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高中英语必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、3e to 当权;上台4turn 求助于;致力于5be to 被判处(徒刑)6worry 担心7 in 信仰,信任8in 处于麻烦中,处于困境中outaspowertosentencedaboutbelievetrouble9lose 丧失勇气或信心10 up 设立;建立 把投入监狱12fight 反对而斗争.课文原句突破1但是,那个时候你要想住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有身份证不可。However,this _ _ _ _one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.was a time when heartsetpr

2、isonagainst2过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺了我们的权利,阻挡了我们的进步,一直到今天,我们还在几乎什么权利都没有的阶段。The last thirty years _ _the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have_ _ _ _we have almost no rights at all.have seen;reached a stage where3首先我们用和平的方式来破坏法律;而当这种方式也得不到允许时,只有到这个时候我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。We firs

3、t broke the law in a way _ was peaceful;when this was not allowed.only then _ _ _ to answer violence with violence.which;did we decide4他说不应该阻止他们为获得学位而学习。He said they should not be _ _ _ for their degrees.stopped from studyingdevote vt.献身;专心于教材原句P33:A great person is someone who devotes his/her life

4、to helping others.伟人就是将他/她的一生致力于帮助别人的人。These artists devoted all their life to art,and made great contributions to the artistic field.这些艺术家把终生献给了艺术,为艺术事业作出了巨大贡献。She is a good wife and a devoted mother.她是一位贤妻良母。He could only devote two hours a day to work on the project,but his devotion to duty is wo

5、rth respecting.他一天只能在这个项目上花两个小时,但他忠于职守是值得尊敬的。She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.她为中国妇女和儿童的医疗工作贡献了毕生。1.Her son,to whom she was so_,went abroad ten years ago,_her alone in the small village.Aloved;leaving Bdevoted;leftCdevoted;leaving Daffected;leaving解析:be devoted

6、 to sb.相当于love sb.很喜欢某人,句中devoted后的to移至whom之前。句意为:她非常疼爱的儿子去年去了国外,留下她一个人在小村子里。Cvote vt.& vi.投票;选举;n.投票;票教材原句P34:Black people could not vote or choose their leaders.当时黑人没有选举权,他们无权选择他们的领导人。There was once a time when women had no right to vote.曾经有一段时间妇女没有选举权。I thought the plan was very good,so I voted f

7、or it.我认为这项计划很好,于是我投了赞成票。We will listen to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it.我们将先听听双方的论点,然后再表决。2.完成句子(1)With the help of Nelson Mandela,blacks were hopeful about their future_(他们能投票) and choose their leaders.(2)There were_(16票赞成) my suggestion,and 15 against.(3)As they couldnt agree wi

8、th each other,they_(决定投票表决) the issue.(1)when they could vote(2)16 votes in favour of(3)decided to vote onequal v等于;抵得上;adj.相等的;胜任的;n.同等的人;相等物But I was happy to help because I knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.但是,我乐于帮忙,因为我知道,这是为了实现我们黑人和白人平等的梦想。(1)A equals

9、 B in.A在方面比得上Bbe equal ton./doing sth.等于;与相等;胜任be without equal/have no equal无与伦比;无敌(2)equality n相等;平等equally adv.相等地;平等地None of us can equal her,either in beauty or as a dancer.不管是容貌还是舞艺我们都比不上她。It is reasonable to demand equal pay for equal work.要求同工同酬是合理的。3.(天津高考)Fitness is important in sport,but

10、of at least_importance are skills.Afair BreasonableCequal Dproperequal相等的,同等的,(be) of equal importance意为“同样重要”。在比赛中,身体状态是重要的,但是比赛技巧至少也同等重要。4完成句子I dont think he_(胜任做这项工作),so I wont employ equal to doing the jobreward n& v报答;报酬;奖赏教材原句P38:They said that the job and the pay from the new South Afr

11、ican government were my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.他们说来自新南非政府的那份工作和薪水是对我一生为黑人的平等权利而奋斗的回报。He gave the boy a reward of $100 for bringing back the lost dog.因为找回丢失的狗,他奖励小男孩100美元。They rewarded the boy with 5 for bringing back the lost dog.他们给了那男孩五英镑,酬谢他把走失的狗送回来。She g

12、ot nothing in reward for her kindness.她的好心没有得到一点回报。How can I reward your kindness?我怎么才能报答你的恩情呢?辨析:reward与award名词动词reward报酬、奖金或一些非金钱的报酬给予报酬,指因对方的工作、服务、帮助而给予的报酬或奖赏;reward sb.for (doing) sth.因而报答/奖励某人award奖品,奖金,与prize相似授予,颁发;award sb.sth.award sb.5.用award和reward填空:(1)Obama was _the Nobel Peace P

13、rize in 2009.(2)She started singing to the baby and was_with a smile.(3)It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to_.(1)awarded (2)rewarded(3)rewardsescape v& n逃脱;逃生;泄露It was a prison from which no one escaped.那是个无人逃走过的监狱。Whoever breaks the law wont escape

14、 punishment/being punished.不管是谁违反了法律都将不会逃脱惩罚。She managed to escape from the burning car.她终于从燃烧的汽车里逃了出来。It might have escaped your notice,but Im very busy at the moment.也许你没注意到,可我此刻非常忙。He had a narrow escape.他九死一生。 6.In the face of the big fire in Moscow in 2010,many people in the firestricken areas

15、moved out_.Ato escape burning Bto escape being burnedCescaping burned Descaping from burning句意为:由于2010年莫斯科大火,许多被大火威胁的人们搬了出去以免被烧伤。由句意可知空格处为目的状语,故用动词不定式的形式,可排除C、D项,此处表示“逃脱被烧”,故B项正确。Bturn to求助于;翻到(书的某页);查阅;转向教材原句P35:Why did Nelson Mandela turn to violence to make black and white people equal?为什么曼德拉使用暴力

16、以使黑人和白人平等呢?Their talk turned to the change that had taken place in the city.他们的话题转到了城市发生的变化。Please turn to the police for help when you are in trouble.有困难请向警察求助。turn down调小;拒绝turn into变成turn off关闭(开关等)turn over打翻;翻身;移交turn up调大;出现turn out证明是;结果是She turned down the job offer because she wanted more m

17、oney.她拒绝了那份工作因为她想要更高的工资。Unexpectedly the weather turned out pretty nice that day.出乎意料之外,那天天气特别好。7.用turn的相关短语填空:(1)She didnt_at the party as she had promised to.(2)It_that the job was much harder than we had thought.(3)Shes having a lot of trouble with the new puter,but she doesnt know whom to _.(4)H

18、e did not fall asleep,_in bed from time to time.(1)turn up(2)turned out(3)turn to(4)turning overset up设立,建立教材原句P39:1952set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg,later this year,law office closed by government because he attacked antiblack laws.1952年设立律师事务所,为约翰内斯堡的穷苦黑人提供帮助,后来在这一年,律师

19、事务所被政府关闭,因为他攻击反黑人法。For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill set up my own business some day.这些年来我一直为他人工作,我希望有一天可以开创自己的事业。We decided to set up a fund for the Hope project.我们决定为希望工程建立一项基金。The moment they arrived there,they began to set up the tent.他们一到那里就开始搭建帐篷。set about开始做set

20、aside把放在一边;省出,留出set down写下,记下set off出发,动身;使爆炸;引起,激发set out出发,动身;摆放;陈列;开始,着手She tries to set aside some money every month.她每个月都尽量存点钱。I set about researching the habits of snakes so I could trap them in the easiest way.于是我就着手研究蛇的习性,以便能用最简易的方法来捕蛇。8.用set的相关短语填空:(1)Einstein liked Boses paper so much that

21、 he_ his own work and translated it into German.(2)Then,in 1995,the organization_ an office in Beijing.(3)I dont want to_a series of facts in a diary as most people do.(4)I think we ought to _ at 700,while the roads are empty.(1)set aside(2)set up(3)set down(4)set offThe last thirty years have seen

22、the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.过去三十年里出现了最多的法律来剥夺我们的权利、阻挡我们的进步,直到今天我们已到了几乎没有任何权利的地步。(1)see,find,witness等词可用物作主语,以增添语言色彩,see可译为“(在某段时期)发生(某情况),经历,经受”。Dusk saw a little boy crying in the street.傍晚一个小

23、男孩在街上哭泣。The following year saw the death of both his sisters.第二年他的两个姊妹都死了。They came to the corner which had seen many accidents.他们来到了那个发生过许多次事故的拐角处。National Day saw people singing and dancing happily in the street.国庆节里人们在大街上高兴地唱啊跳啊!(2)当先行词是stage,situation,case,position等词时,定语从句常用where或in which来引导。You

24、 could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately.你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作出决定。Were get to the stage where we can hardly go out together.我们正在接近几乎难以一起外出的地步了。9.完成句子The book was written in 1946,since when_(见证了教育的巨大变化)the education has witnessed great changes10(2011济南一模)Shes in a hopeless situat

25、ion,_we will keep a very close eye on.Awhere BwhenCwhich Dthat考查定语从句。定语从句的解题关键是:在主句中找出先行词,该句的先行词是a hopeless situation,然后把先行词“代入”从句中,判断其在从句中的“地位”和“作用”,此处关系词在从句中作on的宾语,同时这里又是非限制性定语从句,所以应该用关系代词which,选C项。11(2011郑州二检)The CCTV Spring Festival Gala is a big stage,_many new actors or actresses are to bee fa

26、mous.Cthat Dwhich分析题干可以看出,stage是一个地点,而在定语从句中充当地点状语的引导词只有where,故选A。AWe first broke the law in a way which was peaceful;when this was not allowed.only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.首先我们用和平的方式来破坏法律;(1)in a way which was peacefulin a peaceful wayway后面跟的是一个定语从句。way如在后面的定语从句中作主语或宾语时,引导词用th

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