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机械控制常用英文术语Course Fundamentals of Control Theory.docx

1、 机械控制常用英文术语机械控制常用英文术语 Course Fundamentals of Control Theory Course:Fundamentals of Control Theory 控制理论基础 Bilingual Course 双语教学 Teaching Material:Linear Control System Analysis and Design Fourth Edition 教材:线性控制系统分析与设计 第 4版 References 参考书目 1.杨叔子,机械工程控制基础,第四版,武汉,华中理工大学出版社 2.绪方盛彦,现代控制工程,科学出版社,1978 3.李友善

2、,自动控制原理(上册),国防工业出版社 4.张伯鹏,控制工程基础,机械工业出版社 5.阳含和,机械控制工程(上册),机械工业出版社 6.姚伯威,控制工程基础,电子科技大学出版社 7.薛定宇,控制系统计算机辅助设计MATLAB 语言及应用,清华大学出版社 Learning requirement 学习要求 1.All exercises and experiment reports must be done in English,and all questions must be answered in English.所有的作业和实验报告必须用英文完成,所有的问题必须用英文回答。2.must

3、be present(must not be absent)上课不能缺席 3.taking notes:Dont merely copy the blackboard,trying to write down what you consider is important.作笔记:不能仅仅抄黑板,而是要记下你认为重要的东西。4.preview 预习 复习 exercises and experiments independently 独立完成作业和实验 7.summarizing,concluding 总结,概括 8.Dont read the book word b

4、y word,the emphases should be put on the understanding the concepts,terminologies as well as their logic relations.不要逐字逐句地阅读教材,应该将重点放在概念、术语以及它们之间的逻辑关系的理解上。9.Daring to put forward questions.敢于提出问题 10.If you have any question,please contact me.如果你有什么问题,请与我联系。Final examination result 考试成绩评定 1.Daily beh

5、aves:30%.Including:present,exercises,experiments.平时成绩占 30%,包括:到课率、作业、实验 2.Final examination:70%.考试成绩占 70%Well,we will get to business(言归正传),well begin the first chapter.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 第一章 绪论 1.1 INTRODUCTION 引言 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL SYSTEMS 控制系统概述 1.3 DEFINITIONS 定义 1.4 HISTORICAL BACK

6、GROUND 历史背景 1.5 DIGITAL CONTROL DEVELOPMENT 数字控制的发展 1.6 MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND 数学背景(基础)1.7 GENERAL NATURE OF THE ENGINEERING CONTROL PROBLEM 工程控制问题的一般特点 1.8 COMPUTER LITERACY 用于控制系统的计算机程序 1.9 OUTLINE OF TEXT 全书内容要点 1.1 Introduction 引言 With the rapidly development of the modern science and technolog

7、ies,man created many miracles.One of them is the invention of automatic control equipments.Today,we cant live on without the help of these auto-machines.随着现代科技的迅速发展,人类创造了很多奇迹。其中之一就是自动控制设备。在现代社会,人类如果离开了这些自动机器将无法生存下去。Automatic control systems permeate(渗透)life in all advanced societies today.自动控制系统技术已经

8、渗透到了现代社会生活的方方面面:produce goods required by an increasing world population 生产足够的商品以满足不断增长的人口的需求;travel to the moon and explore outer space 到月球旅行和探索外层空间;space vehicles,the space shuttle,space stations 宇宙飞船、航天飞机、空间站;reconfigurable flight control systems 可重新配置的飞行控制系统。1.2 Introduction to control systems 控

9、制系统概述 There are many equipments with control systems in our daily lives,such as:在我们的日常生活中,有很多带控制系统的设备,例如:Refrigerators 电冰箱 Robots 机器人 air-conditioner空调 auto-washers 全自动洗衣机 elevators 电梯 pilotless aircraft 无人驾驶飞机 men 人类自身 Example:toaster 例子:烤箱 期望的面包黑度设定 input:timer 输入:由定时器设定的时间 output:degree of darkne

10、ss and crispness 输出:面包的黑度和松脆程度 The output quantity has no influence on the input quantity,there is no feedback in this system.输出量对输入量没有影响,系统中不存在反馈。Example:DC shunt motor 例子:直流电机 励磁电压源 主轴转速 电枢电压 励磁电流 电枢电压源 电压选择器 直流电机 input:armature voltage 输入:电枢电压 output:speed of the shaft 输出:电机主轴的转速 DC:Direct Curren

11、t 直流 AC:Alternating Current 交流 open-loop control systems:Systems in which the output quantity has no effect upon the input quantity 开环控制系统:输出量对输入量没有影响的系统 functional block diagram:功能方框图 command input:desired darkness of the toast or the desired speed of the motor 命令输入:面包的期望黑度值或电机的期望转速 reference-selec

12、tor block:selection of the value of time on the toaster timer or the value of voltage applied to the motor armature 参考选择器方框:选择设定烤箱定时器的时间值或电枢两端外加电压值 reference input:output of the reference-selector block 参考输入:参考选择器方框的输出 dynamic unit:the unit which the reference input is applied to 动态单元:施加参考输入信号的单元 de

13、sired output:output of the dynamic unit 期望输出:动态单元的输出 closed-loop control systems:Systems in which the output has a direct effect upon the input quantity 闭环控制系统:输出信号对输入信号有直接影响的系统。functional block diagram of a single-input single-output(SISO):单输入单输出系统的功能方框图:characteristic:the output is fed back and is

14、 compared with the input 特点:输出信号被反馈到输入端并与输入信号进行比较 comparison unit:performs comparison between the reference input and the feedback signal and results in an actuating signal 比较单元:将参考输入信号与反馈信号进行比较,并产生一个执行信号 Example:home heating control system 家用取暖控制系统 A bimetallic coil in the thermostat is affected by

15、 both the actual room temperature(output)and the reference-selector setting.恒温器中的双金属片既受到实际室温(输出),又受到参考选择器设定的室温双重影响。Another example:Refer to Ch.material P1-14 其它的例子:见材料 114 1.3 Definitions 定义 From the preceding discussion the following definitions are evolved,based in part on the standards of the IEE

16、E,and are used in this text.根据前面的讨论,引伸出了下列在本教材中使用的定义,(部分定义基于 IEEE标准)。IEEE:Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气和电子工程师学会美 System.A combination of components that act together to perform a function not possible with any of the individual parts.系统:许多部件的组合,这些部件组合起来能完成一定的功能,而其中任何单独的部件不能完成此功能。Command input.The motivating input signal to the system,which is independent of the output of the system and exercises complete control over it(if the system is completely controllable).命令输入:施加于系统的

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