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1、6.Which school are you in?(你是哪个学校的?7.每天晚上回家都干什么?8.你报了哪些学校?2011北京十三中小升初英语试卷一、按要求写单词。(10分)1. she _ (宾格) 2. country _ (复数)3. close _ (现在分词) 4. three _ (序数词)5. China _ (形容词) 6. I _ (名词性物主代词)7. boy _(复数) 8. swim _ (现在分词)9. photo _ (复数) 10. mouse _ (复数)二、选择填空。( ) 1. Look! Lucy is _ a new red dress. She is

2、 beautiful today.A. with B. put on C. in D. wear( ) 2. - _?- My bike is broken.A. What is it B. What is wrong with youC. Where is it D. Whose is this( ) 3. There are so many people in the shop. You must _ your things.A. look at B. look after C. put away D. put on( ) 4. I have two good pen friends. O

3、ne is an American, _ is in England.A. the other B. another one C. another D. other( ) 5. - _ are his football clothes?- Under the bed.A. Where B. Who C. Whose D. What( ) 6. I can see _ in Lucys room.A. other thing B. any other thing C. some thing D. some other things( ) 7. These are _. You can buy a

4、 pair for your mother.A. woman sock B. women sock C. women socks D. woman socks( ) 8. - Thank you very much!- _.A. Youre right B. All right C. You are welcome D. OK.( ) 9. - She must be in red.No, _. She wears a green coat.A. she is B. she must not C. I dont think so. D. I am not( ) 10. The coat _ t

5、he wall isnt Kates. Its _.A. on; his B. to; mine C. in; he D. under; him三、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. The boys like to listen to music when they do _ (they) homework.2. My mothers work is _ (make) our city safe.3. One day, Mr Green asked Mrs Green _ (go) shopping for him.4. We would brush our _ (tooth) twice a d

6、ay.5. This book is the lightest and _ (thin) of all the books.6. She is _ (good) than Alice at swimming.7. Janet _ (get) up at 7:30 a.m. every day, so she is always late for school.8. I think the _ (four) lesson is the most difficult in this book.9. Look at the sign. The library is _ (close) from 1:

7、00 p.m to 2:00 p.m.10. Jason is used to _ (watch) TV the whole night.四、按要求完成下列句子。1. We are making a model plane. (变成一般疑问句)_2. The boys are sitting under the tree. (对划线部分提问)3. Look out of the window. (改为否定句)4. We can see some birds over there. (对画线部分提问)5. The children have some apples. (改为单数句子)五、在栏中选

8、出与栏中相应的答语。 ( ) 1. Whats your telephone number, please? A. He is a worker.( ) 2. Its very cold today, isnt it? B. It doesnt matter.( ) 3. Can you mend it? C. Yes, wonderful, thanks.( ) 4. How is your mother? D. Sometimes.( ) 5. Hi, this is my friend, Lily. E. My telephone number is 6262383.( ) 6. Im

9、sorry to trouble you. F. Yes, it is. You need to wear warm clothes.( ) 7. How often do you go to the park? G. Certainly.( ) 8. Excuse me. Where is the post office? H. Nice to meet you.( ) 9. What does your father do? I. She is OK.( ) 10. Did you have a good trip? J. Its about twenty meters from here

10、.六、阅读理解, 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。Its Sunday morning. The students of Class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning.Miss Huang, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water; some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. Zhang Hua is putting up a ma

11、p on the wall. It is a map of China. Wang Fei and Wei Qing are mending some broken chairs. The children are listening to the radio while they are working. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy. They go home for lunch at noon.( ) 1. The children are playi

12、ng in their classroom on Sunday morning.( ) 2. Miss Huang, their mother, is working with them.( ) 3. There is a map of China on the wall.( ) 4. Two of them are repairing the broken chairs.( ) 5. They are singing while they are working.七、书面表达。以一种文具为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。要求:1.要写出此文具的主要特点。2.条理清楚,意思连贯,标点正确,书写规范。

13、3.不少于50个单词。2010人大附中小升初英语实验班考试真题2011-12-14 16:25来源:帮考网 一。 根据看到的图画选出正确的单词。(10分,每小题1分)1. A .fruit B .vegetable C .meat2. A .America B. Australia C. China3. A. lampB. clockC. ring二、根据英语单词,选择正确的译文:(共10分,每小题0.5分)11season A. 月份 B. 季节 C. 节气12weather A. 是否 B. 多云 C.天气13. second A. 第一 B. 分 C. 秒三、单项选择:(共20分,每小题

14、1分)( ) 31. Whats that? Its _ apple.A. / B. a C. the D. an( ) 32. What are they? They are _.A. teachers B. twins C. good boy D. English.( ) 33. Is the cat _ the door?No, it isnt. Its _ the desk.A. behind, under B. in, on C. under, at D. over, behind四、从右栏中找出左栏各句的恰当答语。 (共10分,每小题1分,省略)五、选择意思相同或相近的解释。(共1

15、0分,每小题1分)( ) 61. My daughter isnt in.A. My daughter isnt at home.B. My daughter doesnt come.C. My daughter isnt with us.( ) 63. He has three boxes, and he puts oranges in two of them.A. He puts two oranges in all the boxes, so there are six oranges.B. He puts all the oranges in the second box.C. Two

16、 boxes now have oranges in them, but the third box hasnt any in it.2010人大附中小升初英语实验班考试真题(2)帮考网七、阅读下面短文,然后判断正误,对的写T,错的写F。(5分,每题1分)A PRESENT (一件礼物)Today is June 4. It is Bettys birthday(生日)。 She comes home and sees a card on the table. It says:“ Theres a present for you, Betty. Go and look for it in yo

17、ur room.”Betty runs to her room. Her parents are watching her. They are smiling(微笑)。On her bed she sees a new red box. She thinks: “Whats in the box?” She opens it. There is nothing but a card in it! Betty takes it out and reads:“Dear Betty, Im your present. My first letter (字母)is in the word “book”

18、, but not in “look”, my second letter is in “ink”, but not in “look”。 You can find my third letter in both(两,双) “ink” and “book”。 And my last(最后) letter is in “sheep”, but not in “ship”。 What am I?“Betty thinks hard. B-I-K-E. She smiles and says to her mother: “Aha, I know. But where is it, Mum?” He

19、r mother says: “Look at the back of the card.” Betty turns it over(把它翻过来) and reads: “Come and look for me in the garden(花园)。” Betty runs to the garden. There under a big tree she finds her present- a nice new bike.“Happy birthday, Betty!” her parents say.“Thank you, Mum and Dad!”八、 完形填空。通读下面的短文,掌握其

20、大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。(10分,每题1分)There is 76 old woman in England. She 77 children at all. But she loves 78 。 She has black cats and white cats. She has 79 cats and baby cats. So the children 80 come to her house. They come to play with the cats. More and more (越来越多) cats come to the old womans

21、 house. Soon there are 81 cats. The old woman can not feed (喂养) them 82 。 Then she has an idea (主意)。“The children love my cats.” She 83 。 So she 84 each (每个) child a cat. Then she is happy. And the children are happy. And the cats are happy, too, because they each have 85 。第二部分 非选择题一、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适

22、当形式填空。(10分,每空1分)1. Many of the _( child) are _(write) in the classroom.2. Does that shop _(buy的反义词) school things?二、根据对话内容,在空格内填上适当的单词,每空一词。Conversation 1A: 1 do you usually get up?B: I usually get up at 6 2 。 What time 3 you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast at 4 6:30. What time 5 school start? School

23、 starts at 8:00.08年人大附中分校小升初面试题1.Do you often go to the zoo?what can you see?what is your favourate animal?2.Do you often go to the cinema?what kind of film?3.Have you been late for school?4. Do you often go to the zoo?what can you see at there?5.你对奥运的看法.6.自己说说对这次面试的感受(一两句话). 1.如果想给爸妈做一件事,你会做什么?(孩子)

24、2.如何合理的安排时间;(孩子&家长)3.情景剧(和家长一起表演)(1) 考试考的不理想,回到家中如何与家长交流;(2) 家长的钱,自己私自买东西了,如何与家长说;(3) 孩子有手机,孩子拿手机聊的很晚,家长如何做;(4) 自己过生日了,想开Party,如何与家长交流;(5) 自己想买泳装,如何与家长交流。4.事先分好组的辩论赛:当班干部的好还是不好?(由于不利反方,所以可以改为不当班干部,不会影响人生的成长。5.制定分组超常教育好不好?(给纸笔提前准备好。每组一辩,先称述观点,自由辩论每个人总结性称述。教师点评)6.对失败的态度? 08年清华附中小升初面试题 5月13日机考题1.中国的传统节

25、日(五个)【提示】 春节,端午节,重阳节,清明节,元宵节,中秋节,腊八节。2.北京猿人最发达的地方是什么?A下肢 B.上肢 C.头 D.身体【提示】 C3.苍蝇落在食物上为什么会搓腿?A. 腿部搔痒 B.洗脸 C.习惯性动作 D.感觉食物的气味【提示】 D4.中国最早发现人的地方?A。蓝田人 B.元谋人 C.山顶洞人 D.北京人。【提示】 B5.什么树被称为活化石?A.铁树 B.梧桐树 C.槐树 D银杏树6.中国最常见的灾害:A.冰雹 B.台风 C. 地震 D.旱涝7.一副图片,树歪了,什么天气?A.wind B.sunny c.rainy D.snowy【ANSWER】 A8、 If you want to go out of the cinema,which door do you go from?A.Enter B. Exit【ANSWER】 B9、我在读书,请( )电视。A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down10、愚公移山移的是哪两座山?A. 王屋山和大别山

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