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1、528. This area is in effect not suitable for rice growing, still less fishery.实际上这一地区不适合水稻种植,更不必说发展渔业了。529. The amounts of energy involved even in the deflection or disorganization of a tropical hurricane are vast, let alone in the melting of the polar ice caps.即使使一个热带飓风改变路径或是瓦解,其所用的能量也是惊人的,更不用说融化极地

2、冰冠了。530. We have not gained implicit physical interpretations of the event, let alone have we started developing a model for it.我们尚未取得对这一现象的内在的物理解释,更不必说已经着手研究它的模式了。531. Serious bumpy flight conditions may lead to material fatigue and even to aircraft failure, not to speak of passenger discomfort.剧烈的

3、颠簸飞行状况可能导致金属疲劳,甚至导致飞机失事,更不必说旅客感觉不舒适了。532. Tsunami is sometimes powerful enough to destroy a coastwise building it strikes, still more a ship in its path.海啸有时威力很大,足可摧毁它所冲击的沿岸的建筑物,更不必说它沿途中的船只了。533. Quite apart from the desolating effect that a major deflection of the Gulf Stream would have upon region

4、s, nobody has offered any remotely practical suggestion as to how to accomplish its deflection.到目前为止,还没有人关于实现墨西哥湾流改道提出远见卓识的建议,更不必说这一洋流的重大改道会对某些地区可能产生的破坏作用。534. The sun does not travel around the earth as we see. Instead, the latter does about the former.太阳不是象我们所见的绕地球运动。相反,是后者绕前者运动。535. Because they

5、are trivial, the student did not ignore the details.这个学生并不因为这些细节微不足道而予以忽视。536. Since the attractive forces of the sun and moon act continuously on the ocean water, the tides are not free to move indepently as a seismic sea wave does.鉴于太阳和月球引力不停地对海水作用,潮不能象地震水波那样独立运动。537. This North-south shifting of

6、the wind belts is by no means so simple a thing as it may appear to be from the above description.风带的南北移动绝非象上面所述那样似乎很简单。538. Here the field is nearly uniform within the coils and does not flare out anywhere as it does at the ends of an open solenoid.这里线圈内的磁场接近均匀;那里任何地方都不会象在开口螺旋管两端那样发生向外扩张。539. Tidal

7、 currents in Long Island Sound do not exhibit the features of a progressive wave as in Chesapeake Bay.长岛湾的潮流不象Chesapeake湾的潮流那样显示出前进波的特征。540. Some measurements are not simple, as when one finds the length of a table by placing a meter scale beside it.有些测定不象我们用米尺放在桌边度量出其长度那么简单。541. These fundamental p

8、roblems are not studied less for their difficulty.这些基本问题并不因其难而研究得少些。542. One can go a long way just describing things in terms of their waves, but I dont think it is convenient to try to go the whole way like that.人们可能采用其波动特征非常有效地去准确描写事物的运动,但我认为全部采用这一方法去描写所有事物却是很不方便的。543. It does not appear that the

9、 model provides for simultaneous adjustment of cloud distribution in the vertical看来这一模式并没有考虑在垂直方向上对云分布作同时的调整544. The fuel used in this engine is none other than diesel oil.这台发动机中用的燃料不是别的而是柴油。545. In addition, there are a set of operating system functions which exist not for the user nut for the effi

10、cient operation of the system itself.此外,操作系统还有一些功能,它们表示供用户使用的,而是为了系统本身更加有效地运行的。546. An interesting feature is that this component is not a zonal wave type oscillation, but rather a meridional wave type fluctuation.一个有趣的特征是这一分量不是纬向波型的振荡而是经向波型的振荡。547. That is, forces never exist singly but always in p

11、airs.就是说,力从来都不是单独存在的,而总是成对出现的。548. The atom was longer regarded as indivisible, but as complex.原子不再被认为是不可分的了,而是看成一种复合物。549. Instead of being borne aloft by a balloon, it is dropped from a high-altitude and floats down on a parachute.它(下投式探空仪)不是由气球载入高空,而是由高空投掷下来并靠降落伞由空中飘浮下降。550. There are advantages

12、to suing a higher-level programming language, instead of assembly language.不使用汇编语言而使用更高级的程序语言是有其优越之处的。551. Instead of seasonal, they (land and sea breezes) are diurnal.海陆风不是季节变化的,而是昼夜变化的。552. Nowhere else in the world have geologists found fossils of this creature, or of even closely related creatur

13、es.地质学家在世界上其他地方还未找到这种动物的化石,甚至其近亲动物的化石也未曾找到过。553. Precipitation is product rather than a process.降水是一种产物,而不是一个过程。554. Rather than use (1) for the exchange coefficient, an alternative form deduced by Blackdar (1979) from the work of Panofsky Et al. (1960) is used.不是采用(1)式来求交换系数,而是采用了Blackdar根据Panofsky

14、等(1960)文章所推导出的另一式来求的。555. Rather than have the cpu input directly from cards, however, the cards were read on to a magnetic tape.然而,这些卡片不是直接输入中央处理机,而是先读到磁带上。556. Other than the presence of the tidal peaks discussed above, the most striking feature in these spectra is the roughly straight-line fall-o

15、ff (in log coordinates) of the spectral density with decreasing period.这些谱曲线的最明显的特征是随着周期缩短谱密度大致显直线衰减(在对数坐标中)而不存在上面讨论的潮峰值。557. It is the atmosphere that is driving the ocean, rather than vice versa.正是大气驱动海洋而不是相反。558. The growth of the separate sciences has been more developmental than intentional.到目前

16、为止,各门独立学科的成长与其说是人们促成,不如说是自行发展所致。559. The distinction is more a reflection of individual interest and motivation than of the scientific nature of the problem or the mode of research.这种(把大气科学分为基础部分和应用部分)划分与其说是反映出问题的科学性质或研究方法特征,不如说是个别人的兴趣和动机。560. Oceans do not so much divide the world as they unite it.

17、海洋与其说分割了世界不如说是联接了世界。十一,情况、类型(561-580)561. In the simple case just discussed, the ocean bottom was sloping uniformly away from the beach; obviously, this is not always the case.在刚讨论过的简单例子中,海洋均匀地从海滩向外倾斜;很明显,情况并非总是如此。562. Evidently, this will not be the case if the averaging period is very short.显然,如果用

18、于平均的周期非常短,那情况就不会如此了。563. Such is the case with the heating field in Fig.3.图3上加热场的情况就是如此。564. As can be seen in Fig. 3 + started to increase gradually from May 3 and the same thing happened to the exposure rate.从图3可以看出,+从5月3日起开始逐渐增长,照射量也是如此。565. The same may be said of a man riding in an express trai

19、n. (He is in motion with respect to people standing on the station platform, but he is at rest with respect to other passengers riding in the same time.乘坐在快车中的旅客也有同样的情况。(他相对于站在月台上的人来说是运动的,但他相对于乘坐在同一列车中的其他旅客来说是静止的)。566. This is especially true in the daytime when wind velocities are commonly higher t

20、han at night.这种情况在风速通常高于夜间的白天尤其如此。567. The primary circulation of the earths atmosphere is an example of natural convection, as is also circulation of water in an ordinary hotwater heating system in a house.地球大气的一级环流就是自然对流的例子;室内的普通水暖装置中的水循环也是如此。568. We maintain that the growth of perturbation energy

21、 is limited to those regions where basic state energy is available for conversion, as is the case of baroclinic instability of a symmetric flow analyzed by Charney and Pedlosky (1963).我们认为扰动能量的增长只限于有基态能量可用于转换的区域。Charney和Pedlosky(1963)所分析的对称气流斜压不稳定的情况就是如此。569. If the predictions of quantum mechanics

22、prove to be observationally correct, as seem to be the case, then no such “complete” theory as envisioned by EPR is possible.如果量子力学的预言在观测上被证明是正确的(看来情况是这样的),那么EPR等人所设想的“完整”的理论是不可能存在的。570 Thus, the problem is essentially one dimensionalas would be the case in an air-track simulation.因此,这一问题基本上是一维的,与气流

23、路径的模拟情况可能是一样。571. As may well be the case, soil moisture was decreased.情况很可能是土壤中水分减少了。572. Radiation received by the earth is unequally distributed, as is the energy trabsferred from earth to atmosphere.地球获得的辐射分布不均匀,地球向大气输送的热也是如此。573. For small anomalies, negative events outnumber positive ones and

24、for large anomalies the opposite is true, both for observations and the model.对于小的情况,负值情况的数量超过正值的,而对于大的异常,情况相反,对观测值和模拟计算值都是这样。574. The reversal is true for the Southern Hemisphere.相反情况适用欲南半球。(在南半球情况正好相反)。575. As the case may be, either temperature or pressure is to be increased for the process.对这一过程

25、,或升温或加压视情况而定。576. As the case stands, the research should be carried out because of its immediate interest.根据目前情况来看,此项研究其迫切的重要意义应该着手进行。577. In the case of wind, observation involves both speed as well as direction.在风的情况(场合)下,观测不但(应)包括方向,而且还(应)包括速度。578. When height is taken into account, clouds are c

26、lassified into three types: high, middle and low cloud.当着眼于高度时,云分为高云、中云和低云三类。579. Not all types of motions are linear in character.并非所有类型的运动在性质上都是线性的。580. Fig. 2 shows directions of the group velocities of the modes 1 and 2 for the case with 0a/4 and the frequency range sv. 图2给出当0/4及频率范围为sv的场合下波形1和2

27、 的群速度的方向。十二 方程I (581-620)581. Suppose that PX=0 at x=xs 假设当x=xs时PX=0。582. The assumption that the mean cloud velocity, vc, equals the large-scale velocity at the cloud, , leads to expression F=xyz. 假设运的平均速度vc,等于云底的大尺度速度0 and V0, the solution takes the form F=xyz. 假定U0和V0,则解取如下形式:F=xyz。584. With diss

28、ipation assumed to be negligible compared to the production and entrainment terms, and recalling that u2=CU2, we may write F=xyz.假设耗散项同生成项和夹卷项相比可以忽略不计,且注意到u2=CU2,我们得到方程:585. is a streamfunction for the perturbed flow. It may be shown that, with =0, F=xyz.是扰动气流的流函数,当=0时,可以给出F=xyz。 586. With the definitions We can write the 11-coefficient system for model II as F=xyz. 以下列定义:我们可以把模式II这11个系数方程组写为F=xyz。587. The correlated spectrum Ew (k, t) is defined in the following way: F=xyz.相关谱Ew (k, t) 以下列形式定义:58

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