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1、B. It helps student to develop more effective studying habits.C. The software is able to satisfy the requirement of a course.D. It could help teachers to give feedback on students performance.3.How does Nestor deal with the information collected from students?A. Nestor will use it to suggest possibl

2、e study time to students schedule.B. It wont store any video footage but facial expression.C. The company hasnt expected to make profits by selling the data to other corporations.D. Nestor will use it to keep track online of students behavior and punish them.4.What is Rose Luckins attitude towards t

3、he replacement of teachers with AI?A. Objective. B. Approving.C. Indifferent. D. Opposed.【文章大意】本文介绍新的软件Nestor。它通过对学生眼球运动和面部表情的拍摄和分析来判断学生是否注意力集中。这种软件只对教学其辅助作用并不能替代老师。2.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第一句Advocates for AI in education say that the software is actually unable to teach a course|, but the technology cou

4、ld be used as a digital tutor that would adapt to a students individual needs|, and help develop more effective studying habits.可知AI education帮助学生养成更有效的学习习惯。故选B。4.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中And while some are concerned that AI may one day replace teachers|, Luckin sees the technology more as an assistant|,

5、rather than a replacement. Saucet agrees.可知Rose Luckin对AI成为老师的替代品持反对意见。故选D。二、单项填空1.While experts _ delaying the retirement age|, some citizens doubt whether they can _ easily to thenew age of workforce.A. accomplish|, adopt B. attain|, allocate C. adore|, adapt D. advocate|, adjust【答案】D【解析】 accompli

6、sh 完成|; adopt 采取|, 收养|; attain 获得|; allocate 分配|; adore 崇拜|; adapt 使适应|; advocate提倡|;adjust 调整。句意:尽管专家提倡推迟退休年龄|,有些人怀疑他们是否能适应新时代的工作。2.Some high school teachers strongly _ the reform of the current education system to make students developin an allround way.A. advocate B. Establish C. dominate D. comp

7、lain【答案】A【解析】句意:一些中学教师强烈主张对当今的教育体系进行改革|,以使学生得到全面的发展。advocate“提倡|,主张|,拥护” |,符合句意。establish 建立|;dominate 控制|,支配|;complain 抱怨。3.The examinations are around the corner. Some fans in our class are persuaded to _ playing football tofocus on their studies.A. neglected B. escaped C. quit D. denied【答案】C【解析】n

8、eglected 疏忽|;忽略|;escaped 溜走|;逃脱|;quit 放弃|,离开|,停止|,摆脱|;denied 否定|,否认|;考试就在眼前|,我们班的一些球迷被说服放弃踢足球|,集中精力学习。quit (doing) sth.“停止/放弃(做)某事” 。4.To ensure that children from poor areas can receive fair education|, the government has planned to _ moremoney to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.A

9、. announce B. allocate C. advocate D. accumulate【答案】B【解析】announce 宣布|;allocate 分配|;advocate 提倡|;accumulate 累积。为了确保贫困地区的孩子能接受公平的教育|,政府计划分配更多的资金来改善当地学校的贫穷的教学条件|,故选 B 项。5.A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until theres _ protection for relief convoys(车队).A. abrupt B. typical C. adequate

10、D. considerate【解析】abrupt 突然的|;typical 典型的|;adequate 足够的|;considerate 体贴的。一名联合国官员说将会暂停援助项目|,直到援助车队能够得到充分的保护为止。6._ by adjustments to financial systems and safety nets|, some of those reforms fail to ensure that the poorare not harmed.A. Having not accompanied B. Not having been accompaniedC. Having no

11、t been accompanying D. Not having accompanied【解析】句子主语 some of those reforms 和 accompany 之间是一种被动关系|,accompany 这一动作在谓语动词之前发生|,可知用现在分词完成式的被动式|,根据句意可知选 B。其中的一些改革如果不伴随着金融制度和网络安全的调整|,就不能确保穷人不受到伤害。7.The young nurse was very nervous when she _ in her first operation.A. resisted B. insisted C. accepted D. as

12、sisted【解析】assist 协助|,帮助。当第一次辅助(assist)做手术时|,那位年轻护士很紧张。8.We knew that there were no _ or easy solutions to overcome the problems that we faced.A. instant B. suitable C. free D. open我们知道对于面临的问题我们没有立竿见影的解决方法。根据句意用 instant。9.As he began his U. S. job hunt|, Morales considered buying a car in order to be

13、 able to _ the best availablejob.A. go through B. go after C. . go away with D. go over【解析】go after 追逐|, 追求|,符合语境。当他开始在美国找工作时|,莫拉莱斯考虑购买一辆汽车|,以便能够追求最好的工作。10.His essay|, having been polished up many times|, was brief and _|, and therefore won the first prize in thewriting competition.A. at this point

14、B. off the point C. on the point D. to the point【解析】to the point 切题的|,中肯的。他的文章|,经多次修改后|,简洁而又切题|,因此在作文比赛中赢得了一等奖。11.Most living creatures are capable of _ when compelled to do so.A. application B. adaptation C. approval D. appreciation【解析】application 应用|;adaptation 改编|;approval 批准|;appreciation 感激。大多数

15、生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。12.In the questionnaire|, the subjects are questioned whether they _ banning cars in the city center.A. agree B. comment C. advocate D. conduct【解析】 句意: 在问卷调查中|, 被试被询问是否提倡在市中心禁止车辆行驶这一主张。 agree 同意|; comment评论|;advocate 提倡|,主张|;conduct 执行|,实施。advocate doing sth 提倡做某事|,故选 C。13.She _ s

16、chool as soon as she had taken her GCSEs.A. went to B. left for C. quit D. gave in【答案】 C【解析】quit school 辍学。她一拿到普通中等教育证书后就没再上学了。14.Mr. Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.A. abandons B. allocates C. accelerates D. advocates【答案】 C。【解析】abandon 抛弃|;accelerate 加

17、速|;advocate 提倡|,鼓吹。威廉斯先生是个保守派|,主张政府应减少对商业的控制。15.He graduated from a key university with great honors and I think he is _ to the job.A. delicate B. compulsory C. adequate D. suitable他毕业于一所重点大学|,我认为他足以胜任这份工作。adequate“胜任的|,合格的” |,符合题意。delicate 易碎的|,精致的|;compulsory 义务的|;suitable 适合的|,恰当的|,be suitable fo

18、r 适合。be adequate to 能胜任。三、完形填空。From childhood to old age|, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world around us. When humans first _1_|, they were like newborn babies|, unable to use this _2_ tool. Yet once language developed|, the possibilities for humanki

19、nds future _3_ and cultural growth increased. Many linguists believe that evolution is _4_ for our ability to produce and use language. They _5_ that our highly evolved brain provides us _6_ an innate language ability not found in lower _7_. Proponents(支持者)of this innateness(天赋)theory say that our _

20、8_ for language is inborn|, but that language itself develops gradually|, _9_ a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical _10_ times for language development. Current _11_ of innateness theory are mixed|, however|, evidence supporting the existence of some in

21、nate abilities is undeniable. _12_ |, more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in _13_ grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being _14_ to them|, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the _15_ of their first lang

22、uage have become firmly fixed. _16_ some aspects of language are undeniably innate|, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been _17_ from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that _18_ with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language_19_ than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative|, learned behavior. _20_|, children l

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