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1、第二篇: -/r+tj for interpersonal relationships, i graduall summed up one of the most in line ith the priniple of m nature, that is, mutual respet and affinit. i believe that all good friendship is formed naturall and not deliberatel obtained. i also think that no matter ho good of friends should have a

2、 distane, the friendship is too often roded empt.get along ith others, espeiall if ou are relaxed, in a relaxed and feel of the real lessons learned, i bet ou, ou must have enountered the same, even if ou are engaged in different oupations.philosophers, poets, musiians, artists have their on jargon.

3、 sometimes, the different meaning of the same jargon said. sometimes, speaking ith a different meaning of jargon.but an not limb the hills, the gap beteen the soul of it is insurmountable. peer jargon e sa, spit out the voie of a friend.among the most profound distintion is not professional, and in

4、the soul.professor of muniation to see the bookstore to sell the suess of surger patients like best-selling book, i feel funn. a person has a good impression on a person, and he or she paid a friend, orinterested in something, tr to do it suessfull, it ould have been natural. do not memorize the mai

5、n points on the ross an not be friends, do not beg for tips on the do not spiritual ause, e an see ho the lak of real emotion reall interested. hoever, there is no real emotion, ho it ill be true friends? not reall interested in, ho ill it reall ause? that being the ase, h should diligentl and suess

6、 in muniation? that of ourse there are obvious utilitarian motives, but it is quite apparent deeper reason is that spiritual emptiness, then hid shortut to the rod and affairs. i do not kno ho, onl kno that if this kind of muniation at home, i approahed him, i ill definitel be more lonel, if suh a s

7、uessful stand in front of me, i ill definitel be even more boring.stud, suh as making friends, but at least one exeption is the time to teah the kind of book arts friends.personals surger hing real friends perish. friendship is tolerane. for this reason, a friend one enemies, it is often irreversibl

8、e, the differenes that the must be ver serious, and has reahed the point here an not be beteen good friends an be suh a thing ourred in dear john, in the past beteen the more diffiult, more diffiult to repair the raks no, and seems to maintain an aquaintane too unnatural. as for those ho

9、 have onl aquaintane, handed over the ase of non-pament of the to ma be, it is not a dear john.extraversion personalit people eas aess to man of m friends, but alas a fe true friends. introversion are lonel, one friends, often is true.第三篇:友谊的英语演讲稿friendship is a plant trees bus time, ant to rest,hol

10、idaith that idea, after all ,ou kno the feeling means so muh to man.but the older i get it seems the more i realize that the friendship in era of netork is not something e usuall think of as something to be unreliable. take the sina miro-blogfor the last fe ears, the rise in the use of si

11、na miroblog have dran hinese attention. as the proverb goes, ever oin has its to sides, making friends via blog is no exeption. hen using them, ou on t be orried aboutfeeling impolite just beause not to send ords bak to the man ho is talking ith ou .and this a gives people more freedom and hoie righ

12、ts to kno the man ho ou ant to kno, right? and ou an easil make a good ne friend aording to the familiar hobbies or the same idolor the same it ith ou. onthe ontrar, it an ause some problems suh as misleading us b some unreal information, and make some people s privat e matters publi. in a ord, the

13、an be good as for us oung people to entertain and make friends if e use them properland at last, i ant to add some supplement. the life on the internet is olorful. even though i kno everone here inluding me is a nie gu. e need to have a sense of defense to the strangers ho ou realize b the internet

14、at the firsttime .but if one da, ou find there exits some one ho is reall nie to muniate ith,please ope n our real heart to himher, beausethefrien dship onl gros here the sin erit is laid.reall frien dship is above an thi ng else, on siderate and regardless of the profit -no t just in the real life

15、but inan here and an time.猜你喜欢:关于友谊的一分钟英语演讲稿中学生英语演讲稿-友谊英语演讲稿:frien dship 友谊中学生英语演讲稿friendship 友谊附送:双11活动方案每年的双十一也就是所谓的光棍节都是商家大卖的焦点。特别是 淘宝推出双十一之后,几乎每年电商都会用全新的记录证明双十一的 商机。那么,光棍节在美容行业,除了日化线,专业线应该如何利用 下面就为你揭秘光棍节促销方案了解一下其中的商机吧。第7页共22页活动背景:光棍节 从网络节日变成青年朋友广为流行的节日,而在网络上则 演变成购物狂欢节,每逢到了 光棍节 不论是商场、饭店或者游乐场 所,都会

16、借助节日的氛围策划 光棍节 活动来招揽顾客。在这年轻时 尚的节日里,美容院推出 光棍节不孤单 特惠活动。而如今天气逐渐 变得干燥寒冷,并且入秋之后持续着干燥、炎热的天气。所以从目前 美容院的消费上可以了解到,消费者在换季之后进店消费初秋时节以 美白修复为主,而如今则是以滋润保养为主。因此,美容院可以借助 光棍节 这一档期进行促销活动,不仅是提高知名度,提升形象的大好 时机,也是利用节日抓住商机的绝佳机会。活动对象:所有的新老单身女性顾客活动目的:恰逢 大小光棍节 ,为了使所有的单身女性顾客能够在此节日中 感受到美容院的温暖,并且还能够得到美的体验。在 光棍节 期间, 并且结合季节、气候等问题美

17、容院可以特此推出补水、防干、修复等 广受女性朋友欢迎的促销项目。希望能够借此时节,与顾客建立一个 和谐、温馨的沟通平台。能为美容院带来更多的新朋友,提升美容院 的消费者市场占有率。主题:遇 1 即发,寻佳丽光棍节当天在活动期内,凡是 100 元人民币上有带 1 的编号,美容院都默认 其实际价值为 110 元,也就是自动升值了 100 元;由于一个 1 字就能 抵人民币 10 元,两个 1 字就是 20 元,以此类推,这就促使顾客去换 带 1 字的人民币,甚至去银行换。这就势必会在人群中广为传播,成 为一种趣谈,美容院寻找客源的活动目的就达到了。百元人民币风潮 可能会给美容院带来如潮的人流。美容

18、院每接受一张带 1 的百元人民币,就要为之付出 10 元的代 价,以此类推, 100 张带 1 的人民币就是 1000元;反过来看看美容院 的收益,美容院收了顾客 100张带 1 的人民币,不就是收入 1 万元 吗?这个投入仅仅是产出的 110,这样的成本哪个美容院承受不起?况 且,兴旺的人气谁都想要。你看电影我买单 光棍节温馨奉献用 你专心陪伴你的心上人,其他的事情我来办 这样的宣传方式 口号来迎合情侣们极尽所能制造浪漫的迫切心情,若能准时兑现赠送 电影票的承诺,并制造机会在男友面前称他漂亮的女友,男友多半都 会支持女友做美容,甚至为她购买美容疗程,朋友圈子里的情侣也很 可能成为这家美容院的

19、新顾客。1、提前与电影院联系,团购低峰时段的电影票;2、活动期间开任意疗程卡者前 20 名可领取情人节电影票两张, 并同时获得玫瑰花一枝及情人梅一包。零开发方案突出 11 元消费不计成本的体验价,突出 限时 体验的紧迫感; 除了横幅、海报、dm单的宣传方式外,美容师的推介和顾客之间的口 碑传播更重要。1、 活动当天所有持 11 元抵扣券 的顾客均可支付 11 元钱享受美 容院指定的护理项目;2、 凡来不及当天享受护理的顾客,可排队预约,并交付定金(有 些准顾客可能会在美容师的引导下选择本次活动以外的、不提供优惠 的护理);3、 所有参与本次活动,并已登记在册的顾客均可获得美容院准备 的洗手液、

20、餐巾纸等实用小礼品;注意留下顾客的详细资料;4、 为了使活动取得更好的效果,可提前电话邀约原有的会员和意 向会员、陌生女性来参加活动;5、 活动当天,一定要派专人连续发放 dm单;6、 活动当天可适当布置一下美容院门口,热闹一点,有条件的 还可以准备 限时抢购 活动,准备一些低成本的日化用品,请在场的 女性参加;这些顾客很可能产生不了消费,但可以为当天的活动营造 气氛;因此,美容院可自行控制成本。搭配时装色彩,塑造魅力女人仅看这个标题,就能让女性为之动容,当顾客奔这个主题前来参 加活动的时候,关于时尚、色彩、魅力等新潮的话题可不能令她们失 望,她们更愿意为美容院做正面的宣传方式,并且会期待下一

21、次精彩 的活动。1、举办色彩搭配知识讲座,活动内容包括时装、生活妆等;2、请美容院高端顾客中打扮入时、喜欢化妆的女性作为客座嘉宾 与大家分享心得,她们会十分乐意配合的;3、建议用小型 沙龙 等时髦、休闲的方式举办这样的活动,使更 多的顾客愿意参与进来,踊跃交流。11靓佳丽,幸福全家人在美容院做美容,送放大的全家福照片一张,促使顾客家人对她 所消费的这家美容院产生认同感。伸延服务,促进再消费 扩大美容院在顾客心目中的影响力,使以家庭为单位的更多社会 群体产生对美容院的善意回馈;这样的宣传方式不但能取得经济效 益,更能获得一定的社会效益。1、在本店消费到一定金额的顾客,均可获得本店赠送的由摄影中 心提供的全家福照一张(无底片);2、提前与摄影中心达成协议,在顾客的全家福上印制美容院的名 称或祝福语;3、通过这样的活动创造温馨,并取得顾客家人对其消费的支持, 挖掘社会资源;4、附

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