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第三方物流论文 中英文Word文件下载.docx



3、手的关键所在。经过细分,本文从资源整合、服务内容、服务范围三个方面来界定第三方物流企业的运作模式。3.1资源整合 从资源整合的方式看,第三方物流企业主要有两种。一种是不拥有固定资产,依靠组织协调外部资源进行运作的“非资产型”第三方物流企业。由于不需要大量的资金投入,运行风险较小。这种运作模式能够较好运行的前提条件是要求底层的物流市场很成熟,社会资源容易获取而且选择余地较大。另一种是投资购买各种装备并建立自己物流网点的“资产型”第三方物流企业。这种运作模式虽然需要较大的投入,但拥有自己的网络、装备有利于更好地控制物流服务过程,其柔性化能力和整体服务质量也有保证,雄厚的资产还能展示一个公司的实力,

4、有利于同客户建立信任关系,对品牌推广和市场拓展有重要意义。采用哪种方式没有绝对的标准,主要取决于企业的背景、投入能力、战略规划以及宏观环境。3.2服务内容 在服务内容上,第三方物流企业可以提供四个层次的物流服务:集成度较低的功能型物流服务和增值型物流服务,以及集成度较高的综合集成服务和系统咨询设计服务。集成度最低的是功能型物流服务,这类企业提供诸如货代、运输、仓储,配送中的某一项或几项服务。他们的竞争力在于充分有效利用自有资源的基础上提高功能物流服务的经营效率,达到比自营物流更高效、更低成本的运作,传统的运输、仓储企业实际上就是提供这种服务的。增值型物流服务是在保证能够提供高水平的功能型物流服

5、务的基础上,附加一些增值服务,替客户分担更多的非核心业务。增值服务没有固定的组成要素,不同的行业所需的增值服务也不尽相同。提供综合集成服务的物流企业能够把供应链上的一段(如分销物流)或者整个供应链的物流活动高度集成、有效衔接,进行运作、管理和优化,他们为客户提供一种长期的、专业的、高效的物流服务。提供系统咨询与设计的物流企业不仅具备运营和管理整个供应链的能力,而目能够利用专业、科学的物流知识为客户量身进行物流体系的规划、设计、整合和改进,全面提升运作效率与效益,提高客户服务水平和快速反应能力,更好支持和服务于客户的可持续发展战略。3.3服务范围 服务范围主要是指第三方物流企业所服务的行业范围。







12、在向物流转型时能做到综合物流代理,从而为客户提供全方位的服务。4.5集中物流模式集中物流模式的特点是第三方物流企业拥有一定的资产和范围较广的物流网络,在某个领域提供集成度较低的物流服务。由于不同领域客户的物流需求千差万别,当一个物流企业能力有限时,他们就可以采取这种集中战略,力求在一个细分市场上做精做强。例如,同样是以铁路为基础的物流公司,某铁路快运公司是在全国范围内提供小件货物的快递服务,而另一物流公司则是提供大宗货物的长距离运输。由于在特定领域有自己的特色,这种第三方物流企业运作模式也是需要重点培育和发展的。Third-party logistics enterprises in Chin

13、a to explore the mode of operationThird-party logistics is the social division of labor and goods the product of economic development, and with the deepening social division of labor and the development of commodity economy and evolving. , With the scientific and technological revolution and the dev

14、elopment of social division of labor, third-party logistics has gradually become the dominant form of modern logistics. The introduction of third-party logistics in China in recent years thing. This as a result of third-party logistics contract to provide a full set of logistics system approach allo

15、ws enterprises to concentrate on core competitiveness, the enterprise, the third profit the source, therefore, more and more enterprises choose to some or all of the logistics outsourced to third-party logistics business. At the same time, the growth of the logistics needs of third-party logistics e

16、nterprises to promote the expansion of development.Third-party logistics enterprises in China in general and logistics from the traditional development of related enterprises, logistics, logistics services is still in the tradition of the conversion process to a modern logistics in the initial stage

17、, many third-party logistics enterprises lack of the correct understanding of the logistics, the logistics of foreign mature market on the development of third-party logistics enterprise-depth analysis of the law nor in the scientific mode of operation there is a great lack of, so at this stage to s

18、tudy traditional Chinese logistics enterprises will be shifted to third-party logistics business has a very strong mode of operation of the reality significance.1.The Obstacles of traditional logistics Into Third Party Logistics in ChinaTraditional logistics transformation to meet the requirements o

19、f modern logistics third-party logistics there are the following obstacles:First, the concept of barriers. Theory of logistics, value-added services do not understand or know very little to satisfy the partition function of providing services;Second, barriers to logistics information services. Logis

20、tics enterprises in the traditional information management systems used in the small, many businesses within the information processing or manual operation, can not provide value-added services, logistics information;Third, specialized personnel and equipment obstacles. With specialized knowledge of

21、 logistics, management and marketing management of a serious lack of personnel, logistics facilities do not meet service requirements.Fourth, the backward mode of service. Therefore, the traditional logistics to third-party logistics changes have to overcome these obstacles, the condition of our cou

22、ntry to take appropriate mode of operation of third-party logistics.2.Improper mode of operation of third-party logistics negative impactImproper mode of operation of third-party logistics will give rise to many negative effects: First, some logistics enterprises in operation in the positioning mode

23、, tend to exaggerate the service capacity, resulting in business can not do meticulous precision, can not form the core competitiveness, and ultimately as a result of the lower level of service, it is difficult to retain customers; Secondly, the logistics of the different characteristics suitable fo

24、r their own clientele and services, the macro level, the logistics of inter-firm division of labor should be both competing and collaborating together to form a rational and healthy market of logistics services. If the logistics and content of the services not explicitly targeted, the market will re

25、sult in the same mode of operation of the logistics enterprises identical, blind competition.3.the basis of classification to define the Mode of operation of third-party logistics enterprisesAs the third-party logistics company is a professional logistics service providers, some scholars have been f

26、rom the perspective of service to third-party logistics companies have been classified, the classification is based on two-dimensional. This article holds that, for logistics service providers is how to provide services is the focus of its strategy, but how to integrate more resources should be the

27、primary consideration.Resources and logistics services to co-determine the mode of operation of the logistics business and a key to distinguish it from competitors. After the breakdown, this article from the resources, services, scope of services defined by three aspects of third-party logistics com

28、pany mode of operation.(1)Resource IntegrationWay from the resources, the third-party logistics enterprises in two ways.One is the fixed assets does not possess and rely on external resources to organize and coordinate the operation of the non-asset-based third-party logistics enterprises. As a resu

29、lt of any large amount of capital investment, operation with less risk. This mode of operation can be better is a prerequisite for the operation of the logistics requirements of the underlying market is mature, easy access to social resources and a greater choice.The other is to invest in various ty

30、pes of equipment and logistics to establish its own network of asset-based third-party logistics enterprises.Although this mode of operation the need for greater input, but have their own networks, and equipment to better control the process of logistics services, and its flexible capacity and overa

31、ll service quality be assured, strong asset a company can demonstrate the strength, is conducive to building a relationship of trust with customers, the brand promotion and market development are important.What is there is no absolute standard way depends largely on the background of enterprises, investment capacity, strategic planning as well as the macroeconomic environment.(2)Services ContentIn the service content, thir

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