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1、中学生上网利大于弊。我将从4个方面来阐述我方观点:1 necessity. This is an era of knowledge economy, information is expanding at an unprecedented speed and explosion, the future of the world is a network of the world, to make our country in the world of information to keep pace, as the main force of the 21st century, we are

2、bound to can quickly adapt to this high-tech society, we should have from the outside quickly, timely access to scientific information and effective capacity, with the ability to disseminate scientific information, which is the scientific quality. The Internet is precisely adapted to this requiremen

3、t. Comrade Deng Xiaoping is not to say: Computer to start with children.1.必要性。这是一个知识经济的时代,信息正在以前所未有的速度膨胀和爆炸,未来的世界是网络的世界,要让我国在这个信息世界中跟上时代的步伐,作为21世纪主力军的我们,必然要能更快地适应这个高科技的社会,要具有从外界迅速、及时获取有效科学信息的能力,具有传播科学信息的能力,这就是科学素质。而因特网恰恰适应了这个要求。邓小平同志不是说:计算机要从娃娃抓起。(2) practicality. Network World resource sharing, its

4、 like a cornucopia, an inexhaustible supply of rich Gold Mountain, who is eager to work hard in this gold mine, whoever would be obtained. You can learn from the fastest to find information, you can learn more knowledge outside the classroom, and flexible use of curricular knowledge, and promote the

5、 development of thinking, to develop the creativity of students. Internet also can transcend time and space and economic constraints, accept online elite education, have any questions you can always make a request via E-mail the teachers guidance. And interactive learning on the Internet, rich 3D gr

6、aphics display, language interpretation and other multimedia content to make learning easier and fun, this is not possible with any textbook. 2.实用性。网络世界资源共享,它就像一个聚宝盆,一座取之不尽用之不竭的富金山,谁勤于在这座金山上耕耘劳动,谁就会有所得。你可以从中最快地查找学习资料,可以学会更多课堂外的知识,并灵活地运用课内知识,促进思维的发展,培养中学生的创造力。上网还可以超越时空和经济的制约,在网上接受名校的教育,有什么问题,你也尽可以随时通

7、过E-mail请求老师的指导。而且互联网上的交互式学习、丰富的三维图形展示、语言解说等多媒体内容,使得学习变得轻松、有趣,这是任何教科书都不可能具备的。3 reality. The dawn of the province is to rapidly advance engineering education information, primary and secondary schools in the province to establish the Internet every classroom, computer spread Internet knowledge to prom

8、ote students home Internet access, remote education and knowledge sharing for the province to provide free primary and secondary school classes online students learn inside and outside the counseling and training in the application of information technology, interest and awareness, training students

9、 to acquire, analyze, process information. Look around us, straight out of the schools Web site is booming, Lin Shouhua secretary, Chen Xin teachers do not also suggest that you go to the schools website to see it? In section, the class page does not have the production in full swing it?Indeed, as a

10、 new thing, the network there are some drawbacks, but the students at the school of education under the school to strengthen young peoples outlook on life, values education, students of right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, the ability to judge good and evil , shape and behavior of students good mor

11、al standards. Correct guidance of the teacher and parents instructions, will enable us to apply a correct attitude to the network this tool.The 21st century is the computer network era, todays society in the future our students will serve as the pillars. Understanding and knowledge of computer netwo

12、rking knowledge, career in the future information age is the most powerful weapon. Let us believe that we pay a little bit of effort, the sand will eventually converge exchange tower, will eventually stand on the shoulders of giants. So, I once again state our point of view: students online more goo

13、d than harm. / / 3.现实性。我省的曙光工程就是为了快速推进教育信息化,在我省每所中小学建立因特网教室,普及计算机因特网知识,推动中学生家庭上网,实现远程教育与知识共享为全省中小学生提供免费的网上课内外辅导培养中小学生学习和应用信息、技术的兴趣与意识,培养学生获取、分析、处理信息的能力。再看看我们身边,学校的网站不正搞的红红火火,林寿桦书记、陈欣老师不也建议大家去学校的网站看一看吗?年段、班级的网页不也都在紧锣密鼓的制作吗?的确,作为一种新生事物,网络存在着一些弊端,但中学生处在学校的教育之下,学校要加强对青少年的人生观、价值观教育,培养学生对是非、美丑、善恶的判断能力,塑造学

14、生良好的道德和行为规范。在老师的正确引导和家长的指点下,必能使我们以一个正确的心态来应用网络这种工具。21世纪将是计算机网络时代,今日的莘莘学子将担任未来社会的栋梁。了解和掌握计算机网络知识,就是闯荡未来信息时代的最强有力的武器。让我们相信,我们今天所付出的一点一滴的努力,终将会聚沙汇塔,终将站在巨人的肩膀上。所以,我再一次陈述我方观点:中学生上网利大于弊Anti-side of a debate: You judge teachers, students, and Hello, everyone! Friends talked to each other just argue about o

15、nline education, but online education is a business, but nothing exaggerated hype. Not only in China, even in the U.S. magazine USA Today survey showed that: 86% of the surveyed teachers, librarians, and computer management believes that children using the Internet does not improve their classroom p

16、erformance. 反方一辩:各位评委老师,同学们、大家好!刚才对方辩友津津乐道地谈网上教育,但网上教育不过是商家的夸大其词的炒作罢了。不仅在中国,即使在美国权威杂志今日美国的调查表明:86%被调查的教师、图书管理员以及电脑管理人员相信,孩子们使用因特网不会提高他们的课堂成绩。Friends of endless debate just the other side, is to give all of you show the network in a quick exchange of information and convenience. But I advise you not

17、to smoke and mirrors for high school students can access, I would like to take the other pair of eye, see the pros and cons of the network clearly, plainly, so true. From the quantity that the current network has three difficult problems: the first is Internet security issues, mainly refers to hacke

18、rs, viruses and online fraud; second category refers to the sex and violence and hatred spread of harmful information; third category is all kinds of information pollution and waste, Friends of impassioned debate in the other four-minute remarks, the worlds main website has been hacked nearly 200 ti

19、mes, the global Internet computer virus may have been the latest 170 million times . . the reality , the Internet has brought many students hazard: 刚才对方辩友滔滔不绝,无非是向在座各位展示了网络在信息交流方面的快捷性和方便性。但我奉劝您对中学生上网可不要雾里看花,我愿借对方一双慧眼,把网络的利弊看得清清楚楚、明明白白、真真切切。从量上说,目前网络有三个难以解决的问题:第一类是网上安全问题,主要是指黑客、病毒和网上欺诈等;第二类是指传播色情暴力和仇

20、恨的不良信息;第三类是形形色色的信息污染和垃圾,就在对方辩友慷慨激昂的四分钟陈词里,全球主要网站已经被黑客入侵了近200次,全球互联网计算机可能已经被最新病毒感染了170万台次现实中,中学生上网已带来了诸多危害:First, according to a survey, many high school students into small worm, indulge in the Internet, will use 90% of the time on online games, made a prisoner of the network, the network of the tir

21、ed, addicted to the Internet cafes , chat rooms unable to extricate themselves. Not only delayed learning, and even crime, according to April 2000, Guangzhou Daily reported that a 15-year-old high school students to free to the Internet to play online games, even killing his own cousin, in order to

22、achieve the purpose of possession of her computer其一,据一项调查显示,不少的中学生成了小网虫,沉湎于网上,将90%的时间用到网络游戏上,做了网络的俘虏,为网络所累,痴迷于网吧、聊天室不能自拔。不仅耽误了学习,甚至犯罪,据2000年4月广州日报报道,一名15岁的中学生为了随心所欲地上网玩网络游戏,竟然杀害自己的表姐,以达到占有她电脑的目的。.Second, students can easily immersed into the virtual network of living space, once back to the real wor

23、ld to produce a sense of loneliness, suffering from Network alienation syndrome, singing all day long: the network is my home, I only have eyes it . This caused serious psychological damage. While students are in rapid physical development time, but they are an Internet that is four or five hours, t

24、he eyes not only overload, damage eyesight; also makes spinal deformities has really spared no efforts in dying!So the network so much harm to the network in a quick exchange of information, convenience compared to the benefits, do not do more harm than good?Secondly, from the quality on that partic

25、ular subject we are discussing today is the high school students, they are a special group, they can easily accept new things, very strong desire for knowledge, but they are physical, not psychological maturity, dealing with new things, a lack of ability to distinguish right from wrong, poor self-co

26、ntrol. These inherent characteristics of the inherent problems with the network, in essence, constitutes the inherent among online students and irreconcilable contradictions.So reality forced national authorities issued a special law on network management, but the openness, freedom, no features have

27、 led to the legal boundaries to be ineffective. As Negroponte pointed out, in the network world, human society, the existing law, if one of the hard on the deck Badabada breathing fish. Therefore, in the present and foreseeable future network drawbacks still exist. Perhaps in the future a certain pe

28、riod of a day, the network will become a party to the Pure Land. But a thousand years too long, we seize the day, the reality is that the network has on the students mental and physical constitute different degrees of damage.Students, faced with our partners from the cast Lo network and a Wife, to a

29、void is a matter of painful, we call the net when the net, cool-cool good time. / /其二,中学生极易沉浸到网络的虚拟化生活空间中,一旦回到现实社会就产生一种孤独感,患上网络疏离症,成天高唱:网络是我家,我的眼里只有它。这样对心理造成严重损害。同时在生理上中学生正处于快速发育时间,但是他们一上网就是四、五个小时,不仅眼睛超负荷运转,危害视力;也使得脊椎变形,真可谓鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已!所以网络的这么多弊与网络在信息交流方面的快捷性、方便性这一利相比,难道不是弊大于利吗?其次,从质上说,我们今天讨论特定主体是中学生,他


31、的伙伴自投罗网,而一情深,为避免事不堪回首,我们呼吁该下网时就下网,清清爽爽好时光。 /Square two debates: you teachers, students, friends Hello, everyone debates the other side! First of all I would like to argue that the Friends have just heard the other side when committed some mistakes. First of all, the other argued that the United States, 80% of the Friends of the

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