝天上的每一个星星

2、上面都粘贴一个音标 ),教师任意读一个音标,让一些学生去摘掉,摘对的学生奖励星星贴画一个。学生摘完后,教师再次教学生有节奏性的读这些音标。2.look at the word “grade greid ”,who can spell?教师指名让学生有节奏性拼读。教师依次板书,学生有节奏进行拼读。(1)-ay- -ey- -a- ei waywei theyei tableteibl ( 2)a-a: farmfa:m glassesgla:siz3.T shows some word cards 让学生有节奏性拼读。Classroomkla:srum danceda:ns bananabna:

3、n fastfa:st parkpa:k aftera:ft grassgra:s4. Play a game .让学生戴上有上面音标的水果头饰,教师说单词音标,戴有这个单词所包含的音的头饰的学生主动按序站在相应的位置,下面学生有节奏地拼读。greid teibl weifa:m fa:st gla:nju: bihaind ei分小组轮流到前台,让组里每名同学戴上教师事先准备好的单词及音标卡片头饰,这 些音标包含我们今天学过的音素,让小组中两个捞单词及音标的同学问:What is your name?被捞的同学说:My name is gradegreid 说对的可以让他过去。Step4 H

4、omework 作业布置:朗读练习册Ex.1. 听写Ex.2.重难点及考巩固性练习1.Play a game “get the stars”板书简笔画(画一片蓝天,蓝天上的每一个星星上面都粘贴一个音标)教师任意读一个音标,让一些学生去摘掉,摘对的学生奖励星星贴画一个。学生摘完后,教师再次教学生有节奏地读这些音标。2.让学生戴上有上面音标的动物头饰,教师说单词音标,戴有这个单词所包含的音的头饰的学生按序站在相应的位置,下面学生有节奏地拼读。wei ei teibl kla:srum da:ns bna: n st pa:k gra:s a:ft 板书设计 Lesson 1 Are you in

5、Grade Four?Period listen ,point and readei a:-ay- -ey- ei -a- eiWaywei theyei tableteibl20 20 学年第 学期四年级英语学科集体备课记录Lesson1 Are you in Grade Four ?1.知识与技能:学习单词way、they、behind、new、table让学生能听懂、会说、会读,能正确的理解、掌握对话内容,并能根据中文写出英文。2.过程与方法:通过教与练使学生能够熟练运用句型:What grade are they in? They are in Grade Three.Are you

6、in the reading room? Yes,we are.来进行日常交际。3.情感态度与价值观:在课堂上培养学生积极用英语表达的习惯,并正确运用所学的内容进行日常交际。A重、难点及考点分析1、能听懂会读单词way、they、behind、new、table,能正确理解对话内容。2、能理解和掌握主语为复数的主系表结构,并能用替换词造句和运用于日常交谈。第二课时课件,歌曲的录音,卡片,头饰教学环节安排 Step: 1 Warming up1.Free talk 2.Sing a song“Good morning teacher”T and Ss sing together2 Present

7、ationT: Today well learn lesson1,Are you in Grade Four? Lets talk Say after me “Grade Four, Grade Four” Are you in Grade Four?(师边说边指着问旁边的一个学生) Now look at the cards1.learn new wordsway wei thy ei behind bihaind New nju: table teibl 教师展示单词卡片,并配合几个失误或动作分别让学生拼读,并有节奏的读生词。2.Play a game 老师事先把准备好的单词卡片,有的写中

8、文,有的写英文,有的画图,有的写音标,装在一只不透明的袋子里。游戏开始,老师说袋子里装有许多宝物,让学生上来轮流摸宝。摸到宝的学生将卡片举起,给全班的学生看,如果摸到的是英文,则要读出来,并说出中文;如果摸到的是中文,则要说出英文,并拼出字母组合;如果摸到的是图片,则要说出中英文,并拼出字母组合;如果摸到的是音标,要拼读出来,并且说出字母组合及中文。说对的奖励红花一朵。3.T and Ss t find their classroom. Who can Grade Four?Bill,jill(手偶):Yes,we are.Lulu(T):What class are you in?Were

9、in Class Three.Class Three?This way,please.(做一个请的手势)4.Ss listen to the tape.Ss read after the tape Ss read after TStep3:Drills1.T and Ss different role2.Ss pairs3.Play a game 教师让学生3人一组到前面去表演,其中两个学生分别拿一个手偶,扮演Bill和Jill,另一个学生扮演Lulu进行对话。4.T shows the pictures, let Ss retell.先集体复述,再分组复述,最后指名复述。Step 4:Con

10、solidation and development 教师把学生分成若干小组,让小组中的学生自由合作,用Are you in Grade Four? 句型进行表演对话。最后评出最优秀的小组。Setp 5:Homework1. 学生三人一组,表演Lets talk2. 背会Let talk重、难点及考点巩固性练习题1Play a game游戏开始,老师说袋子里装的是许多宝物,让学生上来轮流摸宝。摸到宝的同学将卡片举起,给全班学生看,如果摸到的是英文,则要读出来,并说出中文;如果摸到的是音标,要拼读出来,并且说出字母组合和中文。2、教师把学生平分成若干组,让小组中的学生自由合作。用Are you

11、in Grade Four?句型来进行表演对话。主持人Lesson1Are you in Grade Four ?学生能说,能理解,会读单词class 、grade、two、three、four学习句型“Whats classgrade are you in?”、“They are in classgrade three.”通过问答使学生能够熟练运用句型“Whats classgrade are you in?”、“They are in classgrade three.”用于日常用语使学生能够运用所学句型进行日常交谈,培养其语言表达能力。 1.能听懂、认读单词class 、grade、tw

12、o、three、four 2.能用主题句型“Whats classgrade are you in?”、“They are in classgrade three.”用于日常生活中。第三课时图片 单词卡片 录音机及相关磁带 Sing a song :“Are you in Class One!” 录音机播放,T andSs sing together.T and Ss ?Ss: They are in class Three. Oh, Yes. 教师出示单词卡片“in Grade FourClass Four” Say after me “grade、grade、grade” Are they

13、 in grade Four? Yes, they are. Ok, Today well learn lesson 1 “Are you in Grade Four?” Lets learn. Look at the card: Class, Class, Class What Class are they in? They are in Class Four. Now look at picture 2师出示 in Grade ThreeClass Two的图片 What grade are they in? They are in Grade Three They are in Clas

14、s Two What Grade are you in? (指班上某同学问) We are in Grade Four. What Class are you in? We are in Class One.1. Ss ask and answer in pairs 学生两人一组借助Lets learn 的内容进行问答2.Ss ask and answer in groups 让学生拿出事先准备的东西,根据情境用Are they in grade Four? Yes, they are. What Class are you in? We are in Class One.进行对话问答,可由易

15、到难,依次进行。Step 5: 1.让同桌2人根据图片,用句型What Class are you in? They are in Class+数字进行对话问答,也可以拓展到其它的年级与班级进行练习。作业布置1 小组练习句型。2 汇报练习结果。 学生两人一组借助Lets learn的内容进行问答2. 让学生拿出事先准备的卡片,根据卡片上的内容用所学的句型进行对话问答,可由易到难,依次进行。A 掌握单词find grandma bed nose they behind new table, 能听懂并能指认单词 B 理解课文意思并能巩固所学的语法结构用活动来复习本课主题句,然后让学生根据图文关键词

16、听录音来理解课文意思。 能理解幽默故事并能在生活中运用所学语言结构。Are+主语+in+班级年级+数词?的结构及各人称的用法。第四课时1 Free talk2 Sing the song“Are you in Class One?” T and Ss sing together 1Learn some phrases Eve t find t find to tape and then answer some questions.1. Who cant find the box?3. Who the table?5. Are the glasses behind the clock?6. Ar

17、e the glasses under the bed?7. Who find the glasses?8. Where are the glasses?1. Listen and repeat2. Read after teacher3. Read together4. Ask two or three students readPractise1. Role play reading2. Act the text3. Let students answer some questions(1)Are the glasses behind the clock?(2)Are the glasse

18、s under the bed?(3)Who find the glasses?(4) Where are the glasses?Consolidation1. Let students look at the important words and retell the text.2. Do some exercise1. White the words and phrases and recite them2. Read the text four times and try to retell1. Eve t find your nose20 20 学年第 学期 年级 学科集体备课记录

19、时间GTFLesson2 Are you from America?1、 知识与技能:学习短元音因素 e i ,长元音音素和双元音音素au u,让学生能听懂和掌握正确发音。2、 过程与方法:训练学生通过学习这些因素的正确发音,进行拼读包含这些音素的单词音标的能力。3、 情感态度与价值观:培养学生学习英语的兴趣和热情及合作意识。1学习元音音素的正确发音。2能正确拼读包含这几个音素的单词音标。第一课时音标卡片、单词卡片、录音机相关磁带及含有单词的动物头饰。Step1、Warming up1、 Free talk2、 Sing the song Hello, Hello 录音机播放“Hello, H

20、ello”T and Ss- sing together.Step2:Presentation1、Show the vowel cards e i i: : u: au u Let Ss read2、T Shows the word cardsFamily fmili elevenilevn fromfrmAmericamerik Englandiglnd aboutbautTeacherti: t danghterd: t lovelnSchoolsku: l sonsnLet Ss spell together3、learn vowelT shows the card “”并教学生读,然后

21、指生读。T shows the word card “a” “er”并教学生读。T shows the word cards “aboutbaut t daughterd: tAmericamerik”并让学生拼读,教学生有节奏的齐读。4、learn a new T show the card “” let Ss Look at Ts mouth and read afterT 最后指导生读,分组读。T shows the card “o” ”并教生读,然后指名读。再教学生有节奏性地读,最后让生分组读。5、T shows the vowel cards “ e i ”again.再次让生读这些

22、元音音素。 师再次出示卡片“a”America merik “o” from frm”让学生拼读,并教生读,然后指名读。Step3 Drills Play games 1、Listen and do 师说音标,生举卡片 i: frm merik England iglnd aboutbautsku: l sn nlifmili ln unli2、looking for friends让学生以组的形式到前面来,师每人发一个上面有词及音标的头饰fromfrm Americamerik teacherti: t 学生看了该词之后戴在头上,然后师分别说音素 i: .戴着含 音素的头饰的学生互相握手,站

23、在一起,戴着含音素的头饰互相握手,站在一起,戴着含i:音素的头饰的学生互相握手,站在一起,最后生按顺序拼读自己头饰上的单词音标,全部找对且拼读对的组奖励红花一朵。Step4:Consolidation and development,1、 让学生朗读练习册1中的音标。做练习册中的Ex2和Ex41、 Listen and do2、 让学生朗读练习册Ex1中的音标。1、looking for friends2找出与红色部分发音不同的一项。( )1A. America B. England C. teacher D. family ( ) 2A.from B. hospital C. doctor D. cat ( ) 3A.teacher B. great C. free () B. think C. fine D. his1、知识与技能:om,about,son,their,eleven,only,love,teacher,school,family,让学生能听懂,会说,会读,能正确的理解掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话2、过程与方法:创设情景,用本课所学的句型情景交流。3,、情感态度与价值观:学会用所学语言结构来询问你来自什么地方吗?可以相互讨论学习活

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