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1、17秋学期旅游初级英语二在线作业117秋学期旅游初级英语(二)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、 单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1. Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is more than ( ) years old.A. 1500B. 2000C. 3000D. 2500 满分:2 分正确答案:D2. In the ( ) century, Marco Polo came to Hangzhou.A. 11B. 12C. 13D. 14 满分:2 分正确答案:C3. ( )Summer Resort is also called Mountain

2、Hamlet for Escaping the Heat.A. BeidaiheB. ChengdeC. BeijingD. Hangzhou 满分:2 分正确答案:B4. During the ( ) Age, the making of bronze ware reached its peak.A. Old StoneB. New StoneC. IronD. Bronze 正确答案:D5. Wudang Mountain, located in northweatern ( ) province, is a Taoist mountain.A. HubeiB. HunanC. HebeD

3、. Henan 满分:2 分正确答案:A6. The overall aim of the National Museum of China is toA. collect relicsB. preserve relicsC. research on archeologyD. serve the general public 正确答案:D7. The Old Silk Road is ( ) kilometers long.A. 4000B. 3000C. 2000D. 7000 正确答案:D8. In China, tea can be classified into ( ) categor

4、ies.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6 满分:2 分正确答案:C9. Bingling Temple is in ( ).A. ShapotouB. XianC. LanzhouD. Linfen 满分:2 分正确答案:C10. The landmark of ( ) is Nuorilang Waterfalls with a drop of more than 20 meters.A. HuanglongB. JiuzhaigouC. Taishan MountainD. Huangshan Mountain 正确答案:B11. The ( )featured archetectural

5、 styles of minority ethnic groups such as Mongolia and Tibetan.A. Potala PalaceB. Mogao GrottoesC. Chengde Summer ResortD. the Outer Eight Temples 满分:2 分正确答案:D12. The Day of Dead is an ancient festival celebrated in ( ).A. MexicoB. SpainC. CanadaD. U.S. 满分:2 分正确答案:A13. The Old Silk Road starts from

6、Chinas ( ) in the east.A. LuoyangB. TaiyuanC. XianD. Yinchuan 正确答案:C14. Caterpillars need ( ) weeks to form their silk cocoon.A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7 满分:2 分正确答案:C15. It takes ( )pounds of cocoons to produce one pound of silk.A. 11B. 12C. 13D. 14 满分:2 分正确答案:B16. Potala Palace in ( ) is situated on Red Hill.

7、A. LanzhouB. YushuC. LhasaD. Yinchuan 满分:2 分正确答案:C17. People gave ( ) to each other as gifts.A. eggsB. moneyC. cakesD. sugar 满分:2 分正确答案:D18. The best paper of the Four Treasures of Study is said to be ( )paper.A. HuiB. DuanC. HuD. Xuan 正确答案:D19. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day became a national holiday

8、in ( )A. 1980B. 1985C. 1990D. 1995 满分:2 分正确答案:B20. The ( )in bronze ware are regarded as major chapters in the history of Chinese calligraphy.A. caldronsB. inscriptionsC. legsD. ornamentations 满分:2 分正确答案:B二、 多选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1. The basic duties of the National Museum of China include ( ).A. coll

9、ect relicsB. preserve relicsC. research on archeologyD. hold high-level exhibits of relics 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD2. Jade symbolizes ( ) in Chinese culture.A. beautyB. nobilityC. perfectionD. power 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD3. Bronze ware was a unique national treasure because of ( )A. impressive designsB. classical d

10、ecorative ornamentationC. priceless lightnessD. wealth of inscriptions 满分:2 分正确答案:ABD4. China Red Sandalwood Museum is ( ) museum in China.A. first privateB. largest privateC. first publicD. largest public 满分:2 分正确答案:AB5. ( )in Pingyao have been preserved.A. ancient streetsB. government officesC. ma

11、rketsD. residence 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD6. Huangshan Mountain is famous for its ( ).A. strangely-shaped pinesB. rock formationsC. sea of cloudsD. hot springs 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD7. China Red Sandalwood Museum specialized in ( ) red sandalwood works of art and classical furniture.A. collectingB. researchingC. ma

12、kingD. displaying 满分:2 分正确答案:ABD8. Confucius concluded that jade had virtues including ( ).A. benevolenceB. fidelityC. polite etiquetteD. wisdom 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD9. The official colors of Mardi Gras are ( )A. redB. purpleC. goldD. green 满分:2 分正确答案:BCD10. In Qinghai, tourists meet and learn about ( ).A

13、. KoreansB. MongoliansC. TibetansD. Kazaks 满分:2 分正确答案:BCD11. Which of the followings are located in Sichuan Province?A. Emei MountainB. Leshan BuddhaC. Dazu Stone CarvingsD. Fengjie County 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD12. Along the Old Silk Road there are ( ).A. grottoesB. Buddist templesC. ancient city remainsD.

14、 historical sites 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD13. Silk products from ( ) are particularly good.A. HangzhouB. SichuanC. SuzhouD. Dandong 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD14. ( )characterize Huanglong scenery.A. Calcified pondsB. beachesC. waterfallsD. river banks 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD15. Jade was believed capable of representing ( ).A. HeavenB. the earthC. the eastD. the emperors 满分:2 分正确答案:ABCD16. The richness of ( )of silk make it the means to imply something is fine and impeccable.A. colorB. textureC. stren

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