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Book 5 Module 5Word文档格式.docx

1、佳作欣赏Last term,I took part in a marathon which was hosted by the school. So good was I at running that I had confidence to win the match.When approaching the finish line,I found that one of my competitors fell down and got injured .I could have chosen to leave him alone and dashed to the end,but I st

2、opped to help him.There was no doubt that the result was not so good and people called me a loser.However,I found that I was also very delighted and satisfied though I was not a winner.Sometimes it is kindness rather than grades that plays a more significant role in our life .Though I was a loser in

3、 the match,I was a winner in my life.思维发散1.用过去分词短语作定语改写第句Last term,I took part in a marathon hosted by the school.2.将第句改为正常语序I was so good at running that I had confidence to win the match.3.将第句改为完整句When I was approaching the finish line,I found that one of my competitors fell down and got injured.4

4、.仿照第句用it is.that.和rather than翻译句子重要的是你做的事情,而不是你说的话。(2015陕西宝鸡中学模拟)It is what you do rather than what you say that matters.5.将第句改为倒装句Loser though/as I was in the match,I was a winner in my life.重点单词A.写作单词1.background (n.)背景2.brand (n.)商标,牌子3.guarantee (vt.)保证4.purchase (vt.)购买5.score (vi.& vt.)得分6.fin

5、al (n.)决赛7.quality (n.)特性;品德;品行;质量8.victory (n.)胜利9.protest (vi.)抗议10.retire (vi.)退休retirement (n.)退休11.perform (vi.)表演,表现performance (n.)表演,表现12.advantage (n.)优势;长处disadvantage (n.)劣势;不利13.designer (n.)设计师design (vt.)设计14.champion (n.)冠军championship (n.)冠军称号;锦标赛15.declare (vt.)宣布declaration (n.)宣布p

6、etitor (n.)竞争者,对手compete (vi.)竞争competition (n.)竞争,比赛B.阅读单词17.ring (n.)拳击台18.stadium (n.)体育场,运动场19.track (n.)跑道20.logo (n.)(公司或组织的)标识;标志21.slogan (n.)标语22.specific (adj.)具体的;特定的23.symbol (n.)符号24.ultimate (adj.)最后的25.dramatically (adv.)戏剧性地26.tough (adj.)费力的;棘手的;困难的.重点短语1.on the increase正在增加2.rise t

7、o ones feet站起身3.every ten seconds每十秒钟 for投票赞成5.up to由决定6.pick sb.up把扶起来;开车去接某人.经典句式1.But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。2.The number of young people with money to spend was on the increaseand sport had never been so popul

8、ar.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。3.A pair of Nike trainers,for example,could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双李宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。4.If you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar log

9、o.如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。5.So what?那又怎么样呢?.课文语法填空Li Ning 1.was called(call) the prince of gymnasts,2.who retired at the age of 26.He was chosen as one of the greatest sportsmen of the twentieth century.Although he had won everything it was possible win(win) in his sport,

10、Li Ning retired with the feeling 4.that he had failed.He was 5.disappointed(disappoint) because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.After he retired,he began a new career as a businessman.He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear,peting(compete) with global giants.He chose his

11、own name as the brand mark.The logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of Li Nings name,L and N.Li Ning gained success quickly and his company has also grown 7.internationally(international).But Li Nings goal was not to make money when he retired.In 1991,he opened 8.a school for gymnasts.Sin

12、ce then he 9.has continued(continue) to help young people achieve their sporting ambitions.If you are a great sportsperson,anything is possible, Li Nings advertising slogan says.1(1)perform the role of扮演角色perform an operation/experiment进行手术/做实验(2)performance n.表演;演奏;表现put on/give a performance表

13、演(3)performer n.执行者;表演者;演奏者;能手(1)The surgeon was performing a dangerous operation.这位外科医生正在做一个危险的手术。(2)My students gave a good performance at the English evening.我的学生在英语晚会上做了出色的表演。图解助记多维训练(1)写出下列句子中perform的汉语意思Were looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery,kindness

14、,or courage.做An engine has many parts,each performing a different function.执行This play was first performed in 411 BC.演出He had not performed well in his exams.表现(2)用perform的正确形式填空The performer is giving a performance.2应试指导利弊对比类写作高频词汇:advantages and disadvantages,strengths and weaknesses,benefits and

15、drawbacks(1)have/gain/win an advantage over比占(获得)优势/处于有利地位;胜过;优于,have the advantage of有的优势take advantage of利用be to ones advantage对某人有利at an advantage处于有利地位(2)disadvantage n.不利条件;不便之处(1)I have the language advantage over others.我比其他人占有语言上的优势。天津)(2)I took advantage of the good weather to paint the she

16、d.我趁天气好给棚屋刷上了油漆。单句语法填空(1)We gain an advantage over them because of much more resources.(2)They saw a new opportunity and took advantage of it.(3)He knew it was to his advantage to raise the first objection.(4)Handsome men are always at an advantage.3应试指导应用类写作高频词汇(1)guarantee sb.sth.保证某人某事guarantee t

17、o do sth./that.保证做某事;确保be guaranteed to do.肯定会(2)under guarantee在保修期内give sb.a guarantee that.向某人担保(1)All students are guaranteed campus accommodation for their first year.保证安排所有的学生第一年在校内住宿。(2)Even if you complete your training,I cant guarantee you a job.即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。(1)单句语法填空I guarantee to

18、pay(pay) off his debts.This broken watch is still under guarantee.(2)一句多译我们保证在一周内将货物送到。We guarantee to deliver the goods in one week.(guarantee v.)We give a guarantee that we will deliver the goods in one week.(guarantee n.)4应试指导作为高级词汇替换increasingincrease to.增加到increase by.增加了increase in.在方面增长increa

19、se with.随着增长(1)A few years ago it was an endangered species,but now the population is on the increase.几年前,它还是濒临灭绝的物种,但现在数量在不断增加。(2)The population has increased by 10%.人口增长了10%。(1)Their salaries increase with years of service,education,or promotion.(2)The country has increased in population.(3)The po

20、pulation of this town has increased by zero point three percent in the last three years.(4)My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan.(5)Our demand for this product is on the increase.5Only a month earlier,Mr.Stenholm had declared for/against the tax cut.It was the year when Britain declared

21、war on Germany.It has been declared(declare) already that the contract is illegal. (2)一句多译他断言那是真的。He declared that it was true.(declare that.)He declared it to be true.( be.)6Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business.Her party is divided over whether to compete in th

22、e election.Africa will compete with Asia.We are in competition with some very large companies.(2)用compete的正确形式填空The bank isnt performing as well as some of its competitors.Universities are very competitive for the best students.Theres been some fierce competition for the title.7(1)The soldier strugg

23、led to his feet(挣扎着站起来) and fired at the enemy.(2)Steve pushed the blanket aside and rose to his feet(站了起来).(3)At the good news,he jumped to his feet(跳了起来) and ran out of the room.(4)We young people shouldnt depend on our parents;we should stand on our own feet(自力更生).8 increase to.增加到,increase by.增加

24、了,increase in.在方面增长,increase with.随着增长(The) Chances are (that).有可能There is every chance that.很有可能What are sb.s chances of doing.?What are the chances that sb.?某人做某事的可能性有多大?(1)Chances are that you will pass the exam.你有可能通过这次考试。(2)There is every chance that he will succeed.他很有可能会成功。(3)What are the cha

25、nces of his coming?What are the chances that he will come?他来的可能性有多大?(1)一句多译我有可能很快就会找到一份新的工作。(The) Chances are/The chance is that I will find a new job soon.(chance)It is possible that I will find a new job soon.(possible)(2)单句改错It is every chance that we will win the game.ItThere9So what?那又怎么样?What

26、if.?如果将会怎样;即使又有什么关系?What for?为何目的,为何理由?What/How about.?怎么样?Guess what?你知道吗?Whats up?相当于Whats the matter?怎么了?(1)So what if nobody else agrees with me?就算没有一个人赞成我的意见,那又怎样?(2)Guess what?Were getting married.你知道吗?我们要结婚了。(1)Her father is very rich.So what?She wouldnt accept his help even if it were offere

27、d.(2)How about the two of us going(go) out for a walk?(3)What if I fail the test next week?(4)You look blue.What is up?.语境填词1.The quality(质量) of education in this small school is better than in some larger schools.(20152.I started to appreciate the tough(艰难的) choices she had to make on balancing fam

28、ily and work.(20143.Some scientists declare(宣布) that most of our fatigue comes from our mental and emotional attitudes.(2013辽宁)4.Afterward,she invited me to the oneandonly steak house in the area to celebrate her victory(胜利),as if she had received her will guarantee(保证) that yo

29、u will become really good at whatever it is you put all that work into.(2013广东).单句语法填空1.The questions were about telling friendship from competition(compete).(2014四川)2.Yet,in a sense its human nature to do precisely thatwe assess the advantages and disadvantages(advantage) of decisions all the time.(2014江苏)3.What a wonderful gift to a retired(retire) teacher!(20124.They both loved the performance(perform).(2015北京)5.The Winners Club is

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