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1、s regime(政权), Hezbollah(真主党)and Iran on one side and al Qaeda-style Islamic radicals(激进分子)on the other is a fight in which the United States has no dog.Hurting the Assad regime inevitably means helping the rebels. True, some of the rebels are nicer than other rebels. Its also true that the nasty(肮脏的

2、)rebels are the faction(派系斗争)likelier to dominate(控制) if the Assad regime falls.In June, the nasty rebels and the nicer rebels came to violence over control of strategic(战略的)checkpoints(检查站)in northern Syria. Theconflict endedwith the nasty rebels assassinating(暗杀)one of the top leaders of the nicer

3、 rebels and consolidating control over the disputed territory.So much of the debate about Syria is a debate about how? We are in real danger of skipping over the more important questions: Why? and For whose benefit?2. What comes next?A two-day barrage(密集攻击)of cruise missiles will not tip(颠覆,倾斜)the b

4、alance of the Syrian civil war against the Assad regime. It took seven months of bombing plus substantial(实质的)military assistance to Libyan rebelsto topple(推翻)Moammar Gadhafis friendless regime.Al-Assad has a tighter grip(掌握)on power and more international allies.Odds(希望,可能性)are that after the boom-

5、boom ceases, the civil war will resume(重新开始). Syrian government forces will likely continue to commit atrocities(暴行)(although maybe next time by some means other than poison gas). The rebels will very likely continue to lose.The world will have watched the Assad regime shake off an American punch(打击

6、) - and all the questions we face today about U.S. credibility will revive(恢复)in more intense form.The United States is contemplating(周密考虑)cruise missile strikes today in large part because of the failure of prior interventions on behalf of the rebels: first food and medical aid, then communications

7、 devices and other battlefield support, then small arms. If this intervention fails to force al-Assad to quit, the next intervention will have to be bigger again.3. What will it cost?A Syria campaign(参战)is being advertised as comparatively cheap in money and American lives. Were promised no boots on

8、 the ground. But theres another cost in danger of being overlooked(忽略): the opportunity cost.The president, the secretary of state, the secretary of defense and other top officials have only so much time and energy. If they commit to resolving the Syrian civil war, inevitably they give second shrift

9、(悔悟), or third shrift, or worse to many other concerns of arguably(可论证的,可争辩的)greater importance to the region and the world.Egypt, for example, seems to be heading toward the same civil strife(冲突)as Syria. Who is developing the plan for helping to prevent that outcome(结果)? How much high-level suppor

10、t and attention are they getting?4. Is there another way?Obama administration officials argue a strike against Syria will deter(威慑)Iran. But firing cruise missiles at army facilities in Syria seems a very roundabout(间接的)method of stopping a nuclear program in Iran. Some may hope that the United Stat

11、es is drawing Iran into a protracted(拖延的)expensive proxy (代理人)war. But the United States already has two anti-Iran proxy warsin inventory, Afghanistan and Iraq, and neither has gone well.Whathasgone well, by contrast, is the U.S. campaign of economic pressure on Iran. Who would have dared predict(预言

12、)in 2002 that Iran would still lack a nuclear weapon 11 years later and without a U.S. military attack? Yet so it has happened.There is a lesson contained in that success, and it is:priorities(优先), people.If you want to deal with Iran, deal with Iran. And if you want not to be drawn all the way into

13、 a Syrian civil war between factions none of them friendly to the United States, then the best way to avoid being drawn is: dont take the first step. And ifyou have already inadvisedly(欠考虑的)taken the first step, at least beware(当心,提防)the second, third and fourth.2、Obama: Breakthrough(突破,重大进展) is pos

14、sible on SyriaWashington (CNN)- Russias proposal for Syria to surrender(放弃,交出)its chemical weapons to international control was a potentially positive development, but could be a stall(拖延)tactic(策略), President Barack Obama told CNN on Monday.Were going to run this to ground, Obama said in an intervi

15、ew with CNNs Wolf Blitzer, adding that the United States will work with Syrian ally(同盟国)Russia and the international community to see if we can arrive at something that is enforceable(可实施的)and serious.A breakthrough on the horizon(几乎肯定会很快发生的)?Obama said the new proposal that emerged Monday from Russ

16、ia resulted from his threat to attack Syria for violating(违反)an international ban on using chemical weapons, as his administration(政府)contends (声称)occurred on August 21 in suburban Damascus(大马士革).He and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the Syrian chemical weapons and the U.S. push for a

17、military response at last weeks G20 summit in St. Petersburg, Obama told Blitzer.We have not seen these kinds of gestures(举止,动作)up until now, the president said. The fact that the U.S. administration and I have said we are serious about this, I think, has prompted(促进)some interesting conversations.T

18、he Russian proposal could lead to a breakthrough, but would require follow-up while maintaining pressure on Syria and Russia by continuing his push for Congress to authorize a military attack, Obama said.In an apparent(显而易见的)response to some lawmakers who have questioned U.S. interests in a potentia

19、l military strike, Obama said Syrias chemical weapons pose(造成)a significant threat to all nations and to the United States, in particular.Thats why 98 percent of humanity(人类,人性)have said we dont use these. That protects our troops, and it protects children like the ones that we saw in those videos i

20、nside of Syria, the president said, referring to video footage(镜头)that showed people writhing(痛苦)near death.The U.S. government says more than 1,400 people died in the attack.Obama will make a televised address(电视演讲)from the White House on Tuesday night as part of the administrations offensive(进攻)to

21、 build support for military action in Syria. His interview with CNN was one of six television interviews on Monday in his effort to reach the public directly.If we can accomplish this limited goal without taking military action, that would be my preference, Obama said. On the other hand, if we dont

22、maintain and move forward without a credible threat of military pressure, I dont think well actually get the kind of agreement Id like to see.Obama told ABC that there was no time limit for an agreement.Syria welcomed Russias proposal Monday, paving(为铺平道路)the way for a possible diplomatic(外交的)soluti

23、on to the crisis that comes amid(处于环境中)Syrias two-year civil war that has killed more than 100,000 people, according to U.N. estimates.Obama acknowledged that an agreement on the Russian proposal may not solve Syrias underlying(潜在的)civil war, but it does solve the problem that Im trying to focus on

24、right now, which is making sure that you dont have over 400 children gassed indiscriminately(不加选择的)by these chemical weapons.When asked by PBS about Syrian President Bashar al-Assads claim that the U.S. is lying about his use of chemical weapons, Obama said there can be no diplomatic solution if the

25、 Syrian president keeps make statements that are untrue.I think that if we can come up with (想出)a mechanism(机制)to get these under control, verify(证明)and enforce(实施)that they are not being used, then we should do everything we can to pursue(进行)that,But . thats not going to happen if Assad thinks that

26、 he can lie his way through this and eventually the world forgets the images of those children who were gassed.Al-Assads militarylacks capability, Obama saidObama also sought(试图)to tamp(封堵)down the specter(恐惧)of a threat from Assad for the United States to expect every action in retaliation(报复)for p

27、otential military strikes in Syria.Mr. Assad doesnt have a lot of capability. He has capability relative to children, he has capability relative to an opposition that is still getting itself organized and are not professional trained fighters,He doesnt have a credible means to threaten the United St

28、ates.However, Obama said it was possible for Iran and Hezbollah to launch asymmetrical(不对称的)strikes, but dismissed them as nothing more than the kinds of threats that we are dealing with around the world.He told NBC that he had yet to decide how he would proceed if Congress voted against authorizing

29、 force.In light of the upcoming anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, Obama said the date brings heightened security, but he cautioned(警告)that were not going to be able to protect ourselves 100 percent of the time against every threat and that the key was to be prepared without over-reacting(过度反应)

30、.3、Prince William: I dream of Africa (CNN)- Dreaming of Africa is one way that Prince William escapes from the stresses he faces as the future king of Britain.I regularly daydream, The Duke of Cambridge reveals(披露)in the documentary(纪录片) Prince Williams Passion(爱好,热情): New Hope, New Father.Africa is definitely one of the places I go to . I have hundreds of animals on my iPhone. So if I am e

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