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1、根据题目要求,一般可分为三个部分:分析漫画;诠释寓意(包括原因、后果等);发表自己的观点。第一部分,描述漫画所反映的内容:As is vividly presented/shown in the drawing.As can be seen from the drawing.From the picture we can see.Recent years people in+地名+have witnessed the fact that+漫画内容第二部分,围绕漫画中所反映的内容阐述漫画中的寓意:(1) The picture reveals a serious problem in., and

2、 more and more similar events happened and happenings are heard or reported in our society as well as life.(2) The implied meaning of the drawing should be taken into account seriously. First/To begin with,揭示含义/原因/结果; Secondly/Whats more,揭示含义/原因/结果; Last but not least/Finally,揭示含义/原因/结果;And the soci

3、al problem/phenomenon has arisen the great concern/care of our whole society/world/all the people.(3) There may/might be three factors which contribute to/are responsible for/explain/can make clear the图片解释的现象. First of all, 原因. And the second reason is that 原因. The last reason, I think, is that 原因.第

4、三部分,给出自己的看法和想法及解决问题的办法:(1) Judging from all evidence offered above, we may come to the conclusion/conclude that it is high time+虚拟语气从句.(2) What we should do now is to.(3) Only in this way, I do believe, can we.(4) There is every reason to believe that.【常用语句】(1) The picture is talking about/shows.(2)

5、 The picture shows a common phenomenon.(3) The picture describes an interesting phenomenon.(4) In the picture, there are.doing.(5) The picture above is about.(6) Lets look at the picture above/first.(7) As is vividly shown in the picture,.(8) Such an image draws attention to the fact that.(9) Lookin

6、g at the picture, we cant help thinking of the more and more serious phenomenon of.(10) The picture serves to remind us of.【写作模板】 It is described in the picture that 图表内容总概括. 进一步阐述图表内容. As is shown in the pictures, 折射生活中的意义. We can say that/We may come to a conclusion that/We can see clearly that 对寓

7、意进一步引申和归纳.There are many reasons responsible for the phenomenon and the following are the typical ones. The first reason is that 理由一. The second reason is that 理由二.Considering all these reasons, I think we need to take some positive measures. 方法或建议. Only in this way can总结自己的观点或态度.一、 情景作文假设你是红星中学高三(1

8、)班的学生李华,请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,用英文写一篇周记。记述爸爸出差期间,妈妈生病,你照顾她的过程。注意:1. 周记的开头已经为你写好。2. 词数不少于60。Last Monday, 【写作指导】这篇看图作文要求写成周记,是典型的记叙文。图片形象、直观,再加上前面的文字说明,考生一般都有话可写且不会走题。但在写作时,要抓住记叙文的六要素:时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who)、事件(what)、原因(why)和过程(how)。即:五个“W”和一个“H”。写作时应注意下面几点:(1) 人称:第一人称I和第三人称。(2) 时态:以过去时叙述爸爸出差期间,妈妈生病,照顾妈妈的事情

9、;写自己对这件事的感受时,用一般现在时。(3) 细节:观察每幅图,一幅图列出一个要点。注意人物、动作、神态以及心理的描写,带入自己的感情,可以出彩。(4) 适当地使用过渡词,使图与图之间内容连贯,行文流畅。首先,描述图画内容。(四幅图内容依次为:告别,生病,照顾,夸奖)其次,描写自己对这件事的感受。16分达标范文达标范文点评满分作文Last Monday, waving goodbye to us, my father took a business trip in another city. Not until Thursday morning would he come back. Une

10、xpectedly, my mother was ill that night, which concerned me a lot. However, it didnt take me a few minutes before I calmed down. Touching her forehead, I found her in a high fever. Without hesitation, I fetched her some medicine. Two pills taken, she fell asleep, and I looked after her throughout th

11、e night. The next morning, when seeing her lying in bed with a normal temperature, I sighed with relief. A few days later, when my father returned and heard of what had happened, I was well thought of.It is quite an experience for me, from which I have learned that whatever happens, we should never

12、be nervous but keep calm. not until倒装句,强调爸爸回来的时间,为下文“独自照顾生病的妈妈”埋下伏笔。 副词unexpectedly自然过渡到第二幅图,which concerned.非限制性定语从句生动表达出焦急之情。 这个句子结构it didnt take.before.(我只花了几分钟就)很出彩,体现了扎实的功底,同时however自然地表达出前后之间的对比,由担心到冷静。 这三句,使用了touching her forehead分词作状语,without hesitation生动简洁地描述出了当机立断,独立主格结构two pills taken运用地道

13、。 when seeing.为状语从句的省略句,避免主语重复。另外,sigh with relief “舒了口气”是高级短语,用得也很妙。 I was well thought of使用被动语态使句式丰富。 最后收尾总结全文,发表感想,一气呵成。从quite an experience,from which引导非限制性定语从句,到最后whatever happens让步状语从句,以及never.but.(不是而是)。Last Monday, my father set off for another city on business, where he would stay for three

14、 days. After seeing him off, we went back home. However, the next morning, my mother had a fever. So high was her temperature that she couldnt get up, lying in bed. In that case, I hurried to the nearest pharmacy without delay to buy some medicine. Besides, noodles were prepared for her in case she

15、went hungry. Much to my comfort, her pain got relieved gradually. Finally, it was both the medicine and my care that contributed to her quick recovery. When my father was told about it after his arrival at home, both my parents took pride in me.I am also proud of myself as I can look after others so

16、 well. 满分作文点评 一句话交代清楚背景,set off for使用到位,where引导非限制性定语从句。 熟练使用了so.that.倒装句式,强调了妈妈突然病倒的严重,lying in bed为现在分词短语作状语,形象地将第二幅图展现。 hurry to:匆忙赶往;without delay:毫不耽搁。这两个短语再现了当时情况的紧急。 本句被动语态的使用,加上从句in case(以防,以免).很到位,写出了“我”对妈妈照顾的周到。 much to my comfort:使我感到很安慰的是;get relieved:得到了缓解。说明在“我”的照顾下妈妈好转了。 这句话是对妈妈很快就能恢复

17、的原因的总结,通过强调句型一步说明到位,contribute to 也是不错的选择。【标准范文】Last Monday, my father said goodbye to my mother and me and went on a business trip. He would be away for three days. Just the next morning, I found my mother wasnt feeling well. She had a cold. I immediately went to get her some medicine and then prep

18、ared some noodles for her. With my special care, my mother recovered quickly. When my father came back home, my mother told him what had happened. He praised me for what I had done.I feel very happy that I have done something for my mother.二、 开放作文请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。You are discussing the followin

19、g picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so. 2013年北京卷的开放作文依然和往年一致,就一幅漫画写一篇短小精悍的议论文。但相较前几年,今年的这幅图要容易理解很多。漫画中的人坐在大石头上垂钓,想着要钓一条大鱼,结果事与愿违,只等来一条小鱼。图片描述部分对于考生来说并不难,但建议描写出钓鱼人的神情,再发挥想象增加对心情的描述,为下文发表自己看法做好铺垫。关于立意,考生只要准确把握“大鱼”和“小鱼”

20、分别指代理想与现实,用时下流行的一句话表达,就是“理想很丰满,现实很骨感”,体现出两者差异,再阐明自己对于这一现状的看法和处理方法,进行充分的自由发挥,就可以了。总之,本篇难度不大,能否得高分就要看考生的语言功底了。第三人称描述图片,第一人称阐述看法。漫画的描述以及自己观点的陈述都用一般现在时。(3) 漫画的描述用简洁的语言,增加对钓鱼人神情和心情的描写。(4) 立意:理想与现实之间存在差距,该如何面对挫折。首先,简述图画表达的寓意。其次,结合图画内容发表自己的看法。达标作文点评In the picture, on a large stone sits a man, who is fishin

21、g in hopes of catching a big fish. However, it turns out to be a disappointment. How astonished he is when he stares at such a small fish he has caught! It reminds me of the gap between our dreams and reality.As we all know, people have their own dreams and follow them all the time. So fully engaged

22、 are they in living dreams that some of them, once unable to succeed, tend to feel discouraged, even never recovering from the setback. Actually, there does exist a gap between our dreams and reality. Even so, we can never lose heart when faced with failure, in that we are on the way to realizing ou

23、r dreams, which are around the corner. 完全倒装和非限制性定语从句的完美结合。 此句简洁明了,turn out to be表达了主题,现实与理想之间的差距。 感叹句的使用与上句前后呼应,失望、震惊之情跃然纸上。 It reminds me of.“这使我想到”,点出了主题,成功过渡到立意部分。 非常出彩的复杂高级句式,so.that.的倒装,once unable.状语从句的省略句,never recovering现在分词作结果状语,可见英语功底扎实。 there does exist“的确存在”,很好地强调了差距。 复杂高级句式的使用到位,even so

24、使过渡自然。Seeing the fish which is far smaller than expected, the man in the picture feels disappointed. Obviously, he hoped to catch a big one. Now, it seems that he wants to give up.The picture tells us the truth that it is no easy task to live our dreams, since there is a gap between ideal and realit

25、y. Faced with difficulties, we should not shrink back. The most courageous action we can take is to keep moving forward. That is, keep pushing ourselves to explore, learn and experience new ideas. After all, we have our dreams in store for us. Only if we are struggling our way by learning from failu

26、res constantly, are our dreams within reach. 一句话生动地描写出了钓鱼者的失望之情。 he hoped to“他本希望”,这句过去时很到位,写出了现实与理想的落差。 it is no easy task to live our dreams“实现梦想并不容易”,结合since引导的原因状语从句,一步到位点明主题。 本句很简短,但生动说明对待困难挫折的态度。shrink back:退缩。 after all过渡自然,have our dreams in store for us“有梦想在等待着我们”,非常地道的用法。 only if位于句首,主句倒装。

27、I think the picture is telling us that there is usually a difference between ones dream and reality. People need to learn to face it. Everyone has his dream. However, it is not so easy for people to realize their dreams every time. Just like the man in the picture, instead of the big fish he wishes

28、for, he actually catches a small one. In my opinion, people need to learn to accept the reality and keep on trying. With another try, they may gain what they dream of.及时训练(一)2012年10月9日, 巴基斯坦十五岁女孩马拉拉在放学回家途中遭到塔利班暗杀,头部中枪。康复后, 马拉拉不畏威胁,积极为巴基斯坦女童争取受教育的权利。联合国将每年的7月12日(她的生日)定为“马拉拉日”(Malala Day)。作为同龄人的你,请根据以

29、下提示,用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应包括以下内容:1. 简述马拉拉的故事。2. 说明教育的重要性(至少两点)。3. 谈谈学校教育对你的影响(至少两点)。1. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。2. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。On October 9, 2012, Malala, a 15-year-old Pakistani girl, was shot in the head by the Taliban on her way home from school. 【参考范文】On October 9, 2012, Malala, a 15-year-

30、old Pakistani girl, was shot in the head by the Taliban on her way home from school. However, the Taliban failed to silence her. After a miraculous recovery, she was committed to fighting for girls right to education. In honor of her bravery and devotion, the UN declared July 12 (her birthday) as Malala Day.Deeply inspired by the story of Malala, I firmly believe in the significance of education. It enables people to raise their voices for rights and change the world by calling for more equality. Furthermore, education promotes the development of science and technology as

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