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本文(广东中考 九年级书面表达读写综合配合外研版 八年级下册词汇短语句型无答案Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

广东中考 九年级书面表达读写综合配合外研版 八年级下册词汇短语句型无答案Word文档格式.docx

1、A. Lifestyle. B. Health. C. Sports. D. Education.10. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. First aid for some accidental wounds. B. Steps of looking for medical care.C. Advice on ways not to get hurt. D. Ways to ask for help in getting hurt.八年级下册 Module 1 - Module 21.hear from 收到.来信2.have a try 尝一尝;

2、 试试看 proud of 以.感到骄傲4.sweet tooth 爱好甜食 the dish 在菜肴里6.cant wait to do.等不及7.sound like 听起来像 school 在学校9.get bad marks 成绩不好 the right way 用正确的方式 afraid of 害怕 excited about 对.感到兴奋13.on top 在顶上(M1)14.enter a competition 参加比赛15.the first prize 一等奖 a prize 获奖17.dream holi

3、day 梦寐以求的假期18.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做.19.write about 写到20.make up 编写; 创作21.have been to 去过 different from 与.不同 far 到目前为止 many ways 在许多方面25.count down倒数26.whats more 另外; 而且27.find it adj to do sth 发现做.是 happy about 对.很高兴29.have a wonderful time 玩得愉快30.look forward to 期待(M2)1.很高

4、兴收到你的来信,我也迫不及待想要见到你 It was great to _ _ you, and I _ _ _ meet you.2.当我不知道怎么用正确的方式做事的时候,我感动很抱歉,因此当我在中国且和你在一起的时候,请多帮助我 Im always sorry when I dont know how to do things _ _ _ _ , so please help me when Im with you in China.3.在很多方面, 这种语言和英语很不同, 他们发现单词很难拼读和发音 This language _ _ _ English _ _ _ , and they

5、 find it hard to spell and pronounce the words.4.他们的朋友遍及全世界 They have friends _ _ _ _ .5.他们很期盼回家吗? Are they _ _ _ going home ?八年级下册 Module 3 - Module up to 正在做, 忙于2.make a model 做一个模型 problem 没问题4.the latest news 最新新闻5.far away 遥远 order to 为了 travel 太空旅行8.go online 上网 fo

6、r 搜索10.go around 绕着.转 system 太阳系12.a part of. .的一部分13.none of 没有一个 the universe 在宇宙中municate with 与.联系16.receive a message 收到信息(M3)17.catch a cold 感冒18.take ones temperature 量.体温 food 快餐食品(M4) harmful to. 对.有害21.take part in 参与1.你在做什么? What _ you _ _ ?2.你可以上网去搜索资料 You can _

7、_ to _ _ information.3.为什么没有人和我们联系 Why has no one _ _ us?4.它会对我们的健康有害 It can _ very _ _ our health.5.我们的老师就是教练, 她会和我们一起训练 Our teacher is the coach, and she also _ _ _ the training with us.八年级下册 Module 5 - Module 61.keep doing 坚持做.2.cant help doing sth 忍不住做.3.fight a lot 经常打架 the heart of sb 赢得.

8、的心5.good and bad 好与坏; 善与恶6.learn from 从.之中学习7.a story called 一个叫.的故事8.make a terrible mess 搞得一团糟9.a group of 一群.e to life 显得逼真;苏醒过来 the 1980s 在20世纪80年代12.ever since 自从 popular with 受.欢迎14.of all ages 所有不同年龄的15.Its time for sth/ to do 到时候.16.teach sb a lesson给.个教训(M5)17.take up 占用; 占据18.a b

9、it of 一点儿.19.have a look 看一看20.most of .中大多数 much as 和.一样多e out 出版; 发芽; 问世 interested in 对.感兴趣24.think about 回想起; 记起25.close to 靠近 out of 用完; 耗尽27.go back to 回到 a result 结果, 因此(M6)29.develop interests 培育兴趣30.learn skills 学习技能1.该是时候看看卡通了 _ _ _ watch a cartoon.2.我看的时候忍不住地笑 I _ _

10、_ when I watch them!3.他们看起来很不同, 但是他们都赢得了全世界年轻人的喜欢 They look very different,but both of them have_ _ _ _young people all over the world.4.他率领一群猴子们对抗玉皇大帝和天兵天将 He leads _ _ _ monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.5.爱好能帮助成长, 培育你的兴趣, 帮助你学习新的技能 Hobbies can make you grow as a person, _ your _ a

11、nd help you _ new _ .八年级下册 Module 7 - Module 81.make a list 列清单 the end of在.末尾;在.的末端3.had better 最好 the way 顺便提一下5.write to 给.写信6.depend on 取决于; 依靠7.daily life 日常生活8.form a close relationship 建立亲密关系9.stay in touch(with sb)(与)保持联系10.get ready (for sth.) (为.)做准备10.allow sb to do 允许.做.11.fill o

12、ut 填写; 填充12.go sightseeing 观光13.try out 试验; 试用(M7)14.hear about 听说 the city center 在市中心16.point out 指出; 指明17.make trips to 去.旅行 the top of 在.的顶端19.not.any more 不再.20.a magic land 一片神奇21.look like 看起来像 a small lake 在一个小湖旁23.wake sb up 唤醒 从.摘下25.get lost 迷路26.the second-lar

13、gest freshwaterlake 第二大淡水湖27.agree on 对.取得一致意见(M8)28.make a noise 制造噪音1.我正在为旅行(需要)的东西列清单m _ _ _ of things for my trip.2.我喜欢提前准备好东西 I like to _ things _ earlier.3.除了学习英语之外, 我们还想让你体验美国的生活 _ _ _ learning English, we want you to experience life in the US.4.我认为他们不允许人们在湖里游泳 I dont think they _ people _ sw

14、im in the lake.5.我们悄悄地出来, 发现原来是一只饥饿的猴子在找食物 We came out without _ _ _ and found it was just a hungry monkey looking for food.八年级下册 Module 9 - Module 101.take a message 捎口信2.have a problem with. 和.有问题3.get separated 分开4.feel sure of oneself 自信 patient with 对.有耐心6.explain to sb 向.解释7.join in 参加

15、 problem 没什么; 没关系9.have a hard time 遇到困难 silence 安静地; 沉默地11.feel like 感觉像; 想要.12.turn back 折回 by day 一天天地;渐渐地 of friends 朋友圈15.stick together 团结一致16.full of 充满(M9) director 新闻主播 sb around 带领.参观e this way 这边走20.on air (广播或电视)播出 the background 在幕后 interviews

16、 with 采访23.keep quite 保持安静24.look down at 向下看 person 亲自; 本人26.not.but. 不是.而是 research 做研究工作28.look out of 向.外看 a sound test 做音质测试 happy with 对.满意31.keep on 继续工作(M10)32.find out 查明; 弄清楚33.feel lonely 感到孤独34.encourage . to 鼓励.去.1.上学期, 我们去了不同的学校就分开了 We _ _ when we went to different

17、 schools last term.2.试着弄清楚如果没有你她是否会感到孤独 Try to _ _ whether she _ _ without you.3.因此, 对她要有耐心并向她说明她也可以和你其他的朋友交朋友 So _ _ _ her and explain to her that she can _ _ with your friends too.4.我会鼓励她多参与我们的活动ll _ her _ join in more.5.学习你带我们四处参观 Thank you for _ us _ .句式多样化复习: There be/ Here be.doing句型 There is

18、girl sitting on the ground.1. 这儿有一些很漂亮的鱼在池塘里游泳。Here are/ swimming_ _ some nice fish _ in the freshwater pool.2. 在湖边上有一群鹤在引颈高歌。There are/ singing_ _ a group of cranes _ along the lake.一. There is/ was something/ nothing wrong with. .有问题/ 没问题 There was something wrong with my phone.1.今天我迟到了是因为我的手表不走了。

19、there was something wrong withIwaslatebecause_ _ _ _ _mywatch.2.别担心。电视机没有问题。只是停电了。There is nothing wrong withDontworry._ _ _ _ _ the television. Its just the power cut.二. so.that. 如此.(+形容词/ 副词).以至于.(+句子). You are so clever that all the answers are 如此.(+形容词/ 副词).以至于不能.(+动词). The box i

20、s too heavy to carry.1. 去年天气太冷了, 以至于很多人都患了感冒。was so/ thatLastyearit_ _ freezing _manypeoplecaughtacold.2. 一些路标太小, 司机们都看不见。too/ to seeSomeroadsignsare _ small for the drivers _ _.三.It takes/ took sb some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做什么事 It took me 3 weeks to make a small step ahead.四.It is/ was + adj/ n +

21、 to do sth. 做什么事情是怎么样的 It was my first time to have my homework done in time.五.It seems/ seemed that. 似乎, 好像.我花了一个小时时间来写这本书。It takes/ to write _ _ me an hour every day _ _ thebook.他不断左顾右盼, 似乎在等某个人。It seemed thatHe kept looking around. _ _ _ he was waiting for someone.3. 用了中国人大约5年的时间制造出航空母舰。It took/ to produce/ make_ _ Chinese people five years _ _ aircraft carriers. 不定式做宾补. My mother encouraged me to study English.他的英语老师让他尽可能多地大声读课文。asks/ toHis English teacher _ him _ read out textbook aloud as much as possible.班主任告诉我们不要独自去游泳。told/ not to swim

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