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1、中考英语复习初二三英语词组汇编26单元+18单元初二英语词组汇编Unit 1欢迎回校 welcome back to school 准时 on time 教师节快乐 happy Teachers Day 儿童节 Childrens Day妇女节 Womens Day 值日 on duty有趣地做某事have fun doing something给某人点名 call ones name向某人致以最好的祝愿 best wishes to sb. for sth. 作演讲 give a talk 在课上 in Class 考虑 think about 有个好主意 have a good idea谈

2、论 talk about 听磁带 listen to the tape与不同 be different from 的简称 be short for 姓 family name 全名 full name填充表格 fill in the form 为某人做张卡片 make sb a card为某人买东西 buy sth for sb 中国人民 Chinese people 对某人友好 be friendly to sb 听起来像 sound like浪费(白费)时间 a waste of time 、不得不;必须 have to 排在第一/最后 come first /last 想要做,努力做 t

3、ry to do了解很多有关的情况 know a lot about帮他想一个名字 help him (to) think of a name交通繁忙 the traffic is badUnit 2去野外旅行 go on a field trip 去钓鱼 go fishing 去划船 go beating 去徒步旅行 go hiking 后天 the day after tomorrow 同意某人的观点 agree with sb 擅长做某事 be good at doing sth 不同种的鱼 different kinds of fish 去野餐 go on a picnic 走错路 g

4、o the wrong way 被某人的鞋绊倒 trip over ones shoes 山顶 the top of a mountain 赶快 hurry up ! 好好休息 have a good rest 做某事有些困难 have some problems / difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth前天 the day before yesterday 把某物带在身边 take sth with sb.想做某事 want to do sth. /would like to do sth .一种新水果 a new kind of fruit 开头两行 fi

5、rst two lines下周 next week 把某人带到某处 take/get sb to sw进课堂 go into / to class 第一个做某事 be the first (one) to do sth徒步到山顶 hike to the top of the mountain 即将到来的野外旅游the coming field tripUnit 3有空 be free 明晚 tomorrow evening在中秋节 on Mid-autumn Festival 吃一顿丰盛的饭菜 eat / have a big dinner顺便来访 come over 明天见 see you

6、tomorrow 更多地了解中国 know more about China相聚 get together在一年的这个时候 at this time of year 谈论 talk about在户外;在野外 in the open air 尝起来像 taste like(给某人)讲故事 tell (sb) a story 为什么,为何目的 what for谢谢你邀请我 Thanks for asking / having / inviting me 庆祝丰收 celebrate the harvest 大得多 much bigger有点儿象 a little like 尝一尝 have a t

7、asteUnit 4在农场 on the farm 等某人 wait for sb. 喂动物 feed the animal 干农活 do farm work 在春天 in spring 种植大米和小麦 grow rice and wheat 在城市 in the city 在农村 in the country在镇上 in town 在镇外 be out of town同意某人的观点, 适合,与一致 agree with sb 在方面帮助某人 help sb with sth 采玉米后 after picking corn在大学 in college 上大学 go to college比较喜欢

8、 like better 最喜欢 like best回到家 get home 学习更多的农业知识 learn more about farmingUnit 5与说话 speak to sb 没有事 nothing much海豚表演 a dolphin show 没问题 No problem 怎么了? Whats up? / Whats happened? /Whats the matter? 在陆地上 on land 把时间定在五点半 make it half past five 在水里 in water 在假日里 on holidays 许多其它的动物 many other animals

9、呆在笼里 stay in cages 对 有益 be good for 无所事事 have nothing to do 一圈一圈的走 walk round and round 为感到遗憾/难过, 同情feel sorry for 玩球 play with a ball 掉入水中 fall into the water早点儿回来 come back a little earlier 工作必须放在首位 Work must come first海鲜饺子 dumplings with seafood 向某人问好 say hello to sb在的背上 on the back of 买(划)船的票 bu

10、y tickets for boating了解 have some idea(s) about / know aboutUnit 6在左边 on the left 在右边 on the right 去不同的地方 go to different places 这儿附近 near here沿着这条路走 walk along this road 需要帮助 need some help在第四个转弯处向左拐 take the fourth turning on the left乘公共汽车 catch a bus 喜爱玩这个游戏 love to play this game像这样做 like this 站

11、成一排 stand in a row在前排 in the front row 在后排 in the back row紧挨着 next to 擅长认地图 be good at reading maps 最好做某事 had better do sthUnit 7住在一座高楼上 live in a tall building 在多伦多市 in the city of Toronto住在第15层 live on the fifteenth floor 去购物 go shopping使用电梯上上下下 use a lift to go up and down把他带到第一层 take him down to

12、 the first floor做相同的事情 do the same thing 在城市篮球队 on the city basketball team走进电梯 get into the lift 走出电梯 get out of the lift乘第11路车 catch the No.11 bus 在购物中心 at the shopping centre让我在地图上指给你看 Let me show you on the map一个叫Tom的小男孩 a little boy called Tom最喜欢的体育明星/歌星 ones favourite sports /singing starUnit

13、8保持健康 keep healthy 离开 / 缺席 be away开会 have a meeting 三天前 three days ago 在同一时刻 at the same time 长大 grow up 举行篮球赛 have a basketball match 顺便问一下 by the way做早操 do morning exercises 做眼保健操 do eye exercises刚才 a moment ago/ just now 打电话 make telephone calls半小时之前 half an hour ago 有一个长假 have a long holiday坚持记日

14、记 keep a diary 某物有问题 have a problem with sth吃清淡的早餐 have a light breakfast 分秒必争 every minute countsUnit 9打包 pack ones bags 求助于某人 ask sb for help去散步 go for a walk 向某人辞行 say goodbye to sb做完某事 finish doing sth 和某人交谈 talk to / with sb祝你在 (方面)有好运 good luck to you with sth出生 be born 起先 at first在早餐时 at brea

15、kfast 读晨报 read a morning paper /newspaper在会议上 at a / the meeting 离家 leave home大部分课程 most of the lessons 飞往北京 fly to Beijing迁移到某地 move to sw 喜爱做某事 enjoy doing sth对某人了如指掌 know everything about sb 一直,始终 all the timeUnit 10中央电视台的一名记者 a journalist from CCTV某人第一次访问中国 ones first visit to China大多数瑞典人 most Swedish people 许多国家的人 people in many countries昨天晚上 last night /yesterday evening 在音乐会上 at the concert他们中的大多数 most of them 在的中间 in the middle of 上上下下地跳 jump up and down 带他去医院 take him to( the) hospital在音乐会结

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