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1、晚来总比不来好。19 Its never too late to mend.(过而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。20 If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.(如果事情值得做,就值得做好。21 Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.(无热情成就不了伟业。22 Actions speak louder than words.(行动比语言更响亮。23 Lifeless, faultless.(只有死人才不犯错误。24 From small beginning come g

2、reat things.(伟大始于渺小。25 One today is worth two tomorrows.(一个今天胜似两个明天。26 Truth never fears investigation.(事实从来不怕调查。27 The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.(舌无骨却能折断骨。28 A bold attempt is half success.(勇敢的尝试是成功的一半。29 Knowing something of everything and everything of something.(通百艺而专一长。)疯狂咬舌头30 Goo

3、d advice is beyond all price.(忠告是无价宝。American Colloquialism 美式惯用语Eg. Ill back you up all the way.我完全支持你。原句: I will support you from beginning to end.Eg. Why dont you get off my back?不要来打扰我,好不好?Dont disturb me.Eg. Thats enough of your back talk.不许你回嘴。 I dont like the way you argue with me.Eg. Oh, my

4、aching back啊呀,天啊,真糟! Oh, God!Eg. I must say this about Lee, hes really on the ball.他做人醒目勤奋。 Hes really working hard.m beat.我累死了。 Im in exhausted.Eg. Why should I beat my brains out for the salary Im getting?我拿这么一点薪水,犯不着伤脑筋。m only getting a small salary, so I dont need to worktoo hard.Eg. Row,beat it

5、!走开点。 Get away。Eg. Where did you get the beat-up old car?你从哪儿弄来那辆老爷车? Where did you buy the broken-down car?Eg. Keep your big mouth shut.住嘴。 Stop talking.Eg. He is a big-time operator.他这人很吃得开。He has Rood connections.Eg. Give me a break.给我一个机会啦。Give me a chance.Eg. Dont brush me off.不要敷衍我。t stall me.

6、Eg. I dont buy your story.我不相信你。I dont believe you.Eg. Lets call it quits.算了吧! Lets forget it.Eg. His words carry a lot of weight.他的话很有力量。 He is very influential.Eg. He is trying to cash in on me.他想占我便宜。 He is trying to take advantage from me.Eg. Its a lot of chicken feed.这是小意思,不算什么。 Its nothing.t c

7、hicken out. Be a man.不要退缩了。t back out.s my cup of tea.这很合我胃口。Its my favorite.Eg. Whats my cut?我有什么好处?whats my share?Eg. Cut it out.不要这个样子啦!原句: Dont be like that.Eg. That will be the day.有这么一天就好了。s not possible.Eg. He double-crossed me.他出卖了我。 He betrayed me.Eg. Hes down and out.他已经完了。He is finished.E

8、g. Drop dead.Go away.Eg. Take it easy.不要这么紧张。 Relax.s eating you?你有什么烦恼?s bothering you?Keep an eye on him.看住他。Watch him.He is a fast talker.他老是说得天花乱坠。He is always bragging.I am fed up.我已经厌倦了。 I am sick and tired.Please fill me in.请你把情形告诉我。 Please tell me all about it.s full of hot air.这是雷声大雨点小。Lots

9、 of talk and no action.s the gag?这里面有什么奥妙?s the trick?He told me to get lost.他叫我走开。he told me go away.Thats a good gimmick.那是一个好办法。s good thinking.He gave me a pain in the neck.他真叫我头痛。He gave me trouble.Hes always on the go.他永远是前进的。s always going ahead.Ill have another go at it.我再试一次。ll try again.ll

10、 go along with you.我同意你。ll agree with you.s a good deal.这是一个好买卖。s a good bargain.He always goofs off.他总是糊里糊涂。 He always slips.Go on.s all Greek to me.我全不懂。t had it.糟了(吃饱了)。ve had enough.m hard up.我经济很困难。t have money.s having a hard time.他的处境不好。s in trouble.Do to hell!滚蛋! Go away.s a hi

11、t.这件事很受人欢迎。s very popular.s in hot water.他在水深火热中。 He is in deep trouble.So, you finally broke the ice.你终于打破了僵局。So,you finally broke through.s in it for me? WhatHe is in a jam.他可糟了。 He is in great trouble.t jump on me.不要跟我发火。t be angry at me.s a lot of junks.这都是一些鬼东西。s a lot of garbage.I got a big ki

12、ck out of it.这件事真令我开心。 It makes me laugh.What the kick back for me?我有回扣拿吗?s my cut under the table?He kicked the bucket.他已经归天。 He died.Are you kidding?你是不是开玩笑? Are you joking?Oh! you are killing me!笑死人了。s really funny.Knock it off.不要这个样子。Stop pulling my leg.不要开我玩笑了。t make fun of me.You are out of li

13、ne.你太过份了。 You are over doing it.Please bring me up to date.把最近的情形告诉我。 Please give me the latest information.I will make it up to you.我一定会补偿你的。ll compensate you.You made it again. (You did it again.)你又得手了。 You succeed again.You hit the nail on the head.你真是一言中的。 You are absolutely right.No dice.不行。No

14、way.He is a nut.他有点精神病。 He is insane.Nuts!胡说!Nonsense!s on the house.这是免费的。s free.He is an operator. (here it means a thief,a swindler,ect.)他是一个老滑头。He is a swindler.t panic.不要慌啊!t be nervous.He passed out.他已经昏倒了! He fainted.To me it is just peanuts.对我来讲,这太不值得了。s nothing to me.He is a phoney.他是一个骗子。

15、He is fake.Pick me up at seven tonight.今天晚上七点钟你来接我。Come and get me at seven tonight.He was put on the spot.他已经给人打死了。He was killed.He puts up a good show.他的表现很好。He behaves himself well.I cant put up with you any longer.我不能再忍耐了。 I cant stand you any longer.Let我们算了吧!s forget the whole thing.He was take

16、n for a ride.他受骗了。He was fooled.Let it ride.让他去吧! Keep it as it is.m running this shop.我管理这个铺子。m the owner of the shop.Time is running out.时间不多了。 There is not much time.He got the sack.他被开除了。He was fired.Says who?谁说的?我不同意。t agree.s have a show down with John.我们跟约翰摊牌。s tell Tom the truth.s up your sl

17、eeves?你变的是什么戏法? What do you have in mind?I am only a small potato.我只是一个小角色。m nobodyJohn Lee is a some-body, although be was a nobody two years ago.李约翰现在已是名人,虽然两年前是默默无闻的. John Lee is a very important man, although he was anobody two years ago.He is now in the soup.他现在糟糕了。 He is now in great trouble.K

18、eep stalling him.继续拖延他吧。 Keep brushing him off.Jack was all steamed up.杰克非常冲动。 Jack was furious.m having a swell time.我玩得很开心 。m having a wonderful time.I was taken in.我受骗了。 I was cheated.Tell it to the marines.我不会相信的。t believe.s it.不错,就是这样。s the whole story.There you go again.啊呀!你又来了!No, not again.s

19、 up?有什么好新闻?s going on?What are you up to?你又搞什么鬼? What do you intend to do now?m on the wagon.我戒酒了。 I quit drinking.Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。 Keep your voice down.Still water runs deep.大智若愚。A wise man playing a fool.What do you say?你的意思怎么样? What do you think?So what?那又怎么样? What can you do about it?有什么事情吗? Anything happen?s new?有什么新闻吗? Any new developments?Youd better wise up.放聪明点。d better do as I say.

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