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1、2 What is your new English teacher like? She is so strict _ us that none of us dare(敢) to be absent from her classes.Aon Bin Cabout Dwith3 You seem to be _, dont you? Yes. My mum has been ill for a week and now she is in hospital.Arelaxed Bworried Cexcited Dsurprised4On March 30, 2019, a terrible fo

2、rest fire _ in the southwest of Sichuan province and it caused 30 people, including 27 firemen, to die.Awent out Bran out Chanded out Dbroke out5 Did you go to the beach with your parents yesterday? Oh, no. It rained hard all day long and we could _ go out.Ahardly Bsuddenly Cquickly Dclearly6 Could

3、you hand in your homework before 5 oclock?What? I think _ impossible to do so many exercises in two hours.Awhat Bthis Cthat Dit7 Have you considered _Robert some help? Yeah. I have already promised to lend him some money.Agive Bto give Cgiving Dto giving8Mike was working in the garden behind a build

4、ing_suddenly a brick fell off and hit him.Abefore Bwhen Cafter Dwhile9“The new technology is so _ used in the world!” said Mr. White surprisedly with his eyes wide open.Awide Bwidely Cheavy Dheavily10 Could you please help return this book to Henry? No problem. I _ it to him as soon as I _ him.Aretu

5、rn; meet Bwill return; meet Creturn; will meet Dwill return; will meet11 Its said that _ Herry _ his mother has been to America. Thats true. But his father has been there several times.Aneither; nor Bnot only; but also Cboth; and Deither; or12This photo often reminds the man of his grandfather _ die

6、d five years ago.Awhich Bwho Cwhom Dhe13 What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a teacher, but my parents_me to be a doctor.Apromise Bsuggest Creport Dencourage14- Could you please tell me _?- Sorry, I have no idea, either.Awhen does the train leave the station Bwho broke the old woma

7、ns windowChow can I get to the Peoples Hospital Dwhether does Mr Smith still live here15 Why dont you go and have a talk with Mr Smith? Im sure youll win his support. _. But I dont know whether he is in his office now.AI suppose not BDont mention it CThats a good idea DIn your dreams二、完型填空 With smil

8、ing eyes, quick minds and good humor, Jia Ling seems like a natural crosstalk performer(相声演员).Jia Ling was born 16 April 29th, 1982 in the city of Xiangyang, Hubei Province. Having studied acting 17 she was 11, Jia Ling entered the nations top drama college The Central Academy of Drama at the age of

9、 19, but she 18 to learn crosstalk there.Jia Ling is not an overnight success. After graduation in 2003, she was living in a basement(地下室) that was just eight square 19 and without a bathroom. However, Feng Gong, who is one of the top crosstalk performers in China, opened the 20 to her success. He p

10、rovided her with chances to perform. Jia Ling seized(抓住) the chances and worked hard to improve her skills.As an excellent performer, the young lady first 21 the Spring Festival Gala in 2010. With her unique style and great sense of humor, Jia Ling 22 by many people. Since her crosstalk is unique, f

11、ashionable and attractive, she becomes 23 . Besides 24 as a crosstalk performer, Jia Ling is also a talented actress. She has 25 acted in several TV series. “My acting experience has given my crosstalk more ideas and creativity,” Jia Ling 26 .Now, Jia Ling has become one of the top crosstalk perform

12、ers in China. She is trying hard so that crosstalk can 27 to more people. She has set up her own club called New Laughter Inn. There people can enjoy traditional or 28 crosstalk performances. She hopes it can influence her generation and even the next generation and 29 more and more people love cros

13、stalk.Jia Ling 30 being a crosstalk performer and she says she is confident about the future of crosstalk because people will always want to laugh.16Aon Bin Cat Dfor17Auntil Bwhen Cwhile Dsince18Aenjoyed Bchose Cadvised Drefused19Ameters Bkilometers Cfoot Dinches20Abook Bkey Cdoor Danswer21Ajoined B

14、joined for Ctook part Dtook part in22Aremembered Bloved Cwas remembering Dwas loved23Apopular and popular Blazier and lazierCyounger and younger Dmore and more popular24Aperform Bto perform Cperforming Dperforms25Ahardly Bhappily Csuccessfully Dslowly26Asaid Btalked Ctold Dspoke27Amove Bspread Cfly

15、Dgive28Aold Bfair Cgenerous Dmodern29Alet Border Cpractise Dsuggest30Ais afraid of Bis able to Cis proud of Dis good to三、阅读单选 Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cann

16、ot make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Therefore animals and man need plants in order to live. This is why we find that there are so many plants around us. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are two

17、kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants can make seeds. The seeds are protected by the fruits. Some fruits have one seed, some have two, three or four, and some have many seeds. But a few fruits have no seeds at all. An example of a fruit without seeds is the ban

18、ana fruit. Most non-flowering plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores (胚芽). Spores are very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite the same as seeds. When these spores are all on wet and shady places, they usually grow

19、into new plants.31The main idea of the first paragraph is that_.Aplants are important for life Bplants cannot grow without airCthere are many plants in the world Dwe can not live without water32Animals can get food from_.Aflower, water and air Bplants and other animalsCwater, sunlight and air Dair,

20、sun and light33A banana fruit has _ seeds.Athree Ba few Cmany D no In Singapore, primary and high school students take outdoor-skills courses as part of their studies. They are usually three to five days long and include rope and rock climbing, going to sea in a small boat, sleeping in a tent at nig

21、ht, taking long walks in the forest, and learning to make a fire. Its real life. One careless mistake could make someone get really hurt. Are those outdoor skills really important? Minister of Education Ng Chee Meng says that the outdoor courses help students develop skills like critical thinking (批

22、判性思维), teamwork, and good communication abilities that are necessary for work and life. He believes that these skills are as important as traditional subjects. Students need to learn from books, but for some lessons, reading isnt as useful as doing. What do the students think? Angelique, a student f

23、rom Singapore, went for a boat trip in the sea.“It helped me to grow stronger,” she says. She felt nervous because it was stormy that day. There were moments when she felt afraid and hopeless. But she remembered that“smooth seas never made a skilled sailor (水手)” and felt brave enough to continue aga

24、inst the storm.“I am thankful for this amazing chance,” she says. Right now, students attend the courses with groups from their own school. After 2020, however, all students will do the course in groups from several different schools. One student said it this way, “Nothings impossible.”And thats a g

25、reat lesson to learn.34In Singapore , the students usually spend_ on outdoor-skills courses.A3 days B5 days C8 days D3,4 or five days35According to the first paragraph, what may make someone get really hurt?Ataking long walks in the forest Bgoing to sea in a small boatCone careless mistake Dsleeping

26、 in a tent at night36Minister of Education Ng Chee Meng thinks that_are as important as traditional subjects.Askills like critical thinking Bteamwork Cgood communication Dabove of all37What did Angelique think of her boat trip in the sea?AIt was terrible. BIt was hopeless CIt was amazing. DIt was bo

27、ring. China has a rich and colorful cultural history, and masks have played a major role in Chinese tradition for thousands of years. Why do people wear masks? The reasons are to protect their body, to hide themselves, or to have fun. In fact, masks are used all over the world.African masks are usua

28、lly made in a traditional style. There are many different kinds of African masks, but many of them represent animals. African masks are a part of full-body costumes and they are made for dancers. The dancers usually wear the masks in religions events.Japanese masks have been used in many dancers, th

29、eaters, festivals and religions events. They represent heroes, devils, ghosts and some animals in performances. Most of them are made of clay, cloth, wood or paper.Greek masks are used to represent the spirits of nature during religions events. Also, theater actors use masks to show different charac

30、ters.In Rome, devil and other masks are used in carnivals.Today, masks continue to be of great artistic and entertaining value.38What do many of African masks represent?AHumans. BAnimals. CPlants DStones.39What materials are used to make masks in Japan?AWater and sand BFood and paper CClay and cloth DMetal and glass.40Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?APeople often use masks to have fun.BMany dancers in

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