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1、D. Music is more interesting than art. ()CArt is interesting and music is interesting, too.5.A.She has got some books on radio.B. She hasnt got any books on radio.C. She has got a book on radio.D. She has got some books on science. ()She has no books on radio.听对话,根据内容和问题选择正确的图画(5分)6.What does the bo

2、y ask his mother to do?()Boy: Mum, look at my trousers, theyre worn out. Can you buy me a new pair?Mum: Certainly. Lets go and buy them.7. Where is the girl now?Man: What is the girl doing?Woman: She is trying on a new coat. Does the coat just fit her? Yes, it does.8. Where are they talking? Can I h

3、elp you? Id like to borrow a book. What book are you going to borrow? Red Star Over China. Here you are. Thanks.9. Whats the weather like today? Its fine today. Yes, and its very hot.10. What is Jim doing? Jim, look at the time. Its eleven oclock. Youre still watching TV. You must go to bed on time.

4、Jim: Oh, sorry, I wont do it again.听短文,根据其内容选择正确答案(5分)11. Mr Smith asked the shopkeeper to send a lot of roses to the girl because_.()A. she had asked him to do soB. he wanted to show his love to her C. she loved flowers very muchD. he had been invited to her party 12.How old was the girl?A. Fourtee

5、n. B. Twenty-four. C. Thirty-four. D. Forty-four.13.Why did the shopkeeper send more roses to the girl?A. He had too many roses to sell.B. He liked the girl very much, too.C. He wanted to make more money.D. He wanted to be friendly to Mr Smith.14. What do you think the girl would feel when she recei

6、ved the flowers?A. She would be glad. B. She would be angry.C. She would be surprised. D. She would be moved.15.After we heard the story, we can say the shopkeeper made_.()A. a lot of money B. two good friends C. Mr Smith happy D. a big mistake Mr Smith loved a beautiful girl. One day, the girl told

7、 him that the next day would be her birthday. And then, Mr Smith said that he would send her some roses, one for each year. The same evening he called a flower shopkeeper and asked him to send twenty-four roses to the girl. When the shopkeeper was prepairing the flowers, he thought, “Mr Smith is a g

8、ood customer, Ill give him ten more roses.” and so he did.笔试部分.词汇:根据句子中划线部分的提示填入一个恰当的单词完成句子(10分)16.He has lots of energy, and his parents are _.energetic17.It suggests me a lot. And I often get good _.suggestion18.He is an Italian, and he lives in _.Italy 19.They are fishermen, and they are _(German

9、).Germans20.Some of her best loved photos are on display in this exhibition.Some of her best loved photos are _in this exhibition.on show.单项选择(10分)21._Yellow River is the second _river in China.()A. The; longest B. the; longestC. /;longer D. A; longer A河流前加定冠词,表达第二最长的,用“the+序数词最高级”。22. I thought the

10、 _were really funny.()A. fishermans wife B. fishmens wivesC. fishmens wives D. fishmans wife B有man 的单词变复数的时候,改a为e即可。但German 特例,直接加-s。23.He finally accepted my advice _ that I would give him help when necessary.()A. agreed B. and agreed C. to agree D. in agreementDin agreement可表示同意这一状态或在同意这一前提条件下,在此题

11、中表示后者含义。24.If you work harder than before, I think youll _your classmates.()A. catch B. catch with C. catch with up D. catch up with D“追上,赶上”词组。25.Some of her best _photos are _ in this exhibition.()A. loved; on display B. loving; on displayC. loved; on the display D. loving; on the display Aon disp

12、lay为固定词组。26.The story is very _, so Amy Kim is quite _ in it.()A. interesting; interesting B. interesting; interestedC. interested; interested D. interested; interesting B27._ revision can make you do well in examination, _it may cost you more time.()A. Well-prepared; even if B. Prepared-well; even

13、thoughC. Preparing well; but D. Well-preparing; butA动词过去分词形成的形容词多由副词来修饰,修饰时前置。此题上下文之间为让步或假设关系,even if/though合适。28.He is expecting me _ tomorrow.()A. to coming B. come C. comingD. to come D句型“期盼某人做某事”expect sb. to do sth.。29.Amy Kim is one of the best _ Chinese photographers in the world today.()A. f

14、amous B. know C. knew D. to know A根据题意缺一个形容词,famous 与known同义。30._has been found out _ oil food is bad for our health.()A. That; that B. That; what C. It; what D. It; thatDit在此为形式主语,代指后面提及到的事实或情形,that引导的从句为真正的主语。.完成句子(20分)A.翻译句子(10分)31.我喜欢吃精心烤制的肉食,即使有点焦了的那种也喜欢。I love to eat meat thats _ _,even if it

15、is _ _ burnt.well looked, a little32.我没把握预计发生什么,因为我从未看过一部印度电影。你呢?Im not _ what to _ because Ive never seen an Indian film. Have you?sure,expect33.因为这个名字,使人联想到这个乐队有很多力量。_ the name suggests, the band _ lots of energy.As,has34.我们应该保持一种均衡的饮食。We should _ _ _ diet.keep a balanced35.如果你不把你的工作做好,你也许不得不晚些做完,

16、工作到深夜。If you dont do your work well, you _ have to catch up later, working _ at night.might,late B.请你选择正确的汉语(10分)36.A years plan starts with spring. A.不怕慢,单怕站。E37.A young idler,an old beggar. B.情人眼里出西施。38.Bad news has wings. C.好事不出门,坏事传千里。39.Beauty lies in the lovers eyes. D.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。40.Better la

17、te than never. E.一年之计在于春。()来源:Z|xx|k.Com.阅读理解(35分)Beethoven(贝多芬) was never afraid to show his feelings. Once when he was playing at a rich mans house, one of the listeners, a man of good family, was talking to a girl. He liked girls more than music, and he didnt stop talking when Beethoven started t

18、o play. The voice was not a quiet one, and Beethoven could hear well in those days. The music stopped in the middle and Beethoven stood up. “I dont play for animals of this kind!” he cried. “No! Not for animals!” Then he walked out.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)41.Beethoven was a musician.()T42.The listener

19、 was from a poor family.()F43.One of the listeners still talked to a girl when Beethoven started to play.()44.This listener was more interested in girls than in music.()45.Beethoven went on playing after he heard their talking.()One day, my wife and I went shopping. We took the car as we had a lot o

20、f things to buy because my brother and his family were going to spend the weekend with us. We stopped the car in front of the shop. An hour later we came back to the car with a lot of things. Then the trouble started. We could not open the car door. “Oh, dear,” said my wife. “What are we going to do

21、?” “Lets ask that policeman,” I said. The policeman was very kind and glad to help us. Soon he got the door open. Just at that moment an angry man came up and shouted. “What are you doing with my car?” We looked at the number of the car, and our faces turned very red.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)46.The husband

22、 and the wife went shopping _.()A. by bus B. in their car C. by bike D. on foot47.They spent _ in the shop doing their shopping.()A. half an hour B. four hours C. one hour D. eight hours48.The _ opened the car door in the end.()A. husband B. wife C. policeman D. owner of the car49.The owner of the c

23、ar was very angry to see _.()A. someone had opened his car doorB. the policeman standing by the carC. his car was not thereD. that there was a trouble50.They didnt know it was the wrong car until they looked at the _ of the car.()A. colour B. owner C. door D. numberC.根据短文内容和首字母填空(15分) On Saturday mo

24、rnings our cinemas show films for children. One such morning an old man took his grandchildren to the 51.c .At the door there was a list of the prices(价格)of 52.t ,but he could not see any price for tickets for adults for 53.S mornings. The only price which was shown for that time was for childrens t

25、ickets,54.s he asked the lady who was selling the tickets 55.h much it was for adults.“Adults!” she said.“ 56.N,we dont have prices 57.f tickets for adults for our Saturday morning 58.f .Any adults who are brave(勇敢) 59.e to go in there to see films like that and with all those 60.c can go in free!”51. cinema52. ticket53. Saturday54. so55. how56. No57. for58. free59. enough 60. children.书面表达(10分) 请你以“My Hobby”为题,写一篇短文。要求:符合逻辑,语句通顺,标点符号使用准确。My HobbyListening to music is my hobby. I think music is very important in everyones life, especially pop music. Some parents think liste

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