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1、 accept:(vt/vi)接受/同意;listen:(vi)收听; catch:(vi)抓住4. fall:(vi)倒下,下跌; sink:(vi)使下沉;drop: 使跌倒,落下; lower:(vi/vt)降低/放下. 5. bring:(vt/vi)拿来/停下; take:(vt)拿,取; get:(vt)获得; carry:(vt)运送。6treat:对待; attend:参加; care:关心; touch:接触。7join: 连接、加入(in/on/up/with); mix:使混合(up); link:(vt/vi)连结/连结起来(to/up/with); combine:使

2、联合(with)。8contain:(vt/vi)包含、容忍; include:(vt)包括;involve:(vt)使陷于(in); connect:连接(to/with)9remind: 提醒; memorize:记住; remember:(vt/vi)回忆起/记得;reflect:反应; recall:回忆; rely:依靠。10notice:(vt)注意; realize: (vt)认识到; recognize:承认;know:知道,了解。11pay:支付(for),付出; spend: (vt)度过(on);cost:在 .方面花费(in);花费(时间金钱)12adopt:采纳,收养

3、; adapt:使适应。13afford:(vt)负担得起; offer:提供。14effect:产生,导致; affect:影响;impress:使某人印象深刻; hurt:给.带来损害15damage:(vt)损害; spoil:(vt)损坏; harm:对.有害处16say:说,讲; tell: 告诉,讲述; talk:谈话;speak:说话,演讲。17commit:做坏事; confirm: 使.确信; consider:考虑; concern:关心。18endure:忍耐; suffer:(vt/vi)遭受/受通苦; tolerate:(vt)忍受,容忍。19exclude:不包含;

4、 exceed:超越; excuse:借口; execute:实施。20reach:到达; arrive:(vi)抵达; attach(vt)系上; achieve:(vt) 完成,达到 21convince:确信; convey:传递; contribute:贡献; conquer:征服。22perceive:觉察; distinguish:区分; observe: 观察23transform: 使变形; transfer: 使.转变; transmit:(vt/vi)传输/发报24fold:折叠; bend:弯曲; curve:(vt/vi)使弯曲/成曲形; turn:(使)转动.形容词辨

5、异1empty:(中)空的,空虚的; vague:含糊的,不清楚的;bare:赤裸的;(表面)光光的; dull: 感觉或理解迟钝的,无趣的。 2. reliable:可靠的,可信赖的; respective:分别的,各自的 ;respectable:可敬的,有名望的; responsible:有责任的,负责的。3. conceited: 自以为是的; competent:有能力的; confident:自信的,确信的; contented: 满足的,心安的。4. intelligent: 聪明的,有才智的; efficient:能干的;proficient: 精通的; diligent:用功

6、的,细心而继续不断的。5. sensitive:敏感的,感光的; sensible:明智的,有感觉的;sentimental:感伤性的, serious: 认真的;sincere:诚挚的,真实的。6. available:可利用的; preferable:更好的;reliable:可靠的; actual:实际的,真实的;related:迟到的; flexible:灵活的,柔软的;concerned:关心的,有关的。7. subsequent:后来的; beneficial: 有益的;sufficient:充分的,足够的; average:通常的,平均的。8. comprehensive:全面的

7、,广泛的; compound:复合的; complicated:复杂的,难解的;有能力的。学位英语同义词辨析21. above all:首先; after all: 毕竟; as to: 关于,至于; as a result: 结果.as far as: 远到, 直到.2. at ones best: 处在最佳状态; at other times: 在另外场合; at first glance: 乍看. at all costs: 无论如何.3. by mistake: 错误的; by oneself: 单独.4. there is no point in doing: 做.没道理的; it

8、Is no use doing sth.:做.是没有用的.5. in the way: 挡道; on the way: 在途中; by the way:顺便; no way: 决不.6. in existence:存在, 现有; in practice: 在实践中,实际上; in part: 部分; in a row: 连续; in debt: 详细在; in person: 亲自. in public: 当众,公开地; in a hurry: 匆忙,轻易; in terms of: 在.方面; in the name of:以.的名义, 凭; in honor of: 向.表示敬意; in

9、spite of: 不管; in return: 作为报答; in turn: 依次, 轮流;in advance: 预先; in vain: 徒然; in accordance with: 与一致,按照; in addition to: 从事(工作), 在方面;in effect: 有效; in the event of: 如果.发生.7. at ease: 自由自在; with ease: 轻而易举地;8. in sight: 被看到; catch sight of: 瞥见; out of sight: 在看不见的地方.9. at no time: 决不; at a time: 每次, 在

10、某时; in time: 及时; on time: 准时; from time to time: 有时; once upon a time: 从前; ahead of time: 提早; in no time: 立刻; at one time of another: 曾经.10. in favor of: 有利于,赞同; by favor of: 敬烦.便交, out of favor: 失宠于; 请面交(信封上用语).11. out of reach: 在.范围外; out of place: 不合适; out of order: 状态不好, 次序颠倒; out of date: 过时的;

11、out of danger: 脱离危险; out of work: 失业.12. to ones taste: 合味口. 13. nothing but: 只; or something: .之类.14. round the corner: 在拐角处; 15. only too: 没想到会.16. on balance: 总而言之; 17. not much of a : 称不上.18. be amazed at: 对.感到吃惊; be curious about: 对.好奇; be accused of: 因某事控告某人; be content with: 对.满足; be caught u

12、p in: 受某物吸引/感染; be tired of: 听命于; be capable of: 能够; be aware of: 知道; be short of: 达不到; be based on/upon: 基于; be composed of: 由.组成; be guilty of: 有.之罪; be bound to: 一定要; be determined to do: 决定; be ashamed of: 耻于; be disappointed with: 对.感到失望; be known as: 被认为是; be worthy of: 值得;19. come to a conclu

13、sion: 告一段落,得出结论;come to terms with:让步,妥协; come down in the world: 落魄; 20. draw to a close: 渐近,结果; do sb. a favor: 帮某人个忙; 21. take advantage of: 利用; take it for granted: 视为当然; take into account :重视,考虑; take the place of = in place of: 代替;22. put into effect: 实行,使生效; 23. make an appointment: 与某人约会;mak

14、e a fortune: 赚大钱; make a fuss of/over: 大惊小怪;make ones way: 向前;25. have a great influence on: 对.造成重大影响; have a ball: 狂欢; 26. get to ones feet: 跟上某人;27. feel like doing: 想要做某事; 28. go on strike: 实行罢工;29. judging by/from: 根据.来判断; 30. attach importance to: 重视;31. have/get/catch hold of: 拥有,抓住,得到.32. in

15、force: 有效的; 33. in common: 共同的;in detail: 详细地; in the case of: 至于.34. much ado about nothing: 无事空忙,小题大做,庸人自扰.1.attraction:吸引 attention: 注意力attempt:努力 attack:进攻,袭击plicate: 复杂的 comprehensive:综合的,理解的compound:混合的,复合的 competent:能力强的3.slight:轻微的,少量的 slender:苗条的,修长的,微小的,微薄的single:单一的, simple:简单的,简易的4.conve

16、y:表达,传递 convince:使确信contribute:做贡献 conquer:征服5.except:除了之外 besides和in addition to: 除了(包括)6.claim: 声称 acclaim: 欢呼declare: 正式地宣布 announce: 宣布7.avoid: 避免,躲开 escape: 逃离dismiss: 解散,解雇 discharge: 释放,解雇8.block: 阻塞 bar: 阻挡、妨碍 obstacle:障碍9.raise(及物动词) 和rise(不及物动词):抬起;升起arise:出现 arouse:唤醒、激起10. assure:断然地说,保证

17、 insure:确保ensure: 保证,担保 secure: 保护11. cycle: 循环,循环周期 circle: 圆周,循环12. consent: 同意, convince: 使信服confirm: 证实,肯定 confess: 承认13account: 解释,说明 count: 计数, 计算 encounter: 遭遇,遇见14efficient:有效率的 effective:有效的15tired:累,使累 tied:系,打结16fell:击倒, 打倒 fall:下跌,砍倒(树木)17genuine:真诚的 genius:天才general:总体的,普通的 generous:慷慨的

18、18handy:手边的,近便的 handful:一手,一捧manual:手工的 handle:应付,处理19imitate:模仿 intimate:亲密的 intermediate:中间的 immediate:马上20affect:影响 inject:注射effect:产生(结果) infect:感染21resolve:决心 solve:解决,解答involve:包含 introduce:介绍,引进22retain:保持 obtain:得到,获得,remain:保持(状态不变) maintain:保持,维持23memory:记忆力 memorial:纪念物mention:提及 memoriza

19、tion:记住24pack:打包 parcel:打包裹 package:包装25prospect:展望、前景 perspective:预期的、未来的respect:方面、角度 aspect:(问题等的)方面26capability:能力, property:财产、地产prescription:处方, provision:准备、预备27existence:存在 pressure:压力,absence:缺席 presence:出席, 到场28recommend:推荐 recall:记起relate:叙述 record:记录,29relax:放松 reveal:暴露、揭示,release:释放 co

20、nceal:隐藏、遮掩30refresh:振作 recover:重新获得, 恢复reform:改革、改良 refine:修改31sensitive:有感觉的 sensible:懂事的、明知的serious:真诚的 sincere:诚挚的, 真实的32source:来源 resource:资源wealth:财富 cause:事业、起因33shadow:阴影 shade:荫、阴影shell:壳 shelf:架子、书架34sign:签字 signature:签名signal:打信号 sigh:叹气about to: 即将 above all: 首先,尤其 accustomed to: 习惯于 ahe

21、ad of: 在前面,先于at all: 完全,根本 all over: 到处,遍及in all: 总共,共计 as if/as though: 好像,仿佛asas: 与一样 no as/so as: 不如那样back and forth: 来回,往返 make the best of: 充分利用at best/at the best: 最好,充其量 in brief: 简要地说trolley bus: 电车 by and by: 不久以后,将来keep company with: 与交往,与结伴compareto: 把比做 take delight in: 以为乐eitheror: 或或,不

22、是就是 enjoy oneself: 过得快乐father-in-law: 岳父,公公 be fed up with: 对极其厌倦go by: 经过,放过,过去 on the one handon the other hand: heart and soul: 全心全意地 一方面,另一方面now that: 既然 once in a while: 间或,偶尔,有时per cent/percent: 百分之 prior to: 在之前on purpose: 故意,有意 get rid of: 摆脱,除去primary school: 小学 sit up: 迟睡,熬夜soas to: 如此以至于,

23、如此以便 if only: 只要,要是就好so for: 以便,为的是 sothat: 如此以至于as soon as: 一就 no soonerthan: 一就sooner or later: 迟早,早晚 all of sudden: 突然sum up: 总结 in tears: 流着泪thanks to: 由于,多亏 on top of: 在之上make use of: 利用 put to use: 使用,利用up to: 从事于,忙于, 该由, 轮到wear off: 逐渐消逝 weep for: 为伤心as well as: 既又,除之外(还) no wonder: 难怪,怪不得kee

24、p ones word: 守信用 at(the)worst: 在最坏的情况下in accord with=according to: 根据 be going to do sth: 打算做某事be to do sth: 强调近期的一种计划 let sb down: 让某人失望let sb out: 让某人出去 let sb in: 让某人进入 put up with=stand/bear/tolerate: 忍受 serve as: 以为职业/角色 consider as: 把看作 闻名 be used to do: 被用于做什么 be used to doing: 习惯于做什么 used to do: 过去常常做什么 persuade sb of:使某人相信 persuade sb into doing 说服某人persist in doing sth: 坚持做某事 accident: 事故,交通事故incident: (小)事件 event: (重大)事件case: 法律上办的案子 as usual: 像往常一样

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